It's Beyond The Food

Training Vault

Tools, trainings and free ressources to breakthrough diet culture, go beyond the food and coach the non-diet approach with safety and ethics.

Masterclass & Course

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The Binge Restrict Cycle Coaching Roadmap

Shed the outdated eating coaching diet-culture model. Change your own relationship to food and shift how you support other women.

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Moving Beyond The Desire To Lose Weight

Feel excited when you hear the thought, “…but I need to lose weight” because you’ll know exactly how to answer and coach your client!

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The Body Image Coaching Roadmap

Confidently coach body image following the body neutrality framework. Get the body image coaching roadmap uniquely designed for women!

Health Coaching Beyond The Scale 

How to coach health without diet culture! Learn the weight neutral approach to health that redefine body norms and champion your body autonomy.

Accelerator & Mentorship

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Coach More Non-Diet Clients

Selling doesn’t have to feel sleazy and yucky. Learn to market and sell “diet culture free” in an ethical and empowering way! Sell with integrity, market with authenticity and become a confident coach who coach more clients!

Beyond The Money Mindset

Beyond The Money Mindset Mentorship

It’s high time we disrupt the narrative surrounding how women are taught to think, feel, and act when it comes to money. Approach money with calm assurance, confidently ask for more and proudly embrace your financial ambitions.

The Body Image Coaching Accelerator

We are changing how body image coaching is facilitated for women by embodying body neutrality in our own life and body first. Create an unshakable confidence that inspire your ideal clients to work with you. Show up. Be visible and a kick-ass coach!

Beyond Mindset

The Self-Coaching Mindset  Mentorship

Learn the revolutionary self-coaching mindset tools to change your thoughts and process your emotions so that you can create new self-beliefs and unleash your amazingness into the world with unshakeable confidence!

Beyond The Money Mindset

Play Bigger

Create more money in a way that feels damn good! Learn the exact mindset & framework I use to grow my business with integrity and ethics and create RAVING clients so you can unlock the same level of success.

Signature Program & Live Group Coaching

Coaching More Clients (Instagram Post (Square)

Undiet Your Life Coaching Program

Learn how to implement intuitive eating, body neutrality and self-coaching in your own life. A self-lead program with monthly live coaching with Stephanie and a vault of speciality resources and training specifically designed for women starting their journey beyond diet culture.

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Non-Diet Coaching Certification

A group coaching certification training program for self-identified women coaches & providers who want to coach eating, health, body image following the non-diet approach in a safe and ethical way. Certified as a a cognitive behavioural  coach, life coach, weight neutral health and body image coach!


The Good Money Mastermind

The place to be if you’re ready to make good money providing good coaching in a way that not only create profound impact for your clients for the rest of their lives and also profit in your own life!

Free Resources & Podcasts

Professional Non-Diet Client Assessments

How To Become A Non-Diet Coach Class

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Non-Diet Health Habits Checklist

It’s Beyond The Food Podcast

Undiet Your Coaching Podcast