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We are reinventing how we coach and sell coaching to women

We believe we can’t sell a liberating process like the non-diet coaching approach in the same way as you sell diet culture & weight loss.

We are changing how coaching is sold by leading with transparent counter culture business processes that are safe and create value.

Coach More Clients is a 5 part masterclasses series that will teach you how to sell and market your non-diet coaching programs with success in a way that feels damn good!



Having the right niche was never the problem.

Finding the right strategy was never the challenge.

Charging the right price was never the reason why people said no.

So why do we focus our efforts towards building our business on branding, pricing and other solutions outside of ourselves?

The reason why women business owners experience struggles with launching and growing their coaching business isn’t because of a lack of right tactics or efforts.

It’s beyond the tactics

How can you build and grow a business if it’s not by doing what “experts” say to do?

Have you ever thought…

“I did exactly what they told me to do and it didn’t work!”

Followed by…

“What’s wrong with me?”

How do we sell coaching then?

Today, you relate to your business in the same way you once related to food, body image, and health.

You have a human brain conditioned by oppressive business culture.

You think that the solutions to your business are external to you and most importantly, that you are not “good enough” to know what is required to create a successful business.


What if you could trust  yourself with your business just like you do with food now?


The same extraordinary results would unfold in your business as with your relationship to food, body and health.

Freedom. Confidence. Growth.

Not so long ago, you couldn’t believe that the problem wasn’t you but diet culture. You may even have said, “Diet culture… what is that??”

Today, when searching for a business solution outside of you, it’s no different than the days when you were looking for the right meal plan all the while the solution was within you all along.

What your human brain tells you is a “problem” in your business is not a problem.

The problem is the oppressive business culture that overwhelms us with all the “things” we need to do, the speed at which we should have success, the hustle, the perfectionism and people-pleasing required.

Coach More Clients OPPRESSIVE BUSINESS CULTURE VS Diet Culture graphic 2
Coach More Clients OPPRESSIVE BUSINESS CULTURE VS Diet Culture graphic 2

The Solution?

Reshaping your business mindset not just your tactics


Reshaping how you think about yourself as an business owner, your clients, your offer and yourself as a coach will lead you to feel integrity and produce higher-value actions that will result in your business creating more money.

You want to be successful in your business so you can help more people…

I see you.

The reason why you feel stuck isn’t because you are doing something wrong, it’s simply because you are not going beyond the tactics… yet!


We are going to change that!


Coach More Clients Workshop is 5 part Masterclasses series that will teach you how to sell non-diet coaching with integrity and market with authenticity your non-diet coaching programs:

Part 1- Taking more and better action in your business

Part 2- Creating aligned business strategies

Part 3- Having a compelling offer

Part 4-Selling with integrity

Part 5- Marketing with authenticity

We believe we can’t sell a liberative process like non-diet coaching approach in the same way as you sell diet-culture & weight loss.

We believe in counter culture business processes. We believe in:

Being upfront, honest and transparent

Provide value at every step

Create a safe selling environment avoiding manipulation, scarcity and fear-based tactics.

Keep our promise and deliver what we said you would




 Good Coaching. Good Business. Good Money.

Marketing & selling done this way feels so damn good so you enjoy showing up!

And then you build your business from a place of service.

You build a business in alignment to your personal values.

And create success!


Coach More Clients NON-OPPRESSIVE BUSINESS CULTURE VS Non-Diet Approach Graphic
Coach More Clients NON-OPPRESSIVE BUSINESS CULTURE VS Non-Diet Approach Graphic



Coach More Clients Workshop is 5 part Masterclasses series.

In this 5 part Msterclasses series that you can binge as soon as you click buy you will learn how to sell non-diet coaching with integrity and market with authenticity your non-diet coaching programs:

Part 1- Taking more and better action in your business

Part 2– Creating aligned business strategies

Part 3– Having a compelling offer

Part 4-Selling with integrity

Part 5– Marketing with authenticity


When: On Demand

As soon as you click buy you can binge watch this 5 part Masterclasses series. You will an receive an email with instructions on how to access your student portal including the 5 video recordings & the workbook within 15 minutes.


Coach More Clients is a pre-recorded  training.

You will receive instructions on how to access the 5 part Masterclasses series.



The Coach More Client is ethical business training is for service providers and coaches that are in  private practice at any stage of business.


When: On Demand

As soon as you click buy you can binge watch this 5 part Masterclasses series. You will an receive an email with instructions on how to access your student portal including the 5 video recordings & the workbook within 15 minutes.


Coach More Clients is a pre-recorded training.

You will receive instructions on how to access the 5 part Masterclasses series.



The Coach More Client is ethical business training is for service providers and coaches that are in  private practice at any stage of business.

