75-Result Neutrality: The Solution to Creating Success

by | Mar 29, 2023 | 0 comments

Result Neutrality




Result Neutrality

Culturally we have been taught to celebrate the wins and questioning ourselves when we lose. 

Socially we have been trained to expect results based on the efforts and actions we have taken.

Result entitlement is the #1 business killer.

What if getting the result meant nothing about you, the kind of person you are, worthiness or abilities?

What if the universe didn’t owe you any result?

How about instead you 100% believe that the thoughts you think created the feelings you experience which produce the quality of actions you took toward the result?

What if simply your thoughts and feelings created the result – that’s it. and that if you want twice as much of the result, you need to believe twice as much.

That’s result neutrality. 

What you’ll learn listening to this episode:

  • Why result dissonance is the #1 business killer.
  • The way you think the outcome will directly impact your ability to create success
  • The toxicity of result entitlement

Mentioned in the show:

New Intake Forms – Non-Diet Client Assessment Tools

Professional Training Certification Program 

Free Resources 

Episode Transcript:

Undiet Your Coaching Podcast Episode 75-Result Neutrality: The Solution to Creating Success

And welcome back, my dear colleague. We're gonna talk about business today. We're gonna talk about getting result in our business and what happens when we don't get the result that we want in our business. And I want you to also think about that in the context of your client. When your client don't get the result that they think they should get in working with you, either throughout the time that they're working with you, either when you ask them, how's it going halfway through the package or at the end of the program, and they are not getting the result that they think they should have.

And I call that I title this podcast episode Result Neutrality. And that's the solution. The solution to not experience discomfort, not experience frustration, not experience resentment when you are not getting the result that you think you should have is approaching your result with neutrality. That's the solution.

But before getting to the solution, I want to set the stage as to why this is happening, why we're struggling with having a negative unproductive experience, when we're not getting the result we think we should have. And I guarantee you that has already happened in your business and if you have not yet launched your business, guarantee that it will happen.

And the same thing is true also for your client's results. If you haven't had yet a client who told you that they are not happy with the result they're getting in your program, it will happen to you. So I was triggered into writing this podcast because I was coaching this exact circumstance in the Inner Circle Mastermind, our group coaching program for people that are building their coaching business. And one of our student had plan and work hard, as she described it, very hard in a launch that she was doing, and the result that she experienced by the end of her launch wasn't what she thought it should be.

She was experiencing what I call result dissonance, where when you think you should get X results, you're getting Y results. And I have to say this dissonance in our results is the number one business killer that I've encountered thus far in coaching people who are building their business. When the result that people are experiencing in their business isn't aligned to their opinion of what they think it should be, too often, unfortunately, people quit. People beat the shit out of themselves, like mentally and emotionally, terrible to themselves because they're not getting the result. They haven't created the result they think they should have, and they end up spiraling down in months of victim mindset and depression about their business because they're frustrated. They have themselves convinced that they should have got a different result than they got, and it's not fair. It's this and it's that. I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about, this entitlement to a result.

And you're not getting the result, and then you're asking why isn't it working? You're either throwing the blame at yourself, and I see that very frequently in female people identified as women, people who have been under the socialization of patriarchy, combined with DI culture, when they're asking themselves, why isn't it working, why am I not getting the result, often they will lay the blame deeply on themselves and how bad and how wrong they are. Sometimes the blame get laid outside. It's someone else's fault and it's something that should have happened differently.

I also see that in circumstance where students will blame their mentor, their teacher, their guide for not getting the result they want. I see that a lot in context of group coaching program. And this is gonna be relevant to, if you build a group coaching program, if you get client that are saying, I'm not happy with the result that I'm getting, very often what happen is in group coaching program where you have a curriculum based program, you outline a number of things, like step one to five of things that needs to be done in order to get the result you promise. So, unfortunately, what happened is people will do step one to three and then they will Google step four and decide to alter step four, not doing exactly the way that the curriculum as outlined it, and then step five, did the decide not to do it at all because it's too uncomfortable for. It's requiring of them to do something they've never done before, something they've done before, they fail that, and they're like, I'm not doing that. Instead of coaching themselves to do the thing that's uncomfortable, the step five of the process, they will instead not do it at all.

