Professional Blogs

PRO Series: First Do No Harm – S1 EP1

PRO Series: First Do No Harm – S1 EP1

Welcome to Season 1 of the Beyond The Food PRO podcast series.  

This 8-part podcast series is created to educate female health professionals on a non-diet approach to food, weight, and health. 


In today’s episode, we discuss how we may be causing harm to our clients and patients by delivering nutrition services. By following a traditional model of nutrition and health care for women we may be aggravating an underlying condition and symptoms.  


In this episode, I share my patient Caroline (fictitious name) story along with how she changed my practice forever.  


Caroline had a disordered relationship with food due to years of chronic dieting. All of my assessment tools and training never accounted for this condition simply because of the traditional medical system chronic dieting is “normal” … yet it has devastating health consequences. 


Here’s what we cover in this intuitive eating mentorship episode: 

  • My client Caroline’s story
  • As a nutrition expert, are we causing harm to our clients?
  • What is a non-diet approach to food & weight
  • How to shift to a non-diet approach in a professional practice
  • Continuing to earn a living while not selling weight loss
  • How to get started with a non-diet approach to health

If you would like to listen to the article in audio format the Going Beyond The Food Show – Pro Series Season 1 Episode 1

Links mentioned on the episode

PRO Series – Free Training & resources

Mentorship Program

Intuitive Eating Guide

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Intuitive Eating Mentorship For Professional: First Do No Harm 

Intuitive Eating Mentorship For Professional: First Do No Harm 

I help women with intuitive eating mentorship programs today but it wasn’t always so…

8 years ago, I was 2 years into my nutrition practice, Carolyn walked into my office. And she had just been diagnosed with high blood pressure and high cholesterol. She desired to be “healthier”.

I proceeded to take a diligent intake. And this intake process included a food journal, detailed health history as well as a symptomology assessment. Based on my assessment I concluded that a “whole food diet” would support her goals.  Along with other lifestyle modifications.

Not only how I was teaching nutrition different but also my approach. So Carolyn would add foods to her plate instead of removing foods. Carolyn left my clinic with her food list, food journal and “ideal plate” handout in hands.

Then two weeks later she was back for a follow-up. Within 10 minutes, she was in tears.

“I’m so sorry Stephanie I wasn’t able to follow what you told me to do and thought this time would be different. My urges to binge on processed food at night are back in full force. “

“I ate my kids’ food in secret.  What is wrong is wrong with me??

Are we causing harm to our clients?

Shifting to a non-diet approach to health

The Going Beyond The Food Method™️

Intuitive Eating Mentorship

Non-Diet Professional Training

Non-Diet Business Coaching

How to Get Started

If you would like to listen to the article in audio format the Going Beyond The Food Show – Pro Series Season 1 Episode 1

Links mentioned on the episode

PRO Series – Free Training & resources

Non-Diet Coaching Certification

Intuitive Eating Guide

PROSeries-S1-EP1-First-Do-No-Harm-intuitive-eating-mentorship-image-1 (1)

Are we causing harm to our clients?

We do not know what we do not know.

I was aggravating an underlying condition for Caroline.  Not only did Carolyn had a disordered relationship with food but also with her body image due to years of chronic dieting. And all of my assessment tools and training never accounted for this condition. I was neither taught to assess how patient-related to food or to consider past dieting behavior in my assessment.

Fast forward 8 years later. When I reflected back on my first few years of practice not only most of my female clients were in fact in a disordered relationship with food but I also was.

Most nutrition experts engage in disordered eating

In 2012, an international study in 14 countries found a whopping 77 percent of nutrition students felt that eating disorders were a concern among their peers. And the reasons behind this are complicated: theories run from an obsessive overexposure to information about food and exercise, to pressure within degrees to be an “ideal nutritionist.”

Individuals that develop disordered eating may at first initiate a quest for a healthier lifestyle but then dysfunctional, compulsive beliefs about food emerge that then impair health, work, and social functioning.

If you are curious to know if have a disordered relationship to food then you should complete our free professional Non-Diet Coaching intake forms. Assess yourself and share your results with us!

Non-Diet Client Assessment Tools

Shifting to a non-diet approach to health

Carolyn was the most impactful client-practitioner I have had to this day.

Not only did she triggered in me a must needed professional shift but also a personal transformation. So my quest for another way of serving my client and healing myself began with her.

7 years ago when I searched for support, training and non-diet coaching certification nothing existed. Instead, I read the Health At Avery Size® research and book by Dr. Lindo Bacon.  And then began applying a weight-neutral approach to health in my practice.

