undiet your life

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Beyond the Food Blog


A catalog of evidence-based articles written by Stephanie Dodier Clinical Nutritionist on all topics supporting the non-diet approach to health. 

Welcome to

Beyond the Food Blog

A catalog of evidence-based articles written by Stephanie Dodier Clinical Nutritionist on all topics supporting the non-diet approach to health. 

Our Most Recent Articles

BMI and Health and the Anti-Diet Health Approach

BMI and Health and the Anti-Diet Health Approach

BMI health and the anti-diet health approach-2


BMI, Health and the Anti-Diet Health Approach: A New Perspective

Are you tired of the endless cycle of dieting and weight obsession? You’re not alone. As a society, we’ve been conditioned to believe that our health is directly tied to our weight and Body Mass Index (BMI). But what if I told you that this approach is not only unsustainable but potentially harmful?


The Tyranny of Diet Culture

Let’s start with some eye-opening statistics:

– By age 45, the average woman has tried 61 different diets.
– Women spend an equivalent of 31 years obsessing about changing their bodies.
– Only 4% of women in first-world countries consider themselves ‘beautiful.’
– 75% of women report attempting to control their weight through dieting.
– 95% of diets fail, with dieters regaining lost weight within 1-5 years.

Perhaps most alarmingly, almost half of American girls between 1st and 3rd grade want to be thinner. 50% of 9-10-year-old girls are already dieting.

These facts paint a clear picture: we’re not free. We’re oppressed by diet culture.


The Historical Context of BMI and Health

You might assume that the link between health and weight has always existed. But the truth is quite different.


The Origins of BMI

The BMI was invented in the early 1800s by a mathematician. Surprisingly, it had nothing to do with health. It was created to determine the “ideal” body for a white European elite male of that era.

Read more about the history of BMI here.


The Shift in Medical Advice

Up until the 1930s, weight loss was never part of physician advice or public health guidelines. The association between weight loss and health only emerged in the post-World War II era. This shift coincided with the rise of diet culture and the idealization of thin bodies.

It’s crucial to understand that health and weight loss became associated not because of scientific evidence, but because culture had created a desire for thinness and a disdain for larger bodies.


BMI: A Flawed Measure of Health

Despite its widespread use, the BMI is a poor indicator of overall health.


The UCLA Study

A 2016 study by researchers at UCLA examined 40,420 American adults, assessing their health through six accepted metrics:

1. Blood pressure
2. Triglycerides
3. Cholesterol
4. Glucose
5. Insulin resistance
6. C-reactive protein (inflammation marker)

The results were surprising:

– 47% of people classified as overweight by BMI were healthy.
– 29% of those qualified as obese were healthy.
– 31% of normal-weight people were unhealthy.

BMI health and the anti-diet health approach

The researchers concluded: “Policymakers should consider the unintended consequences of relying solely on BMI, and researchers should seek to improve diagnostic tools related to weight and cardiometabolic health.”


BMI, Health and the Anti-Diet Health Approach: The Truth About Our Desire to Be Thin

Our societal obsession with thinness isn’t rooted in health outcomes. Instead, it’s deeply intertwined with sexism and racism.

As Sabrina Strings, Ph.D., author of “Fearing the Black Body,” explains, two critical historical developments contributed to the fetishization of thinness:

1. The transatlantic slave trade
2. The spread of Protestantism

In the United States, fatness became stigmatized as both “black” and “sinful.” Slenderness served as a marker of moral, racial, and national superiority.

Read more about Feminism and Diet Culture here

Feminism and Diet Culture


The Evolution of Beauty Standards and Female Oppression

Throughout history, changing beauty ideals have been used as a tool to keep women focused on their bodies and away from pursuing power.

– 1890s: The Gibson Girl ideal emerged as women began to demand more power.
– 1920s: The Flapper Girl coincided with women’s fight for political power and the right to vote.
– 1970s: Twiggy’s ultra-thin look appeared as women demanded equal work and equal pay.

As Naomi Wolf states in “The Beauty Myth”: “A cultural fixation on female thinness is not an obsession about female beauty but an obsession about female obedience… Dieting is the most potent political sedative in women’s history; a quietly mad population is a tractable one.

BMI health and the anti-diet health approach


The Solution: Health Beyond Dieting

As you become more educated about the non-diet approach to health, you must become comfortable with the fact that health isn’t measurable in one gold standard. It’s time to embrace a new approach to health—one that doesn’t revolve around weight loss or BMI.


The Weight-Neutral Approach to Health

A weight-neutral approach recognizes that health status can’t be determined solely by weight. It acknowledges that weight is influenced by complex factors, many of which are difficult or impossible to change.

This approach focuses on factors within your control:

– Thoughts
– Emotions
– Behaviors

By addressing these elements, you can improve your well-being and health, regardless of your weight.


The Four Bodies of Health

Humans are more than just physical bodies needing nutrition. We are composed of four interconnected bodies:

1. Emotional body: Needs emotional wellness
2. Mental body: Requires mental balance
3. Spiritual body: Craves connection and faith
4. Physical body: Needs proper nutrition and movement

True health is the sum of all four bodies’ well-being.


Embracing the Anti-Diet Health Approach

Transitioning to an anti-diet approach can be scary for both professionals and individuals. But it’s a crucial step towards true health and well-being.

If you’re ready to explore this approach further, I’d like to invite you to a training I delivered a few months ago, “How to coach weight-neutral health.” This is how we approach health within the Going Beyond the Food Method™️.

I have also written an in-depth article on various tactics to support your Health Beyond Dieting; you can read here.


Conclusion: BMI, Health and the Anti-Diet Health Approach

It’s time to move beyond BMI and weight-centric approaches to health. By embracing a weight-neutral, holistic view of well-being, we can break free from the cycle of dieting and truly thrive.

Remember, your worth is not determined by your weight or your BMI. You are so much more than a number on a scale. It’s time to reclaim your health, your happiness, and your power.


Are you ready to start your journey towards true health beyond dieting?

You can access all of our services on our work with us page.  We have a number of programs and service levels enabling us to serve most women:

Free Resources and Masterclasses: Get started and get to know us better!

Private coaching with Stephanie and her team Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches are waiting to support you in a one-to-one setting with an individualized plan.

It’s Beyond The Food – Undiet Your Life group coaching program is for women to learn how to eat intuitively, become body neutral, and learn self-coaching at their own pace while being supported in a group setting by Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches.

Non-Diet Coaching Certification for professionals ready to integrate the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ in their practice and for women wanting to become  Certified Coach and build a business coaching other women beyond the food.

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Getting Started as an Anti-Diet Coach: 5 Insights I Wish I Knew

Getting Started as an Anti-Diet Coach: 5 Insights I Wish I Knew

Getting started as a anti-diet coach



Hey there, fellow health professionals! It’s Stephanie here, and today I want to have a heart-to-heart about something close to my heart: getting started as an anti-diet coach. When I first shifted my business to the anti-diet approach, there were so many things I wish I’d known. So, grab a cup of tea, and let’s dive into the top 5 insights that could have made my journey (and hopefully yours) a whole lot smoother.


1. You Don’t Need Another Degree to Be “Good Enough” to Get Started as an Anti-Diet Coach

Let’s address the elephant in the room right off the bat: that nagging feeling that you’re not qualified enough. Trust me, I’ve been there. But here’s the truth bomb – you don’t need a wall full of certifications to make a difference.


What You Really Need is Confidence

Confidence isn’t something you can frame and hang on your wall. It’s an emotion produced by your thoughts. If you’re living the anti-diet lifestyle, eating intuitively, and embracing body neutrality, you’ve already got the foundation.


Unlearning and Relearning

The real challenge? Unlearning diet culture beliefs and rewiring your brain to recognize your innate power as a woman. This is why in our programs, we emphasize mindset work from day one. It’s not just a nice-to-have; it’s essential for every woman in this field.


2. Get Comfortable Talking About Weight Loss

Here’s a reality check: 99% of your future clients haven’t done the deep work around body image and self-worth. Expecting them to come to you completely detached from the idea of weight loss is like waiting for pigs to fly.


