30-Body Size Diversity in Coaching Panel Discussion with Brianna Campos & Victoria Welsby

by | Nov 23, 2021 | 0 comments

Body size diversity in coaching

Body size diversity in coaching is essential to dismantling fatphobia and diet culture.

Fatphobia adds an extra layer of difficulty for fat folks who run non-diet businesses. In fact, it creates barriers to their visibility and success.

This is why we need to eradicate hate towards fat folks and dismantle the systemic fatphobia that oppresses us. Certainly, the time to act is now.

Body Size Diversity in Coaching: How to Create It

Fellow non-diet coaches and professionals in fat bodies- I share many of the same challenges you face in this profession. For this reason, belief work and clear boundaries are essential to protecting our mental health in this space.

Non-diet colleagues in straight-sized bodies- start with addressing your fear of talking about fatphobia and “being political”. That is to say, acknowledge that political movements, like fat liberation, are inherently part of our profession.

Understand this- non-diet coaches in fat bodies don’t get to choose to have a political message in their marketing.

It is time to listen to fat folks, pass the mic, and invest in education from fat business owners. Certainly, these are essential steps towards fat liberation.

On today’s episode:

Victoria Welsby (they/them) is a world-leading expert on dismantling fatphobia and diet culture. Moreover, they are a TEDx speaker and a best-selling author. They started out being homeless and abused with self-esteem that was achingly low. Now, they are the courageous fat activists and change makers we know today. Also, Victoria helps people fall in love with themselves and is dedicated to shifting the way society views fat bodies.

Brianna (Bri) Campos is a licensed mental health counsellor based in New Jersey. As a body image educator and founder of Body Image With Bri, she is passionate about all things body image. This is also why she practices through the lens of Health at Every Size® and Intuitive Eating. On top of this, Bri utilizes a weight-inclusive approach. She combines clinical skills and lived experience to teach others how to maneuver through their own unique body image journeys.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on body size diversity in coaching:

  • Why diverse body representation matters in the non-diet space
  • How to deal with trolls as a fat creator
  • The impact of fatphobia on visibility and success
  • How to create body diversity in the non-diet profession

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I’m Stephanie Dodier Non-Diet Nutritionist and Cognitive Behavioural Coach. I mentor professionals into the non-diet approach to health. My Certification will teach you how to coach “beyond the food” using cognitive behavioural coaching. The health coaching industry is in desperate need of a revolution and we’re here for it!

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