211-The Wisdom of Emotional Eating – Listeners’ Q&A

by | Oct 24, 2019 | 0 comments

Wisdom-of-Emotional-Eating-Stephanie Dodier

In today’s episode, we’ll talk about the wisdom of emotional eating

Can we find wisdom in emotional eating behaviors? Or is emotional eating something to be demonized and eliminated?

The vast majority of society say ‘no’ to the first questions and say ‘yesss’ to the second one. Then, they ask next: What’s the trick to stop emotional eating?

What if I said to you there’s a gift in emotional eating… what would be your gut reaction? Likely doubts like most women. The truth is that yes, there’s wisdom, magic, and power in emotional eating. That is if we accept to do one simple thing:

Trade judgment for curiosity.

Empowerment & emotional eating

The view we have on emotional eating is a direct reflection of our current relationship to food, weight, and body. In fact, most women are typically afraid of emotional eating. They are terrified to gain weight or not lose weight so they seek to end it.

Moreover, self-described emotional eaters are typically “stuck” in the diet cycle and adhere greatly to diet culture’s teaching. When you free yourself from the shackle of diet culture, you automatically shift your perspective on emotional eating.

Being in our power as women is the requirement to shift our perspective on emotional eating and being able to see the gift that it’s offering us. When we become empowered women, we have the guts to let go of diet culture’s expectation of our body. This enables us to come back into our truth, our intuition.

Simply said, taking back our power is the first step to end emotional eating.

Emotional Eating versus Binge Eating versus Overeating

Emotional eating is a continuum. At one end, the simple act of choosing food to soothe ourselves from time to time and towards the end binge eating.

The primary criteria of binge eating involve eating a large amount of food in a short period of time. This is while feeling a lack of control over the eating episode as well as intense shame about the behavior. Where emotional eating is soft and also is described as mindless eating.

On the other hand, overeating is interesting. When you breakdown the word OVER EATING it means eating over a certain amount. What is the certain amount? Who determines it? The term overeating is 100% derived from diet culture in which the amount you are allowed to eat is pre-determined externally and must not be exceeded. Otherwise, you’ll not lose weight or maintain weight. Overeating is the term used to shame someone not following the meal plan, diet etc…

The gift of emotional eating

Plainly said, emotional eating is the act of using food to soothe uncomfortable emotions. Usually anxiety, stress, fear, anger, boredom, shame, etc… these emotions are present in our life for a reason. Emotions have messages for us… Deep, life-changing messages.

Think of emotions as the radar for your life. Feeling good? Do more of xxx. Feeling bad? Do less of XXXX. Emotions are created from our thought and mindset. Emotions are then the secret message to let you know how you think and what you need to change.

That’s the gift of emotional eating… a window into our truth and growth.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode:

  • Emotional Eating versus Binge Eating versus Overeating?
  • Why do we want to stop emotional eating?
  • What is the gift of emotional eating?
  • How to stop emotional eating?
  • Answer to the 4 questions from podcast listeners about emotional eating, binge eating, and overeating.

Mentioned on the show:

Conquer 2020 and Thrive Program

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Podcast Stephanie Dodier


I’m Stephanie Dodier – Non-Diet Nutritionist and Coach. I help women fight diet culture by reshaping their mind not their body. I have been hosting a million downloads podcast- It’s Beyond The Food for over 8 years and created the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with a 25 years dieting career  and has since grown into a global movement.

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