The Non-Diet Coaching Certification is a group coaching mentorship & certification training program for self-identified women coaches & providers who want to coach eating, health, body image and life in a safe and ethical way. 

The next cohort will start in January 30 to June 26, 2025.


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You get it now. Co-opting diet culture is causing harm.


You want to do what's better for your clients and...


You know it first Starts With You


The problem is

We live in a world deeply entrenched in diet culture, and its relentless pressure to be thin, young and beautiful keeps women spinning in a cycle of self-doubt, shame, and perfectionism.

The conventional approach to coaching women is rooted in diet culture and fatphobia. Leaving women to believe they need to work harder, restrict more, and look different in order to feel better and achieve their goals.

We are changing that!

The Non-Diet Coaching Certification is revolutionizing how coaching is uniquely facilitated for women. We go beyond the food because food & body size were never the problem.

We believe women can be trusted to make their own decision with food & health. It can be easy for women to care for their health. And yes, a woman body can be a safe space just as they are now, no matter the size of their pants!


And  it  starts  with  you !



I created the Non-Diet Coaching Certification to change how health coaching is facilitated for women.

We believe we need to raise the standards in how health coaching is facilitated.

Women deserve highly skilled coaches and providers.

Coaches & providers who courageously lead their clients to go deeper in their self-awareness to develop greater self-trust with food and beyond the food and safety for all parts of themselves.

Coaches & providers who become thought leaders in their community, their specialties and lead a global transformation of how women are served in coaching spaces.

Coaches & provider who sell coaching offers with integrity and ethics.

Coaches & providers who understand that the non-diet approach must be coached vastly differently from diet culture approach in order for clients to create life long, sustainable results.




This training program is for you if...

  • You are a provider; Nutritionist, RD, Therapist, Social Worker, Counsellor, Nurse, Physician, Fitness Professional, Health Coach, IE counsellor, Nutrition Coach, Body Image Coach and want to build your confidence coaching clients following an anti-diet philosophy and using a cognitive behavioural coaching model.
  • You're a coach or licensed professional working with people who are socialized as women on any of the following topics: health, food, eating, body image and life coaching .
  • You're a self-identified woman on a personal development journey and want to deep dive into your own transformation beyond the food .
  • You want to get started helping others women. This program is for you to as it includes all you need to become a coach and  and get started with your coaching practice .
  • You lead women and you want to lead without causing harm or this topic is a personal passion of yours we welcome you my sister!
  • You want an intersectional trauma-informed coaching methodology that will enable you to work with any clients and feel confident to coach on any challenges on the journey to their goals.
  • You value lived experience and know that working on yourself is the only way to be a better coach.
  • You want to know how to trust yourself in business and easily market & sell your services with integrity while creating good money.
  • You want to build or grow your non-diet business ethically without the anxiety and overwhelm of the traditional "bro-marketing" business model.

Wondering if you are the right fit for this program?

The Non-Diet Coaching Certification is not for everyone. This program is designed to help you achieve true mastery at health coaching for women. If you are looking for a shortcut, this program isn't for you.

I have recorded a class that will teach the ABCs of Becoming a Professional and Certified Non-Diet Coach.

Inside the class, I help you better understand what the non-diet approach to health is and what it is not and the four most frequent mistakes I see people making when coaching women.

Join me in this free class, and let me introduce you to our program and what makes us unique in this industry.


How to become a non-diet coach



The Going Beyond The Food Method ™ is an integrative and countercultural approach uniquely designed for people who self-identify as women. In this approach, you learn to coach yourself and your client beyond the food and address the root cause: belief systems.

Inside the Non-Diet Coaching Certification you get to learn, embody and facilitate the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ which consists of three steps:

Intuitive Eating

Confident Mindset

Intuitive Eating

Peaceful Eating

Intuitive Eating

Liberated Body

 Professional Skills Curriculum

non-diet coaching certification small life coach logo

1. The Coaching & Mindset Track

We begin our professional skills training by learning the non-diet coaching process. The non-diet coaching process is a cognitive behavioural coaching framework with an intersectional and trauma-informed approach.

Sample of classes
      • Learning to process & release emotions
      • Understanding of belief systems and thinking process 
      • How to change thoughts and beliefs
      • Behaviour and habits modification without willpower
      • Master the self-coaching process
      • Master being a coach to others human with integrity
      • Intersectional coaching 
      • How to hold safe space
      • Using powerful thinking to create
      • Believing in possibilities

PLUS Guest Experts professional skills classes on trauma informed coaching and nervous system regulation:

✔  Getting the nervous system onboard
✔  Being a trauma-informed practitioner

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2. The Life Coaching Track

As you coach your client beyond the food using the cognitive behavioural coaching framework, you and your client will discover the “real” cause of their problem in other parts of their life.  We provide life coaching tools and resources to help you and your client undiet your life.

