88-Become a Non-Diet Coach

by | Nov 15, 2023 | 0 comments

Become a Non-Diet Coach

Want to get an inside view of what happened in Stephanie’s most recent free training – How to Become a Non-Diet Coach? Get listening!

Become a Non-Diet Coach

This is a live audio recording of the training class – How to Become a Non-Diet Coach held on November 8th, 2023.  If you want to the visual of the class and see the slides and other visual cue you can SIGN UP HERE for the video replay for free.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode: 

✔ Gain clarity on what the Non-Diet approach to health for women is … and what is not. 

✔ Four mistakes people make when coaching women with health and how to avoid them

✔ What makes the Non-Diet Coaching Certification unique and why you will stand out after graduating.

✔  Plus you’ll get to hear from a few of our incredible students on how their practice has been transformed by coaching through the lens of the Going Beyond The Food Methodology

Mentioned in the show:

Non-Diet Coaching Certification

How to Become a Non-Diet Coach video recording

Free Client Assessment Forms

Free Training & Resources 


88-Become a Non-Diet Coach

Hello, my dear colleague and welcome back to the podcast today. I'm going to have a short intro for you because we're going to put next the recording of how to become a certified non diet coach. It's a training that I did. I recorded it last week, November 8, 2023. And it's the ABCs. It's everything you want to know about the non diet coaching certification.

So you're going to gain clarity on what is a non diet approach and what it is not. This is so important because I get professional all the time asking about the non diet approach and being quote unquote dangerous for health. So we're gonna clarify that. And I'm going to share with you the three mistake that I see people make when coaching women with health and how to avoid them.

And lastly, I'm going to talk about what makes our non diet coaching certification unique, and why you will stand out after you graduate. Now, I want to be honest, We're the only health coaching certification that teaches body neutrality, intuitive eating, and cognitive behavior coaching. There's nothing else that I know of in the world.

So few are someone who want to Bring the anti diet model into your practice. We are the place you want to be. You want to be training and learning and embodying with us. So without any further ado, we're going to roll in the recording, the audio recording. If you want to see the visuals, the slides, go to the show note and register to receive the recording.

Also, one last thing, In the training, I talk about the assessment, the bonus of assessment forms. Again, if you want to get your hands on this, it's totally free. There will be a link in the show notes for you to get just the form. But if you're going to register to receive the video recording, including in the video recording will be the non diet.

assessment for. I can't wait for you to listen to this recording and send me any question you may have. Enjoy! Welcome to How to Become a Certified Non Diet Coach. I am your host, Stephanie Boudier. I am a clinical nutritionist, a certified intuitive eating counselor, a coach, and a reformed dieter of 25 years. I live in a fat body as well because I spent 25 years dieting literally my life away and I hit rock bottom in my late 30s and for the last 11 years been undieting my life regarding and investigating all the things that I was taught around who I am, my body, my health, the way that I eat, what I can and can't do in life, and I changed my career, and I am here now as a fat, non diet nutritionist helping women and men. Undiet their life and teaching professional how to switch from the traditional model of health nutrition to a place of non diet approach using a methodology that I created called going beyond the food, which I will talk to you about today in this class. I have founded something you may have heard of called Undiet Your Life Coaching Program. I have been running this program for the last six years. And from there, and the demand of professional and people wanting to help other women, I created Undiet Your Coaching Practice and the Undiet Coaching Certification which is a global training platform for professionals and coaches to learn to do their own healing and then learn how to move their practice to the non diet approach. I am looking forward to spending the next 60 minutes with you and teach you a revolutionary process to coach women when it comes to health, nutrition, And even life coaching.

This workshop is for you if you have your own journey with dieting, restrictive eating, disordered eating, body dissatisfaction, and you are on your healing journey and want to know how to help other women discover the same life after diet culture that you are now Discovering for yourself, this is for you if you are a. active provider, a nutritionist, a therapist, a social worker, a fitness professional, and you want to integrate the non diet coaching approach in your own practice. And perhaps you just graduated from a An education in a very traditional sense of health and nutrition. And you know that is not how you want to practice this workshop is for you. Now I'm going to have put a disclaimer here to say that this workshop is not for you if you coach or teach people how to intentionally lose weight and want to continue to promote intentional weight loss tactic. Now, many of us, me included, have taught, coached, consulted with people on dieting. That's how I started my career as a clinical nutritionist for the first three years. And I'm very transparent with that.

But then I discovered that I was harming people and it came very abruptly realizing how I was causing my patients and client serious harm with the kind of care I was providing. And then I discovered back then intuitive eating and the non diet approach, which later came to be called the non diet approach. And I changed. So there's a lot of us here that were at some point and perhaps you are right now. Coaching intentional weight loss, but you want to change if you want to change and you want to learn something different and you want to do different. This is for you, but if you're not. then this is not the meeting for you.

