151-How Much Is the Desire to Control Your Food & Weight Really Costing You?

by | Aug 26, 2018 | 0 comments

How much is the desire to control your food costing you

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How much is the desire to control your food costing you

I’ve decided to write and speak about this topic of “Cost” after a lot of reflection. I was hesitant because I know the values and beliefs that many of us have around money and how sensitive it is for many women.

After months of thinking, I’ve decided to speak publicly. Cost and money are the #1 reason why women do not take their knowledge to the next level, thus, creating changes and transformation in their lives. Nothing will ever change if we continue doing the same thing that resulted in our current situation. That applies to anything…

The truth is we live in a world that requires an energy exchange of some type when it comes to almost anything including learning. That form of energy is money… the problem with money and eating behaviors is this:

We’ve spent a lot in the past to lose weight, to change eating behaviors, to stop binging, etc… and it didn’t work. You see your weight, body and it’s clearly a fail.

It’s now later in your life… 30-40… with what you believe to be dozens of failure under your belt and you are afraid of spending more. Low self-esteem, low self-confidence drive your belief that you’ll waste your money once more and you can’t justify this to your family, husband… or bank account.

Think about this for a minute: If your car had a problem starting in the morning on your way to work and it made you late. You went to your car mechanic, he quickly fixes the starter, you pay him and you’re on your way with your car operating well. A week later again the car doesn’t want to start… you go back to your mechanic, quick fixes on the starter and the car starts again. All seems good… for 2 weeks. Again, Monday morning 2 weeks post-last repair the car still doesn’t want to start… What would you do?

1- say to yourself… the car problem… it’s not worth me paying again for it. I’ve spent enough money trying to fix the problem already… I’ll just give up and walk to work instead. There’s no point!


2- say to yourself… maybe my mechanic isn’t good… maybe he isn’t really fixing the problem. Maybe the quick fix isn’t the answer… I’ll try a different mechanic and ask to take a different approach? I need to have consistency and be able to start my car daily.

Say you picked #2, you go to a new mechanic, who, instead of using old ways of car fixing, use a diagnostic tool. He finds out that the issue isn’t with the starter… instead it’s your engine. Would you give a shoot to fix the engine or say… well it’s too scary, I’ll just stay with a car that doesn’t start 1 out of 2 days?

In this episode I discuss 

  • How much is the desire to control your food costing you
  • The real reason why many women have the desire to control food
  • How the desire to control your food impacts your relationship with your partner
  • Do your beliefs around controlling food and weight directly affect your children? Listen to some case studies. 

Last episode, I talked about something that many women wished they’ve been blessed more with: self-confidence so that they can achieve their goals. Many think that if they had received the gift they too would be where others are

The good news is that self-confidence is a learned skill. Meaning, you can learn how to improve self-confidence. With the 4 steps that I shared in the episode, you’ll be able to practice and foster an environment that will lead you to improve and boost self-confidence.

Take a listen to this episode and learn the 4 steps to boost your self-confidence. Click here. 

Leave me a review, if you enjoy the show and would love to encourage and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link, click here. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like a fuel… and I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! 

Here’s a quick tutorial on How to leave a review.  


Links mentioned in the episode:

Register for the Academy Open House

Register for the Waitlist – Going Beyond the Food Academy

Get started with the Audio Training: How to Change Any Eating Habits


Studies Mentioned in the Episode:

Food and Emotions: 90 percent overlook key to weight loss, survey finds

Stressed Out Kids More Likely To Overeat; How Parents Train Their Kids In Emotional Eating


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Podcast Stephanie Dodier


I’m Stephanie Dodier – Non-Diet Nutritionist and Coach. I help women fight diet culture by reshaping their mind not their body. I have been hosting a million downloads podcast- It’s Beyond The Food for over 8 years and created the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with a 25 years dieting career  and has since grown into a global movement.

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