Sample of tools provided
  • Cultivating enoughness workshop
  • Setting boundaries process
  • Having hard conversation guide
  • Befriending your future self process
  • Time management 
  • People pleasing detox 
  • Believing in myself harder
  • Motivation and follow thru 
  • Setting clean goals
  • Elevate your self-image

PLUS  30+ additional life coaching concepts uniquely selected for coaching women undieting their life.

On-demand access on via our private podcast feed for our students

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3. The Eating Track

The next professional skills training track is Eating & Health. We learn to apply the non-diet coaching process to eating.  As a certified Intuitive eating counsellor, Stephanie created the Peaceful Eating course using the formal 10 steps intuitive eating process created by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. 

Sample of classes
  • Making peace with emotional eating 
  • How to ditch diet mindset
  • How to attune to eating cues
  • Creating unconditional permission to eat
  • A new approach: From self-control to self-care
  • How to deliver gentle nutrition 

PLUS Guest  Experts professional skills classes taught by paid teachers:

Gender identity, pronoun & the intersection with disordered eating.

How to navigate digestive health in a non-diet approach to health.

How to approach fertility in a non-diet approach

How to help clients transform their relationship to movement

    Weight Neutral Health

    4. Weight-neutral health

    Learn to approach health from a weight neutral perspective. Rooted in Health At Every Size®️ principles

    Sample of classes


        • What is health?
        • Health beyond weight- Setpoint
        • Health At Every Size ® principles overview
        • Health At Every Size ® developing a healthy relationship with food & exercise
        • Health At Every Size ® size acceptance
        • Health At Every Size ® health coaching guides for specific conditions

    PLUS a library of classes teaching how to coach specific health topics in weight neutral approach on demand:

    Weight-neutral approach to health - Female hormonal health 

    Weight-neutral approach to health - Stress

    Weight-neutral approach to health - Inflammation

    Weight-neutral approach to health - Hypertension

    Weight-neutral approach to health -Diabetes

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    5. The Body Image Track

    The last professional skills training track is Body Image. We learn to apply the non-diet coaching process to the relationship to the body (body image). The Body Neutrality framework you will learn is a proprietary 5 steps process created by Stephanie Dodier towards body acceptance and liberation.

    Sample of classes
    • The intersection of women’s bodies and power structure
    • The purpose of having a body 
    • You don’t need to love your body
    • The body neutrality roadmap
    • Feeling safe in your body
    • The body compass
    • Betting on your body to live your best life

    PLUS a full library of Guest  Experts professional skills classes taught by paid teachers:

    How to navigate thin privilege in practice

    How to help clients transform their relationship to movement

    Designations and the Certification Process

    The Non-Diet Coaching Certification is a mentorship and group coaching certification training program. It's virtual and takes place 100% online.

    The certification process is optional you can complete the program for personal development. If you choose to pursue the  certification the following will be required:

    • Attend live classes or you must watch the replays and study on your own if you miss a live meetings.
    • Complete 4 certification assessments at 70% or higher.

      These are question exams at the end of every professional skills learning track consisting of multiple-choice and true/false questions.

      Exams are open-book and untimed and are available in your online portal.

    • Coach 3 to 6 clients for a total of 36 hrs. Depending upon the nature of the coaching packages and programs you offer and provide us with your coaching log.

    When you meet all the requirements, you will receive a certificate and exclusive use of the non-diet coaching certification logos to be in your marketing material and website and the use of the following title & designation:

    •  Cognitive Behavioural Coach & Non-Diet Life Coach
    •  Non-Diet Eating Coach
    •  Non-Diet Body Image Coach
    • Non-Diet Health Coach

    Grow Your Non-Diet Business Successfully

    Inside the non-diet coaching certification group coaching mentorship training program you will have access our unique 5 steps Aligned Business Model. You will have the tools needed to start or grow your business in alignment with your personal values and the non-diet approach: a non-toxic business culture and ethical business process.

    Being successful in business starts with your thoughts about yourself.


    1. Create an aligned business strategy

    • The Aligned Business Strategy
    • The Only Strategy to 100K
    • How to create money in your business
    • How to set a safe business goal
    • How to evaluate your tactics
    • Guest expert class – How to build a feminist body of work

    2. Create a confident marketing message

    • Getting to know your ideal client
    • The interview process
    • Your Confident Message
    • The story. Your message.
    • Guest expert class – How to build a business with ethical marketing
    • Guest expert class- How to build a powerful brand

    3. Create a compelling offer

    • The Compelling Offer Process
    • Calling your ideal client into action
    • Effective Testimonial Guide
    • Guest expert class- How to build an anti-racist program

    4. Create an authentic marketing system

    • The Non-Diet Marketing System
    • Authentic Marketing Tactics
    • Podcasting 101
    • Non-Diet Marketing Standards
    • Non-Diet Website Guide
    • Non-Diet Social Media Guide
    • Guest expert Class – How to use storytelling in your marketing
    • Guest expert Class – How to use audio marketing to maximize your conversion
    • Guest expert class- How to show up authentically on social media

    5. Selling with integrity

    • How to sell with integrity
    • Ethical consultation process
    • Guest expert class – How to run effective consultation calls

    The Details - What's included

    Inside the non-diet coaching certification group coaching mentorship training program you will receive support and coaching at every step of your journey in the program. It's an intimate small group coaching and this is what makes our program unique and so successful. 