And so they're paying for a curriculum to get the step one to five to get the result, but they're deciding to only do step one to 3.5 and letting go of 3.54 and five, because they're in a fear of missing out. They're in doubt that they can create the result with this simple step one to five. I hear that over and over and over again in the way we teach business. So we teach business in a very simple way, in a way that is an alignment with what we coach our client with, in a way where our value are aligned and that ends up giving us a business process that's very simple, and when people go through my curriculum, the first comment is, well, that's too simple. Okay, I'm like, okay, it's too simple. Have you done the step one to five outlining? No. It's just too simple. How about if we do this? How about if you do step one to five, you execute exactly how I've outlined step one to five, and then you come back to me and you tell me the kind of result you get. But their brain will say, well, it's just too simple. Has to be more complicated. When your perspective at the end of the day is that the result that you have should be something else than what it is, and then you have a tantrum about the result that you think you should have versus what you actually have, what really is happening is a form of righteousness.

When you think it should be otherwise, then what it is and what reality is, you are acting towards your result righteously,The reality, the real issue, righteousness is a form of self-defense mechanism, right? It's a pattern that the brain will use to keep you safe in the old version of yourself. In the old way, in the old set of circumstance, it will make you think righteous thoughts and create righteousness in your emotional body in order for you to stay in the old version of yourself and getting the old result you were getting because getting the new result is scary to your brain.

And when we buy into that, when we buy into the thoughts that our brain is offering us, and we create this righteousness, this entitlement to the result we think we should have, we are not willing to be honest with ourselves, you're not willing to see the truth. Just like when I was telling you about group curriculum and you buy a group coaching program wanting the result X and the group leader, the curriculum builder, tells you exactly what you need to do, but you decide that you're gonna do set one to 3.5, but 3.5 and four, you're gonna do a little bit of it, but a little bit of another one, and you're gonna skip five, you're like, but I didn't get the results.

Why are you not willing to be honest with yourself and say, well, actually I'd only did step one to 3.5. I didn't really do four and I skipped five altogether. And the reason why we're not willing to be honest with ourselves is because we don't live in a state of self responsibility. And the same thing with your client. When you say, this is what you need to do to become an intuitive eater or to become neutral about your body, but they're not willing to do part of it is because they're likely not in a state of self responsibility.

Self responsibility is when you are able to look at the result you have in this case and look at the action you thought, and look at the thoughts you were thinking with pure neutrality and say, and evaluate these steps and be honest with yourself without attaching it to your self worth. Self responsibility is the opposite of blaming. Blaming is when you look at the results you, you got in the path you took to get the results you don't want to get, and you look for a guilty party, you look for somebody to blame. You look for somebody to beat the shit out of, most often it's you. For us as women, we end up looking for how we did things wrong and how we are wrong, so we can spend days, if not weeks and months in self-judgment, in self-criticism.

Whenever there's self criticism or judgment present, know that you are in a state of blame. You're not in a state of self responsibility, and the truth is it's not your fault. How we do one thing is how we do everything. And how you as the coach, as the business builder, you have been raised in patriarchy and you are a woman, you have been raised to learn to blame yourself and take the blame and look at how you are wrong. Not at how other things could be improved to help you, it's about you are wrong, you did something wrong and you're a bad person. And the same thing with diet culture, Ithat's the whole paradigm of dieting, right? Here's the right way of eating, and if you do it perfectly, you're gonna lose weight, one plus one equal two, when the fact is 95% of people will do a few pounds here and there, but regain it all and in often case some more. That is the truth. That's Statistic of the process of dieting. But DIA culture is anchored in, if you follow the plan and do it perfectly, the key here, you will get the result. We have been socialized and done this pattern in the rest of our life to get result over and over and over and over again. It's like deep groove and neuro pathways in our brain so it's totally normal that when we come to the circumstance of building our business, we first unconsciously engage in the process of creating result in the same way. It's totally normal.

