69-7 Figure Biz Ideal Vs Thin Ideal

by | Jan 25, 2023 | 0 comments

7 Figure Biz Ideal Vs Thin Ideal

Today’s episode was inspired after reviewing my business revenue for last year and the wave of shame I experienced. How I experienced the shame was vastly different than I would have if I weren’t a coach. 

This story holds a powerful discovery that I want to share with you. 

Exploring Shame 

The moment you notice the sensations of shame in your body, it’s an invitation not to turn away from it but to be with it. 

It’s an invitation to ask yourself what thoughts and beliefs you have that create shame. For instance, when I noticed the sensation of shame after looking at my numbers, I discovered that I had the thought that I should be making more. After exploring further, my brain was offering up the belief that I should be making 7 figures in order to be qualified to teach business. 

So I sat with that. I had the skills to create safety through unconditional acceptance, which allowed me to sit with this and continue to explore my beliefs around money. 

I then asked if it was a fact that I needed to be making a million dollars to be a qualified business coach. The answer: a visceral no

7 Figure Biz Ideal Vs Thin Ideal

The revenue ideal I was holding onto parallels the thin ideal that women hold onto. The two both represent the conditioning that more is better. 

The moment this awareness came to my attention, the shame settled. I now had the choice to continue to uphold this conditioning or not. Choosing to uphold that belief is a choice to uphold toxic business culture.

Perhaps for you, you hold the 6 figure business ideal and attach your worth to the amount of money you make. 

In 2019, 88% of women-owned businesses made less than $100 000 per year. 

So why was I not allowing myself to consider myself successful? Because society conditions you to believe that only those who reach exceptional results outside of the average are successful. 

Just like wellness and diet culture condition us to believe that you must be thin to coach health. The deconditioning of the 7 and 6 business figure ideal is the same as the thin ideal. Success has nothing to do with the external. 

The only way I could reveal these subconscious beliefs was by acknowledging the sensation of shame. Allowing myself to feel shame led me to unlearn toxic business culture and make an empowering choice in my business. 

When you liberate yourself from the external standards of success you will experience joy, ease, contentment and confidence. 

So, I leave you with this question; are you subconsciously co-opting toxic business culture and taking action based on those beliefs?   

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on 7 Figure Biz Ideal Vs Thin Ideal:

  1. The powerful impact that processing shame has
  2. The parallels of the thin ideal and the 7-figure business ideal
  3. Questions to ask to determine if you are operating from toxic business culture

Mentioned in the show:

Mentorship Program 

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Stephanie Dodier Non-Diet Nutritionist& Coach


I’m Stephanie Dodier – Non-Diet Nutritionist and Coach. I help women fight diet culture by reshaping their mind not their body. I have been hosting a million downloads podcast- It’s Beyond The Food for over 8 years and created the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with a 25 years dieting career  and has since grown into a global movement.

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Working with Stephanie has been the best decision I could have made for my business.

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This program fast track my progress with so much clarity- Just do it!

I had so much trouble finding the right coach because no one understands our niche and what we do. How to position our non-diet approach in the market but also how to coach our client effectively. This is something really special and unique about this program and Stephanie.