    We meet twice a week with live teaching and office hour. Receive live coaching during our calls and in between calls we support you via private Facebook group to answer your questions, review your work or help you move forward in your personal journey.


    We've got you!

    ✔ Small group private coaching. At the start of the program you will match you to another student that will be your accountability partner throughout the program . Your coach will meet with your partner monthly and coach you individually while you observe you partner being coach so you learn how to coach.


    ✔ Unlimited access to Stephanie via private support group. Stephanie will host live training, coaching calls and available inside the private group to inspire you to get to the finish line!.


    ✔ A private space for your to do your personal work as a profesional with other profesional only. This is a safe space for you to take the next step in your personal journey.  Being coach by a professional non-diet coach will help you close the gap between being s student to a expert.You can only take your client as far as you've taken yourself... By the end of the program you will have embodied coaching intuitive eating, body neutrality and HAES at the expert level and be equipped to coach any clients.


    ✔ Over 100+ hrs of on demand pre-recorded video training. For each track the training lesson are available on-demand.  Also included is a private podcast feed with short bites additional ressources, training and tool in audio format. Digital workbooks are available for each learning tracks that included worksheets you will be able to use with clients. These workbook can also be printed. You retain lifetime access to this material..


    ✔ Professional skills training.  Learn how to be a profesional coach. You'll master being a profesional coach with intuitive eating, body neutrality and HAES and after you'll be able to coach on any topics.


    ✔ A complete system to build your specialize non-diet business. From the ground up or tweaking your already existing business we've got everything you need to be successful and generate revenue while providing best in class services..


    ✔ Comprehensive online learning portal for all the course access, training videos, workbooks, private podcast access, guest teacher class recordings, etc... with lifetime access..


    Vanessa Preston

    Mental Health Social Worker & Psychotherapist

    Teaching allied health professionals on how to integrate trauma-informed perspectives into their own work with clients..

    Vanessa Preston

    Mental Health Social Worker & Psychotherapist

    Teaching allied health professionals on how to integrate trauma-informed perspectives into their own work with clients..

    Kim Hagle

    Certified Personal Trainer & Body Image Coach

    Teaching on the best steps to re-enter movement and helping practitioners help their clients transform their relationship to movement.

    Angie M Jordan

    Podcasting Digital Marketing Expert

    Teaching on how to leverage podcasting to grow your business and get more visibility and reach online. Learn how to set initial goals for your podcast and the framework for creating content that moves your audience to want to buy.

    Angie M Jordan

    Podcasting Digital Marketing Expert

    Teaching on how to leverage podcasting to grow your business and get more visibility and reach online. Learn how to set initial goals for your podcast and the framework for creating content that moves your audience to want to buy.

    Nicola Salmon

    Feminist & Fat-Positive Fertility Coach

    Teaching on challenges faced by people in larger bodies to conceive and how to best support people in the fertility process and medical weight stigma.

    Lauren Elizabeth

    Radical Courage Coach & Feminist Business Mentor

    Teaching how to build a feminist body of work that turns your content, offerings and message into a cohesive and recognizable system that puts you at the center of the conversation.

    Lauren Elizabeth

    Radical Courage Coach & Feminist Business Mentor

    Teaching how to build a feminist body of work that turns your content, offerings and message into a cohesive and recognizable system that puts you at the center of the conversation.

    James Rose

    HAES Practitioner & Educator

    Teaching on gender identity, pronoun & the intersection with disordered eating. Helping practitioners create affirming care for trans & non-binary people.

    Tamara Melton MS, RDN, LD

    Storytelling Expert & Coach

    Teaching how to use storytelling effectively in a non-diet business to best connect with your ideal client and generate revenue seamlessly.

    Tamara Melton MS, RDN, LD

    Storytelling Expert & Coach

    Teaching how to use storytelling effectively in a non-diet business to best connect with your ideal client and generate revenue seamlessly.

    Beth Rosen MS, RD, CND

    Non-Diet GI specialist Dietician

    Teaching the intersection between gastro-intestinal condition and disordered eating and how to best approach clients presenting these conditions in a non-diet approach.