It's totally normal that we're, we are entitled to think we should get the results in our business because another thing that our society teaches us is if you work hard, you will get the results right. No pain, no gains. So you're like, well, I work 50 hours last week on this launch. I spent 15 hours creating those social media posts. I should get the result. People should book a consultation. I am entitled to it because we've been socially trained to think if we work hard, we're gonna get the results. Let me ask you this. What if you weren't entitled to nothing? What if the amount of hours you work in your business doesn't make you entitled to nothing? What if the universe or God doesn't owe you anything? What if instead, your thoughts and your feeling influenced the quality of your action towards your goal and created the results? What if in fact, your thoughts and your emotion, your mental body and your emotional body create the result that you have? And the reason why you have the result that you have is because, of the way you were thinking about the goal and the way you were feeling, taking the action towards the goal. What if you need to believe twice as much that you were believing when you didn't get the result? What if in fact, that level of belief was only 50% what the level of beliefs that needed to be in order to create the result you want.

So you're only 50% of the way there. What if you weren't entitled to nothing? What would happen? What would happen if you walked in to setting a goal in your business, or if your client walked into setting a goal with you, with no expectation, with no entitlement, with full state of self responsibility to say the thoughts and the feeling I experience will create the quality of action I will take, and the sum of the quality of action I will take will create the result. Therefore, if I don't get the result, it's because of my thoughts and my emotion. What if you thought like that, what if you were completely neutral to the results? What would happen?

Here's what I think would happen. Here's what I see over and over what happened. Here's what happened in my life, in my business when Michael Coach taught me to become neutral about my result that my meant nothing about me. That setting a goal was simply a container for me to learn about myself and become the next version of myself. What if setting a goal? Well, not what if for me, setting a goal is completely neutral and whatever the result is at the end is completely, it doesn't mean anything about.

And I chose the title of this podcast to be Result Neutrality because it's the same pattern with your body image. When you can detach yourself from the way your body looked the size of your body, you can then as a body neutral person, take action to support your body without attaching the way your body look to your self-worth or your self-esteem.

So if you were able to engage with your goals neutrally and your result neutrally, you'd have a lot less suffering, especially in the context of your business. The amount of suffering we impose ourselves because we attach a meaning about ourselves to the result we get is incredible. When we suffer less, we are able to increase our resilience, and then when we are more resilient, we are able and willing to try over and over and over again. We become more creative. We become failure resistant. We increase our failure capacity, and you are willing to believe more in yourself when the results are neutral.

The reason why we don't have the result that we have in our business is because there is a dissonance between the expected result and the level of belief about ourselves getting the result we actually created. Scale of one to then, we believe as we enter the goal, we believe ourselves capable of getting the result, let's say a five on a scale of 10. But in order to get the result we needed to believe, nine and a half outta 10. So we got the result that's proportional to our capacity to believe in ourselves to get the result. We have to believe in ourselves to get the result before we actually get the results. It's not the reverse. And that's the problem.

When we're not neutral about the result, we expect to get the results so that we can believe in ourselves more. Why do we feel entitled to our result? Why are we not neutral to our result? Simply because we don't believe ourselves capable to get the result. So it's a form of self-protection and it's also why we are impatient about getting a result. I call that toxic goals. I call that diet culture goal. There's a checklist when we set our goals for our business. I call that setting our massive goal for our business. I have a checklist of called toxic goal or dirty goals. And one of the thing I make sure the student have is no timeline on their goals. Because when we set a timeline to get a result is because we are impatient to get the result because we don't believe we can get the results. So the whole process is very uncomfortable and we wanna get our out of that discomfort as fast as possible. So we set a deadline, we put pressure on ourselves. We blame ourselves, we beat ourselves. We work hard, hard, hard, hard and then we don't get the result. We're like, why was supposed to get 10 clients in six months? I didn't get 10 clients. This business thing isn't working, and yet we are selling coaching. We cannot coach ourselves through our own results. Think about that for a minute, like this is dissonance to the maximum.

So here's my solution to you. What if setting a goal in your business was just a playground for you to learn to believe in yourself? What if, number two, you didn't believe you were entitled to shit? Then the nothing. Not even the number of hours you work and then the results you're gonna get and the amount of likes you're gonna get on that post. You're not entitled to nothing. You walk into all the action you're taking with no expectation. What if you're in a complete state of neutrality and you were engaging in your business goal from a place of self responsibility?