During the workshop here, I am going to help you gain clarity on what is the non diet approach and what it's not. The three mistakes I see people make when coaching women with health. And how to avoid those mistakes and what makes our non diet coaching certification unique and why you will stand out after graduating. Plus you will hear from a few of our incredible students who are graduate from our certification. So without any further ado, let's get started. I've got 60 minutes of packed information for you. You probably with benefit from having a pen or a device. To take note, if this is your first encounter with the non diet approach, I guarantee that I'm going to knock your socks off. You ready for this? I'm going to move with shared screen because I have some pretty cool slides to share with you. And then I'm going to come back at the end if you are live with me for question, and if you want to submit your question at the bottom of the screen, you can use the Q& A box and I can also coach you live.

And if you're watching this in a recording or on our podcast because we have two podcasts are going to be on the food show and on diet you're coaching You can send your question to info at stephanie dode Z8 comm and it will be our pleasure Answer all of your questions. Okay, let's start with a quiz because what else is better than a quiz Are you under the influence of diet culture? That's what we're going to try to determine with this quiz. So you're going to need a pen, a paper, your iPad with your digital pen. I'm going to ask you five questions and you're going to tabulate the number of yes and the number of no and then I'm going to give you a result after that for that quiz. You ready? Let's do this. Okay, first question. Do you secretly feel, in your own head, without saying it, do you secretly feel that you are better than your client because you know more about health and about nutrition and about your field of specialty? Yes or no? There's no in between. It's yes or no. Question number two. Do you believe in the concept of some food are healthy, some food are unhealthy, or that there is a right way of eating and a wrong way of eating? Yes or no? Question number three. Are you, quote, watching, end of quote, your personal weight because you are afraid of gaining weight? Now, I'm going to be more precise on this question. If you are weighing yourself with a scale at home, if you are tracking, Macro intake or calorie intake, you are measuring body fat or measuring with the tape parts of your body, then the answer is yes. It's an automatic yes answer to that question. So are you quote watching your weight because you are afraid of gaining weight?

Now, it could also be you are measuring the size of your clothes, and you know the answer for this. Like, are you personally concerned or afraid of gaining weight? That was question number three. Yes or no. Do you believe, question number four, do you believe that at some weight level or BMI level or health status, one must and need to lose weight?

Yes or no. Last question. Do you secretly, again, without saying it out loud, think that people that are, quote, fat or live in larger body are unhealthy and that perhaps it's their fault? Yes or no? So tabulate the number of yes, tabulate the number of no, and I'm going to give you the scoring here. If you answered any of the five questions with a yes, You are under the influence of diaculture.

The more question you answered by yes, the more influence Diaculture has over you. So there's a question now. What the heck is diaculture? Diaculture is a system of belief. It's a set of custom. It's a set of social messages. It's a set of acceptable social behavior that place value and focus on body weight, body shape, body size.

over and above health and well being. It's also a culture that worship thinness, and that also equates it, the thinness or the non thinness, to health and moral virtue. What does that mean? That means that you can spend your whole life thinking you're irreparably broken just because you don't look like the thin ideal. So I shared my story at the beginning. For me, that's what I did for 25 years, right? I spent 25 years pursuing thinness because I thought I wasn't good enough. And then later on, I pursued optimum health when I gave up on the weight thing, I fell over to wellness culture and then pursue optimum health, again, as a way of being good enough.

A third aspect of diet culture is that it promotes weight loss as a mean of attaining that higher status. Remember that The thinness is centered as moral health virtue and that the pathway, the tool to achieve that thinness is weight loss, either with restricting food, food group, overexercising, toning.

All the method known to lose the weight. Now, this means that you feel compelled to spend a massive amount of your resources, your personal resources, like time, energy, money, trying to shrink your body. Even though, even though the research is very clear that there is not one diet that is known to work long term. But you continue, like you feel like there's just has to be a way. And in fact, for me, that's why I... When my health collapse and my life collapse at the end of my thirties, I decided to go back to school to finish my health science degree and I got the nutrition degree. And to be honest, and I've shared this many time on my podcast.

I did that because. There had to be a way for me to control my weight and if nobody out there knew how to do it, because I had seen all the specialists and all the gurus and I tried all of that and the thing was working, I was going to find my unique way of weight. I was going to find the answer. That's what this means, like being compelled to spend all of your resources. Aspect number four of culture is that it demonized certain way of eating while elevating others. This means that 20 years ago, everybody, gurus, science told you that low fat was the right way of eating. While today, Research, science, guru, everyone is telling you that the right way of eating is low carb.

This means that you're forced to be constantly hypervigilant about your eating and ashamed of making certain food choices that actually you enjoy. distracts you from the pleasure associated with eating. In fact, it makes it shameful for you to have pleasure in eating. And the last aspect of diet culture that's very important for all of us to understand as professionals, diet culture oppresses people who do not match the thin ideal and the supposed picture of health, which disproportionately arms women, femme, trans folks, people in larger body, people of color, people with disability, and has ripple effect on mental and physical health.

