Hey there!


I’m Stephanie Dodier

I’m a Non-Diet Nutritionist, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Cognitive Behavorial Coach, Speaker and Entrepreneur who helps women fight diet culture and patriarchy by living powerfully!


Stephanie Dodier bio

Hey there!

I’m Stephanie Dodier


I’m a Non-Diet Nutritionist, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Cognitive Behavorial Coach, Speaker and Entrepreneur who helps women fight diet culture and patriarchy by living powerfully!


Download & Counting…

It’s Beyond The Food podcast is a top rated podcast since 2016.

With each episode Stephanie will guide you on how to feel damn good by reshaping your mind instead of your body, and you’ll get resources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power.

podcast it's Beyond The Podcast
podcast it's Beyond The Podcast


Download & Counting…

It’s Beyond The Food podcast is a top rated podcast since 2016.

With each episode Stephanie will guide you on how to feel damn good by reshaping your mind instead of your body, and you’ll get resources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power.

Stephanie Dodier Newsletter

If you want to fight diet culture and patriarchy

Let’s upgrade your inbox with tips, actionable coaching and guidance to your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power. 

If you are ready to take your life back from diet culture

Check out Undiet Your Life a year long program where I help you become an intuitive eater, body image neutral and think confidently about yourself and your life.
work with stephanie
work with stephanie

If you are ready to take your life back from diet culture

Check out Undiet Your Life a year long program where I help you become an intuitive eater, body image neutral and think confidently about yourself and your life.
work with Stephanie

If you are ready to become a Certified  Non-Diet Coach

Get paid to help other women liberate themselves from patriarchy and diet culture by enrolling in the Non-Diet Coaching Certification

What They’re Saying?


This is what my client Jessica had to say about us… For the first time in my life, I realized that I can be happy right NOW! I’ve discovered new part of myself that have been hidden and supressed by years of negative thinking , dieting and self-judgement.-Jessica Tomasko


It’s time to be free...
Do Stephanie's program!

If you are tired and frustrated and resentful about your body, you need to stop, take a deep breath and stop wasting your days. Life is short, it’s time to be free! 

Alison James 

Stephanie’s program
has been very liberating!


Thanks to Stephanie’s coaching and teaching I live a happier, more mindful, and fulfilling life! 

Monserratt Lopez

Stephanie's program
over-delivered and
exceeded my expectations!


I would recommend to others wanting to invest in themselves.

Kimberly Richardson

I am so thankful that I didn’t ignore that voice inside.


I have avoided criticism my whole life but now , I truly look forward to new revelations because with each “a-ha” moment, I am gaining ground and living a more joyful life. 

Susan Sledge

The best investment!


The Going Beyond the Food Method is the best investment you could make to bring clarity and unravel your struggle with food. Highly recommended. 

Nieves Sancho

I am so thankful that I didn’t ignore that voice inside.


I have avoided criticism my whole life but now , I truly look forward to new revelations because with each “a-ha” moment, I am gaining ground and living a more joyful life. 

Susan Sledge

I greatly improved my
happiness and quality of life!


Stephanie’s program has helped me let go of controlling my food habits and surrender to intuitive eating.  

Eithne Wait

This work led me through massive transformation


Stephanie is authentic and I felt like she’s a friend and that she cares about me. This program  helped me to sort out some issues in my life  and led me through massive transformation. 

Hanka Valascova

The best investment
I made for my life!


Stephanie is a great coach, teacher, activist, makes you feel connected, confident, well informed and empowered. 

Minerva Ayon

A life-changing program!


Everything has shifted. I’m calmer, I'm more trusting, I feel like my body and I are friends again. 

Julie Mann

Stephanie’s program reveals
the wonderful, perfect
woman you are, right now.


The Going Beyond The Food Method will help you see food differently, and realize that it is not the enemy, and that your body is not broken. 

Susan Cook

It gave me the opportunity to grow and live my best life! 


I've become compassionate and loving towards myself and my body RIGHT NOW. The work I've done in the program impacts my life in many ways! 

Sarah Bella