This is what we call evaluating, evaluating on the things that you can take responsibility for, and evaluating yourself with complete neutrality. You would build failure, resilience, which is an essential of any business owner and entrepreneur. You would build the skill of believing in yourself and creating emotion that create productive action. You increase your quality of thinking. You would increase the quality of your action. You would increase your skillfulness at coaching yourself. You would practice over and over and over and over the same thing until you nailed it with no attachment about what it means about you or any timeline. That's how you create success. And if you can master that skillset of result neutrality in goal setting neutrality before starting your business, and you can start your business from that perspective, you're gonna skyrocket your business. But what happens for most of us is this whole world of coaching comes in as a result of struggling in our business. And then so we have to go back and retrain ourselves to think differently about her, which to me as a coach is a gift. Cause your business becomes your playground at becoming a better coach, at mastering the skill of coaching from a place of lived experience. For me as a coach, creating my business and building my business has been my number one client. Coaching my own brain through the UPS and down the 50 50, 50% failure, 50% success of building my coaching business, has been the place where I've learned the most about coaching.

So I'm inviting you to bring neutrality to your result, any results. I'm inviting you to engage with your client's result with neutrality so you can teach them how to be neutral to their result, which means also, just a quick tip here, which means also not over celebrating when they're getting the result that they think they're want. Because if you're over celebrating them, getting the result that they think they should get, it has an unconscious acknowledgement that when they don't get the result, it means that something is wrong.

So you as a coach, meeting your client's result with neutrality is a way for you to teach them to be neutral with their result. And the only way you can meet your client's result with neutrality is when you meet your own result with neutrality. Set lots of goals with yourself and master the skill of setting goals from a place of becoming neutral for your result. I hope this helps you and I'll see you on the next podcast.


Episode 75-Result Neutrality: The Solution to Creating Success

And welcome back, my dear colleague. We’re gonna talk about business today. We’re gonna talk about getting result in our business and what happens when we don’t get the result that we want in our business. And I want you to also think about that in the context of your client. When your client don’t get the result that they think they should get in working with you, either throughout the time that they’re working with you, either when you ask them, how’s it going halfway through the package or at the end of the program, and they are not getting the result that they think they should have.

And I call that I title this podcast episode Result Neutrality. And that’s the solution. The solution to not experience discomfort, not experience frustration, not experience resentment when you are not getting the result that you think you should have is approaching your result with neutrality. That’s the solution.

But before getting to the solution, I want to set the stage as to why this is happening, why we’re struggling with having a negative unproductive experience, when we’re not getting the result we think we should have. And I guarantee you that has already happened in your business and if you have not yet launched your business, guarantee that it will happen.

And the same thing is true also for your client’s results. If you haven’t had yet a client who told you that they are not happy with the result they’re getting in your program, it will happen to you. So I was triggered into writing this podcast because I was coaching this exact circumstance in the Inner Circle Mastermind, our group coaching program for people that are building their coaching business. And one of our student had plan and work hard, as she described it, very hard in a launch that she was doing, and the result that she experienced by the end of her launch wasn’t what she thought it should be.

She was experiencing what I call result dissonance, where when you think you should get X results, you’re getting Y results. And I have to say this dissonance in our results is the number one business killer that I’ve encountered thus far in coaching people who are building their business. When the result that people are experiencing in their business isn’t aligned to their opinion of what they think it should be, too often, unfortunately, people quit. People beat the shit out of themselves, like mentally and emotionally, terrible to themselves because they’re not getting the result. They haven’t created the result they think they should have, and they end up spiraling down in months of victim mindset and depression about their business because they’re frustrated. They have themselves convinced that they should have got a different result than they got, and it’s not fair. It’s this and it’s that. I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking about, this entitlement to a result.

And you’re not getting the result, and then you’re asking why isn’t it working? You’re either throwing the blame at yourself, and I see that very frequently in female people identified as women, people who have been under the socialization of patriarchy, combined with DI culture, when they’re asking themselves, why isn’t it working, why am I not getting the result, often they will lay the blame deeply on themselves and how bad and how wrong they are. Sometimes the blame get laid outside. It’s someone else’s fault and it’s something that should have happened differently.