Now, that's diaculture. Why is that a problem? I think it's pretty clear why it's a problem. But let's take it a step further and answer that question. Why is it a problem? The problem is that diet culture blames women, in our case, because my methodology is specialized for women, it blames women, it blames their resources, their effort, as the problem.

You haven't tried hard enough. You haven't. Place enough of your resources of your time of your money. You haven't invested enough In order for you to be thin so it blames the women their resources their effort Instead of the actual problem, which is the process And the system, and this is what we are changing in the non diet approach, the non diet approach, and the way that I'm teaching, it's specialized for women.

We go under the principle that women, that their body, that their body weight are not the problem, that the problem is systemic. And that the solution is. Within a liberative process to unlearn socialization, we believe that women can be trusted with their eating and their health decision. Women's body can be trusted with their ability to manage health, to manage weight, to manage food choices.

We believe in a weight neutral approach to health that focus on promoting health behavior, not weight number. And we believe ultimately in women's agency over their body, their health, and their life. And in order for us to facilitate a non diet culture approach, we use cognitive behavioral coaching to unlearn the socialization from the system.

We use intuitive eating to change and alter eating behavior. We use a weight neutral approach to health. And we use body neutrality for body image. We live in a patriarchal society that is steeped in diet culture. Therefore, trusting our bodies, trusting ourselves as women, is a radical act. Claiming our autonomy and our agency.

As women in face of food, weight, health, the size of our body is an uncomfortable process. Very uncomfortable. And that's what we are here for as non diet coaches. We support our client in the process of claiming their autonomy, their agency, and building up their skill set. That's what we do as non diet coaches.

My program, the non diet coaching certification, our purpose is to reinvent how we coach women with their health. We believe as an organization that it can be easy for women to care for their body and their health. We believe that women can be trusted with their nutritional needs, and we are changing how coaching is facilitated by trusting women. In their health, focusing on developing health, promoting behavior from a place of ease using gentle nutrition practices. Women deserve to feel good in their body, no matter what their body size, their looks, their age, their abilities. Here's are the three mistakes that I have observed over the last and a half years, almost five years now, training and coaching health professional provider coaches from All background.

These are the three most common errors that I see people make when coaching women around any topic with health, eating, self acceptance, confidence. And I want to teach you how to avoid them. What's the solution to those mistakes? We're going to get started with number one. Mistake number one, I kind of hinted at this at the beginning.

Co opting diaculture without knowing so we did that test. Remember, and I explained to you what diaculture is without you sharing or without you having to tell me it's likely. I've been doing this presentation for many years. face to face and digitally. And, uh, everywhere I go with this presentation, people are shocked.

That they're co opting diet culture until they met me like, oh, my God, like. Made me realize something that I didn't know I had been doing for 10 years in practice. So it's likely your situation right now. You just realized a few minutes ago that you were co opting diaculture without knowing. So it's not your fault.

Because you're here, so you're likely self identified as a woman, therefore you are the target of diaculture just like your clients are. You are not an exception and you're not supposed to know better as a professional person. You are likely entrenched in diet culture in your own personal life, so it's absolutely no surprise that in your practice, it is the same thing.

Now, question I often get at this point is, okay, I understand diet culture. I understand that, although it's not my fault, I'm co opting it and I want to change this, but Why is this even present? Where does this come from? And this is where I want to introduce you to fatphobia. Fatphobia is also named weight bias, weight stigma, sizeism, these are all meaning the same thing. It's the fear of fatness. Now this fear of fatness also shows up as negative attitudes, stereotype, and oppression that people who are not in the. Thin ideal body people who live in a quote larger body than the thin ideal are exposed to. There is three form of fat phobia of fear of fatness that are present in our current society.

There's the intrapersonal one, also known as internalized fat phobia. Which is the one that's most common is when we have internalized the message that will go globally, fat is bad, fat is unhealthy. If you are fat, you are lazy, right? These messages we have internalized them and we are We are telling them to ourselves in our own head, secretly in our own mind.

We repeat the message we've heard. We shame ourselves. We criticize ourselves. We put ourselves down, right? We constantly think we are not enough. We have internalized these ideology, these biases, and we oppress ourselves. We become our own oppressor. The second form of fatphobia is interpersonal, which is How other in the world view us and respond to our body weight, shape, and size. So as a woman who lives in a larger body, I live approximately in a size 20, American size 20 body. I live that every day. If I enter a room with people that I don't know, I can see it in people's eyes. I can see people scanning me up and down. Right? And then I can almost see their thoughts in their brain.

Right? That's what we mean by interpersonal. And sometimes it's even vocal. Now that doesn't happen a lot to me because I carry myself with a lot of confidence because of all the works that I've done. With my body image over the last eight years, but I hear it from my client all the time. People will comment on their body because they haven't yet done the work.