    Shelby Gordon

    BodyTrust® practitioner & adjunct professor

    Teaching the intersection between diet culture & racism. Helping health professionals implement anti-racism principles in their practices & business. Inspiring health professionals ignite their awareness of the intersection of insidious systemic racism and dehumanizing diet culture.

    Shelby Gordon

    BodyTrust® practitioner & adjunct professor

    Teaching the intersection between diet culture & racism. Helping health professionals implement anti-racism principles in their practices & business. Inspiring health professionals ignite their awareness of the intersection of insidious systemic racism and dehumanizing diet culture.

    Dana Sturtevant

    Co-founder Be Nourished & Dietician

    Teaching the intersection between trauma & diet culture. Helping non-diet professionals adopt a strength-based, trauma-informed and weight-inclusive model healing modality.

    Michelle Mazur, Ph.D.

    CEO of Communication Rebel

    Teaching ethical marketing. Helping health non-diet professionals to craft a message that positions them as thought leaders, gets them know for their expertise, and creates a movement of enthusiastic followers.

    Michelle Mazur, Ph.D.

    CEO of Communication Rebel

    Teaching ethical marketing. Helping health non-diet professionals to craft a message that positions them as thought leaders, gets them know for their expertise, and creates a movement of enthusiastic followers.

    Alissa Rumsey, MS, RD, CDN, CSCS

    Nutrition Therapist & Intuitive Eating Counselor

    Teaching on how practitioner should approach their individual thin privilege in practice. Learn the right language to adopt and how to best counsel people that aren’t in thin body.

    Rachel Molenda

    Intuitive eating & Body Image Coach

    Teaching on how to best use social media as a non-diet practitioner. Learn how to strategize your social media presence for impact and growth of your business.

    Hailey Rowe

    Marketing & Sales Coach for Health Coaches

    Teaching on how to attract profitable clients and partnerships using LinkedIn. Connect with your ideal clients or partners without being salesy or pushy.

    Rachel Molenda

    Intuitive eating & Body Image Coach

    Teaching on how to best use social media as a non-diet practitioner. Learn how to strategize your social media presence for impact and growth of your business.

    Stephanie Long

    Business coach for Nutritionist

    Teaching on how to prepare and execute consultation for your signature program. Learn how to plan your consult for maximum conversion.


    From Trauma to Triumph: Empowering Women Through Non-Diet Coaching

    I have felt super confident about the process, especially with both of my clients having past trauma and, like, abuse, alcoholism from ex-spouses... I felt really confident in my coaching skills, which has been great.

    Kate Williams Stone
    Founder, Kate Williams Stone Coaching

    I’m so happy I said YES to this program!

    I was seeking a program that would help me create a signature program and teach me the business strategies I would need to get it out into the world, and the Beyond The Food PRO Mentorship program  has far exceeded all expectations.  

    My knowledge base and confidence working with clients has grown because of the high quality non-diet education Stephanie has provided.  I know that the things I am teaching are changing lives, and that feels amazing!

    I am proud of the fact that I have launched the beta test of my signature program and the revenue from which covered my investment in this mentorship!  I have also launched my podcast and look forward to being featured on the Going Beyond the Food Show! I would never have had the courage to take that step without Stephanie’s support and encouragement. Stephanie has really pushed us to launch as we learn!

    The PRO Mentorship is the perfect program if you want to take your non-diet business to the next level; this is an investment that will pay dividends if you put the work in.

    Kim Hagle, CPT RHN
    Founder, Radiant Vitality

    Stephanie Sprinkles her Magic on Everything!

    The most important thing people should know about Stephanie is that she’s invested in your success as a client, and will challenge you to go beyond what you think is possible for you. I highly recommend Stephanie and BTF Mentorship program to any health professional who is serious about helping women gain freedom from diet culture.

    Before working with Stephanie I didn’t unclear about how I wanted to conduct my nutrition coaching business in a non-diet way. I knew that I wanted a non-diet approach to nutrition coaching but didn’t know how to do so.

    I was immediately drawn to Stephanie’s no-fuss approach to nutrition and signed up for the Mentorship program within days of hearing about it. What I love most about working with Stephanie is that she’s passionate about and committed to helping you manage your mindset around being a non-diet nutrition coaching entrepreneur.

    Through the Mentorship Program, I gained competencies that will help me support my clients not just with nutrition but with managing their mindset – a missing piece in other nutrition training programs. I have a clear vision for my business and have built friendships with other women that share similar values. I’m very confident that I’m starting on a solid foundation with the tools I need to help me succeed in the nutrition entrepreneurial space

    Unyime Oguta, PHEC
    Founder, Olive + Bliss

    Stephanie helped me see what I couldn't see

    I haven’t felt aligned in my work in such a long time. I was at a point in my business where I was ready to throw in the towel. When I signed up for the Mentorship program, I had been in the industry for over a decade. I wasn’t feeling connected with the work I was doing anymore.