What You Will Achieve:


Understand how oppressive business culture has infiltrated your thoughts about your business and how it’s impacting how much money your create.

Learn why the problem was never just the right niche or tactics and why continuing to think about your business the way you were taught is creating the lack of clients.

Learn a simple coaching process that will help you change the way you think, feel and ultimately take actions in your business..

Stephanie will show you new ways to approach your business that will “knock your socks off”!


Learn 4 simple steps to market your business with authenticity in order to find clients that want your coaching

The reason why selling isn’t enjoyable and easy is because we think of it in a “diet-culture” way.

Stephanie will teach the 4 steps to market your coaching that will feel good and lead you to feel excited about showing in your marketing.

Stephanie will provide you the worksheets and teach you:

  • The Compelling Offer Protocol
  • The Checklist to create marketing content that sells
  • The 4 steps process to sell coaching with integrity.


Become a confident business owner and a powerful coach

How you think about yourself as a business owner creates the way you feel about your business and dictate the quality of your day to day actions that creates your business revenue.

Good Coaching. Good Business. Good Money.

Stephanie will teach the 4 self-beliefs to build up in order to feel confident both as a business owner and a coach. 


Stephanie Sprinkles her Magic on Everything!

I loved the information you provided. The most important thing people should know about Stephanie is that she’s invested in your success as a client, and will challenge you to go beyond what you think is possible for you. I highly recommend Stephanie.

Unyime Oguta PHEC

Founder Olive & Bliss

Working with Stephanie has been the best decision I could have made for my business!

As a Holistic Nutritionist, I did not feel confident in running a business or even working with clients for that matter. I had already been in practice for a year and felt like I was constantly trying to reinvent the wheel. I distracted myself by trying to create new programs, challenges, and literally worked with anyone who came my way.


Katie Valley, B.Sc.,RHNP

Founder, Katie Valley Wellness

Meet Your Instructor

Stephanie Dodier is a Clinical Nutritionist CNP, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and a coach. Stephanie is the host of two top-ranking podcasts in the non-diet industry and creator of the Going Beyond The Food Method™️.

Stephanie founded Undiet Your Life, a global coaching and online training platform focused on helping women make peace with food and their body so that they can live a fulfilling life… right now! She is also the founder of Undiet Your Coaching Practice, a global professional training platform and the Non-Diet Coaching Certification.

Stephanie has been a leader in business & sales for over 25 years. As a vice-president for the #1 retailer company in Canada, she has learned how successfully build and operate a thriving business. Over the last 9 years, Stephanie has built two 6 figure health businesses with her clinic in Toronto and her online Going Beyond The Food online programs. Through her clinical work, teaching, speaking, workshops, podcast and online programs, Stephanie has worked with hundred of thousands of women in over 92 countries around the world. Resume and professional profile available here.


“I would have saved so much money if I had meet Stephanie before!”

Dr.Carolyn Ross

Founder of Anchor Program

I’m so happy I said YES. My knowledge and confidence has grown so much

Kim Hagle

Fitness Coach

“Stephanie helped me see what I couldn’t see. I haven’t felt aligned in my work in such a long time.”

Ardelle Viau

Nutrition Consultant


Coach More Clients Workshop Logo

Watch the 5 part Masterclasses series  and get the workbook for $444

**Note: You will get lifetime access to the recordings & the workbook *


If I haven't started my business will this training help me?

This is perfect for you the Coach More Clients 5 parts Masterclasses series. It’s exactly what you need. It will cover the 5 steps to create & build a business in a way that will feel great and fuel your inner motivation to keep going!

When and where will training take place?

Online. As soon as you make your payment you will receive an email with your access to your student portal and start watching the 5 part Masterclasses series.

Who is this training for?

The Coach More Clients 5 part Masterclasses series – is a ethical business training for coaches & service providers in private practice.

If you are a Nutritionist, Dietician, Fitness Coach, Intuitive Eating Coach, Body Image Coach, Therapist, Social Worker, Life Coach this is for you!

How long is the training sessions?

The Coach More Clients Masterclass with Stephanie is 3 hrs long.

What if I have a question?

Just email us at [email protected] and one of our team members will reply quickly with an answer to your question.


Copyright © 2024 | Stephanie Dodier

Ethical and Earning Disclaimer :
Clients understand that Company cannot, in any good conscience guarantee any outcome of financial gain from attending this event. We can teach you everything we know, but we can’t implement it for you. As it is in life, how far you go up is up to you and your ability to implement what we teach you. It’s stipulated by law and our good intentions for you that we let you know this. You’ll get the most cutting-edge training and it’s up to you to make it happen. You should know that all product and services by our company are for educational and information purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. making decisions based on any information presented in our products, events, services, or website should be done only with the knowledge that you could experience risk or losses just like any entrepreneurial endeavor. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional adviser before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.