They haven't set up boundaries. They don't carry themselves with confidence. People will comment on their body. So that's interpersonal fat phobia. And then the last one is. Institutionalized fatphobia, which is part of your practice, is where we have structured our approaches as providers to reinforce the message of diet culture.

So when we sell intentional weight loss, when we sell meal plan, ways of eating. When we have weight loss program, we are institutionalizing within our practice a system that says to the world, being fat is terrible. Come here, I'm going to solve your problem of why you can't get smaller because being fat is terrible.

Now I know as I'm saying that, it may be hard on some of you, and I fully recognize that. And I want you to practice self compassion right now, right? If you're selling any kind of restrictive plan and plans that are associated with weight loss, and you're hearing that like this whole last 15 minutes.

Could be a shock to you. So I want you to put your hands on your heart and I want you to Take a deep breath and say repeat after me. It's completely normal for me to feel Shame now that I understand what diet culture is what fat phobia is It's totally normal for me to feel triggered by what I'm hearing in this webinar.

It's totally normal. And it's totally normal because I was educated as a professional to be fat phobic. I was trained to deliver weight loss. So it's completely normal that I'm doing exactly what I was trained in until today, until I hear this very important message.

Meet yourself with compassion. It's not your fault. The purpose of this training is not to blame you, to shame you, but it's to be that moment. In your life in your professional life where you are being thought a different approach.

I want to put it all together for you. Where does that culture come back at the root of it? All one of the bigger system that. takes away our autonomy and our agency as women is patriarchy. Patriarchy is the structural system by which society is built to favorize, to put in position of power people identified as men.

And in order to oppress women, To keep women doubting themselves and not claiming their power. About 200 years ago, we invited, we invented the beauty standard, diet culture, weight loss, gym supplements, diets, and that became a thing called diet culture. And combined with that, we Created on voluntarily the fear of fatness, what we know as fat phobia, and that is what drives in ourselves and in our client the desire to change our body to make it smaller, to make it look younger, to get cosmetic surgery, to put creams, makeup, right, all that stuff.

And that leads to dieting and dieting is. recognized by science to cause side effects such as binge restrict cycle, body dissatisfaction, poor mental and emotional health, low self esteem, and weight cycling. That's the full picture here.

So when you did the quiz at the very beginning of this presentation, You didn't know maybe that what diet culture is, or perhaps if you knew what diet culture is at the highest level, you didn't understand the intricacy of it and how it plays in your profession. And again, it's not your fault. That's how you were trained.

And in fact, I'm going to go a step further to say this is why I created the non diet coaching certification, because there was Nothing out there training provider coaches and professional in an anti diet culture approach to help. Even me, when I was looking to get trained on cognitive behavioral coaching, I found one school that was teaching it.

And alongside to that, they were teaching a weight loss program. I couldn't partake in a school that taught values. That were completely against everything that I believed in and lived in my own life. I had to go find an individual to teach me cognitive behavioral coaching who lived in the fat body herself because there was nothing out there.

That's why I created the non diet coaching certification to offer a solution. And because I target women. professionals and providers that themselves work with women. I make my approach very unique to understand how bioculture very specifically affect you as you found out in that quiz and me. So what's the solution to that mistake?

It's to evaluate your personal socialization to diet culture and fat phobia and how it impacts how you give an interpretation to your field of specialty and how you teach for an example, health and nutrition and fitness to help you with that in the replay email. Or if you're watching this on the replay page.

There will be at the bottom a button that says, download the tree assessment form. I want you to take those assessment. Those are our official assessments that we use in the non dietic coaching certification to assess our practitioner and that our practitioner uses with their client. I want you to do every one of those three assessments.

It's gonna take you probably 20 minutes. And I want you to sit with that and I want you to think about how your personal relationship to food, to body and health impacts. Your clients and your patients, which leads me to mistake number two. Once you've done that Not healing your own relationship to food to body and to health is the second mistakes You cannot you will let me just say another way you will teach fat phobic program fat phobic Coaching fat phobic counseling session.

If you are fat phobic towards yourself, it's just inevitable. In fact, it is so well known that there's a research. There's an international study that was conducted in 2012 in 14 countries. And the result were astonishing a whopping 77 percent of nutritional student felt that disordered eating behavior and even eating disorder were a concern among their peers.

Now, that study was done in nutritional university that teach dietetic.

Now, the reason behind why so many students of Dietetic present disordered eating behavior is complicated. It's not just one thing, but for sure, their own entrenchment in diet culture as students, their own exposure, their own socialization to diet culture and the Theta ideal is a huge motivator. For them to first sign up and get accepted in a dietetic program and even for health coaches, I see that over and over.

