Terms and Conditions


(Updated 12-2020)


Participation in the Stephanie Dodier.com Affiliate Program requires agreement to these terms of use. You may not participate in the program if you do not understand and agree to these terms of use.



Our Affiliate Program is designed to provide an incentive for health, nutrition, or self-improvement-focused venues to promote Stephanie Dodier.com products and services. The program will reward health professionals, educators, and individuals who demonstrate an effort to promote Stephanie Dodier.com products and services. Affiliates are paid a referral commission based on a percentage of eligible sales.

Being a STEPHANIE DODIER.COM Affiliate requires the promotion of STEPHANIE DODIER.COM products or services through any of the following venues:

  1. a website that actively promotes STEPHANIE DODIER.COM products or services,
  2. an active blog, social network presence, newsletter, or email campaign that actively promotes STEPHANIE DODIER.COM products or services,
  3. a health practice or program that actively promotes STEPHANIE DODIER.COM products or services.

Ineligible venues include coupon listing websites and affiliate link repositories.

Please contact affiliate support to see if any alternative approaches to promoting STEPHANIE DODIER.COM products and services qualify.



Referrals are orders or event opt-ins customers make from our website after being sent to our site by an affiliate.

Example A:

1.) Joe clicks on your affiliate link, 2.) Joe purchases an eligible item, 3.) you are credited with a referral.

Example B: 

1.) Marie clicks on your affiliate link, 2.) Marie does not purchase an eligible item, 3.) you are not credited with a referral.

Once a customer generates a referral, the affiliate receives the future commissions from that customer as long as the affiliate remains eligible and active.

We do not give credit for referrals on orders that have already been completed, or that were not processed through an affiliate link.

Log in to get Affiliate Links



Referral commissions are derived from the net price of eligible order items. Not all products or services may be eligible. Product eligibility and rates may change any time without notice.

  • Taxes, shipping, cost of goods, and coupon values may be excluded in the calculation of commissions
  • Items sold via external vendors are not eligible for commissions

Product Rates are shown in Affiliate Summary > Affiliate Commission Structure.





Commission payments are made to the email address associated with the Affiliate account via PayPal. Unclaimed, denied, undeliverable, or returned payments are considered forfeited and are not re-sent. Affiliates are responsible for keeping their Affiliate account email address current. Payments are made once the commission amount reaches a minimum of $100. You can see you commission payment in Affiliate Center.



Affiliates are responsible for keeping their PayPal account properly linked to their STEPHANIE DODIER.COM Affiliate account email address. If changes are made to the email address used in either account, Affiliates must ensure the other is properly linked. Without a properly linked PayPal account, Affiliates cannot receive commission payments. PayPal email account.

If your PayPal email address changes, you must update the address in :




Clawbacks are retractions of commission payments due to refunds issued on orders which had generated referral commissions. If a refund is issued for an order which generated a commission for an affiliate, the commission will be retracted in one of two methods described below. If a miscalculation has resulted in a commission payment to our detriment, the commission may be retracted in one of two methods described below.

  1. The retracted commission amount will be deducted from the Affiliate’s current or future commission payment.
  2. The retracted commission amount will be requested from the Affiliate’s PayPal account. PayPal does not charge a fee if payment is made from your PayPal balance or bank account. See PayPal for details.

Although we take measures to minimize clawbacks by postponing commission payouts until the typical refund period has passed, it is possible that clawbacks will occur.

Our internal satisfaction guarantee is ranging from 7 days – 30 days depending on the products/program. Therefore, commissions are paid at a minimum of 30 days post-purchase to minimize clawback/retraction.

For example, if the customer purchases a product using your affiliate link, a product with a 14 days satisfaction guarantee on July 25th, the commission payment will be submitted to your Paypal account on September 5th (assuming that the commission amount is at minimum $100).



Orders placed by leads failing to use an affiliate link are not eligible for referral consideration. Requests for retroactive referrals will not be accepted for existing orders without advance approval.

If you have referred a lead to our site and the lead fails to use your affiliate link for any reason, a referral will not be credited to your account retroactively. If a lead referred to our site finds the use of your affiliate link to be problematic, contact us immediately.