Addressing the Weight Loss Elephant

Don’t shy away from these conversations. Instead, equip yourself with the right tools to navigate them effectively. Our “Coaching The Desire To Lose Weight” class is an excellent resource for this.


Be Open in Your Marketing

If you’re handling your own marketing, don’t be afraid to address weight loss in your messaging. Ignoring it only pushes women back into the arms of diet culture.


3. Your Practice is a Business – Treat It Like One

Whether you’re working for someone else or running your own show, your practice is a business. In today’s world, the anti-diet approach is largely a private care option. This means someone (probably you) needs to market your services.


It’s Not Just a Hobby

To succeed, you need a solid business strategy, complete with a plan, goals, and yes, financial investment. A virtual business might be the most cost-effective option, but remember – even that isn’t free.


4. Miracle Thinking Won’t Cut It in Business

Gone are the days (if they ever existed) when posting a pretty graphic on Facebook was enough to bring in clients. You need to invest in yourself at a much deeper level to truly connect with women and establish yourself as a leader.


Consistency is Key

Start showing up consistently on social media now. Do live broadcasts, practice delivering your message, and learn from the reactions. Once you’ve built some confidence, it’s time to consider paid advertising to expand your reach.


Avoid Wishful Thinking

For a deeper dive into this topic, check out my podcast episode on wishful thinking. It’s a game-changer for many starting out in this field.


5. Overcoming Self-Doubt is Easier Than You Think

Here’s a secret: we all have self-doubt, myself included. Every time I launch a new program or share controversial content, that little voice pipes up. But here’s the thing – if you didn’t have any self-doubt, I’d be worried you weren’t doing this work from your heart.


Build Your Support System

Learning to overcome self-doubt is precisely why you need a strong support system as a professional. It’s the main reason I created the Non-Diet Coaching Certification program. Having other coaches and professionals in your corner when you want to hide or back away is invaluable.


Your Anti-Diet Coach Journey Is Unique

Remember, your journey as an anti-diet coach is unique. These insights are here to guide you, but your passion and dedication are what will truly set you apart. Trust in yourself, keep learning, and never be afraid to reach out for support. The world needs more coaches like you who are ready to challenge the status quo and help women find true health and happiness beyond dieting.

So, are you ready to embark on this exciting journey as an anti-diet coach? The path may not always be easy, but I promise you, it’s incredibly rewarding. Let’s change the world, one client at a time!


Ready to Get Started as an Anti-Diet Coach?

You can access all of our services on our work with us page.  We have a number of programs and service levels enabling us to serve most women:

Free Resources and Masterclasses: Get started and get to know us better!

Non-Diet Coaching Certification for professionals ready to integrate the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ in their practice and for women wanting to become  Certified Coach and build a business coaching other women beyond the food.

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Weight Stigma Is The Real Problem

Weight Stigma Is The Real Problem

Weight stigma


In the world of health and nutrition, many professionals focus on diet plans, exercise regimens, and the number on the scale. However, as advocates of the non-diet approach, we understand that there’s a more insidious issue that deserves our attention: weight stigma. The real culprit behind disordered eating behaviors, restrictive eating, and diet cycling isn’t a lack of nutritional knowledge; it’s weight stigma. As health professionals, it’s crucial to understand that weight stigma, not weight itself, is often the root cause of many health issues we encounter in our practices. Let’s explore why weight stigma is the real problem and how we can address it through a non-diet lens.


What Is Weight Stigma?

Weight stigma, also known as weight bias, sizism, or fatphobia, refers to negative attitudes and beliefs about people because of their weight. It’s the labeling of individuals with stereotypes based on their body size. Unfortunately, there’s a common misconception that weight stigma (or fat-shaming) will motivate people to change their behaviors. However, research clearly shows this isn’t true.


Types of Weight Bias

Weight bias can manifest in two primary forms:

1. Explicit or conscious bias: When a person recognizes they have negative attitudes towards people living with obesity.

2. Implicit or unconscious bias: When a person is unaware of their attitudes but treats or talks about a person living with obesity differently than someone with a lower body weight.


The Scope of the Weight Stigma Problem

Weight stigma is more prevalent than you might think. Over 40% of U.S. adults, across various body sizes, report experiencing weight stigma at some point in their lives. Globally, the numbers are even higher. A 2018 World Obesity Federation poll found that 62% of UK residents believed overweight individuals are likely to face discrimination, surpassing other forms of bias.


Where Does Weight Stigma Occur?

Weight stigma is deeply embedded in our society, making it challenging to avoid. It’s prevalent in:

– Media
– Social situations
– Schools and colleges
– Workplaces
– Healthcare settings

A study involving over 2,400 American women found that weight stigma was experienced from various sources:

– 72% from family
– 64% from classmates
– 60% from friends
– 54% from colleagues
– 43% from employers
– 32% from teachers
– 23% from authority figures like police

The Impact of Weight Stigma on Health

Contrary to popular belief, stigmatizing attitudes hinder rather than promote better health outcomes. The effects of weight stigma are far-reaching and significant.


Mental Health Impacts

Research demonstrates that weight stigma negatively impacts mental well-being, leading to:

– Lower self-esteem
– Depression
– Anxiety
– Poor body image
– Higher likelihood of substance abuse

Physical Health Impacts

Weight stigma also affects physical health, correlating with:

– Elevated blood pressure
– Increased levels of C-reactive protein
– Higher cortisol levels
– Increased glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c)
– Higher oxidative stress

Importantly, one study found that individuals who experience weight stigma face a 60% higher risk of premature death, regardless of their BMI.


The Stress Connection

The Cyclic Obesity Weight-Based Stigma (COBWEBS) model suggests that weight stigma induces stress, which raises cortisol levels, increases eating, and ultimately leads to weight gain and obesity. This creates a vicious cycle that’s difficult to break.

weight stigma

Weight Stigma in Healthcare Settings

As health professionals, it’s crucial to recognize that weight stigma is prevalent even in healthcare settings. Research shows that negative attitudes and stereotypes toward those living in larger bodies have been observed among various professionals, including:

– Doctors
– Nurses
– Dietitians
– Psychologists
– Gynecologists
– Eating disorder specialists
– Bariatric care professionals


Breaking the Cycle: Solutions to Weight Stigma

As health professionals, we have a responsibility to end the cycle of discrimination. Here are some steps we can take:

1. Investigate your own weight bias: Take the Harvard Implicit Association Test to uncover your own biases.

2. Reflect on your attitudes and beliefs: Examine your own thoughts and behaviors regarding weight.

3. Enhance your understanding: Learn about the complex interplay of genetic, biological, social, and environmental factors that influence body weight.

4. Develop empathy: Gain insight into the experience of weight stigma from the perspective of patients.

5. Adopt people-first language: Refer to someone as a “person living with obesity” instead of an “obese person.”

6. Speak up: Challenge negative comments about weight or body size when you hear them.

7. Be mindful: Consider how you discuss weight at all times, not just with clients or patients.


The Power of the Non-Diet Approach

As women health practitioners, we have the power to impact thousands of other women. By embracing a non-diet approach, we can lead a grassroots movement to change the world for future generations of women.

If you’re new to the non-diet approach and need support as a professional, consider joining The Non-Diet Coaching Certification. This program helps you perfect your professional skills and build a profitable non-diet business.

Remember, stopping dieting is a revolutionary act. As health professionals, we have the power to change the narrative around weight and health. Let’s work together to create a world free from weight stigma, where all bodies are respected and valued.


Next Steps

You can access all of our services on our work with us page.  We have a number of programs and service levels enabling us to serve most women:

Free Resources and Masterclasses: Get started and get to know us better!

Private coaching with Stephanie and her team Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches are waiting to support you in a one-to-one setting with an individualized plan.

It’s Beyond The Food- Undiet Your Life group coaching program is for women to learn how to eat intuitively, become body neutral, and learn self-coaching at their own pace while being supported in a group setting by Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches.

Non-Diet Coaching Certification for professionals ready to integrate the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ in their practice and for women wanting to become  Certified Coach and build a business coaching other women beyond the food.

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The #1 Body Image Coaching Question

The #1 Body Image Coaching Question

Body Image Coaching Question


As a body image coach, I’ve discovered a powerful question that can completely transform how women perceive and relate to their bodies. This simple yet profound inquiry has the potential to kickstart a journey of self-discovery and healing. So, what is this game-changing body image coaching question? Let’s dive in and explore its impact.


