The Intuitive Eating Project is a 5-week accelerated mentorship program designed to teach you how to eat intuitively.

The July group registration is closed. Be the first to know when the next registration opens, any updates, special offers as well as priority spots.


✔︎Are you sick and tired of having to obey some expert food rules and consistently restricting your food? 

✔︎Are you mentally exhausted from having to spend too much time obsessing about food and feeling guilty about your cravings? 

✔︎Are you jumping from diet to diet without finding the right one?  

✔︎Maybe you’ve realized that diets don’t work, but then what ? 

✔︎Ready to quit diet culture but you feel lost and wonder what’s next if you don’t diet? 

✔︎You’ve been aiming for wellness but always seems to come back to dieting and food rules. 

Bottom line: You want to be at peace with food and have an easy relationship to food and health, Intuitive Eating is for you.



What exactly is Intuitive Eating?  

Intuitive Eating  proven and scientifically supported self- care eating framework that will forever leave any diets in the rear-view mirror for you. It makes you the boss of you.

Intuitive Eating is a process that teaches you to have a healthy relationship to food, empowering you to trust your abilities to meet your needs, distinguishing between physical and emotional hungers and ultimately developing body wisdom.  

Intuitive Eating Project should be a required course for all women

The Intuitive Eating Project starts with bringing awareness to the idea that "How you relate to food is how you relate to life". It's a deep dive into your emotions and patterns that you've used thus far and how to learn to take your power back. Life-changing.

Sally Glaspie

I’ve made great progress in healing my relationship to food.

"I now know I do not need to be 100% , 100% of the time!“


The Intuitive Eating Project was life-changing for me.

For years, I have tried to control my relationship with food and never realized how the food was actually controlling me instead. The Intuitive Eating Project helped me start to turn that thinking around and gain a new perspective.


The Intuitive Eating Project gave me confidence to give up dieting

."I don't need to stress around food anymore. Food is food and I eat it when I want, what I want and stop when I want by listening to myself!"


My new journey begins!

With years of body image issues and failed diets behind me, because of the Intuitive Eating Project, my new journey begins.

Sharon Thompson

Making real progress because of the Intuitive Eating Project

I made real progress with intuitive eating because of the Intuitive Eating Project. I had been trying it on my own for over a year and what it took for me to really integrate the concepts was Stephanie's concise and unique perspective on each of the concepts. It's like the difference between regurgitating the same words versus giving those words a new context and voilà, suddenly it started to make sense!

Ann Killin

The Intuitive Eating Project changed my life!

What I paid was peanuts. The Intuitive Eating Project changed my life. I believe it is a major step for me and there’s more to come.

Alison James

Stephanie will change your life!

Stephanie makes you feel safe and like you’re not alone while you go through the Intuitive Eating Project. She is passionate and caring and truly wants all women to feel loved and worthy. She will change your life. xo

Alison James

It's worth every penny!

It's worth every penny! The pace of the course is very reasonable and if you want to work toward feeling freedom around food and more confidence in yourself, the Intuitive Eating Project is for you!

Ann Killin

Just amazed!

"Just amazed how much more confident I’m with food."


Stephanie is a great coach!

"I learned more than with the Intuitive Eating book. Stephanie is a great coach that helps you get to the root of the issues and think of incidents in a new light."


The Intuitive Eating Program is life-altering!

If you have ever struggled with your weight and dieting this program is life-altering. It will open up your mind in ways that you never expected and allow you look at things is a completely different way.

Tracey Rogers

I was blown away by the life changing insight Stephanie helped me gain...

"The Intuitive Eating Project course is a wonderful place to gain insight, and be supported as you hope, heal, and finally — start to find peace with food. The way I eat, exercise, and feel around food has completely changed for the better and I'm so so thankful for it! I'm actually enjoying food again, with no guilt trips, shaming, or regrets on the menu." 

Quinn Kelly

The Intuitive Eating Project helped guide me to believe in my own body's wisdom.

"I have begun to gently pull away from the negative thoughts I have about my body and instead honor what my body has always done for me and continues to do."


Fed up with endless diets? Try the Intuitive Eating Project!

If you’re fed up with endless diets and feeling that it’s your fault that you’ve been unsuccessful, try this program.

Sharon Thompson

My name is Stephanie Dodier.  I’m a trained Intuitive Eating clinical nutritionist, emotional eating expert, teacher, podcast host, and creator of the Going Beyond The Food Method, which was born from my own journey with intuitive eating, weight loss, food and body image, and has since grown into a global movement.

Our podcast and programs have reached over 385,000 women  in over 87 countries and have been cited in Prevention magazine, Women’s Health, First for Women and in over 100 podcasts such as Wellness Mama, Healthful Pursuit and Medicine is Love.

My intention is to inspire you to  learn to eat intuitively and rekindle your relationship to your body and food using intuitive eating. After years of formal education in nutrition and holistic health, intuitive eating gives me food freedom and that’s where I want to take you.

Ready? Let’s do this.


You deserve to be at peace with food.

I created the Intuitive Eating Project so you can finally…

  • Trust yourself with food and take pleasure in eating.
  • Choose to eat from a place of self-care.
  • Stop being at war with food and your body.
  • Overcome the endless cycles of dieting and binging.
  • Understand your own body and become the expert at it.
  • Rekindle your ability to trust and respect your body.
  • Give yourself permission to love and care for your body.
  • End the exhausting obsession about food, weight loss and need to be perfect.
  • Overcome the self-destructing behaviors around food and body.
  • Change your perspective on exercise and move with joy.
  • Get back to living your best life with family and friends.
  • Chase health so you can live confidently and be happy NOW!

Become an Intuitive Eater NOW!

What’s Inside

The Intuitive Eating Project 2.0 is starting June24th.  The 5 classes will be held live on Mondays and recording will be sent on Tuesdays.

You retain lifetime access to the videos, workbooks and support group. 

Video Classes

6 In-depth video training to teach you the 10 complex principles of intuitive eating in a practical and easy to apply format.

Audio recording

Each class is available in both audio and video formats 


Workbook of the 10 principles along with specific implementation exercises to support you in changing your habits around food.

Private Support Community

Online community to find accountability and coaching from Stephanie in your day to day implementation.

Weekly Live Q&A

At the end of each live class, you will have the opportunity to get all your question answered by Stephanie, Plus daily inside the private support group.

Bonus Resources

A number of resources from our Going Beyond The Food Method Program to help you with successful implementation.


So… You Want to Lose Weight? Masterclass

Get instant access to our ‘So…. You Want to Lose Weight?’ Masterclass, so you can be 100% prepared to get the most out of The Intuitive Eating Project. Be sure to join us now, so you have plenty of time to watch this 75-minute masterclass before The Intuitive Eating Project begins.”


Weekly Empowerment & Motivational Intervention

Enjoy additional weekly bonus empowerment & motivational intervention from Stephanie inside the support community. Join the conversation by posting your comments and/or questions and get guidance on your journey towards Intuitive Eating. 

Students’ Wins During the Program

It’s time to be the boss of you and eat intuitively

$ 197

The program content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. The information contained within is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard.

Always work with a qualified medical professional before making changes to your diet, prescription medication, supplement, lifestyle or exercise activities.

The program content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. The information contained within is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard.

Always work with a qualified medical professional before making changes to your diet, prescription medication, supplement, lifestyle or exercise activities.


Questions about body image, food, mindset, motivation, goal setting…


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Watch the recording of the Rebellious Eating Solution Masterclass 

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3-Part Masterclass Series 

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diet quiz



Take the Quiz and find out. 

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Register for the Rebellious Eating Solution Masterclass 

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