It's the same thing. The reason why there's so many health coaches these days is the, these are the people with disordered eating behavior. That want to take it a step further and go get a certification or go get a degree in it. So there's no choice for those individual if they don't do their own personal work of liberating the way they think about food for themselves and their body and health that they will teach.

and counsel their client with diet culture influence. That's what we do inside of the non diet coaching certification. We help you as an individual unlearn diet culture. You do your personal work. It's a private container where you get to do your personal work. And that's the testimonial you're seeing on the screen here from one of our students who halfway through the program.

So this was a six month cohort, and she was at the three month mark. and we as a group had evaluated our relationship to food, our relationship to our body, and how it had changed over the three months of us doing our personal work. And that's what she's sharing, how different her personal life was no more binging, no more restriction, feeling relaxed for the first time in her life.

And we're talking a lady that is in her early 40 here. For the first time in her life, she was relaxed around food. And she said, quote, with my body, I don't hate it anymore. I actually have. Respect, gratitude and compassion for my body and I actually live with a high level of integrity with myself and my value in my practice.

She's no longer putting on a show in front of her client, she's actually embodied. That is the number one goal in a non diet coaching certification is that you become an embodied intuitive eater and embodied. Body neutral person and somebody who embody weight neutral health, because once that happens in your life, and I'm clicking my finger once that happened in your life, it will automatically impacts your client, you will not be able to sell weight loss, you will not be able to tell people to restrict food.

Because it will be in complete misalignment with how you live your life and your own personal value. That's the most. Impactful part of the certification. And I know once I get you there with my program as a professional, it will change your practice right away. And I know by doing that, by impacting one of you as a professional, thousands of women will be impacted in years to come going through your practice.

The last mistake. Professional thinks that coaching health and nutrition is about intellectual knowledge. And that's me. There's no study, like air quote here, on that. This is me. I've been doing this gig for Eight years now, having spoken in front of people, have been hired by diabetics department in university to speak, and having people raise their hands, what is the solution to your clients struggling with food, study, research, meal plan, structure, discipline, right?

And people think that. And again, it's not your fault, if you went through a nutrition degree like me, you were taught to do that. I became, through my training, an expert in doing meal plan, because that's what I was told, right? That the way to change people is to give them facts and structure. But the truth is, the act of eating is not the outcome of intelligence and a possession of a Data point. It's a behavior and behavior are the outcome of Emotion.

What? I know. I will get you there. Just a minute. So if it's not intellectual knowledge, then what is it? Let's take a client case. Let's take a study case. A client's come to you with one of those behavior and they want your help. Emotional eating on and off of exercise routine.

I'm struggling with cooking food at home. I'm struggling with getting enough sleep. I got a broad range here because I've got a broad range of people who are listening to this presentation here. What do you do? Before provider works with me, here's what typically they do. They'll send their client a study of the most recent article in hope to convince them with data points. They'll offer a meal plan. They'll offer deep breathing. Macro tracking. They'll give them a lesson on increasing self discipline. And even these days, what I'm finding is Apps, they'll get their clients to use an app and reporting all of their health metrics and they will follow up every day with their clients in hope to create compliance.

Does it work? Well, it's like dieting. Diet works until they don't work. That kind of health coaching works until it doesn't. When the clients stop working with you, when the package ends, a year later, you're no longer there to follow up on them, to unknowingly shame them for their lack of compliance. They don't have the guru slapping them on the butt.

So what happened? The whole behavior comes back. That's actually what happened to me. When I started my practice after graduation, I actually, I was so gung ho that I actually started my practice before graduating. I started doing health coaching, and by the time I graduated with my degree, like, My business was up and running the building was built the inventory was in the had a ton of supplements And like I was like in full practice mode and a year and a half later I tell the story on the podcast on dietary coaching year and a half later I started to see was a local business right back in the days Digital online world did not exist.

So it was a locally in Toronto, Canada, and I was going in a grocery store and I saw a former client of mine who had done a three month package with me, a year ago. And that client, when she saw me, she ran away from me. Like she literally changed aisle in the grocery store and kept avoiding me in the store not to see me.

And by coincidence, we ended up in the same aisle together 15 minutes later. And the first thing that came out of her mouth was, I'm so sorry, Stephanie, and she kept looking at the floor. I'm so sorry, Stephanie. I'm so ashamed. All the work we've done together is wiped out. Look at my cart. It's full of junk food.

And then she went on and on. And that event marked me. And I went back home that day. And I'm like... There's a problem, Stephanie. Like, the way you're practicing nutrition, you're creating in people what you so desperately want to change for yourself. And that's when my practice changed. That's when I started to take training and discovered intuitive eating and The non diet approach and coaching and I actually closed my practice in Toronto and went online and I changed the way I dealt with people.