Over the next 4 years, I collected both a variety of professional and personal skills. This collection of tools is today known as The Going Beyond The Food Method™️. And this non-diet methodology is currently taught in Undiet Your Life Coaching Program

The Going Beyond The Food Method™


The Going Beyond The Food Method™️ is a way of working with clients and patients which removes that emphasis and pressure to eat for weight loss or health. Instead, it embraces the Health At Every Size® weight-neutral approach to health, intuitive eating, body neutrality, mindfulness, and a self-coaching mindset.

This non-diet methodology respects the fact that each human has innate body wisdom. And that our the body knows what we need and what is best for us including food, eating, movement, weight, and self-care.

A practitioner who uses our methodology is focused on helping women rebuild a relationship of trust, respect, and neutrality with their bodies.The client is empowered to identify what will be best for her to optimize their own health and wellbeing.

At the core, a holistic based approach recognizing the 4 human bodies: mental, emotional, spiritual and physical human bodies. This non-diet approach for health coaches, nutritionists or any other health experts is a gentle process. And it focuses on skills building.

Ultimately, it’s about helping women conquer back their power and thrive unconditionally!


Intuitive Eating Mentorship

The Going Beyond The Food Mentorship program is an intuitive eating mentorship program, an anti-diet training and body image professional training. And it’s designed to support health professionals desiring to shift their practice to a non-diet model.

This is what I was seeking but couldn’t find years ago.

As a professional, a non-diet approach to health and nutrition can be scary as it empowers your client and patient to be their own health expert.

Non-Diet Coaching Professional Training

“If we are not going to hand out meal plans and “good and bad” food list, what will we do?”

That is a very common question and also a great starting point to understand which professional skills set will be required in a non-diet approach.

Food choices and healthy habits aren’t only derived from intellectual knowledge but also from our emotions and thoughts. This applied not only to healthy habits but to every habit we choose to do as a human.

As a non-diet practitioner, you will need to help with your clients with the mindset and emotional intelligence tools. We teach self-coaching for intuitive eating.

Chronic dieters and women who dislike their bodies are in their head instead of their bodies. You will need to help them come back into their body and to connect to their bodily sensation including their eating cues. Mindfulness is the perfect tool to cultivate body attunement.

Intuitive Eating Training

Intuitive eating is a well- researched and complete framework to help you reframe the before, during and after relationship to food with women. As a certified Intuitive eating counselor, I have studied directly with Evelyn Tribole and now included this empowering framework with all my clients in our non-diet online training.

As a non-diet professional, your skills wouldn’t be complete without a tool you can use to help your clients to heal their relationship with their body image.

Body Neutrality is the framework I have selected to teach in our program. It helps women understand that we aren’t defined by own physical bodies. This body image professional training goal is to respect and accept your body for what it is – and that’s it.

Non-Diet Business Coaching

Shifting your business to an anti-diet business model requires some small business adjustment mainly in the content of your professional services, health programs, and marketing.

Your intuitive eating business skills will require you to move to a serving message from selling messages. Your future client or patient will need to be educated about what is a non-diet and weight-neutral approach to health.

The 5-step process to build a successful Anti-Diet Business

1. Determine the non-diet business format that will support your personal goals

2. Define & refine your ideal clients and their needs

3. Create a non-diet service offer.

4. Market your offer or product using our exclusive non-diet transformation funnel system.

5. Deliver your product.

Bonus – Scale & Diversify


How to Get Started

We have created for you a number of free intuitive eating mentorship training resources to help you begin your research in the field of non-diet approach to health.

You can access this non-diet professional training by clicking here.

You will find non-diet online training, webinars, podcasts, and articles.

One last thing

Here’s the truth: As long as you teach any labelled diet (Keto, paleo, GF, DF, ….) and or handout food list and meal plan, you aren’t teaching sustainable health or nutrition. Point.

If the above is you, just about now you’re likely pissed at me. That’s ok sister! I get it. I was on the receiving end of this exact discourse about 4 years ago and I was mad but it planted a seed in my mind… and here I’m today!

It’s not your fault. As far as I know, today…no nutrition school or health coaching program currently offers Intuitive eating as part of their curriculum. So how were you supposed to know??

But now you know…. So, what will you do? Continue to arm people teaching diets or learn intuitive eating for yourself and slowly, gradually integrate it in your practice and help your client real sustainable changes.

