Always Dieting?

Sister, you’re not the problem – in fact, you’re the solution in the making.

The real problem is everything that you’ve been told about food, weight, and your worth as a woman.

If you are:

  • Tired of constantly being on a diet
  • Living in constant fear of putting on weight
  • Missing out on LIFE because of your size
  • Holding yourself back because you feel unworthy of the things you really want 
  • Are afraid of shopping for clothes, looking in the mirror, having sex or literally anything else that should never have been a second thought

It’s time to make a change. 


The first step is to ask yourself a few hard questions – and you’ll find all the right ones in my quiz: “Is It You Or Is It Your Diet?”

By taking this easy self-assessment, you’ll learn:


Why your diet isn’t working, and how to find something that does


What to do when you feel like you’re “failing” at dieting


Why you fear weight gain (and how you can start to shift intuitively a more peaceful mindset)

This is just the tip of the zero-calorie diet iceberg.

Ready to completely change the way you look at dieting?

About Stephanie

Stephanie Dodier is a Clinical Nutritionist, an Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and the host of The Beyond the Food Show whose integrative and comprehensive approach helps women take their lives back from diet culture. Her proprietary and countercultural approach, the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, has helped women in over 92 countries seek health beyond dieting. Stephanie was trained at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Canada and has a degree in Health Science.


The program content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. The information contained within is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard.

Always work with a qualified medical professional before making changes to your diet, prescription medication, supplement, lifestyle or exercise activities.