055 – Sugar Addiction Versus Sugar Cravings: Interview with Dr. Sam Shay – The Crave Cure Series

by | May 14, 2017

Sugar Addiction

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In this episode, I discuss: 

This is episode 4 of the 10-part Crave Cure Series: Going Beyond the Food. Have you ever considered that your sweet tooth or sugar cravings could actually be a sugar addiction? What we really need to understand is the definition of addiction. Our guest today, Dr. Sam Shay, will not only define sugar addiction but will also help us understand the underlying issues that cause it. The origin of your sugar cravings or addiction can actually be in your thoughts and beliefs.

In the last episode,  Dr. Carolyn Ross and I talked about binge-eating and overeating. She taught us that we seek sensations every time we eat. If you’ve been struggling with binge-eating, I highly recommend that you listen to this episode.

Next episode will be about stress eating, a common issue for those who have so much going on in their lives. I’m going to be with Evan Brand, a board-certified holistic nutritionist. Stay tuned for it!

Be sure to check back every Sunday and Thursday for a new episode, and head over to iTunes   to subscribe so we can freshly deliver a new episode directly to your device.

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Links mentioned in this episode: 

Dr. Shay’s worksheet:  http://www.TameTheBeastOfAddiction.com  

 This is a 7-page worksheet walking you through, step-by-step, the 5-phase “BEAST” cycle of cravings, addictions, and binging. This worksheet provides a clear and practical approach to helping you flourish out of your addictions in to a healthier, stronger you. 

Dr. Shay’s Guide to end Adrenal fatigue:  http://drSamShay.com/ 

Katie Byron’s book:  http://amzn.to/2pg38Ku 

The Crave Cure:  https://www.stephaniedodier.com/cravecure  

Blog Post – Crave Cure Series:  https://www.stephaniedodier.com/the-crave-cure-guide-find-food-freedom/

Support me by leaving a review about this episode:  http://bit.ly/2gilTsw

Crave Cure Series schedule 

How you can reach Stephanie:

Website:  https://www.stephaniedodier.com/

FB:  https://www.facebook.com/StephanieDodiernutrition

Instagram:  https://instagram.com/stephdodier/

You tube:  https://www.youtube.com/c/stephaniedodier

Email:  [email protected]

Got a question for Stephanie you’d like her to answer about sugar addiction or just want to join our community of women?

Our free and private community:  https://www.stephaniedodier.com/community

If you haven’t yet downloaded my guide to emotional eating, you might want to do this while you listen to this week’s episode.


Download transcript here 


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Podcast Stephanie Dodier


I’m Stephanie Dodier – Non-Diet Nutritionist and Coach. I help women fight diet culture by reshaping their mind not their body. I have been hosting a million downloads podcast- It’s Beyond The Food for over 8 years and created the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with a 25 years dieting career  and has since grown into a global movement.

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