It’s your choice. If you choose to opt-out of diet culture, we can help you in your journey.

We do not know what we do not know.

Most nutrition experts engage in disordered eating.

Individuals that develop disordered eating may at first initiate a quest for a healthier lifestyle but then dysfunctional, compulsive beliefs about food emerge that then impair health, work, and social functioning. If you are curious to know if have a disordered relationship to food then you should complete our free professional intuitive eating intake forms. Assess yourself and share your results with us!

” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”How did I shift to a non-diet approach to health?” answer-1=”

7 years ago when I searched for support, training and non-diet professional mentorship nothing existed. Instead, I read the Health At Avery Size® research and book by Dr. Lindo Bacon.  And then began applying a weight-neutral approach to health in my practice.

Over the next 4 years, I collected both a variety of professional and personal skills. This collection of tools is today known as The Going Beyond The Food Method™️. And this non-diet methodology is currently taught in Going Beyond The Food Academy.

” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”What is The Going Beyond The Food Method™️?” answer-2=”

It is a way of working with clients and patients which removes that emphasis and pressure to eat for weight loss or health.

Embraces the Health At Every Size® weight-neutral approach to health, intuitive eating, body neutrality, mindfulness, and a self-coaching mindset.

This non-diet methodology respects the fact that each human has innate body wisdom. And that our the body knows what we need and what is best for us including food, eating, movement, weight, and self-care.

At the core, a holistic based approach recognizing the 4 human bodies: mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical human bodies.

Ultimately, it’s about helping women conquer back their power and thrive unconditionally!

” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”Intuitive Eating Mentorship” answer-3=”The Going Beyond The Food Mentorship program is an intuitive eating mentorship program, an anti-diet training, and body image professional training. And it’s designed to support health professionals desiring to shift their practice to a non-diet model.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h2″ question-4=”Non-diet Professional Training ” answer-4=”

“If we are not going to hand out meal plans and “good and bad” food list, what will we do?”

That is a very common question and also a great starting point to understand which professional skills set will be required in a non-diet approach.

As a non-diet practitioner, you will need to help with your clients with the mindset and emotional intelligence tools. We teach self-coaching for intuitive eating.

” image-4=”” headline-5=”h2″ question-5=”Non-diet Business Coaching” answer-5=”

Shifting your business to an anti-diet business model requires some small business adjustment mainly in the content of your professional services, health programs, and marketing.

Your intuitive eating business skills will require you to move to a serving message from selling messages. Your future client or patient will need to be educated about what is a non-diet and weight-neutral approach to health.

” image-5=”” headline-6=”h2″ question-6=”How to get started?” answer-6=”

We have created for you a number of free intuitive eating mentorship training resources to help you begin your research in the field of non-diet approach to health.

Visit our Non-Diet Professional Training page and you will find non-diet online training, webinars, podcasts, and articles.

” image-6=”” count=”7″ html=”true” css_class=””]

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Intuitive Eating Resources

Intuitive Eating Resources

I rounded up my best free intuitive eating resources, body neutrality resources, and Health at Every Size resources. It includes books, blogs, podcasts, programs, and courses.

Intuitive eating and body neutrality are increasingly becoming popular among women for a number of good reasons. For one, it’s been proven to lead to positive health outcomes. In addition, both are a healthy approach to health that puts you in control of your eating behaviours and body image.

Health at every size is the overarching weight-neutral health principle that drives the foundation of both intuitive eating & body neutrality.

This blog post is aimed at helping you discover intuitive eating resources to support you in your journey Going Beyond the Food: which means ditching diet culture, making peace with food and your body.

What is Intuitive Eating?

Body neutrality definition

The meaning of Health at Every Size

My top 4 free intuitive Eating resources

Intuitive eating resources

Body Neutrality resources

Health at Every Size resources


What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive eating is an evidence-based approach to eating that allows you to be the expert of your own body. And this self-care eating framework enables you to develop a healthy relationship with food and your body.

Moreover, it teaches you to trust your ability to meet your own needs, distinguish between physical and emotional hunger, and ultimately develop body wisdom.

Most importantly, eating intuitively is well–researched and proven health framework supported by more than 100 intuitive eating studies as of 2020.

What is Body neutrality?

Body Neutrality definition is about empowering you to embrace yourself as you are. That’s including the parts you don’t like about yourself.  And its focus is to avoid self-hate while simultaneously relieving you from the pressure of having to love your body.

And the framework of Body Neutrality recognizes that not everyone is going to love every part of themselves all the time because that’s  an unrealistic expectation, to say the least.