The #1 Body Image Coaching Question: “Why Do You Have a Body?

This question often leaves my clients speechless. It’s not something most women have ever considered before, and that’s precisely why it’s so powerful. When I pose this question in my body image course, I allow the silence to linger, giving my clients the space to reflect deeply.


The Power of Reflection

The most common response I hear from my body image clients is, “I’ve never thought about that before.” And that’s exactly the point. This body image coaching question opens up a world of possibilities and new perspectives. It challenges the deeply ingrained beliefs we’ve absorbed from society about our bodies’ purpose and value.


Unpacking Socialization and Belief Systems

By pondering why we have a body, we begin to unravel the complex web of socialization and belief systems that have shaped our body image. This question allows my coaching clients to:

1. Examine our unconscious beliefs about our bodies
2. Identify the sources of these beliefs (media, family, culture)
3. Recognize how these beliefs impact our feelings and behaviors


Changing Thoughts to Change Feelings

Understanding the connection between our thoughts and feelings about our bodies is crucial. When we realize that our body image is largely a product of our thinking, we gain the power to change it. By shifting our perspective on why we have a body, we can transform how we feel about it.


The Myth of Needing to Love Your Body

One of the most liberating realizations that comes from this body image coaching question is that women don’t need to love their bodies. This might sound counterintuitive, especially given the popular “body positivity” movement, but hear me out.


Breaking Free from Unrealistic Expectations

The pressure to love every aspect of our bodies can be overwhelming and, frankly, unrealistic. It’s okay not to love everything about your body all the time. What’s more important is developing a neutral, respectful relationship with your body.


The True Purpose of Your Body

So, if our bodies aren’t here to be loved or admired, what is their purpose? The answer is beautifully simple:


Your Body is a Vehicle for Experiencing Life

Your body allows you to:

  • Move through the world
  • Eat and drink
  • Feel emotions
  • Think and create
  • Connect with others
  • Explore and adventure

In essence, your body is the incredible vessel through which you experience all that life has to offer.


The Ethics of Body Image Coaching

As a body image coach, I believe it’s crucial to approach this work ethically and responsibly. Here’s why I advocate for a different approach:


Moving Beyond Body Love to Body Neutrality

Rather than pushing women to love their bodies, which can feel forced and inauthentic, my approach is body neutrality. This approach:

  • Recognizes that it’s normal to have fluctuating feelings about your body
  • Separates self-worth from appearance
  • Focuses on accepting and respecting your body as it is


Challenging Patriarchy and Diet Culture

Body neutrality is a powerful tool for liberating women from the oppressive expectations of patriarchy and diet culture. It helps us recognize and challenge the belief that our bodies’ primary purpose is to be pleasing to others or a measure of our worth.


Reinventing Body Image Coaching

It’s time for a revolution in how we approach body image coaching. Here’s what I propose:

1. Embodiment over Intellectualization: We need to move beyond just talking about body image and start living it.
2. Leading by Example: As coaches, we must embody body neutrality in our own lives.
3. Inclusivity: Recognize that feeling “good enough” is possible for all body sizes, ages, and abilities.


Embracing a New Perspective

The #1 body image coaching question – “Why do you have a body?” – has the power to shift your entire perspective on body image. By recognizing that your body’s purpose is to experience life, not to be loved or admired, you can free yourself from the constraints of societal expectations and diet culture.

Remember, you don’t need to love your body to respect it and treat it well. Body neutrality offers a path to peace with your body, allowing you to focus on all the amazing things it enables you to do and experience.

Are you ready to explore this transformative question and begin your journey towards body neutrality? Your body – and your life – are waiting for you to embrace this new perspective.


Let me teach how to coach body image

You can access all of our services on our work with us page.  We have a number of programs and service levels enabling us to serve most women:

The Body Image Coaching Accelerator: A body image coaching mentorship delivered live a few times a year. Find out when the next live event is happening by clicking the link.

Free Resources and Masterclasses:  We have a few short classes on how to coach body image and desire to lose weight available to you.

Private coaching with Stephanie and her team Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches are waiting to support you in a one-to-one setting with an individualized plan.

Undiet Your Life group coaching program is for women to learn how to eat intuitively, become body neutral, and learn self-coaching at their own pace while being supported in a group setting by Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches.

Non-Diet Coaching Certification for professionals ready to integrate the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ in their practice and for women wanting to become  Certified Coach and build a business coaching other women beyond the food.


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Body Image Healing Is Key to Improving Health-Promoting Behaviors

Body Image Healing Is Key to Improving Health-Promoting Behaviors

Body Image Healing


Body Image Healing Is Key to Improving Health Promoting Behaviors

As a woman on a journey to better health, you’ve likely encountered countless diet plans and weight loss strategies. But what if I told you that the key to truly improving your health-promoting behaviors lies not in restrictive diets, but in healing your relationship with your body? Let’s explore why body image healing is crucial for your overall well-being and how it can transform your approach to health.


The Startling Truth About Body Image

Before we dive deeper, let’s look at some eye-opening statistics:

– Only 4% of women describe themselves as beautiful
– 96% of women have negative thoughts about their bodies
– 90% of health coaching or nutrition clients initially seek help to lose weight

These numbers paint a clear picture: the vast majority of women struggle with body image issues. But what impact does this have on our health?


How Body Image Affects Health Behaviors

The Weight-Centric Approach vs. Body Image Healing

Traditionally, the health and fitness industry has taken a weight-centric approach aka diet culture, focusing primarily on weight loss as the key to better health. This approach often validates the belief that our bodies need to change to be acceptable. However, this mindset can be counterproductive to our overall well-being.

Body image healing, on the other hand, shifts the focus from changing our bodies to accepting and caring for them as they are. This weight-neutral paradigm shift can have a profound impact on our health behaviors.


The Research Behind Body Image and Health

A 2013 study revealed a fascinating insight: there’s no direct link between body weight and self-esteem. However, the study did find a strong connection between how people feel about themselves and the healthy activities they engage in.

What does this mean for you? Simply put, the better you feel about your body, the more likely you are to engage in health-promoting behaviors like eating nutritious foods and staying active. It’s a positive cycle that starts with body image healing.


Why We Can’t Hate Ourselves to Health

You’ve probably heard the saying, “You can’t hate yourself into a version of yourself you love.” This applies to health as well. Recent research has shown that body dissatisfaction thoughts are linked to inflammation in the body. This underscores the physical impact of negative body image on our health.

When we’re constantly at war with our bodies, we’re less likely to engage in behaviors that truly nourish and care for them. Body image healing is about making peace with your body, which in turn motivates you to treat it with kindness and respect.


The Non-Diet Approach to Health

So, if dieting and weight focus aren’t the answer, what is? Enter the non-diet approach. This weight-neutral strategy focuses on health behaviors rather than weight loss. The goal is to help you take charge of factors within your control, such as your thoughts and behaviors, which ultimately lead to improved well-being regardless of weight.


Key Principles of the Non-Diet Approach:

1. Focus on health-promoting behaviors, not weight
2. Cultivate a positive relationship with food
3. Practice intuitive eating
4. Engage in joyful movement
5. Prioritize self-care and stress management

By shifting the focus from weight to overall well-being, the non-diet approach naturally aligns with body image healing.


Steps Towards Body Image Healing

Now that we understand the importance of body image healing, let’s explore some practical steps you can take:

1. Assess Your Current Body Image

The first step in any healing journey is awareness. Take some time to reflect on your current relationship with your body. What thoughts and feelings come up when you think about your appearance? You can do this by downloading our Non-Diet Coaching Intake Forms.

Once you have established your own body image score and established if improvement is required, you have two choices: Seek guidance and expert body image coaching  or self-coach your own body image.

2. Challenge Negative Self-Talk

Once you’re aware of your thought patterns, start challenging negative self-talk. When you catch yourself thinking critically about your body, pause and ask yourself if you’d say the same thing to a friend.

3. Practice Self-Compassion

Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you’d offer to a loved one. Self-compassion is a powerful tool in body image healing.

