286-You didn’t fail. Diets failed you.

by | Aug 5, 2021 | 0 comments


Dieting Failure

After every single diet failure over the span of a 25-year dieting career, these thoughts were on running on a loop in my mind

“What’s wrong me with?”

“Why is it that it works for ALL these women but not for me.” 

“If only I had more discipline and willpower, I couldn’t have kept the weight off.”

It’s estimated that by the time most women hit their 45th birthday, statistically speaking, we’ve tried 61 diets, plans, programs, detoxes, cleanses, meal plans, regimes, and eating system.  

All of it in an unending battle to shrink our body and, hopefully, change our life. 

We resort to dieting not because we want to but because we have been socialized to believe that a thinner body is the gateway to happiness.

So we hustle our way to our happiness with dieting. 

Dieting Failure 

And it works… until it doesn’t. We access a short relief from our unhappiness, feel confident only to find ourselves back to ground zero. 

We seek the next solution only to be told that it’s our fault it didn’t work in the first place… so as the Good Girl we have been taught to be, we go back to dieting.  

And for some of us, we repeat this cycle for decades. 

What if I told you that nothing had gone wrong?  That diet failure was the actual expected outcome of ANY diets

Diet Failed You. You didn’t fail at dieting. 

I know for me, when I am finally able to accept this FACT, this is when I open myself to discover what would really work for me in my chase for happiness.

And I would invite you to ask yourself the same question I had to ask myself: 

Why is it that in all other areas of my life, I was able to question the process used in order to achieve a goal and not myself?

What was different about weight loss? 

Why did I place the fault on me instead of looking rationally at the effectiveness of the dieting process?

What you’ll learn listening to this episode:

  • The Biggest Loser 8-year review
  • The conclusion of a meta-analysis of long term diet study
  • The belief system that lead us to self-blame 
  • How to liberate yourself from diet culture

Undiet Your Life 

If you want to unlearn diet culture and relearn how to believe in yourself, engage with your body with neutrality and finally relearn to eat normally, then join us inside of Undiet Your Life.

Our proprietary methodology Going Beyond The Food does just that… go beyond the food, lol!

Because food and your body are not the problem… Diet culture is the problem.

Undiet Your Life is the first program of its kind with the unique combination of mindset and life coaching with along with intuitive eating and body neutrality that help you unpack these social constructs in your own life and carefully select new beliefs that will serve you and create confidence, peace and happiness.

If this calls your name… you want to do your work with us – join us 

Mentioned on the show:

Undiet Your Life

Podcast Roadmap 

Article reviewing all studies stated on the podcast

Podcast Stephanie Dodier


I’m Stephanie Dodier – Non-Diet Nutritionist and Coach. I help women fight diet culture by reshaping their mind not their body. I have been hosting a million downloads podcast- It’s Beyond The Food for over 8 years and created the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with a 25 years dieting career  and has since grown into a global movement.

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