    I had been eating intuitively for a while, but I was scared to bring it into my holistic business. I felt isolated and afraid of going against the grain.

    Stephanie helped me see what I couldn’t see in my relationship to food and my business.

    Stephanie’s coaching allowed me to find the answer that was within me all along. Having the sisterhood with the other students allowed me to tap into the courage I needed to shift my business to the non-diet approach.

    By month 3, I launched an intuitive eating program to reinstall my excitement for coaching again. This launch allowed me to pay 2/3 of my investment in the mentorship program.

    I haven’t felt aligned in my work in such a long time! I highly recommend the Mentorship Program!

    Ardelle Viau
    Founder, Aromas + Avocados

    This program fast track my progress with so much clarity- Just do it!

    I had so much trouble finding the right coach because no one understands our niche and what we do. How to position our non-diet approach in the market but also how to coach our client effectively. This is something really special and unique about this program and Stephanie.

    Lisa Newman
    Founder, Women Eat

    I earned back my investment in the first 3.5 months and I'm on track to double my first-quarter revenue this quarter!

    Working with Stephanie has been the best decision I could have made for my business. As a Holistic Nutritionist, I did not feel confident in running a business or even working with clients for that matter. I had already been in practice for a year and felt like I was constantly trying to reinvent the wheel. I distracted myself by trying to create new programs, challenges, and literally worked with anyone who came my way.

    Before this program, I had no clear direction or idea on WHO I actually wanted to serve. Discovering my ideal client brought so much clarity on the type of program I wanted to offer.

    She provides so many tools and resources and helps with program creation as well. She also includes the mindset component of running a business and coaching clients which I have realized is VITAL for any type of success.

    It truly is a HOLISTIC program for non-diet entrepreneurs and I highly recommend it!

    Katie Valley, B.Sc.,RHNP
    Founder, Katie Valley Wellness

    I found the value for my money within the first 2 weeks of the Program!

    I once was asked if you could spend five minutes with someone who would tell you something that would change your world but it would cost you a million dollars, would you do it? I start with that analogy because I found the value for my money within the first two weeks of Stephanie’s program. Stephanie starts with mindset work and challenges you to discover the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back in your life and in your business up to this point.

    Not only does Stephanie challenge you with your mindset with food and body image but also within your capability in your business.

    I 100% recommend Stephanie’s program coming from a traditional personal training background entering into the non-diet world, Stephanie has told me everything I need to know and I’m forever thankful.

    Thank you, Stephanie, can’t recommend you enough!

    Jolyn Martin
    Founder, Jolyn Martin Fitness

    Pricing for the non-diet coaching certification


    We introduced a sliding-scale class equitable pricing structure to our program in 2021. We aim to make non-diet coaching training more affordable, have more non-diet coaches out in the world impacting more people and help dismantle diet culture faster.

    The sliding scale model we have adopted was created by Alexis J. Cunningfolk @worthandcunning and is based on personal finance experience versus financial privilege.

    For a sliding scale to work, it relies on the principles of truthfulness, respect for complexity, and accountability. Although we do not ask for income verification, we trust our students and clients to be honest. All sliding scale price option have access to a no-cost equal payment plan.


    All certification sliding scale price option can be paid using the payment plan option or in one-time payment. Payment plan option or one-time payment are of the same financial value to the student. No additional cost to the student to select payment plan option.

    Sliding Option US$4000 -  Deposit US$1000 at registration once application is approved. Followed by 6 payments of $500 on the 1st day of every month from February 2025 to June 2025.

    Sliding Option US$6000 - Deposit US$1000 at registration once application is approved. Followed by 6 payments of $833 on the 1st day of every month from February 2024 to June 2025.

    Sliding Option US$8,000 - Deposit US$1000 at registration once application is approved. Followed by 6 payments of $1167 on the 1st day of every month from February​ 2024 to June 2025.



    ✔  You have access to basic needs such as food, shelter, and childcare, though sometimes it may feel difficult, and you stress about it.

    ✔  You rent lower-end properties or have unstable housing. You may not have a car and/or have limited access to a car, or you may not always be able to afford gas.

    ✔  You are able to put away money each month to save up to be able to pay for the program, but the middle tier price would mean that you have to save for longer than 12 months.

    ✔  This tier is for people in need of financial assistance and will be funded by "people paying it forward" in the $8000 tier.



    ✔  You may be paying off debt or working to build savings, but you also have access to meeting your basic needs such as food, shelter and childcare. You have a steady income.

    ✔  You own or lease a car. You can take a vacation annually or every few years without a financial burden.

    ✔  Making this investment might require you to reduce some discretionary spending in your life (such as going out to dinner, buying coffee, buying a new outfit, or going on vacation), but the sacrifice is short-term but will not harm you in the long term.

    ✔ This tier is the fair price for the program.