So here's, I have a question for you. Since we're so trained and adept of science, right? What does the world of science have to tell us about human behavior, right? Eating behavior and health behavior and all of that. What does it have to tell us? Well, the world of Behavior is primarily the field of psychology and neuroscience and there's something that some of you may be aware of. It's called cognitive behavioral therapy. It's a field of research. It's a field of practice. Some of you may be training it. Whereby we have traced back how you men create the behavior that they have, and it's a model of practice. It's the gold standard of most human behavior change and transformation practice.

this is it. This is Stephanie's simplified version. So we don't teach therapy, we teach coaching. So me and other coaches have taken the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and simplified it to make it a coaching model that explain behavior. So there's a trigger, there's an event, there's a circumstance in people's life that they have to respond to.

And How you men create the response to that circumstances by going in our brain and our data point and looking for the quote right way of making a decision or choice. So we look at our belief system, our past experience, our assumption, our various identities, and then. And this happens within milliseconds, and then poof, we have a thought, an opinion, a decision, a choice is made, and poof, it's communicated to the rest of the body via the central nervous system, and it shows up in the body as sensation, gut feelings, emotion, and then we poof, have a behavior, a reaction to that emotion, the sensation in the body, right?

That's how we create behavior. All the behavior we have is created under that same model. So when we're thinking about what we do for a living and helping people change their behavior, are you using that model to help your clients with their behavior with food, with their body, with health, with their fitness? And the answer in most cases is no. Why? Because you've never been trained on this in school. I know I wasn't, and all the professionals that come to my training were never thought this. So the solution is to learn a cognitive behavioral coaching model, and then apply it to the things you do. So I'll take a classic example of eating behavior, the classic binge restrict cycle, right?

So we have the circumstance of eating, and then our data point in our brain are diet culture, right? Good and bad food, healthy and unhealthy. And so when we have to make a decision, the typical... Women in transgenic diet culture will have these thoughts that I've listed there. I can't trust myself with food Carbohydrate or bad food.

I can't eat too much. I'll gain weight I don't know what to eat how much and when to eat Let me go to my tracker and I'm like slapping my wrist because today's where their tracker is on their watch and these thoughts create frustration Shame guilt restriction in the body and then women act from these feelings with overheating behavior, binge, rebellious eating, using food to cope with all those crazy emotion that are going on because of all much they're thinking about their culture and that creates the binge restrict cycle.

That's what I have illustrated here. That is the traditional model of how we as practitioners have been trained to coach women. We create the red box there is our intervention. We intervene after the emotion and we say, More willpower, more discipline, more structure, numb your emotion so that you override the rebellious behavior response to frustration.

You numb the frustration and instead using willpower and discipline, you eat the right way. And that's where you act as the bearer of willpower and discipline and guru and they want to please you. But when you go away, and that red box is removed, the old behavior comes back in an instant. And that creates people who suppress their emotion, who limit their eating, who don't know what to eat if you're not there, if they don't have a meal plan or calorie counter.

They become really good at obedience to rules and they have no agency, no autonomy, no self trust.

So what do we do instead?

What do we do as a non diet coach if we're not going to do it the old way? What do we do in face of emotional eating on enough exercise routine? I don't take time to cook and lack of sleep

So what do we do instead? So when the client comes to you with problems around emotional eating and on enough exercise routine and They want to take more time to sleep and to cook at home, our response is not to give them tactics and meal plan. Our response as non diet coaches is to investigate why to investigate our clients thoughts.

about eating behavior that creates the emotion that drives the behavior. So we first step, it's a three step process, a cognitive behavioral coaching model. The very first step is we help uncover how they create the current behavior. can only help our client heal what we know how it's created.

It's the damn root cause model that we use in functional medicine. Right? We use that in functional medicine and we bypass it when it comes to eating behavior. It's so interesting when you start looking at what is being taught and how professional practice. So step number one is we help our client uncover how they created the current behavior.

We show it to them. We say, okay, it's because you believe that there's good and bad food. You think you can't be trusted with food because you're fat and you believe that fat is unhealthy. And that makes you feel really anxious. And you use food you're emotionally eating because you've so much anxiety created in you because of all those diet culture teaching.

And we show it to them and we say, do you want to change this? And we go to step number two, which is consent. We don't tell people what to do. People decide. That's the whole agency and autonomy angle of non diet coaching. They decide if they want to change their beliefs. And we tell them that you have to change your belief in your thinking around food in order to change the binge restricted behavior. And then if they say yes, and they consent into changing their belief, we help them find the new belief. We help them with intuitive eating and weight neutral approach and body neutrality. And we coach them to become the person who believes that all bodies are good bodies. And we coach them And that's the biggest part of coaching is we help them form that new belief and we hold their hand while they're struggling, believing that all bodies are good bodies.

And we support them in that process. That's what non diet coaching is about.

vastly different from the traditional eating health and body coaching that we've all been trained for. So we work at the belief system instead of suppressing emotion. So when we work at that changing the belief what we do is we help people adopt new belief that creates new thoughts. Like, I can trust myself with food, I can trust my body to guide me with my food decision, I can trust my body with its weight, I'm innately worthy.