In short, the goal is to respect and accept your body for what it is – and that’s it.

What is Health at Every Size?

Health at Every Size definition is a philosophy and an approach to health. Linda Bacon, Ph.D  wrote the book Health at Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight.

The book demonstrated through health at every size research and studies that health behaviours influence health more than weight.

Above all, the HAES movement promotes the simple truth that all bodies are good bodies. It shifts the focus away from dieting for weight control.

Instead, it steers you toward self-care practices that support your body’s natural wisdom and vitality.


My top 4 free intuitive eating resources

#1 The Going Beyond The Food Show

This is my intuitive eating podcast. A collection of 200+ episodes that cover all topics about intuitive eating, body neutrality, and health at every size.

I suggest you get started at show 199 and move your way up!

#2 Health at Every Size Manifesto

A free HAES guide is provided by Dr. Linda Bacon.  And it explains the Heath at Every Size approach to health and provides sustainable research-based evidence that demonstrates that health is accessible at any body size.

#3 Beauty Redefined

Beauty Redefined is a non-profit, dedicated to promoting positive body image online and in live speaking events. This website is run by identical twins Lexie Kite, Ph.D. and Lindsay Kite, Ph.D.

These two experts teach body image resilience through research-backed online education available on their website, and social media. Visit their blog and TEDx Talk.

#4 Get Started Guide

I created this free guide to help women understand the basics of intuitive eating. Most importantly, this guide is followed by a series of educative articles to help you to get started on this new journey.

Get the FREE guide here.



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Intuitive Eating Resources

There are 3 levels of resources for you if you are ready to learn intuitive eating.

#1 Intuitive Eating Books

Evelyn Tribole is the ultimate intuitive eating expert, my teacher, and my mentor. She has dedicated her career to training health professionals with the intuitive eating framework.

All of our programs at Going Beyond The Food are certified by The Original Intuitive Eating Pro®.

The Intuitive Eating Book

The Intuitive Eating Workbook

#2 Structured Online Intuitive Eating Program

The Intuitive Eating Project is a 5-week online program.

In addition, it is a self-study program to teach you Intuitive Eating in an easy step by step, supported by an online community, and dozens of videos, guides and integration exercises. And it’s lead by myself, Intuitive Eating Expert, Stephanie Dodier CNP.

#3 Intuitive Eating Program Private Counselling

Two options for you:

#1 If you want to work with a local intuitive eating certified counsellor, then, you can visit this directory to locate someone to work with you 1-on-1.

#2  You can visit this intuitive eating coaching page on my website. Not only will you be able to read more on my coaching programs but also submit your application if you would like to work with me 1-on-1.

Most importantly, my 1-on-1 coaching is inclusive of body neutrality and health at every size alongside with intuitive eating.


Body Neutrality Resources

Are you ready to get started making peace with your body? Then, there are 3 levels of resources for you.

#1 Body Neutrality Books

I would suggest starting reading books. Things No One Will Tell FAT Girls by Jess Baker is a lived-experience book combined with research. This book was a game-changer!

The second book you should read is definitely The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women by Naomi Wolf. This is a classic that redefined the relationship between beauty and female identity. Body image issue is a feminist issue! Must read for all women.

#2 Body Image Courses & Programs

I would suggest two online programs. Both of these programs are a step by step structured program to heal your body image and make peace with your body.

#1 Beauty Redefined Body Resilience Program.  A 8-week program to build body resilience by helping you navigate body shame, objectification, and unreal ideals.

#2 The Body Acceptance Project, this is my baby. A 5-week self-study online program to help you accept your body using the body neutrality framework.

#3 Body Image Private Counselling

Two options for you:

#1 Jess Baker is a Recovery Support Specialist with a long history working as a Psychosocial Behavioral Specialist. With both formal education background and lived experience I’m pleased to recommend Jess. You can find more about working with her here.

#2 Would you like to work  1-on-1 with me? You can visit this intuitive eating coaching page on my website. Not only will you be able to read more on my coaching programs but also submit your application if you would like to work with me 1-on-1.

My 1-on-1 coaching is inclusive of body neutrality and health at every size alongside with intuitive eating.


Health at Every Size Resources

Ready to relearn health and adopt a weight-neutral approach to health? I have a few options for you. Three levels of resources for you:

#1 Health at Every Size Books

The first place to get started is to read Dr. Linda Bacon’s  Health at Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight. Think of this book as the bible of the weight-neutral approach to health.