4. Focus on What Your Body Can Do

Instead of fixating on how your body looks, appreciate what it can do. Whether it’s carrying you through your day, allowing you to hug loved ones, or healing from illness, your body is constantly working for you.

5. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

Curate your social media feeds, friendships, and environments to support a positive body image. Unfollow accounts that make you feel bad about yourself and seek out body-neutral influences.


The Ripple Effect of Body Image Healing

As you embark on your body image healing journey, you’ll likely notice positive changes extending beyond your relationship with your body. You may find yourself:

– Enjoying food without guilt
– Moving your body for pleasure rather than punishment
– Engaging in self-care more consistently
– Feeling more confident in various aspects of your life

Remember, body image healing is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small victories along the way.


Conclusion: Embracing Body Image Healing for Better Health

In a world that often equates health with a certain body size or shape, it’s revolutionary to prioritize body image healing. By making peace with your body, you’re not only improving your mental well-being but also setting the stage for long-lasting, positive health behaviors.

As you move forward, remember that your worth is not determined by your appearance or your weight. You deserve to feel comfortable and confident in your body, exactly as it is right now. By embracing body image healing, you’re taking a powerful step towards true health and well-being.


Ready to start to integrating body image coaching in your health coaching?

You can access all of our services on our work with us page.  We have a number of programs and service levels enabling us to serve most women:

Free Resources and Masterclasses: Get started and get to know us better!

Private coaching with Stephanie and her team Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches are waiting to support you in a one-to-one setting with an individualized plan.

Undiet Your Life group coaching program is for women to learn how to eat intuitively, become body neutral, and learn self-coaching at their own pace while being supported in a group setting by Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches.

Non-Diet Coaching Certification for professionals ready to integrate the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ in their practice and for women wanting to become  Certified Coach and build a business coaching other women beyond the food.

Good Money Business Mastermind  A business mentorship and a collective of ambitious, driven and empowered anti-diet culture providers and coaches on a mission to dismantle diet culture and make GOOD money doing it!

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7 Ways to Eat Healthy Simply Without Diet Culture and Restriction

7 Ways to Eat Healthy Simply Without Diet Culture and Restriction

healthy eating without diet culture

7 Ways to Eat Healthy Simply Without Diet Culture and Restriction

Are you tired of feeling trapped by restrictive diets and confusing wellness trends? As a clinical nutritionist and certified intuitive eating counselor, I’m here to show you that it’s possible to eat healthy without buying into diet culture or imposing harsh restrictions on yourself. In this post, we’ll explore seven empowering ways to nourish your body and mind, free from the constraints of traditional diet mentality.


The Problem with Diet Culture and Restrictive Eating

Before we dive into our healthy eating strategies, it’s crucial to understand why traditional diets often fail us. Diet culture promotes a one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition, often encouraging restrictive eating patterns that are unsustainable and potentially harmful. These approaches can lead to:

– Disordered eating behaviors
– A negative relationship with food
– Ignoring your body’s natural hunger and fullness cues
– Feelings of guilt and shame around eating

Let’s break free from these harmful patterns and embrace a more intuitive, sustainable approach to healthy eating.

1. Build a Healthy Relationship with Food

The foundation of truly healthy eating lies in developing a positive relationship with food. This means:

– Stopping the use of food as a weapon to manipulate your body
– Letting go of the idea that food is solely a tool to change your appearance
– Learning to trust and respect your body’s signals

By shifting your mindset, you’ll be able to make food choices from a place of self-care rather than self-punishment.


2. Honor Your Hunger: Eat Enough Food

Many women have a distorted view of what constitutes “enough” food.

To eat healthy without restriction, it’s essential to tune into your body’s natural hunger and fullness cues. This is a fundamental principle of intuitive eating, which encourages you to honor your body’s needs rather than following external rules.


3. Seek Satisfaction and Pleasure from Food

Here’s a concept that might feel revolutionary: it’s okay to enjoy your food! In fact, finding pleasure and satisfaction in eating is crucial for sustainable healthy eating. Try:

– Allowing yourself to eat foods you genuinely enjoy
– Being present and mindful during meals
– Savoring the flavors, textures, and aromas of your food

Remember, food is not just fuel – it’s also a source of comfort, celebration, and connection with others.


Think of steps 1-3 as your high school diploma in healthy eating of eating and 4-7 as your college degree.


4. Balance Your Macronutrients

Once you’ve mastered the basics of honoring your hunger and finding pleasure in food, you can start focusing on nutritional balance. Aim to include a mix of:

– Proteins
– Healthy fats
– Complex carbohydrates

The key is to approach this balance without guilt or rigid rules. Some meals might be perfectly balanced, while others might not – and that’s okay!


5. Embrace Imperfection in Your Eating Habits

Perfection is the enemy of progress, especially when it comes to healthy eating. Give yourself permission to be imperfect by:

– Letting go of “good” and “bad” food labels
– Allowing flexibility in your eating patterns
– Recognizing that one meal or day of eating doesn’t define your overall health

Remember, consistent habits over time are far more important than striving for perfection at every meal.


6. Diversify Your Diet with a Variety of Foods

Eating a wide range of foods not only ensures you’re getting a broad spectrum of nutrients but also keeps meals interesting and satisfying. Focus on:

– Incorporating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables
– Trying new whole grains and protein sources
– Experimenting with different herbs and spices

By embracing variety, you’ll naturally create a more balanced and nutrient-rich diet without feeling restricted.


7. Individualize Your Approach: Listen to Your Body

The ultimate level of healthy eating without diet culture is learning to truly individualize your food choices based on your body’s unique needs. This involves:

– Paying attention to how different foods make you feel
– Adjusting your eating patterns based on your body’s responses
– Trusting that you know your body better than any external “expert”

This step requires practice and patience, but it’s the key to developing a sustainable, personalized approach to nutrition that serves you for life.


Putting It All Together: Your Path to Intuitive, Healthy Eating

By following these seven steps, you can create a healthy eating pattern that’s free from the constraints of diet culture and unnecessary restrictions. Remember, this journey is about progress, not perfection. It’s okay to take small steps and gradually incorporate these principles into your life.

As you move forward on this path, you’ll likely find that:

– Food becomes less of an obsession
– You’re able to eat when hungry and stop when full
– Meals become a source of enjoyment rather than stress

If you’re ready to embrace this liberating approach to healthy eating, consider joining my Undiet Your Life Coaching Program. Together, we’ll work on implementing these principles in a way that’s tailored to your unique needs and lifestyle.

Remember, true health encompasses not just what you eat, but also how you think about food and your body. By rejecting diet culture and embracing intuitive, restriction-free eating, you’re taking a powerful step towards overall well-being and a more joyful relationship with food.


Are you ready to start your journey towards healthy eating without diet culture? 

You can access all of our services on our work with us page.  We have a number of programs and service levels enabling us to serve most women:

Free Resources and Masterclasses: Get started and get to know us better!

Private coaching with Stephanie and her team Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches are waiting to support you in a one-to-one setting with an individualized plan.

Undiet Your Life group coaching program is for women wto learn how to eat intuitively, become body neutral, and learn self-coaching at their own pace while being supported in a group setting by Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches.

Non-Diet Coaching Certification for professionals ready to integrate the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ in their practice and for women wanting to become  Certified Coach and build a business coaching other women beyond the food.

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4 Elements to Create a Successful Non-Diet Coaching Offer

4 Elements to Create a Successful Non-Diet Coaching Offer

Non-Diet Coaching Offer

Are you a non-diet coach looking to create a coaching offer that truly resonates with your clients and boosts your revenue? You’re in the right place! As someone who has doubled my revenue by refining my approach to non-diet coaching offers, I’m excited to share the key elements that can transform your business. In this article, we’ll explore four crucial components that will help you craft a compelling non-diet coaching offer, attract more clients, and increase your income while staying true to your values.


The Power of a Well-Structured Non-Diet Coaching Offer

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s talk about why having a solid coaching offer is so important. A well-crafted non-diet coaching offer not only attracts more clients but also sets the foundation for a thriving business. It’s the bridge between your expertise and your clients’ needs, allowing you to make a significant impact while growing your income.

