098 – 21 Reasons Why Diets Don’t Work

by | Oct 26, 2017 | 0 comments


diets don't work

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In this episode I discuss  

Deep down when we are really honest, we know that diets don’t work… we can feel it in our “gut”. We face the truth, stop dieting and restricting and we start to feel better. That good feeling lasts until we see the evening news headline or the next social media post claiming to have found the miracle formula to end obesity. Then, the next morning we are back at it… we fear!

Diets Don’t Work

Even if we already know that diets don’t work, we still wonder why when we see new diet and exercise regimens that claim to solve all our weight issues, we try them and indulge, hoping to get the result we’ve been waiting for. But let me just share the statistics with you.

43% of people use food to regulate their emotions.

91% of women are unhappy with their weight and resort to dieting.

95% of dieters will regain their weight within 1-5 years.

Do you know that we spend $60B annually on weight loss? Yes, you heard it right! Moreover, 13% of the population were overweight in the 70’s and it grew to 35% in 2012, and it is still climbing.

These facts may come shocking to you because we’ve been conditioned to believe that what’s being fed to us by social media and big companies are the ways to resolve our weight issues, and therefore will make us happy. We keep looking for the next best thing all the time! But what if we got it all wrong? What do we need to do?

We need to look at our weight bubble and our relationship to food in a completely different manner.

21 Reasons Why Diets Don’t Work

Here is a list of 21 reasons for you to think differently about diet and why we need to ditch the diet mindset NOW.

  1. The Diet Mindset – Going Beyond the Food
  2. Mindset: Super Woman Syndrome & Alternative health option
  3. Gut Health: Brain, Mood, and Cravings
  4. Women & Adrenal Fatigue
  5. Trauma 
  6. Hormone – Weight Loss Connection
  7. Somatic: How Emotions Get Stuck in the Body
  8. Emotions: Happiness??
  9. Stress 
  10. Binging
  11. Detoxification
  12. Pursuing Health – Without Diet Mentality
  13. Mindset: Motivation
  14. The Energetics of Weight Loss
  15. Body Image
  16. Posture and Impact on Emotion and Health
  17. Emotions: Self-hate
  18. Exercise
  19. Thyroid
  20. What’s EMF & Impact on You
  21. Self Love + Self Care: The Key to Healing Your Body

What You Need to Do

Now that you’ve seen the list, you might be wondering, “How can these have an impact on my weight problem?” That is the reason why I created a platform, the Going Beyond The Food Project, to help you move beyond the food and for you to naturally manage your weight and get out of your distorted relationship to food. These are the things that nobody else has talked about before.

You have to step into your responsibility and look for the solution that fits you. To know if that is you, you have to understand and be exposed to that information and your intuition will guide you.

Join us at the Going Beyond The Food Project where 21 unconventional thinkers and health Experts, MD’s, ND’s and influencers gather in this online conference to help you find the solution beyond diet and food restriction. 

Why You Need to Do It

The information that will be shared in this online conference is not something you’ll get in mass media or from big companies as this is a grass root movement and the best part is, it’s FREE! You can register here.

Don’t keep this to yourself. Help me share this information with your loved ones and to as many women as possible because you might just help someone who badly needs a solution. See you there!

Last week’s episode, Dr. Jillian Murphy revealed the answer to the BIG question, “Can we be fat and healthy?” which is an age-old question to many. I suggest you check it out and be ready to be blown away! You can listen to the episode here. 

Next episode, Dr. Carolyn Ross will be with us to discuss a very interesting topic – binge eating. She’ll share her nontraditional approach and definition to binge eating… Stay tuned to this very insightful discussion! 

Be sure to check back every Sunday and Thursday for a new episode, and head over to iTunes   to subscribe so we can freshly deliver new episode directly to your device every time we release a new episode.  

If you enjoy the show and would love to encourage and support my work leave me an honest review using this link, click here. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like fuel… I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! Here’s a quick tutorial on “How to leave a review“! 


Links mentioned in this episode:  

Going Beyond The Food Project: http://bit.ly/2l2ageY

The Crave Cure: https://www.stephaniedodier.com/cravecure  

Beyond The Food Community: https://www.stephaniedodier.com/community

Support me by leaving a review about this episode: http://bit.ly/2gilTsw 

How you can reach Stephanie: 

Website: https://www.stephaniedodier.com/  

FB: https://www.facebook.com/StephanieDodiernutrition  

Instagram: https://instagram.com/stephdodier/  


Email: [email protected]  


Got a question for Stephanie you’d like her to answer, or just want to join our community of women?  

Our free and private community: https://www.stephaniedodier.com/community 



Going Beyond The Food Project

Ditch the Diet Mindset. Transform your relationship to food.

So you can Feel Good For Good.


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Podcast Stephanie Dodier


I’m Stephanie Dodier – Non-Diet Nutritionist and Coach. I help women fight diet culture by reshaping their mind not their body. I have been hosting a million downloads podcast- It’s Beyond The Food for over 8 years and created the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with a 25 years dieting career  and has since grown into a global movement.

Get started with our free eating, body image and mindset free assessments.

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