311-Stop Stressing About Your Weight Masterclass

by | Feb 3, 2022 | 0 comments

Stop Stressing About Your Weight

Stop stressing about your weight and learn how to create confidence. Think about the way you feel when you step off the scale. If you don’t like that feeling, then I’m talking to you, sister.

Let go of the shame and stress of weight for good

In order to stop stressing about your weight, you have to accept your body. And to accept your body, you have to accept that you don’t have control over your body.

When you are stressing and feeling shame about your weight, it’s because you’re not accepting what is. You are fighting reality, which means you are fighting the science of weight loss too.

Stop Being Affected By Other People’s Words…

We cannot go on the journey of body acceptance without at the same time learning how to process our emotions. You need to learn how to feel don’t fight and ride the wave (two concepts I’m teaching in the masterclass).

In order to stop stressing about your weight, you need to address the thought error “what will other people say?” When you buy into this thought, you are making “other people” and their emotional well-being more important than your own. Certainly, that will not make YOU feel better or less stressed about your weight.

I’m going to coach you on this on day 3 of the training. I guarantee it will blow your socks off – you don’t want to miss this.

Then Create Confidence

You already have the skillset to create confidence. But you’ve likely only used it to create shame and stress about your body – I know, WOW! The best solution to stressing about your weight is building your own opinion of yourself.

We are going to have time every day in the masterclass to actually DO this work so that you can start embodying it and create confidence.

If you want to completely change the narrative you have about your body right now, get your butt in the masterclass. Join the FREE 3-Day Masterclass to Stop Stressing About Your Weight.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode:

  • Why most women are not feeling confident about their body and instead stress and shame about their weight
  • How to stop feeling stressed and shameful about your body
  • How to create confidence
  • Where many women are getting tripped up when it comes to body acceptance
  • The most common error in thinking I see
  • How I can help you feel unshakeable confident and feel good in your skin right now

Mentioned in the show:

Stop Stressing About Your Weight 3-Day Masterclass

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Undiet Your Life Course

Podcast Stephanie Dodier


I’m Stephanie Dodier – Non-Diet Nutritionist and Coach. I help women fight diet culture by reshaping their mind not their body. I have been hosting a million downloads podcast- It’s Beyond The Food for over 8 years and created the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with a 25 years dieting career  and has since grown into a global movement.

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