Next, I would suggest my colleague, Christie Harrison’s book Anti-Diet. Her book is very well researched and structured for you to understand why health is available to you now!

#2 Health at Every Size Course

If you are looking for a step by step structured program to teach how to support your health in a weight-neutral holistic methodology…

Going Beyond The Food Health Mastery is a 9-module curriculum. And this program will teach you how to support your body towards the best health without having to lose weight. Not only without restricting food or taking any supplements! This program is taught by myself, Stephanie Dodier CNP.

#3 Health at Every Size Private Counselling

Want to work with a Health at Every Size care provider? You can visit this directory to locate someone to work with you 1-on-1.

What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive Eating definition is an evidence-based approach to eating that allows you to be the expert of your own body.

This self-care eating framework enables you to develop a healthy relationship with food and your body.

Teaches you to trust your ability to meet your own needs, distinguish between physical and emotional hunger, and ultimately develop body wisdom.

I hope this helps sister!



What is body neutrality?

Body Neutrality definition is about empowering you to embrace yourself as you are, including the parts you don’t like about yourself.

Its focus is to avoid self-hate while simultaneously relieving you from the pressure of having to love your body.

What is Health at Every Size?

Health at Every Size definition is a philosophy and an approach to health.

The HAES movement promotes the simple truth that all bodies are good bodies.

It shifts the focus away from dieting for weight control. Instead, it steers you toward self-care practices that support your body’s natural wisdom and vitality.

What are my top 4 free resources?

The Going Beyond The Food Show

Health at Every Size Manifesto

Beauty Redefined

Get Started Guide

What are the intuitive eating resources?

1. Intuitive Eating Books

a. The Intuitive Eating Workbook by Evelyn Tribole, Elyse Resch, Tracy Tylka (Foreword)

2. Structured Online Intuitive Eating Program

a. Intuitive Eating Project by Stephanie Dodier

3. Intuitive Eating Program Private Counselling

a. Intuitive eating certified counsellor

b. Intuitive eating coach, Stephanie Dodier

What are the body neutrality resources?

1. Body Neutrality Books

a. Things No One Will Tell FAT Girls by Jess Baker

b. The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women by Naomi Wolf

2. Body Image Courses & Programs

a. Beauty Redefined Body Resilience Program

b. The Body Acceptance Project

3. Body Image Private Counselling

a. Jess Baker

b. Stephanie Dodier

What are the Health at Every Size Resources?

1. Health at Every Size Books

a. Health at Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight by Dr. Linda Bacon

b. Anti-Diet by Christie Harrison

2. Health at Every Size Course

a. Going Beyond The Food Health Mastery

3. Health at Every Size Private Counselling

a. Health at Every Size care provider

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Intuitive Eating Coaching

Intuitive Eating Coaching

All women that come to intuitive eating coaching have failed… failed at many diets.

I love when women’s diets do not go according to plan… I get really excited because I know they are on the brink of huge transformation.

That’s when you are forced to make a choice… stay in your comfort zone repeating your old patterns to jump on the next “new” diet…

OR move forward past your dieting comfort zone and towards something different.

That’s when I come in… helping you feel the fear of trying something different and still move forward with courage.

Intuitive Eating Coaching 1

What is Intuitive Eating?

What is intuitive eating coaching?

How do you teach intuitive eating?

Can intuitive eating really work?

How do I get started?

What is intuitive eating?

Intuitive eating is a proven and well-researched self-care eating framework that teaches us to have a healthy relationship to food, empowering you to trust your ability to meet your needs, distinguish between physical and emotional hunger and ultimately develop body wisdom.

The intuitive eating definition is a framework to recover from years of chronic dieting and diet culture. And it’s focus is on rebuilding a relationship of trust and respect towards your body while supporting your health and happiness.

Our unique approach uses the framework of body neutrality alongside to intuitive eating. And body neutrality definition is a focus to avoid self-hate while simultaneously relieving you from the pressure of having to love your body. The goal is to respect and accept your body for what it is. I shared the foundation of this approach since 2016 in my intuitive eating podcast, “The Going Beyond Food Show”

That’s when I come in… helping you feel the fear of trying something different and still move forward with courage. 

What is intuitive eating coaching? 

As your partner and coach, I will support you in understanding and removing what is in the way of you becoming an intuitive eater. And what is in the way of your life without food and weight obsession Beyond The Food.  

will challenge you to say “no” to going through the old patterns and enthusiastically say “yes” to the possibilities that are available to you with intuitive eating and body neutrality. 