I also see that in circumstance where students will blame their mentor, their teacher, their guide for not getting the result they want. I see that a lot in context of group coaching program. And this is gonna be relevant to, if you build a group coaching program, if you get client that are saying, I’m not happy with the result that I’m getting, very often what happen is in group coaching program where you have a curriculum based program, you outline a number of things, like step one to five of things that needs to be done in order to get the result you promise. So, unfortunately, what happened is people will do step one to three and then they will Google step four and decide to alter step four, not doing exactly the way that the curriculum as outlined it, and then step five, did the decide not to do it at all because it’s too uncomfortable for. It’s requiring of them to do something they’ve never done before, something they’ve done before, they fail that, and they’re like, I’m not doing that. Instead of coaching themselves to do the thing that’s uncomfortable, the step five of the process, they will instead not do it at all.

And so they’re paying for a curriculum to get the step one to five to get the result, but they’re deciding to only do step one to 3.5 and letting go of 3.54 and five, because they’re in a fear of missing out. They’re in doubt that they can create the result with this simple step one to five. I hear that over and over and over again in the way we teach business. So we teach business in a very simple way, in a way that is an alignment with what we coach our client with, in a way where our value are aligned and that ends up giving us a business process that’s very simple, and when people go through my curriculum, the first comment is, well, that’s too simple. Okay, I’m like, okay, it’s too simple. Have you done the step one to five outlining? No. It’s just too simple. How about if we do this? How about if you do step one to five, you execute exactly how I’ve outlined step one to five, and then you come back to me and you tell me the kind of result you get. But their brain will say, well, it’s just too simple. Has to be more complicated. When your perspective at the end of the day is that the result that you have should be something else than what it is, and then you have a tantrum about the result that you think you should have versus what you actually have, what really is happening is a form of righteousness.

When you think it should be otherwise, then what it is and what reality is, you are acting towards your result righteously,The reality, the real issue, righteousness is a form of self-defense mechanism, right? It’s a pattern that the brain will use to keep you safe in the old version of yourself. In the old way, in the old set of circumstance, it will make you think righteous thoughts and create righteousness in your emotional body in order for you to stay in the old version of yourself and getting the old result you were getting because getting the new result is scary to your brain.

And when we buy into that, when we buy into the thoughts that our brain is offering us, and we create this righteousness, this entitlement to the result we think we should have, we are not willing to be honest with ourselves, you’re not willing to see the truth. Just like when I was telling you about group curriculum and you buy a group coaching program wanting the result X and the group leader, the curriculum builder, tells you exactly what you need to do, but you decide that you’re gonna do set one to 3.5, but 3.5 and four, you’re gonna do a little bit of it, but a little bit of another one, and you’re gonna skip five, you’re like, but I didn’t get the results.

Why are you not willing to be honest with yourself and say, well, actually I’d only did step one to 3.5. I didn’t really do four and I skipped five altogether. And the reason why we’re not willing to be honest with ourselves is because we don’t live in a state of self responsibility. And the same thing with your client. When you say, this is what you need to do to become an intuitive eater or to become neutral about your body, but they’re not willing to do part of it is because they’re likely not in a state of self responsibility.

Self responsibility is when you are able to look at the result you have in this case and look at the action you thought, and look at the thoughts you were thinking with pure neutrality and say, and evaluate these steps and be honest with yourself without attaching it to your self worth. Self responsibility is the opposite of blaming. Blaming is when you look at the results you, you got in the path you took to get the results you don’t want to get, and you look for a guilty party, you look for somebody to blame. You look for somebody to beat the shit out of, most often it’s you. For us as women, we end up looking for how we did things wrong and how we are wrong, so we can spend days, if not weeks and months in self-judgment, in self-criticism.