In my experience, the right coaching offer can be a game-changer. By implementing the strategies I’m about to share, I was able to double my revenue and create a prosperous coaching business that aligns with my values. Now, let’s explore the four essential elements that will help you achieve similar success.


1. Simplicity: The Key to Client Engagement

When it comes to non-diet coaching offers, simplicity is your best friend. Your potential clients should be able to quickly understand what you’re offering and how it benefits them. To create a simple yet effective offer, focus on answering these three questions from your client’s perspective:

  • Is it easy to understand and implement?
  • Is the result clear and desirable?
  • Does it directly address my problem?

By keeping your offer simple and straightforward, you make it easier for clients to say “yes” and commit to working with you. Remember, a confused mind often says no, so clarity is crucial.

Pro Tip: Don’t be afraid to coach yourself into a state of self-authorization. Believe in your offer as the best solution for your ideal client, even before you have concrete evidence. Your confidence will shine through and attract the right clients.


2. Doability: Ensuring Client Success

The second element of a successful non-diet coaching offer is doability. Your offer should feel achievable and realistic to your potential clients. When creating your offer, ask yourself:

  • Can my clients easily envision themselves completing the program?
  • Is the workload manageable alongside their daily lives?
  • Are the steps clear and actionable?

Avoid overwhelming your clients with excessive content or complicated processes. Instead, focus on creating a streamlined experience that feels doable and exciting. When clients can see themselves succeeding with your program, they’re more likely to invest in it.


3. Safety: Creating a Comfortable Environment for Growth

Safety is a crucial aspect of any non-diet coaching offer. Your potential clients need to feel secure and supported throughout their journey. To create a sense of safety, ensure your offer addresses these questions:

  • Can clients envision themselves achieving the promised results?
  • Is the program respectful of their current lifestyle?
  • Does it allow for gradual, sustainable change?

Remember, your ability to create safety for others is directly related to how safe you feel in your own life and business. Prioritize your own well-being and nervous system regulation, and this sense of safety will naturally extend to your clients.


4. Compelling Offer Protocol: Bringing It All Together

The fourth element that ties everything together is what I call the Compelling Offer Protocol. This approach combines simplicity, doability, and safety to create an irresistible non-diet coaching offer. When you implement this protocol, you’ll experience a shift in your business and mindset:

  • Increased confidence in your coaching abilities
  • Alignment with your values and integrity
  • Deeper belief in yourself and your clients’ potential
  • Ease in marketing and explaining your offer
  • Comfort in addressing client doubts and fears
  • Ability to create a safe space for client growth

By focusing on these four elements, you’ll create a non-diet coaching offer that not only attracts more clients but also feels authentic and aligned with your mission as a coach.


Taking Your Non-Diet Coaching Offer to the Next Level

Now that you understand the four key elements of a successful non-diet coaching offer, it’s time to put them into practice. Here are some actionable steps to help you refine your offer:

Audit your current offer: Evaluate your existing coaching package against the four elements we’ve discussed. Identify areas for improvement and simplification.

Get client feedback: Reach out to past or current clients to understand what they find most valuable about your coaching. Use this insight to enhance your offer.

Craft a clear message: Develop a concise, compelling description of your offer that highlights the benefits and addresses common client concerns.

Test and refine: Launch your updated offer and pay attention to client responses. Continuously refine your approach based on feedback and results.

Invest in your own growth: Remember that your personal development directly impacts your ability to create compelling offers. Prioritize your own learning and well-being.


Embracing Your Non-Diet Coaching Journey

Creating a successful non-diet coaching offer is an ongoing process of refinement and growth. By focusing on simplicity, doability, safety, and the Compelling Offer Protocol, you’ll be well on your way to attracting more clients and increasing your revenue.

Remember, your unique perspective and expertise are valuable. Trust in your ability to make a difference in your clients’ lives, and let that confidence shine through in your coaching offer. With these four elements in place, you’re ready to take your non-diet coaching business to new heights of success and impact.


Ready to create compelling non-diet coaching offers?

You can access all of our services on our work with us page.  We have a number of programs and service levels enabling us to serve most women:

Free Resources and Masterclasses: Get started and get to know us better!

Masterclass Compelling Offer Lab:  A 6-part Masterclass series to help you learn process to make Good Money in a way that feels damn good!

Good Money Business Mastermind  A business mentorship and a collective of ambitious, driven and empowered anti-diet culture providers and coaches on a mission to dismantle diet culture and make GOOD money doing it!

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3 Steps to Making Money in a Coaching Business

3 Steps to Making Money in a Coaching Business

Make good money in a coaching business

Are you a woman entrepreneur looking to make good money in your coaching business without compromising your values? You’re in the right place. In this post, we’ll explore three essential steps to create a thriving coaching practice that feels aligned with who you are and what you stand for.


The Truth About Making Money in Coaching

Let’s start by addressing the elephant in the room: it’s okay to want to make money. In fact, it’s more than okay—it’s necessary. We live in a capitalist society where financial stability equates to safety and a better quality of life. So, let’s normalize the desire to increase our income.

The real challenge lies not in wanting to make money, but in figuring out how to do it in a way that feels good and aligns with our values. That’s where the concept of building a *GOOD* business comes into play.


What is a GOOD Business?

A GOOD business is one that:
– Serves people with high-quality coaching
– Generates a healthy income
– Aligns with your personal and professional values

By focusing on creating a GOOD business, you can make money in a way that feels authentic and fulfilling. Let’s dive into the three crucial shifts you need to make to achieve this balance.


Shift #1: From “Earning Money” to “Making Money” Mindset

The Employee vs. Entrepreneur Mindset

Many coaches transition from traditional employment to entrepreneurship carrying an “employee mindset.” This perspective can significantly hinder your ability to create wealth in your coaching business.

Key Differences:
– Employees earn a set salary
– Entrepreneurs create their own income

To succeed as a coach, you need to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset. This involves intentionally nurturing thoughts that generate feelings of:
– Confidence
– Courage
– Resilience
– Bravery
– Determination

These emotions are crucial when it comes to selling your services and growing your income.

Action Step:

Identify one limiting belief you have about making money as a coach. Replace it with an empowering thought that aligns with an entrepreneurial mindset.


Shift #2: From “As Long As” to “Even When” Mindset

The Danger of Conditional Thinking

Many coaches approach mindset work with an “As Long As” mentality. They’re willing to change their thoughts about money… as long as it works immediately. This conditional approach is similar to clients who are willing to try intuitive eating… as long as they don’t gain weight.

The Power of Unconditional Commitment

To truly succeed in your coaching business, you need to adopt an “Even When” mindset. This means committing to your goals and mindset work:
– Even when nobody books a consult
– Even when you’re not meeting your financial targets
– Even when you have zero clients

Action Step:

Write down three “Even When” statements that reinforce your commitment to your coaching business, regardless of immediate results.


Shift #3: Releasing the 6 or 7-Figure Business Ideal

The Parallel Between Business Revenue and Body Image

Just as many women struggle with the “thin ideal” in body image, coaches often grapple with revenue ideals in their businesses. Whether it’s the allure of a 6-figure or 7-figure business, these arbitrary benchmarks can create unnecessary pressure and shame.

The Reality Check

Consider this statistic: In 2019, 88% of women-owned businesses made less than $100,000 per year. This doesn’t mean these businesses weren’t successful or impactful. It simply highlights the need to redefine success on your own terms.

Deconditioning from Toxic Business Culture

To truly make GOOD money in your coaching business, you need to:
1. Recognize and release shame around your current revenue
2. Decondition yourself from toxic business culture that equates success with a specific income level
3. Define success based on your values and impact, not just your bank account

Action Step:

Reflect on this question: Are you subconsciously co-opting toxic business culture and taking action based on those beliefs? How can you redefine success in a way that feels authentic to you?


Embracing a New Approach to Making Money in Your Coaching Business

By implementing these three shifts, you’re setting the foundation for a coaching business that not only generates good income but also aligns with your values and brings you joy. Remember, making money doesn’t have to come with shame, guilt, or overwhelm. It’s about creating a business that serves others while honoring your worth and well-being.