    ✔  You have financial security, own property, or have personal savings.

    ✔  You are comfortably able to meet all your basic needs and able to pay for "wants." You have access to financial savings.

    ✔  You have the economic privilege and power in our community, this price is for you.

    ✔  By choosing this price, you are “paying it forward” and contributing to a more equitable world by supporting access for those with less privilege.

    Registration period

    • The next cohort will start in January 30 to June 26, 2025.
    • Registration for the non-diet coaching certification via application for the next cohort begins November 2024.
    • The Non-Diet Coaching Certification training program is small group with less than 30 students.
    • Application will be processeed on "first come first considered" basis.




    The non-diet coaching certification is by application only and accessible to people registered on the waitlist first. We take in 30 people maximum per cohort.

    Here's how the registration process works:

    • Fill out the application and if accepted submit your first payment plan or full payment. Payment will only be processed if Stephanie accepts your application.
    • If your application is accepted an offer to join will be sent to you via email.
    • The offer to join is valid for 24 hrs. If payment & signed contract not received, we give the opportunity to  the next student.
    • Once payment and signed contract are received, you’ll receive your student ID  and password for your student portal.


    If you have a question about the Non-Diet Coaching Certification and you want to chat about whether it's a fit for you or not, let's have a conversation.

    Zero pressure.

    Bring coffee. Or tea.

    You tell me what's going on and I'll listen. Then I'll help you come up with a decision that makes sense for you, and where you're at.



    I would have saved so much money if I had meet Stephanie before!

    I would have been so much further in my business if I had consulted with Stephanie at the start of my business. I worked with so many people who said they knew what they were doing but Stephanie is the only who really knows. Other has no incisive knowledge about the non-diet field and cause my business to lag. MY work with Stephanie has been awesome and I can’t wait to continue.

    Dr. Carolyn Ross
    Founder, Anchor Program

    The best decision for me personally and for my business!

    Stephanie extensive curriculum on the diverse elements of the non-diet approach including intuitive eating, body neutrality and self-coaching you will provided with the strongest foundation to be able to support your client and to change their lives!

    As a new entrepreneur Stephanie guided me and provided me with all the tools that I needed in order to zero in on my niche, create my program, build my website and launch my podcast! All things that seemed impossible just a few months ago!

    Lindsay Sarson
    Founder, Intuitive Diabetic

    About Stephanie Dodier the founder of the Non-Diet Coaching Certification

    Stephanie Dodier is a Clinical Nutritionist CNP, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, host of two top-ranking podcasts in the non-diet industry and creator of the Going Beyond The Food Method™️. She founded Undiet Your Life, a global coaching and online training platform focused on helping women make peace with food and their body so that they can live a fulfilling life… right now! She is also the founder of Undiet Your Coaching Practice, a global professional training platform and the Non-Diet Coaching Certification.

    Stephanie has been a leader in business & sales for over 25 years. As a vice-president for the #1 retailer company in Canada, she has learned how successfully build and operate a thriving business. Over the last 9 years, Stephanie has built two 6 figure health businesses with her clinic in Toronto and her online Going Beyond The Food online programs. Through her clinical work, teaching, speaking, workshops, podcast and online programs, Stephanie has worked with hundred of thousands of women in over 92 countries around the world. Resume and professional profile available here.

    Stephanie is on a mission to help free over 1 million women from diet culture. That’s when you come in. The way we teach health & nutrition needs to change. This program is her way to empower other practitioners like you to make the change and impact 1 million women together inside the non-diet coaching certification!


    Am I ready for the non-diet coaching certification training?

    Learning happens at all stages. You have permission to be right where you are now. That may include a job that keeps you working and financially stable while you start and build your business. All you need to join the non-diet coaching certification is the willingness to learn and grow, to challenge yourself and each other in a space created for you to evolve and transform.

    We advise you to make a quality decision in line with the life you want. The answer is not more hustling but instead, clarity combined with meaningful actions. You need time to transform. You need a team you can trust so you can ask all your questions and get answers from other coaches actively working in the industry you desire to join.

    We can help you with that. You are the product you sell, so your personal growth = business growth.

    I have no coaching certification. Will this program be enough to coach with?

    Yes, this non-diet coaching certification has everything you need to become a coach and coach other humans. We teach you the coaching framework and tools that will give you all you need to coach women on almost anything.

    Will I be able to integrate other healing methodologies?

    Yes our non-diet coaching certification is integrative, and we will help you integrate your own process. In fact, Stephanie created the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ and Undiet Your Life coaching process by integrating her own educational degree, certifications, trainings and healing methodologies.

    The only exception is that we do not allow our process to support ANY WEIGHT LOSS process. If you intend to continue or start to use our non-diet coaching certification to support diet culture, do not join us. Our program is not for you.

    I coach weight loss right now. Is the certification right for me?

