59-How to Determine Your Pricing for Your Non-Diet Coaching Services

by | Oct 5, 2022 | 0 comments

How to Determine Your Pricing for Your Non-Diet Coaching Services

There’s a lot of advice on how to determine your pricing for your non-diet coaching services, but most of it stems from oppressive systems.

Advice such as:

“Charge your worth.”

“Quit your job and go all in.”

“Just raise your prices.”

If you’ve been trying to align your non-diet business while following advice like the above, it’s understandable why you may be struggling with choosing the right price for your offer. 

Women have been conditioned by society that making money is not something they should worry about. Therefore, when pricing your program, your brain will likely offer a lot of drama.

Do these thoughts sound familiar?

“I should prioritize other people’s wellbeing over making money.”

“I’m not good enough to charge for my services.” 

“I need another certification before I can charge more.”

Let’s re-align your pricing from a non-oppressive process. 

How To Determine Your Pricing For Your Non-Diet Coaching Services

Step 1: 

Create Financial Safety outside of your coaching business. Before quitting your day job, consider whether that choice will put too much pressure on selling your program and consequently impact how you show up to your consultations. 

Step 2: 

It would help if you felt good enough before choosing your offer’s price, which is the opposite of the “charge your worth” advice. This advice continues to condition you that your worth isn’t innate. 

Step 3: 

Decide what you want to charge. Stop relying on other people’s opinions on what they think your program is worth. Check in with your body and nervous system once you have chosen the amount of money you will charge. 

If you’re ready to go deeper with this framework and start coaching body fantasies in your practice, I invite you to join the waitlist for the next cohort of the NON-DIET MENTORSHIP.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode:

  • How to create financial safety
  • Why the “charge your worth” advice is not helping you
  • Why you should stop asking other people what you should charge for your offer 
  • The one thing you need to know before you increase your price

Mentioned in the show:

Mentorship Program Waitlist 

Free Resources 

Stephanie Dodier Non-Diet Nutritionist& Coach


I’m Stephanie Dodier – Non-Diet Nutritionist and Coach. I help women fight diet culture by reshaping their mind not their body. I have been hosting a million downloads podcast- It’s Beyond The Food for over 8 years and created the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with a 25 years dieting career  and has since grown into a global movement.

Get started with our free eating, body image and mindset free assessments.

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The best decision for me personally and for my business!
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Founder, Anchor Program

I would have saved so much money if I had meet Stephanie before!

I would have been so much further in my business if I had consulted with Stephanie at the start of my business. I worked with so many people who said they knew what they were doing but Stephanie is the only who really knows.

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Founder, Katie Valley Wellness

I earned back my investment in the first 3.5 months and I’m on track to double my first-quarter revenue this quarter!

Working with Stephanie has been the best decision I could have made for my business.

Lisa Newman

Founder, Women Eat

This program fast track my progress with so much clarity- Just do it!

I had so much trouble finding the right coach because no one understands our niche and what we do. How to position our non-diet approach in the market but also how to coach our client effectively. This is something really special and unique about this program and Stephanie.