Key Takeaways:

1. Develop an entrepreneurial “Making Money” mindset
2. Commit to your business “Even When” times are tough
3. Define success on your own terms, free from toxic business ideals

Are you ready to make GOOD money in your coaching business? It’s time to embrace these shifts and create a practice that feels authentic, impactful, and financially rewarding.

Remember, making good money in your coaching business is not just possible—it’s your right. By aligning your money-making strategies with your values, you’re not only setting yourself up for financial success but also creating a business that truly makes a difference in the world.


Want to transform your approach to making good money in your coaching business?

You can access all of our services on our work with us page.  We have a number of programs and service levels enabling us to serve most women:

Free Resources and Masterclasses: Get started and get to know us better!

Private coaching with Stephanie and her team Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches are waiting to support you in a one-to-one setting with an individualized plan.

Undiet Your Life group coaching program is for women to learn how to eat intuitively, become body neutral, and learn self-coaching at their own pace while being supported in a group setting by Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches.

Non-Diet Coaching Certification for professionals ready to integrate the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ in their practice and for women wanting to become  Certified Coach and build a business coaching other women beyond the food.

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The Secret to Achieving a Health Goal for Women

The Secret to Achieving a Health Goal for Women


The Secret to Achieving a Health Goal for Women

As women, we’re often bombarded with messages about self-improvement and the need to “fix” ourselves. This constant pressure can make setting and achieving health goals feel daunting, especially when we’ve been conditioned by diet culture. But what if I told you there’s a better way? A way that empowers you to set health goals without falling into the traps of diet culture and patriarchy? Let’s explore how we can revolutionize our approach to achieving goals as women.


The Diet Culture Dilemma in Goal Setting

Before we dive into the secret of achieving health goals, we need to address the elephant in the room: diet culture. Many of us have been led to believe that an anti-diet approach means abandoning all health goals. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

The real problem isn’t setting health goals; it’s how we think about them. Diet culture has infiltrated our self-concept, affecting how we approach not just food and body image, but also our careers, relationships, and yes, goal setting.


Breaking Free from the “Fix It” Mentality

Society often encourages women to exist in a perpetual state of self-improvement. We’re constantly told what’s wrong with us, with the promise that fixing these “flaws” will lead to happiness and self-confidence. This mindset teaches us to undervalue ourselves and hold ourselves back.

As a result, many women associate goals with reminders of their “not good enoughness.” We see goals as a way to fix our perceived deficiencies, avoid pain, and seek approval. Unsurprisingly, this approach feels terrible and often leads to goal avoidance.


Achieving a Goal for Women: The Liberated Goal-Setting Process

So, how can we set health goals that empower rather than diminish us? The answer lies in the Liberated Goal Setting Process. This approach combines a weight-neutral perspective on health with a fresh take on goal setting. Here are the key components:

1. Constraint: Focus on One Goal at a Time

In our fast-paced world, it’s tempting to pursue multiple goals simultaneously. However, this often leads to overwhelm and burnout. The Liberated Goal Setting Process emphasizes focusing on one goal at a time. This constraint allows you to channel your energy and attention more effectively, increasing your chances of success.

2. Clean: Embrace Imperfect Action

Many women avoid setting goals because they fear they won’t achieve them perfectly. The “clean” aspect of this process involves understanding that the point of a goal is never perfection. Instead, it’s about building the habit of taking consistent, imperfect action toward something you want to create.

3. Courting: Develop a Relationship with Your Goal

Goal-setting isn’t just about the end result; it’s about the journey. The “courting” phase involves developing a deep relationship with your goal. This means learning to trust yourself throughout the process, celebrating small wins, and using setbacks as learning opportunities.


Reframing Health Goals for Women

Now that we understand the Liberated Goal Setting Process let’s explore how to apply it specifically to health goals:

Creating Instead of Fixing

Instead of setting goals to fix perceived flaws, focus on creating something new. Ask yourself: “What do I want to create in my life?” This shift in perspective can transform goal-setting from a draining experience to an exciting opportunity for growth.

Using Goals to Expand Your Self-Concept

View your health goals as containers for acquiring new skills, habits, and ways of thinking. Each goal becomes an opportunity to expand your self-concept and challenge your limitations. As you work towards your goal, pay attention to how you’re growing and changing as a person.


Achieving a Goal for Women: Making Health Goals Safe for Women

Combining the Liberated Goal Setting Process with a weight-neutral approach to health makes setting health goals safe and empowering for women. Here’s how:

1. Choose goals that align with your values, not societal expectations.
2. Focus on behaviors and habits rather than outcomes like weight loss.
3. Celebrate non-scale victories and internal changes.
4. Practice self-compassion throughout the process.


The Power of Self-Belief in Achieving Goals

As women, we often underestimate the importance of believing in ourselves. How much time do you spend convincing yourself that you can be successful? Becoming a woman who decides what she believes in, without seeking permission from others, is a powerful step in achieving your goals.


Coaching Women to Believe in Themselves

If you’re a coach working with women, you have the opportunity to guide them in believing in themselves through their health goals. Help your clients:

1. Identify limiting beliefs that hold them back.
2. Reframe negative self-talk into empowering statements.
3. Visualize success and the person they’ll become through achieving their goals.
4. Develop resilience in the face of setbacks.


Reconciling Health Goals with the Anti-Diet Approach

For those who have embraced the anti-diet approach, it’s important to understand that setting health goals doesn’t contradict these principles. The key is in how you approach those goals:

1. Focus on adding healthy behaviors rather than restricting.
2. Set goals based on how you want to feel, not how you want to look.
3. Prioritize mental and emotional health alongside physical health.
4. Use goals as a tool for self-discovery and growth, not punishment.


Conclusion: Empowering Women Through Goal Setting

Achieving health goals as a woman doesn’t have to be a battle against yourself. By reframing how we think about goals, embracing the Liberated Goal Setting Process, and focusing on creation rather than fixing, we can transform goal-setting into an empowering and exciting journey.

Remember, the secret to achieving a health goal for women lies not in the goal itself, but in how we approach it. By believing in ourselves, embracing imperfection, and viewing goals as opportunities for growth, we can create lasting change that feels authentic and empowering.

Are you ready to revolutionize your approach to health goals? Start by choosing one area of your health you’d like to improve, and apply the principles we’ve discussed. You might be surprised at how different goal-setting can feel when you approach it from a place of self-love and curiosity rather than criticism and fear.

Let’s rewrite the narrative around women’s health goals, one empowered step at a time.


Need help learning how to achieve a health goal? Or Coach others with health?

You can access all of our services on our work with us page.  We have a number of programs and service levels enabling us to serve most women:

Free Resources and Masterclasses: Play Bigger: A 4-part Masterclass series to help you learn the process of making Good Money in a way that feels damn good!

Good Money Business Mastermind  A business mentorship and a collective of ambitious, driven and empowered anti-diet culture providers and coaches on a mission to dismantle diet culture and make GOOD money doing it!

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How to Start with Body Image Healing

How to Start with Body Image Healing


How to Start with Body Image Healing

Are you ready to embark on a journey of body image healing? As a body image coach, I’ve guided countless women through this transformative process. Today, I’m sharing my insights on how to start with body image healing, offering a fresh perspective that goes beyond conventional wisdom. Let’s dive in and explore a path to body neutrality that can truly liberate you from the constraints of diet culture and societal pressures.


The First Step: Asking the Right Question

When it comes to body image healing, many people think it’s all about learning to love every inch of their bodies. But I’m here to challenge that notion. The first and most crucial step in this journey is to ask yourself a powerful question:

Why do you have a body?

Take a moment to sit with this question. Let it sink in. Your initial response might surprise you, and that’s okay. This simple yet profound inquiry sets the stage for a paradigm shift in how you view your body and its purpose.


Moving Beyond Traditional Body Image Coaching

In our programs, we take a unique approach to body image coaching. Instead of focusing directly on the body itself, we use the Cognitive Behavioral Model to address the root of body image issues: beliefs and thoughts. This approach allows us to go beyond the size of your pants and dive into the core of how you perceive your body’s role in your life.


The Truth About Your Body’s Purpose

Here’s a revolutionary idea that might shake up everything you’ve been taught: Your body’s purpose isn’t to be loved or beautiful. I know, this might sound counterintuitive, especially if you’ve been immersed in the world of body positivity. But hear me out.