    Yes the non-diet coaching certification is for you, if you want to stop promoting and supporting diet culture and coaching weight loss. If you want to stop coaching any form of weight loss, transition your teaching, business, and coaching to a non-diet approach.

    No the non-diet coaching certification is not for you if you desire to continue or intend to continue to support diet culture, wellness culture or weight loss in any way, shape or form. Our program is not for you. Certification will be withdrawn from you if it is discovered to promote intentional weight loss after graduation.

    What is the certification process and requirement?

    The non-diet coaching certification process is virtual and takes place online. The certification process is optional.

    In order to receive the non-diet coaching certification:

    • you must attend all live classes (you must watch the replays and study on your own if you miss a live meeting)
    • and pass 4 certification assessments at 70% or higher. These are question of multiple-choice and true/ false questions. Exams are open-book and untimed and are available in your online portal.
    • Provide a coaching log with 36 hrs of coaching practices.

    If you meet all the requirements, you will receive a certificate of completion and exclusive use of the non-diet coaching certification logos to be in your marketing material and website and the use of the following title:

    Non-Diet Life Coach
    Non-Diet Eating Coach
    Non-Diet Body Image Coach
    Cognitive Behavioural Coach

    Will this program be trauma-informed?

    We do not believe coaches are licensed therapists or health professionals trained to support processing trauma. We believe coaches in general are not qualified to “treat” trauma; we teach to respect your limitations and refer out.

    Our program, the non-diet coaching certification is trauma-informed, which means we teach to understand trauma, recognize how trauma impacts your clients, and how to deliver coaching with safety and to support nervous system regulation.

    Am I the right fit for this program?

    You are the right student for the non-diet coaching certification if you are:

    • If you are in the process of undieting your own life and want to learn to coach this process in the future.
    • If you want to undiet your own life and learn advanced skills set for your own development.
    • If you are an established coach or licensed mental or health professional or in a position to work with women on food, health, body image, self-acceptance or self-confidence and want to integrate non-diet coaching into your skill set.

    I still struggle with my own relationship with food and body; not sure I'm ready?

    We got you. The non-diet coaching certification is built so you work on your relationship to food, body and mindset to learn the methodology. You get to experience the Undiet Your Life process personally and receive coaching on your own journey.

    You master yourself so you can coach your client masterfully.

    Will I learn to build a coaching program?

    Yes. The non-diet coaching certification business track will teach how to create a compelling coaching offer. You will learn to facilitate the Undiet Your Life process and get access to all our client worksheets and assessments.

    We start by teaching how to coach using the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ and the cognitive behavioural model in combination with intersectionality and trauma-informed approach. Then you learn to apply this coaching framework to eating, body image, health and life coaching topics for women.

    Will you help me launch my business?

    Yes. The non-diet coaching certification business track will take you step-by-step from creating a business strategy, ideal client, messaging, offer, marketing and selling.

    Most importantly, you will learn how to coach yourself to show up in the world and do the work to grow your business.

    Will you help me refine my niche?

    Yes. We think of niches differently inside the non-diet coaching certification: we teach you to think about your ideal client. We have a unique process that will help you refine the unique woman you are best suited to help in your special coaching process.

    Will I learn to coach my client's mindset and emotions?

    Yes. Inside the non-diet coaching certification we are passionate about coaching emotions and mindset that's the foundation of Going Beyond The Food. Our coaching process is the foundation of our training program and the key to helping your client create sustainable life-changing results through your program.

    During the first 6 weeks of our program, you will learn to coach yourself, embody the coaching process in your life and then learn to coach others.

    Can I join the certification for my own personal development?

    Yes. The non-diet coaching certification process is optional. You can join the certification for personal development interests only.

    What is included in the business training segment of the program?

    *Note the business track is on-demand from the day you join and optional to complete for certification.

    Inside the non-diet coaching certification you get to build your self-concept as a business owner using the self-coaching framework. Being successful in business starts with your thoughts.

    Then we teach business-building skill sets aligned with the principles of the non-diet approach: non-toxic business culture and ethical business process.

    • The Aligned Business Strategy
    • The Only Strategy to 100K
    • How to create money in your business
    • How to set a safe business goal
    • How to evaluate your tactics
    • Getting to know your ideal client
    • Your Confident Message
    • The Compelling Offer
    • How to sell with integrity
    • Ethical consultation process
    • The Non-Diet Marketing System
    • Authentic Marketing Tactics
    • The story. Your message.
    • Calling your ideal client into action
    • Podcasting 101
    • Non-Diet Marketing Standards
    • Non-Diet Website Guide
    • Non-Diet Social Media Guide
    • Effective Testimonial Guide

    PLUS a full library of Guest Experts business classes taught by paid teachers:

    • How to use storytelling in your marketing
    • How to use audio marketing to maximize your conversion
    • How to build a business with ethical marketing
    • How to build a feminist body of work
    • How to run effective consultation calls
    • How to show authentically on social media
    • How to build a powerful brand
    • How to build an anti-racist practice

    What is included in the professional training segment of the program?