Whenever there’s self criticism or judgment present, know that you are in a state of blame. You’re not in a state of self responsibility, and the truth is it’s not your fault. How we do one thing is how we do everything. And how you as the coach, as the business builder, you have been raised in patriarchy and you are a woman, you have been raised to learn to blame yourself and take the blame and look at how you are wrong. Not at how other things could be improved to help you, it’s about you are wrong, you did something wrong and you’re a bad person. And the same thing with diet culture, Ithat’s the whole paradigm of dieting, right? Here’s the right way of eating, and if you do it perfectly, you’re gonna lose weight, one plus one equal two, when the fact is 95% of people will do a few pounds here and there, but regain it all and in often case some more. That is the truth. That’s Statistic of the process of dieting. But DIA culture is anchored in, if you follow the plan and do it perfectly, the key here, you will get the result. We have been socialized and done this pattern in the rest of our life to get result over and over and over and over again. It’s like deep groove and neuro pathways in our brain so it’s totally normal that when we come to the circumstance of building our business, we first unconsciously engage in the process of creating result in the same way. It’s totally normal.

It’s totally normal that we’re, we are entitled to think we should get the results in our business because another thing that our society teaches us is if you work hard, you will get the results right. No pain, no gains. So you’re like, well, I work 50 hours last week on this launch. I spent 15 hours creating those social media posts. I should get the result. People should book a consultation. I am entitled to it because we’ve been socially trained to think if we work hard, we’re gonna get the results. Let me ask you this. What if you weren’t entitled to nothing? What if the amount of hours you work in your business doesn’t make you entitled to nothing? What if the universe or God doesn’t owe you anything? What if instead, your thoughts and your feeling influenced the quality of your action towards your goal and created the results? What if in fact, your thoughts and your emotion, your mental body and your emotional body create the result that you have? And the reason why you have the result that you have is because, of the way you were thinking about the goal and the way you were feeling, taking the action towards the goal. What if you need to believe twice as much that you were believing when you didn’t get the result? What if in fact, that level of belief was only 50% what the level of beliefs that needed to be in order to create the result you want.

So you’re only 50% of the way there. What if you weren’t entitled to nothing? What would happen? What would happen if you walked in to setting a goal in your business, or if your client walked into setting a goal with you, with no expectation, with no entitlement, with full state of self responsibility to say the thoughts and the feeling I experience will create the quality of action I will take, and the sum of the quality of action I will take will create the result. Therefore, if I don’t get the result, it’s because of my thoughts and my emotion. What if you thought like that, what if you were completely neutral to the results? What would happen?

Here’s what I think would happen. Here’s what I see over and over what happened. Here’s what happened in my life, in my business when Michael Coach taught me to become neutral about my result that my meant nothing about me. That setting a goal was simply a container for me to learn about myself and become the next version of myself. What if setting a goal? Well, not what if for me, setting a goal is completely neutral and whatever the result is at the end is completely, it doesn’t mean anything about.

And I chose the title of this podcast to be Result Neutrality because it’s the same pattern with your body image. When you can detach yourself from the way your body looked the size of your body, you can then as a body neutral person, take action to support your body without attaching the way your body look to your self-worth or your self-esteem.

So if you were able to engage with your goals neutrally and your result neutrally, you’d have a lot less suffering, especially in the context of your business. The amount of suffering we impose ourselves because we attach a meaning about ourselves to the result we get is incredible. When we suffer less, we are able to increase our resilience, and then when we are more resilient, we are able and willing to try over and over and over again. We become more creative. We become failure resistant. We increase our failure capacity, and you are willing to believe more in yourself when the results are neutral.

The reason why we don’t have the result that we have in our business is because there is a dissonance between the expected result and the level of belief about ourselves getting the result we actually created. Scale of one to then, we believe as we enter the goal, we believe ourselves capable of getting the result, let’s say a five on a scale of 10. But in order to get the result we needed to believe, nine and a half outta 10. So we got the result that’s proportional to our capacity to believe in ourselves to get the result. We have to believe in ourselves to get the result before we actually get the results. It’s not the reverse. And that’s the problem.

