36-You Are The Product You Sell

by | Apr 11, 2022 | 0 comments

You Are The Product You Sell

You are the product you sell: you sell yourself and your coaching abilities. Therefore, the easiest way to get more clients as a non-diet coach is to show up as a coach – coaching is selling.

Coaching is an intangible product, so instead of having a physical product to offer, you are the product. This means you need to embody what you are offering and become the living testimony of the results of your program.

If there is a fear of talking about how amazing your program is, it may be because you’re not embodying what you sell. Which might mean you haven’t yet mastered coaching, body image, or whatever else is included in your offer.

When you are being the product of your program, you are the thing you sell. And this is when you will easily attract people who want what you have.


I am the product of my products – non-diet coaching and mentorship. This is demonstrated throughout the entire Undiet Your Coaching Practice Podcast and I am certain that you can have a thriving non-diet businesstoo.

Selling doesn’t have to feel yucky and sleazy. The reason why selling isn’t enjoyable and easy is because we think of it in the “diet-culture” way.

This misunderstanding around selling is what’s holding back most intuitive eating, body image, and non-diet health coaches from building a business that impacts people and makes money.

Enter, the 5-day training event: 4 Simple Steps To Get Paying Clients As A Non-Diet Coach – it’s time to become the confident non-diet coach that impacts thousands of people via their successful coaching business.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode: 

  • How to showcase your offer when you don’t have a tangible product
  • Real-life examples of selling with integrity
  • How to embody what you coach and become the living & breathing testimony of what you sell
  • How to implement the 4 simple steps to get paying clients as a non-diet coach

Mentioned in the show:

4 simple steps to get more paying client event


Mentorship Program

Free Resources 


I’m Stephanie Dodier – Non-Diet Nutritionist, Cognitive Behavioral Coach and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor.

I help women fight diet culture by reshaping their mind not their body. I have been hosting a million downloads podcasts- It’s Beyond The Food for over 8 years and The Undiet Your Coaching. I’m the creator of  the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with a 25 years dieting career  and has since grown into a global movement.

Get started with our free eating, body image and mindsets free intake form and client assessments 

Ready to show the diet industry that you mean business?

Download The Non-Diet Professional
Training Series

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Client Love

Lindsay Sarson

Founder. Intuitive Diabetic

The best decision for me personally and for my business!
You will provided with the strongest foundation to be able to support your client and to change their lives!

Dr. Carolyn Ross

Founder, Anchor Program

I would have saved so much money if I had meet Stephanie before!

I would have been so much further in my business if I had consulted with Stephanie at the start of my business. I worked with so many people who said they knew what they were doing but Stephanie is the only who really knows.

Katie Valley, B.Sc.,RHNP

Founder, Katie Valley Wellness

I earned back my investment in the first 3.5 months and I’m on track to double my first-quarter revenue this quarter!

Working with Stephanie has been the best decision I could have made for my business.

Lisa Newman

Founder, Women Eat

This program fast track my progress with so much clarity- Just do it!

I had so much trouble finding the right coach because no one understands our niche and what we do. How to position our non-diet approach in the market but also how to coach our client effectively. This is something really special and unique about this program and Stephanie.