    Inside the non-diet coaching certification you get to learn to embody and facilitate the Undiet Your Life Coaching process that consists of three steps:

    • Confident Mindset
    • Peaceful Eating
    • Liberated Body

    The Coaching Track
    We began our professional skills training by learning the non-diet coaching process. The non-diet coaching process is a cognitive behavioural coaching framework with an intersectional and trauma-informed approach.

    • Processing emotions and emotional intelligence tools.
    • Belief systems and thoughts awareness
    • Behaviour and habits that create the reality
    • Changing thoughts & beliefs
    • Believing new thoughts
    • The self-coaching process
    • The external coaching process
    • Being a coach and coachable
    • Holding safe space
    • Powerful thinking

    The Eating Track
    The next professional skills training track inside the non-diet coaching certification is Eating & Health. We learn to apply the non-diet coaching process to eating. As a certified Intuitive eating counsellor, Stephanie created the Peaceful Eating course using the formal 10 steps intuitive eating process created by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch.

    • Making peace with emotional eating
    • Ditching diet mindset
    • Attunement to eating cues
    • Unconditional permission to eat
    • From self-control to self-care
    • Gentle Nutrition

    Weight-neutral health approach - The first 6 lessons must be completed for certification.

    • What is health?
    • Health beyond weight- Set point
    • Health At Every Size ® principles overview
    • Health At Every Size ® developing a healthy relationship with food & exercise
    • Health At Every Size ® size acceptance
    • Health At Every Size ® health sheet library
    • (opt) Weight-neutral approach to health - Female hormonal health
    • (opt)Weight-neutral approach to health - Stress
    • (opt)Weight-neutral approach to health - Digestion
    • (opt)Weight-neutral approach to health - Inflammation
    • (opt)Weight-neutral approach to health - Hypertension
    • (opt)Weight-neutral approach to health - Diabetes
    • (opt)Weight-neutral approach to health - Blood sugar regulation

    The Body Image Track
    The last professional skills training track inside the non-diet coaching certification is Body Image. We learn to apply the non-diet coaching process to the relationship to the body (body image). The Body Neutrality framework you will learn is a proprietary 5 steps process created by Stephanie Dodier towards body acceptance and liberation.

    • The intersection of women’s bodies and power structure
    • The purpose of having a bod
    • You don’t need to love your body
    • The body neutrality roadmap
    • Feeling safe in your body
    • The body compass
    • Betting on your body to live your best life

    PLUS a full library of Guest Experts professional skills classes taught by paid teachers:

    • Getting the nervous system onboard
      Being a trauma-informed practitioner
    • How to navigate thin privilege in practice
    • Gender identity, pronoun & the intersection with disordered eating.
    • How to navigate digestive health in a non-diet approach to health.
    • How to approach fertility in a non-diet approach
    • How to help clients transform their relationship to movement

    Do you offer a refund?

    The non-diet coaching certification is a small group coaching container. If you commit to the program, you're committing to the entire direction of the program. To preserve the integrity of the peer relationships cultivated in small group coaching containers and because there is specific training that stacks upon each other, we cannot accept new students after intake closes.

    That means that if someone drops out partway through, we cannot fill their spot. Because the container is so small, there’s no margin for cancellations or drop-outs and so we cannot offer refunds. If you stop participating before the end date and select a payment plan option, your payments are still due in full.

    Our certification is a significant commitment of time, money and energy. It’s a serious investment in yourself and your business that can generate a big impact and return across the years.

    We appreciate your careful yes -- and we trust it.

    You’ve come so far - don’t stop here...

    Let's revolutionize the women life coaching industry.

    Take your place in the Non-Diet Coaching Certification now.

    Copyright © 2024 | Stephanie Dodier

    Ethical and Earning Disclaimer of the non-diet coaching certification:
    Clients understand that Company cannot, in any good conscience guarantee any outcome of financial gain from attending this event. We can teach you everything we know, but we can't implement it for you. As it is in life, how far you go up is up to you and your ability to implement what we teach you. It's stipulated by law and our good intentions for you that we let you know this. You'll get the most cutting-edge training and it's up to you to make it happen. You should know that all product and services by our company are for educational and information purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. making decisions based on any information presented in our products, events, services, or website should be done only with the knowledge that you could experience risk or losses just like any entrepreneurial endeavor. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional adviser before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance. 

    The program content of the non-diet coaching certification is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. All the information contained inside the non-diet coaching certification within is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard.

    Always work with a qualified medical professional before making changes to your diet, prescription medication, supplement, lifestyle or exercise activities.