Women weren’t given bodies to be beautiful objects or to seek constant approval and love. The truth is far more empowering:

Humans have bodies to experience life. Yes, women too.

Your body is the incredible vehicle through which you navigate this world. It allows you to:

– Move and explore
– Feel emotions
– Think and create
– Connect with others
– Laugh, cry, and express yourself
– Nourish yourself
– And so much more

Understanding this fundamental truth is the cornerstone of body image healing. It shifts the focus from how your body looks to what your body enables you to do and experience.


The Problem with “Loving Your Body”

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room. As a coach, I believe it’s unethical and even oppressive to teach women that they must love their bodies. Here’s why:

1. It sets an unrealistic expectation
2. It still places value on appearance
3. It doesn’t address the root of body image issues

Instead of striving for constant body love, which can be exhausting and often unattainable, I propose a different approach: body neutrality.


Embracing Body Neutrality

Body neutrality is the key to liberating yourself from diet culture and patriarchal beauty standards. But what exactly is it?

Body neutrality recognizes that:

– You don’t have to love every part of your body all the time
– Your worth as a person is not tied to your appearance
– Your body is a functional tool, not an ornament

The goal of body neutrality is to accept your body for what it is – nothing more, nothing less. It’s about becoming an ally to your body, respecting it for its capabilities rather than its aesthetic qualities.


Why Body Neutrality Works

Body neutrality is powerful because it:

1. Relieves the pressure to constantly feel positive about your body
2. Focuses on function over form
3. Challenges societal conditioning about women’s bodies
4. Leads to body respect, a more sustainable and empowering mindset

By adopting body neutrality, you’re actively resisting the harmful messages that patriarchy and diet culture have ingrained in us – messages that tell women their bodies exist to be pleasing, compliant, and a measure of their worth.


Practical Steps to Start Your Body Image Healing Journey

1. Reflect on the question: “Why do I have a body?”
2. Identify beliefs you hold about your body’s purpose
3. Challenge thoughts that tie your worth to your appearance
4. Practice gratitude for what your body allows you to experience
5. Focus on how your body feels rather than how it looks
6. Surround yourself with diverse body representations
7. Engage in activities that connect you with your body’s capabilities

Remember, body image healing is a process. It takes time to unlearn years of conditioning and develop a new relationship with your body. Be patient with yourself as you navigate this journey.


The Impact of Body Image Healing

As you progress in your body image healing journey, you’ll likely notice positive changes beyond just how you feel about your appearance. Many women report:

– Increased confidence in various areas of life
– More mental energy for pursuits beyond appearance
– Improved relationships with food and exercise
– Greater overall life satisfaction

These benefits underscore why starting your body image healing journey is so crucial. It’s not just about changing how you see your body – it’s about transforming how you experience life itself.


In Conclusion

Remember, your body is not an ornament – it’s the vehicle through which you experience the richness of life. By shifting your focus from appearance to experience, you open the door to true body image healing and a more fulfilling relationship with yourself.

Starting your body image healing journey might feel challenging, but it’s a path worth taking. Embrace body neutrality, challenge harmful societal messages, and reconnect with your body’s true purpose. You have the power to rewrite your body story – and it begins with asking yourself that one crucial question: “Why do I have a body?”


Do you need help getting started with healing your body image?

You can access all of our services on our work with us page.  We have a number of programs and service levels enabling us to serve most women:

Free Resources and Masterclasses: Get started and get to know us better!

Private coaching with Stephanie and her team Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches are waiting to support you in a one-to-one setting with an individualized plan.

Undiet Your Life group coaching program is for women to learn how to eat intuitively, become body neutral, and learn self-coaching at their own pace while being supported in a group setting by Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches.

Non-Diet Coaching Certification for professionals ready to integrate the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ in their practice and for women wanting to become  Certified Coach and build a business coaching other women beyond the food.

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Fatphobia Coaching and Gaslighting: How I Overcome Fatphobia as a Fat Woman

Fatphobia Coaching and Gaslighting: How I Overcome Fatphobia as a Fat Woman

Fatphobia Coaching and Gaslighting

Fatphobia Coaching and Gaslighting: How I Overcame Fatphobia as a Fat Woman

As a fat woman, I’ve heard it all. “Just change your thoughts about the layer of fat on your body.” “Don’t worry about what other people think of you.” These well-intentioned but misguided pieces of advice aren’t coaching – they’re gaslighting. And they’re a prime example of how fatphobia permeates our society, even in spaces meant to be supportive and empowering.

Today, I want to share my personal journey of overcoming fatphobia and how I learned to navigate a world that often seems designed to make people in larger bodies feel less than. This isn’t just my story – it’s a call to action for coaches, mentors, and anyone working with fat individuals to understand the complexities of fatphobia and how to truly support their clients.


Fatphobia Coaching and Gaslighting: Understanding Fatphobia and Gaslighting

Before we dive deeper, let’s clarify what we mean by fatphobia and gaslighting. Fatphobia is the fear, stigma, and discrimination against people with larger bodies. It’s a systemic issue that affects nearly every aspect of life for fat individuals.

Gaslighting, on the other hand, is a form of psychological manipulation where someone denies another person’s reality, making them question their own perceptions and experiences. In the context of fatphobia, gaslighting often looks like dismissing the very real challenges and discrimination fat people face daily.

When someone tells a fat person to “just love yourself more” or “ignore what others think,” they’re essentially denying the reality of living in a fatphobic society. This isn’t helpful – it’s harmful.


Coaching Fat Women Can Be Challenging

As I mentioned earlier, coaching people who are marginalized by systemic oppression can be incredibly challenging. Without the right skills and tools, even well-meaning coaches can inadvertently cause harm to their clients.

Let me illustrate this with my own experience. As a woman living in a large body, I’m acutely aware that people form opinions about me based solely on my appearance when I enter a room. For years, I internalized this and believed that I was the problem. I tried diet after diet, attempting to conform to society’s unrealistic and oppressive standards.

Eventually, I decided to say “f*ck off” to the system and accept my body. But this wasn’t an easy journey, and it certainly wasn’t as simple as just changing my mindset.


Fatphobia Coaching and Gaslighting: The Pitfalls of Simplistic Body Positivity

My first attempt at body acceptance came through an online body positivity course. The coach’s main message was, “If you love yourself enough, it will get better.” Spoiler alert: it didn’t work.

This approach, while well-intentioned, falls into the trap of gaslighting. It puts the entire burden on the individual to change their thoughts and feelings, without acknowledging the very real societal pressures and discrimination they face.

A New Approach to Overcoming Fatphobia

Realizing that simplistic body positivity wasn’t the answer, I decided to tackle the problem of fatphobia differently. Here’s how I approached it:


1. Stop Gaslighting Myself

The first step was to acknowledge the reality of fatphobia. Yes, it exists. Yes, it’s unfair. And yes, it impacts nearly every aspect of my life – from healthcare access to job opportunities to social interactions. Denying this reality wasn’t helping; accepting it was the first step towards real change.


2. Accept the Long-term Nature of the Challenge

I had to come to terms with the fact that fatphobia isn’t likely to disappear entirely in my lifetime. While things may improve, it will continue to impact me. This realization was crucial in shifting my focus from trying to change society to learning how to navigate it effectively.


3. Choose How to Respond

With this acceptance came a choice: how did I want to live the rest of my life? Did I want to pretend fatphobia doesn’t exist, hide away, and live a small life? Or did I want to learn how to experience fatphobia differently and live fully despite it?


4. Practice Self-Consent

I made a conscious choice to change my approach. This involved practicing self-consent – acknowledging that I didn’t have to do anything I didn’t want to do, including conforming to societal expectations about my body.


5. Build Safety for My Choice

Change is scary, especially when it involves going against societal norms. I acknowledged my fear and the challenges ahead, building a sense of safety and support for myself as I embarked on this journey.


6. Change My Thoughts About Fatphobia

Finally, I began the process of changing my thoughts about fatphobia. This wasn’t about denial or forced positivity. Instead, it was about acceptance and empowerment. I did the thought work from a place of acknowledging reality while also recognizing my power to shape my response to it.