And that leads our client to, instead of feeling anxious around food, they feel at peace. They feel that the first time in their life, they can trust themselves. That their body is not their enemy, their body is their ally. People feel liberated. And now from there, from these new feelings and these new way of believing, they eat following their eating cues. They focus on health promoting behavior that have nothing to do with their weight. They learn to move their body, not to reshape their body. But to be stronger, right, they learn to process their emotion, they learn gentle nutrition, and that changes their eating pattern for the rest of their life. Just a quick note on the different framework that the non diet approach use, one of them being the intuitive eating framework.

The intuitive eating framework was created by Evelyn Triboli and Elise Roesch based on the field of research in eating disorder. That's what we teach inside of the non diet We teach the intuitive eating framework. With the lens of the cognitive behavioral coaching model. So if you read the book of intuitive eating, or perhaps, or even an intuitive eating counselor, the difference is that we then teach you the cognitive behavioral model, and we teach you how to coach intuitive eating from the human behavior angle.

Instead of giving people, because I've trained so many intuitive eating counselor who thought that by giving people the 10 principle of intuitive eating or getting their client to read the book, that would change their behavior, but it's not. We got to deal with the emotion, we got to deal with the belief system, and that's the power of combining intuitive eating and cognitive behavioral.

This is why coaching health behavior according to the traditional model is never the solution and why the dieting industry is consistently growing because it doesn't work. People keep coming back over and over with the same problem because it doesn't address The human behavior portion, so why does the non diet coaching work?

Because it addressed the root cause of the behavior, the health behavior, the eating behavior, we address the thoughts and the belief and most often, it's all linked to body image. If you coach women. If you counsel women with anything to do with food health and you do not address body image, body dissatisfaction, guaranteed that whatever transformation you're getting is going to be temporary because women will go back to their whole behavior because of internalized fat phobia and externalized fat phobia.

This is why the non diet approach works is because we go at the root level. We move women from not enough to I am enough. I can trust myself with food. I can be safe in my body. It's easy for me to take care of myself. We have the tool to create that belief and thought level changes in our client.

This is an extract of one of the class that I teach in coaching and I wanted to share it with you. When people change their belief, they see the world differently and their world change. When we change our self belief, our self image change. Therefore, how we engage with the world change. When we change how we see ourselves, we show up differently in the world. We feel different. We take action differently. And we create results that we never thought possible, simply because we could never see it before. That's what we do as non diet coaches. Now I want to take a few minutes to walk you through our certification, the non diet coaching certification. And often people will ask me like, What is different about your certification versus a traditional health certification or intuitive eating counseling, right?

Difference is that coaching of the thought and the belief level because you do the work on yourself. You become more confident as an individual. You change your self image and you show up in your practice differently with a greater level of confidence and you can help your client with anything that has to do with thoughts and feelings.

related to food, related to health, and sometimes beyond the food. That's why I created the Non Diet Coaching Certification to change how coaching is delivered for women because we, as women, deserve highly skilled coach that can help us change our socialization to diet culture. and change who we are. Our coaches understand that the non diet approach must be coached vastly differently from what we previously have been taught and certified in.

All the diet culture approaches in order to create lifelong sustainable results. Our coaches are courageously leading their client to go deeper, brush off the surface. We don't do surface shit. They go deeper in their self awareness to develop a greater level of self trust at first with food. And beyond the food to create safety in all part of who they are.

Our coaches become leader in their community. We train people from all vast niches. We train people that are therapists specialized in. Women counseling. We train people in the fitness industry. We tried people in nutrition and those are coaches because they have changed their own belief system, their self belief about themselves go back in their community and their niches and their specialty and they become global leader thought leader who changed their own coaching spaces.

And then we teach you about business because we cannot sell the non diet approach in the same way that we used to sell our services with diet culture. So we teach you a new way of engaging with your business as well. As I mentioned earlier, in the replay email or around the video here, you will have our non diet assessment tools given to you for free.

And I urge you To do these assessments on yourself so you can get a clear picture of where you are in your socialization to diet culture personally And then how it interface with your clients So the non diet coaching certification Take a few minutes and i'm going to entertain any question at the end of that The non diet coaching certification is a six month container where I Personally coach you and Teach you how to first embody intuitive eating, body neutrality, and weight neutral health coaching, in yourself.

So I take you through all the module, we unpack what it is for you, we help you embody it in your own life, and then I teach you how to use it in your practice. That's what I call the going to beyond the food method. It has 3 pre component to it at the center of it is a cognitive behavioral coaching model.

That's what we learned. 1st, we spend 2 months learning. All that there is to learn about human behavior and emotions and thoughts and we teach you a whole bunch of tools to be able to coach yourself and then coach other human using cognitive behavioral coaching and then we take that framework and we apply it to intuitive eating.