We begin by taking an overview of your life and dieting history and identifying areas that need action and/or attention. I will assist you in establishing clear, concrete, measurable goals and support you in connecting to your own innate wisdom and power. There is nothing you cannot shift. You are capable of so much more than you know or are currently creating. 

You are accountable for a plan that is manageable and created especially for you because I do not believe there is a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to 1-on-1 coaching. I do not solve your problems, but guide you into solving them on your own. I listen with understanding and 100% confidentiality. My relationships with my clients are intimate, honest, and rewarding. Our relationship will evolve in a way that best supports you. 

2 - Jessica Testimonial


How do you teach intuitive eating? 

Our work together is organized following my proprietary methodology The Going Beyond The Food Method™️.  As an intuitive eating nutritionist, the outcome of our work together is a neutral relationship of trust and respect towards your body and its innate wisdom. 

My approach is unique for many reasons. I teach intuitive eating & body neutrality through the lenses of a lived experience combined with a holistic and science-based lens... Also, If you’d like to get a sense of my journey read this article I wrote: Intuitive eating before and after: my story 


Intuitive Eating Coach Experience & Credentials

I have been coaching since 2001. I’m a trained lifestyle coach and certified clinical nutritionist, hold degrees in health science and business management, and I am a trauma-informed & holistic health practitioner. Most importantly, I have lived experience, getting to the other side of disordered eating, body image disorder, relationship issues, career and business breakdown and health challenges.

I work with women of all ages with a diverse background that desire to be held accountable and willing to break free from their comfort zone. And the one thing they all have in common is the desire to yearn for more confidence, peace, health, and power. I only work with 6 women at the time so I can be fully present in each session. Coaching sessions are held on the phone or virtual and with a 6-month commitment required. 


Intuitive Eating Coaching Button


NB: If 1-on-1 coaching is not the right fit for you, we can direct you to our group coaching or self-study intuitive eating program. 


Can intuitive eating really work? 

Here’s the most fascinating aspect of intuitive eating and body neutrality, it’s that you can’t fail. You can’t fail because it’s not a dietAnd because I’m confident in myself and not afraid to sign my own praise… here’s why women love my coaching: 

“This experience was life-changing and worth every penny!” 

So first thing, know that I’m sharing my experience being an executive coach myself… and I’ve worked with dozens of global coaches personally and professionally. Coaching with Stephanie was life-changing forever and worth every penny you’ll put into it. – Anna Buber Farovich

“My work with Stephanie led me through a massive transformation!” 

Stephanie is kind, inspiring and her knowledge and experiences helped me to sort out some issues I was not sure about and led me through a massive transformation both personally and in my business.- Hanka Valaskova


“Stephanie has really changed my life. I’ll never go back to the way it was…” 

I’m in the Board of Directors and have a very busy lifestyle, but Stephanie’s coaching on perspective on life, lifestyle and dealing with our food issues has really changed my life. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to the way it was.Eithne Wait

You can access more videos, audio and written testimonials here.


3 - Jenny Testimonial


How do I get started? 

Ready to get started in working with me 1-on-1? It’s as simple as 1,2,3 …. Submit your application. Get accepted. Book Consultation. Start! 

Step 1 

Complete the application form here and submit.

Step 2 

We will review the application within 7 days and confirm back to you time for a consultation with me if we both are the right fit. If not the right fit for 1-on-1, we will direct you to group programs or intuitive eating self-study programs. 

Step 3 

We get started… Your first intake & discovery session with me is booked along with each subsequent session for 6 months.

Intuitive Eating Coaching Button


Intuitive eating coaching questions & answers? (FAQ’S)

How can I know if I’m the right fit for intuitive eating coaching?

If you’ve been on and off diets for longer than you like to admit, think your life will start when you finally lose the weight, while you eat emotionally, binge and hate your body: This is for you!
I had the opportunity to coach Ashley Dorough from The House of Dorough in the context of her blog and she filmed part of our session. I would encourage you to listen to the part of her first session. If you’d like to see more videos visit her IGTV account.

Part 1 – Is this your story too? -Click to watch
Part 2 – Why it’s beyond

I’m really busy now how will I find the time?

Well, that’s part of the journey. Discovering what is holding us back from having the time to take care of ourselves. The truth is, there’s never going to be enough time. Diet brain keeps you stuck in your patterns and cycle because you are waiting for the right time when you can do it all perfectly.
Listen to Ashley describe her self-care story… and my coaching.

