banner: liberated, the body image coaching accelerator with stephanie dodier

A small, intimate group of self-identified women professionals & coaches only
The mentorship is for 6 weeks
The first session is on Tuesday, April 9 – May 14, 2024
1-2 pm EST
Recordings of meetings will be available. 

Why I created Liberated-The Body Image Coaching Accelerator

I believe we need to reinvent how we coach women with their body image.

I believe women’s body are not something to be loved or a problem to be fixed.

I want us, together, to change how body image coaching is facilitated for women by embodying body neutrality in our own life and body first. 

I want us to lead our clients in healing their body image from a place of embodiment instead of intellectualization.

You and your client deserve to feel “good enough” no matter what body size, looks, age or abilities.

And I’m f@cking good at body image coaching

In fact, this is why professionals and coaches who work with me create results that go far beyond what they expected: like being comfortable with being visible, confidently leading other women with body image struggles, feeling confident selling their coaching program and showing up on social media in their now body rocking an unshakable confidence that attracts the perfect clients for them. 

Over the past 10+ years, I’ve made a lot of mistakes and learned a lot in my own healing of my body image and coaching hundreds of women. I’ve discovered a key common factor that consistently accelerates and amplifies success: embodiment. And I want to save you some time by mentoring you in the process of a deeper embodiment of body neutrality and self-acceptance.

How it works

You’ll be meeting with me and a small, intimate group of women professionals & coaches mentees once a week via Zoom. Each week, I’ll teach one simple aspect of body neutrality, breaking it down into simple and actionable steps. You spend the next 7 days embodying the learnings. You come back the next week, and we will coach you on your experience.

I’ll dedicate time to offer personalized body image coaching on every call. You’ll have the opportunity to:

  • ask questions
  • seek guidance
  • get coaching
  •  receive valuable advice on implementing the body neutrality framework in your own life and body.

This program is ideal for women:

  • nutritionist/dietitian 
  • Intuitive eating coach, body image coach & life coach
  • health & wellness coach
  • therapist/counselors
  • fitness professionals


Here are the details of Liberated-The Body Image Coaching Accelerator

  • A small, intimate group of self-identified women professionals & coaches only
  • The mentorship is for 6 weeks 
  • The first session is on Tuesday, September 17-October 15, 2024 
  • 1-2 pm EST
  • Recordings of meetings will be available.


What may happen to you over the course of Liberated-The Body Image Coaching Accelerator:

  • Heal your own relationship to your body image
  • Develop more self-acceptance and trust for your body
  • Feel safer and more confident in your now body
  • Out of the blue, without realizing you will be more comfortable being visible 
  • Spend less time trying to be “perfect” and more time just showing up
  • Be ready to handle any client conversation around body image not because you read about it somewhere or hear on a podcast… but because you live it!
  • Courageously leading your people, clients and audience towards body liberation.

And experience advanced body image coaching from a fat woman.

How much does it cost?

This is a one-time offer exclusive to professionals and coaches in my intimate community, so I decided to make it very affordable at $555. 

Ready to become a hell of a lot more confident in your own body with Liberated?

Have questions?  Email [email protected] and my team will get back to you ASAP.

I’m really looking forward to working with you. 

With love,