I help women break free.
Reshape your mind, not the size of your pants
1.3 Million
Podcast Listen
Founder Non-Diet Coaching Certification

In a world where diet culture dictates, and the pressure to be thin is relentless, it’s no wonder women feel trapped.
I help women break free.
Reshape your mind, not the size of your pants
1.3 Million
Podcast Listen
Founder Non-Diet Coaching Certification

I’m Stephanie Dodier
I’m Non-Diet Nutritionist and Cognitive Behaviour Coach.
I’m the host of the It’s Beyond The Food podcast with over 1.3 million listen, the founder of Undiet Your Life and creator of the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ and founder of The Non-Diet Coaching Certification.
Over the last eight years, through my clinical work, teaching, speaking, podcasts, professional training and online programs I have worked with over one thousand women in 92 countries who have liberated themselves from diet culture.
I teach women how to break free from the socialized thinking of diet culture and the unrelenting pressure to be thinner so that they can eat in a way that truly supports their well-being and start living the life they’ll look back on with no regrets.
Here’s how to start
Downloads & Counting…
It’s Beyond The Food podcast is a top rated podcast since 2016.
With each episode Stephanie will guide you on how to feel damn good by reshaping your mind instead of your body, and you’ll get resources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power.
Here’s how to start
Downloads & Counting…
With each episode Stephanie will guide you on how to feel damn good by reshaping your mind instead of your body, and you’ll get resources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power.
Take the quiz and see just how much diet culture’s grip goes
Do you want to see just how much diet culture has impacted your body image? Are you curious to evaluate your eating behaviours and see if you’ve got room to grow. Do you want to see if you have a “diet mindset” and could benefit from thinking about health differently?
Take the quiz and see just how much diet culture’s grip goes
Do you want to see just how much diet culture has impacted your body image? Are you curious to evaluate your eating behaviours and see if you’ve got room to grow. Do you want to see if you have a “diet mindset” and could benefit from thinking about health differently?
Let’s go Beyond The Food with me
The is the same 3 steps I’ve used to liberate myself and been teaching & coaching for the last 8 years.
It’s Beyond The Food is the feminist health coaching program. Learn how to break free from the socialized thinking of diet culture and liberate yourself from unrelenting pressure to be thinner so that you can eat in a way that truly supports your well-being and start living the life you’ll look back on with no regrets.
Ready? Let’s do this!
Let’s go Beyond The Food with me
The is the same 3 steps I’ve used and been teaching & coaching for the last 8 years.
It’s Beyond The Food is the feminist health coaching program. Learn how to break free from the socialized thinking of diet culture and liberate yourself from unrelenting pressure to be thinner so that you can eat in a way that truly supports your well-being and start living the life you’ll look back on with no regrets.
Ready? Let’s do this!