When we’re not neutral about the result, we expect to get the results so that we can believe in ourselves more. Why do we feel entitled to our result? Why are we not neutral to our result? Simply because we don’t believe ourselves capable to get the result. So it’s a form of self-protection and it’s also why we are impatient about getting a result. I call that toxic goals. I call that diet culture goal. There’s a checklist when we set our goals for our business. I call that setting our massive goal for our business. I have a checklist of called toxic goal or dirty goals. And one of the thing I make sure the student have is no timeline on their goals. Because when we set a timeline to get a result is because we are impatient to get the result because we don’t believe we can get the results. So the whole process is very uncomfortable and we wanna get our out of that discomfort as fast as possible. So we set a deadline, we put pressure on ourselves. We blame ourselves, we beat ourselves. We work hard, hard, hard, hard and then we don’t get the result. We’re like, why was supposed to get 10 clients in six months? I didn’t get 10 clients. This business thing isn’t working, and yet we are selling coaching. We cannot coach ourselves through our own results. Think about that for a minute, like this is dissonance to the maximum.

So here’s my solution to you. What if setting a goal in your business was just a playground for you to learn to believe in yourself? What if, number two, you didn’t believe you were entitled to shit? Then the nothing. Not even the number of hours you work and then the results you’re gonna get and the amount of likes you’re gonna get on that post. You’re not entitled to nothing. You walk into all the action you’re taking with no expectation. What if you’re in a complete state of neutrality and you were engaging in your business goal from a place of self responsibility?

This is what we call evaluating, evaluating on the things that you can take responsibility for, and evaluating yourself with complete neutrality. You would build failure, resilience, which is an essential of any business owner and entrepreneur. You would build the skill of believing in yourself and creating emotion that create productive action. You increase your quality of thinking. You would increase the quality of your action. You would increase your skillfulness at coaching yourself. You would practice over and over and over and over the same thing until you nailed it with no attachment about what it means about you or any timeline. That’s how you create success. And if you can master that skillset of result neutrality in goal setting neutrality before starting your business, and you can start your business from that perspective, you’re gonna skyrocket your business. But what happens for most of us is this whole world of coaching comes in as a result of struggling in our business. And then so we have to go back and retrain ourselves to think differently about her, which to me as a coach is a gift. Cause your business becomes your playground at becoming a better coach, at mastering the skill of coaching from a place of lived experience. For me as a coach, creating my business and building my business has been my number one client. Coaching my own brain through the UPS and down the 50 50, 50% failure, 50% success of building my coaching business, has been the place where I’ve learned the most about coaching.

So I’m inviting you to bring neutrality to your result, any results. I’m inviting you to engage with your client’s result with neutrality so you can teach them how to be neutral to their result, which means also, just a quick tip here, which means also not over celebrating when they’re getting the result that they think they’re want. Because if you’re over celebrating them, getting the result that they think they should get, it has an unconscious acknowledgement that when they don’t get the result, it means that something is wrong.

So you as a coach, meeting your client’s result with neutrality is a way for you to teach them to be neutral with their result. And the only way you can meet your client’s result with neutrality is when you meet your own result with neutrality. Set lots of goals with yourself and master the skill of setting goals from a place of becoming neutral for your result. I hope this helps you and I’ll see you on the next podcast.



I’m Stephanie Dodier – Non-Diet Nutritionist, Cognitive Behavioral Coach and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor.

I help women fight diet culture by reshaping their mind not their body. I have been hosting a million downloads podcasts- It’s Beyond The Food for over 8 years and The Undiet Your Coaching. I’m the creator of  the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with a 25 years dieting career  and has since grown into a global movement.

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Founder. Intuitive Diabetic

The best decision for me personally and for my business!
You will provided with the strongest foundation to be able to support your client and to change their lives!

Dr. Carolyn Ross

Founder, Anchor Program

I would have saved so much money if I had meet Stephanie before!

I would have been so much further in my business if I had consulted with Stephanie at the start of my business. I worked with so many people who said they knew what they were doing but Stephanie is the only who really knows.

Katie Valley, B.Sc.,RHNP

Founder, Katie Valley Wellness

I earned back my investment in the first 3.5 months and I’m on track to double my first-quarter revenue this quarter!

Working with Stephanie has been the best decision I could have made for my business.

Lisa Newman

Founder, Women Eat

This program fast track my progress with so much clarity- Just do it!

I had so much trouble finding the right coach because no one understands our niche and what we do. How to position our non-diet approach in the market but also how to coach our client effectively. This is something really special and unique about this program and Stephanie.