Click here to watch

Will I lose weight during the intuitive eating coaching process?

Well, that’s part of the journey. Discovering what is holding us back from having the time to take care of ourselves. The truth is, there’s never going to be enough time. Diet brain keeps you stuck in your patterns and cycle because you are waiting for the right time when you can do it all perfectly.
Listen to Ashley describe her self-care story… and my coaching.

Click here to watch

Will I lose weight during the intuitive eating coaching process?

First, know that it’s completely normal for you to want to lose weight. We live in a society that is filled with weight stigma and thin ideal. That’s diet culture. Intuitive eating and body neutrality goal aren’t to help you lose weight. If you are focused on weight loss, it will actually undermine the process. While some people lose weight, others don’t. Our journey together is not about weight loss.
Listen to Ashley asking me “Is it ok if I want to lose weight?” … and my coaching.

Click here to watch

If would like to access more science-based information on this topic visit these 2 articles on my intuitive eating blogHealth beyond dieting and Intuitive eating & BMI.

I have tried so many diets will intuitive eating coaching work?

Good news, it’s not a diet. Diets have a 91-95% failure rate on 3-5 years’ timeframe so no surprise it didn’t for you either. Dieting leads to weight gain. This process is completely different from dieting because the goal is not weight loss, it’s about learning to appreciate our body and rebuild a relationship of trust and respect with ourselves and our body.
Listen to Ashley and me answering the question “If it’s not about weight loss then what is it about?”

Click here to watch

Why can I just do one session with you?

How long did it take you to get here? 1 hr or 10, 20, 30 years? I know for me it took 25 years and hoping to undo it all in 1 hour kept me stuck. The fear of commitment is in part the way in which your Diet brain operates to keep you stuck. Committing your time, energy and resources, your own transformation is part of the learning. If this is too much for you now, consider the environment of intuitive eating group coaching where we use the same methodology but no direct interaction with me.

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What is Diet Culture and 4 Steps to Navigate It

What is Diet Culture and 4 Steps to Navigate It

If you’ve been following me on social media or reading my blog, you certainly have come across the term “diet culture.” I’ve mentioned it many times before. But what is diet culture? How does it impact your life? And what should you do about it?

This article tackles this topic and teaches you how to opt-out of it. Also, I offer some resources that will help you start a new life outside of this oppressive belief system. Here’s what you’re going to learn from this blog post:

What is diet culture?

How to navigate the diet culture

Diet culture educational resources

Now, let’s begin exploring the diet culture so you can take your first steps to freedom!

diet culture

What is diet culture?

From the sound of it, you might think the term “diet culture” refers to a group of people who are on a diet. But it actually has a different meaning.

Christy Harrison, a colleague of mine, has the best diet culture definition. She defines it as a system of belief that worships thinness and equates it to health and moral virtue. It’s now prevalent in our society and oppresses women from all over the world!

How does this impact your life?

This means you may have spent your entire life thinking that you’re broken just because you don’t look like the impossibly thin ideal.

That’s just one angle. You can also look at the diet culture from three other angles:

The second angle is that it promotes weight loss as a means of attaining higher status. It makes you feel compelled, almost obligated, to spend massive amounts of time, energy, and resources, trying to shrink your body so you can fit into this thin ideal. Now, research is very clear that the dieting model has a 95 percent failure rate, so it might as well be an exercise in futility.

The next angle is it demonizes certain ways of eating while elevating others. It forces you to be hyper-vigilant about your eating, shames you for making certain food choices, and distracts you from the pleasure of eating as well as from your purpose and power.

Last but not least, it oppresses people who don’t match the supposed picture of health or the thin ideal. This affects us most particularly as women, although it’s starting to affect men.

My 25-year journey inside diet culture

As you probably know, I used to have a love-hate relationship with food and my body. A 25-year career in dieting left me obsessed, frustrated and confused about food. I was also at a loss on how to take care of my body.

Dieting was stealing my life and at 39. Then I decided that I had enough… I finally chose to take my power back and free myself from dieting and body shaming. The Going Beyond The Food Method™️ was born out of my personal journey.

Now, as a health professional, I’ve helped hundreds of women work their way out of this oppressive culture and develop a healthier relationship with food using intuitive eating and body neutrality.

Is diet culture affecting you, too? I invite you to consider its impact on your life. Take our quick self-assessment tool we created to help women determine if intuitive eating is the right solution for them.