Fatphobia Coaching and Gaslighting: The Power of Intersectional Coaching

This approach to overcoming fatphobia is rooted in what’s known as intersectional coaching. It’s a holistic framework that acknowledges how an individual’s various identities – including body size, race, gender, and more – impact their reality.

Intersectional coaching is the truest form of empowerment coaching because it doesn’t deny or minimize the challenges faced by marginalized individuals. Instead, it provides tools and strategies to navigate these challenges effectively.

This approach is at the heart of the Non-Diet Coaching Certification, which I now offer to other coaches. It’s why Certified Non-Diet Coaches never gaslight their clients, no matter the circumstances. We acknowledge the reality of fatphobia and other systemic issues while empowering our clients to live fully and authentically.


In Conclusion

Remember, overcoming fatphobia isn’t about denying its existence or forcing yourself to “just think positively.” It’s about acknowledging the reality of living in a fatphobic society, choosing how you want to respond, and empowering yourself to live fully despite societal prejudices.

My journey from internalized fatphobia to empowerment wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. And if I can do it, so can you. Whether you’re struggling with fatphobia yourself or you’re a coach looking to better support your clients, remember: real change starts with acknowledging reality, not denying it. From there, anything is possible.


Ready to Take the Next Steps and Dismantle Fatphobia?

If you’re inspired by my journey and want to learn more about overcoming fatphobia or providing empowering, intersectional coaching, there are several ways to get involved.You can access all of our services on our work with us page.  We have a number of programs and service levels enabling us to serve most women:

Free Resources and Masterclasses: Get started and get to know us better!

Private coaching with Stephanie and her team Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches are waiting to support you in a one-to-one setting with an individualized plan.

Undiet Your Life group coaching program is for women to learn how to eat intuitively, become body neutral, and learn self-coaching at their own pace while being supported in a group setting by Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches.

Non-Diet Coaching Certification for professionals ready to integrate the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ in their practice and for women wanting to become  Certified Coach and build a business coaching other women beyond the food.

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I’m Sharing Our Business Revenue in This One

I’m Sharing Our Business Revenue in This One

Business Revenue


It’s Supposed to Take Time

Transformation takes time. Creation takes time. It’s supposed to take time to make peace with food, to build a business, and to become a great coach. The claim that these things can happen fast if you “do it right” is an oppressive marketing tactic that sets unrealistic expectations.

We’ve been conditioned by our culture of instant gratification to want results quickly. But true personal growth and business success can’t be rushed. It requires patience, perseverance, and doing the hard inner work over years, not months.

Business Revenue: The Claim That Transformation and Creation Can Happen Fast is an Oppressive Marketing Tactic

Promises like “Make 6 figures in 6 months” or “Lose 15 lbs in 30 days” prey on our desires for a quick fix. And the truth is, they work – at least for making sales. These marketers know that dangling the prospect of rapid results in front of people is highly effective at prying open their wallets.

But very few leaders are willing to emphasize the reality that real, lasting results require years of consistent effort. That’s not as sexy of a sales pitch. So instead, the quick fix narrative gets pushed relentlessly. 

It’s an oppressive tactic that sets people up for disappointment, self-blame when the rapid results don’t materialize, and a cycle of moving from one program to the next, always chasing that elusive quick transformation.

That’s why years ago, I committed to no longer using the “fast results to business revenue” marketing approach. It didn’t align with my values of honesty and compassion.

Programs Designed for Lasting Transformation

To create true transformation, my programs are designed to play out over a realistic timeframe:

The Undiet Your Life Coaching Program is a year-long program because that’s how long it takes for most women to fully embrace intuitive eating and body neutrality. Decades of food and body struggles can’t be undone overnight.

The Non-Diet Coach Certification lasts 6 months because beginning to embody coaching skills and mindset takes that long. But even after that, becoming a masterful coach requires years of practice.

Business Revenue: I’d Like My Journey to Normalize Taking Years to Build a 6+ Figure Business  

Building a successful online coaching business at a 6-figure or higher level is a long-game endeavor, similar to establishing a career in the corporate world. Let’s normalize:

– Not feeling like a failure if you don’t make millions right away

– The reality that 88% of female entrepreneurs earn less than 6 figures annually

It takes years to build a solid coaching business from the ground up through hard work, skill development, mindset shifts, and consistent marketing. Expecting to replace an average “middle-class” income quickly is statistically unrealistic. 

Reflecting on my own privileges is important context too:

– I had 15 years of prior business coaching & sales experience that gave me a head start

– I could invest personal savings higher than the average income into my business  

– As a white, cisgender, straight woman with a supportive circle, I faced less systemic barriers to risk-taking

Business Revenue: My “Average” 6-Year Journey to a Sustainable Business

2016 – Closed my Oakville nutrition clinic; the online business was born.

2017 – Revenue of $21K

My first full year online was brutal. I felt lost constantly and doubted myself weekly, but persisted. Most living expenses came from savings. To new coaches, don’t quit your day job the first year!

2018 – Revenue of $36K

Invested $10K in my first mastermind from personal savings, which was a major financial risk. I lacked business/marketing skills so year 2 was still hard. But I learned how lacking alignment between personal and business values breeds anxiety – my wake-up call to reject “bro marketing” tactics.  

2019 – Revenue of $56K

The year the business started feeling sustainable. I discovered feminist mindset coaching which changed my approach as a human and entrepreneur. By doing intense mindset work (not business tactics), my income doubled in 6 months.

2020 – Revenue of $119K

The year I embodied the belief “I’m enough and innately worthy.” Again, through mindset work alone, I doubled income by becoming a better coach.  

2021 – Revenue of $136K

I simplified by eliminating 7 programs and focused solely on what worked and lit me up. Streamlining allowed me to work less but earn more.

This is fairly typical path to building a sustainable online coaching business over 5-6 years. It wasn’t until after 2021 that my revenue exceeded the average for female entrepreneurs, so I’ve chosen to stop publicly sharing income details.

As I launch a new business mastermind for anti-diet entrepreneurs, I’ve carefully examined my values around using income claims for marketing. I’ve decided to try that approach for now while being fully transparent about the realistic timeframe for results.

I’d Still Be Doin’ This if I Wasn’t Doin’ This

More than just building a business, entrepreneurship has been the greatest personal development journey of my 48 years. It’s where I’ve found the deepest fulfillment by discovering my life’s purpose.

The hardships I’ve overcome gave my life meaning – they put me on this path of helping others heal from diet culture and move beyond their own struggles with food and body image. 

I believe I was born for this “beyond the food” mission of being part of a revolution to dismantle oppressive societal norms. To me, that’s far more precious than achieving some hyped-up “7-figure coaching business” milestone.

I want to live a life of service. And even if I never made another dollar from this work, I’d still be doin’ this if I wasn’t doin’ this. This work is my soul’s calling and my greatest joy.

How we can help

You can access all of our services on our work with us page.  We have a number of programs and service levels enabling us to serve most women:

Free Resources and Masterclasses: Get started and get to know us better!

Private coaching with Stephanie and her team Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches are waiting to support you in a one-to-one setting with an individualized plan.

Undiet Your Life group coaching program is for women to learn how to eat intuitively, become body neutral, and learn self-coaching at their own pace while being supported in a group setting by Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches.

Non-Diet Coaching Certification for professionals ready to integrate the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ in their practice and for women wanting to become  Certified Coach and build a business coaching other women beyond the food.

Good Money Business Mastermind  A business mentorship and a collective of ambitious, driven and empowered anti-diet culture providers and coaches on a mission to dismantle diet culture and make GOOD money doing it!

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undiet your life


I’m Stephanie Dodier

Non-Diet Nutritionist & Coach

I teach and coach women how to break free from the socialized thinking of diet culture and liberate yourself from unrelenting pressure to be thinner so that you can eat in a way that truly supports your well-being and start living the life you’ll look back on with no regrets.

Join me in leading the feminist health coaching revolution!

Ready? Let’s do this!


Let’s see just how much diet culture has a grip on you!

I curated 3 questionnaires to evaluate your body image, eating behaviours and mindset to see if you have been just how much your life has been impacted by diet culture.

Get ready to completely change the way you look at health?