Leads whose devices block HTTP cookies, thereby preventing referrals from being completed, are not eligible for referral consideration without the prior approval described herein. The STEPHANIEDODIER.COM Affiliate Program requires cookies to assign leads to affiliates.

Certain venues will receive permission in advance for leads to place orders by manually entering an affiliate link URL. For example, an alternative health practice that directly promotes STEPHANIE DODIER.COM products on location, but does not have a website or online venue to promote STEPHANIE DODIER.COM products, may receive approval for retroactive referrals.

Since STEPHANIE DODIER.COM Affiliates are required to actively promote STEPHANIE DODIER.COM products and services, it is expected that referrals be generated by the use of affiliate links.

Review the Scope and Eligibility section for approved venues. Potential Affiliates who operate in a venue not included in the Scope and Eligibility section may contact affiliate support to request approval for an alternative venue.



  • Copying and/or distributing content from Stephanie Dodier.com without expressed permission is not allowed.
  • Copying and/or distributing content from books, eBooks, newsletters, or emails is not allowed.
  • Publishing affiliate links repetitiously, in a misleading way, or without adequate promotional content is considered misuse.
  • Misrepresenting Stephanie Dodier.com or implying or posing as a subsidiary or representative of Stephanie Dodier.com is not allowed.
  • Online systems that compete with or divert website traffic from the Stephanie Dodier.com website are not allowed.
  • Membership content and materials, such as our Claim Your Food Freedom program or Going Beyond The Food Academy may not be shared outside their respective membership area. Affiliates wishing to promote memberships should use swipe content or create promotional material congruent with the respective public membership page, public product pages, or personal experience. Care should be taken to not reveal the unique aspects or methods of our programs that would normally be available to only members in the membership areas, or membership materials owners.
  • Copying and distribution of STEPHANIE DODIER.COM contents can be copyright infringement. All contents on Stephanie Dodier.com is copyrighted. If in doubt, inquire to our affiliate support.


Affiliates must demonstrate an ongoing effort to promote STEPHANIE DODIER.COM products and services through an approved venue. StephanieDodier.com reserves the right to reject any earned commissions and to remove any affiliate from the program at our sole discretion.

Affiliates will earn lifetime commissions from the referrals generated by their leads. To remain eligible for lifetime commissions, affiliates must actively promote at least once per year. Accounts will be deleted if affiliate link clicks have not been generated for more than one year.

Our affiliate program does not allow participation for the primary purpose of earning a referral commission for personal purchases (self-referrals). Accounts using the program primarily for self-referrals may be closed without notice.

Affiliates generating only self-referrals are not eligible for commissions.

Reciprocation of referrals between affiliates to earn commissions is not allowed and may result in the closure of both affiliate accounts.

Affiliates may have relationships with other affiliate programs; however, a venue used primarily as a platform to distribute affiliate or marketing content for STEPHANIEDODIER.COM and/or other affiliates or brands is ineligible for commissions.

Affiliates are responsible for knowing laws and terms of the use of social networks and other utilized methods of promotion.

Affiliates are responsible for knowing tax laws applicable to their participation in our affiliate program.



  • Ongoing promotion required: Affiliates must actively promote STEPHANIEDODIER.COM products or services in an approved venue
  • Non-personal use: The Affiliate program may not be used primarily for personal purchases
  • Payment of earned commissions is subject to eligibility restrictions and minimums
  • StephanieDodier.com reserves the right to reject commissions and disqualify affiliates



Affiliate accounts in violation of any terms may be deactivated without notice. Violators may be banned from the STEPHANIEDODIER.COM website without notice.

We reserve the right to accept or deny referrals at our discretion; to raise, lower, or discontinue commission rates at any time; and to decline or terminate affiliate accounts if we feel our products or services are not being publicized in an appropriate manner or if we have any other concern about the advertising or marketing techniques employed by the Affiliate.

Affiliates have no obligation to continue and may terminate their membership at any time.

Terms of use may change without notice.

When emailing affiliate support, please include a link to or copy of your promotional material associated with the order in question, along with the name, date or order number, and/or email address of the customer.

Please direct Affiliate Program questions to affiliate support.

Stephanie Dodier.com Affiliate Center