How to navigate the diet culture

how to navigate diet culture

I invite you, and honestly all women, to become diet culture dropouts! Below are the four steps you need to take in your journey towards freedom:

  1. Understand that you have a choice. 

Now is the best time to be a woman. Unlike the generations before us, we’re liberated and empowered! You have to understand that diet culture is a tool that the patriarchy uses to keep us from being in our power. It keeps us busy minding our calories and macros. It induces guilt and so we feel inclined to punish ourselves when we fail.

Whether you want to stay in the diet culture and be oppressed or to break away from it and change your life, it’s totally up to you. But you should know that you have the power to make that choice.

  1. Take responsibility.

With great power comes great responsibility. Now, that sounds like a quote from a Spiderman movie, but as an empowered woman, you are responsible for your life. No one else is!

Now, you can be the victim of diet culture and drown yourself in self-pity and helplessness. Or you can say, “Screw this! I’m going to take responsibility, and I’m going to work myself out of it and change my life.”

It’s your call.

  1. Educate yourself. 

Read books and blogs. Listen to podcasts. Consume content that supports the choice that you’ve made for yourself. Be on guard against the content that might suck you right back into the diet culture. As I’ve said before, beware of diet culture programs disguised as wellness practices.

I’ve made it my personal mission to empower women by educating them so they don’t allow themselves to be oppressed. And so, I have put together some resources for you.

We have anti-diet culture podcast episodes on the Going Beyond the Food Show, where I interview health professionals. I invite you to listen as they share their expert insights and opinions on our relationship with our bodies and with food.

You can also read our anti-diet culture blog posts on this website. Here, we go deep into the research and the studies around diet culture as well as dieting and its impact on health.

If you’re looking for an anti-diet culture book, I recommend Health At Every Size by Linda Bacon, PhD. Dr. Bacon does research around health and dieting. It’s a book that gave me a lot of “aha moments” and subsequently changed my life.

  1. Find a framework to help you reconstruct your relationship with food and with your body.

You’re going to shift from the way of life that diet culture has taught you to a more empowering way of thinking and doing things. This means there’s a lot for you to unlearn and relearn, so you’re going to need all the support you can get.

The Going Beyond The Food Method™️ is a 5-step strategic process to help women move out of diet mentality and into self-care. Our 5 pillars are: mindset, emotional wellness, mindfulness, body neutrality and intuitive eating.

Diet culture educational resources

diet culture resources

As a clinical nutritionist, I’ve found that intuitive eating is the most effective tool for developing a healthy relationship with food and your body. Intuitive eating teaches you to tap into your innate hunger and fullness cues. It requires you to relearn how to engage with food without restriction and without labeling food as “good” or “bad.”

The trauma around body image is more powerful than the one around food. What I have found over the years is that when we work through our relationship with food, it’s a lot easier and faster to heal body image issues.

We offer a variety of programs that will help you should you decide to opt-out of diet culture:

1) The Intuitive Eating Project – This is a self-study program that will help you relearn how to eat intuitively at your own pace.

2) The Going Beyond the Food Academy – This is group coaching program where we teach the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ and offer support and coaching in a more in-depth approach. In this program, we talk about mindset, emotions, body image, intuitive eating, and mindfulness.

3) Conquer and Thrive– This is a six-month, high-touch intensive program where you work one-on-one with me. Here, you learn how to work your way out of the diet culture and heal your relationship with food, your body, and yourself.

Diet Culture FAQs

What is diet culture?

Christy Harrison defines it as a system of belief that worships thinness and equates it to health and moral virtue. It’s now prevalent in our society and oppresses women from all over the world!

How to navigate the diet culture?

1. Understand that you have a choice.

2. Take responsibility.

3. Educate yourself.

4. Find a framework to help you reconstruct your relationship with food and with your body.

What are the diet culture educational resources?

Intuitive Eating Project – This is a self-study program that will help you relearn how to eat intuitively at your own pace.

The Going Beyond the Food Academy – This is a group coaching program where we teach the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ and offer support and coaching in a more in-depth approach. In this program, we talk about mindset, emotions, body image, intuitive eating, and mindfulness.

Conquer and Thrive – This is a six-month, high-touch intensive program where you work one-on-one with me. Here, you learn how to work your way out of the diet culture and heal your relationship with food, your body, and yourself.

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I’m Stephanie Dodier - Clinical Nutritionist, Intuitive Eating expert, Podcast host, and Creator of the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with chronic dieting & body image and has since grown into a global movement.

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