And then we take the cognitive behavior, and then we apply it to self esteem and body image work. That's the going to be on the food method. That's what we teach you coach you and help you embody and then professionally serve other people using these methodology. So, our training curriculum is quite extensive.

We have two, two aspects of it. We have the professional training and the business training. In the professional training, we teach you, as I mentioned first, the cognitive behavioral coaching model. And if you choose, we can certify you and you can become a certified cognitive behavioral coach. Our certification process for, All of our certification is quite extensive.

We have exams and we have practice logs that we require from you and you have to attend all the life class with me and participate. So I can see your level of understanding and embodiment. And that's the certification process. You can choose to do the certification without taking on the certification. We have a number of people who choose to do that for personal development, but if you're a professional and you want to be certified, then you're going to do the certification process in month 5 and 6 of the certification.

So, the 1st certification we offer is the training on cognitive behavioral coaching. We have a number of classes, I'm not going to read them all to you. It is all found in our syllabus. It's a PDF document that will come along with the replay and you can also find that on our website. For each track of learning, I teach the vast majority of the class, they're pre recorded, so you can watch them at your convenience, and then we have live calls to practice and answer any question you may have, or particular application in your specialty, but we also have guest expert teaching that fill in the blank of my own knowledge of my own specialty, so I brought, I think we're having 12 different guest expert teacher that have created and curated content specifically for this certification.

and you have access to that in our website as well. I mentioned a few times that we go beyond the food. So, we have a number of resources in class and training on life coaching skills. Because you very quickly, when you start working at that level of thoughts and beliefs, you quickly start unpacking, needs for boundaries, needs for goal setting and like, all kinds of different things that we were never trained in.

So we give you teaching and training on that. And then we have our certification for eating culture. So we have the intuitive eating track. I teach it based on my learning from Evelyn Triboli and Elyse Roersch, but this is not the same thing as the intuitive eating, certified counselor training.

That's a different thing. For me, it is more about how to use the cognitive behavioral coaching in the 10 principles of intuitive eating. Plus, we have a number of guest experts in that field as well that can come and supplement. all the angle of eating that, varies. so that's part of our eating certification.

Then we have our body image certification, which I teach you the framework I created called the Body Neutrality Framework. Plus, I have supplemental guest expert teacher that come in and teach different aspect that I cannot teach. so that's a body image code. This is a sample. Of our guests expert teacher, you can find a full listing on our website and then we also have a module on how to do business ethically with integrity.

As I mentioned, we cannot sell our services that are anti diet culture, that are anti oppression in the same way that diet culture is sold. So we have to rethink the way we do business. So we help you with that as well. We have a five step process to rethink your business or to create a brand new business. From the get go, we help you create an aligned business strategy. We help you create a marketing message, a compelling offer, how to do marketing authentically with integrity, and then we help you sell with integrity. as well. So the big question for you here today is how can you learn the non diet approach on your own and implement it in your practice?

Can you do it on your own? Absolutely you can. And there's a ton of resources for you to do it on your own. But there's also choice number two, which is the option of skipping all the research and the reading all the books and listening to all the podcasts and come to a place where all the resource have been pulled together for you that you've been given step by step process.

And that is the non diet coaching certification. So I'd like to share with you. At this point, before the video starts, a few thoughts, some videos and some thoughts that our former student, people who've graduated with us, I asked them to share their thoughts about our program with you. That's the video.

I'm going to share with you right now. Okay. So it's going to be a few minutes and then I'll come back after the video to answer all of your questions. So these are all graduate from. Okay. Our program, which is now entering its fourth and a half year, so we're going to be enrolling at the time of recording this, our tenth cohort.

I once was asked if you could spend five minutes with someone who would tell you something that would change your world, but it would cost you a million dollars. Would you do it? Hi, I'm Jolynn Martin. I'm Jolynn Martin Fitness.

Start with that analogy because I found the value for my money within the first two weeks of Stephanie's program. Stephanie starts with mindset work and challenges you to discover the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back in your life and in your business up to this point. Not only does Stephanie challenge you, with Your mindset with food and body image, but also within your capability in your business.

Stephanie sprinkles her magic on everything, and I mean everything. So what I love the most about working with Stephanie is just her no fuss approach to nutrition, especially a non diet, approach to health and wellness. She is very passionate and committed to seeing you succeed as a client. Before I joined the mentorship program, I was It's clear that I wanted a non diet approach to nutrition and wellness as a framework for my business.

I just wasn't clear how to get that foundation as well as how to apply what I had learned through some of the non diet trainings that I've had already. And this is where the mentorship program came in and was very helpful as well. I was able to manage my mindset as a business owner and also gain friendships with other women.

Who share the same values that I do. Hey there, friends of Stephanie. My name is Kim Hagel from Radiant Vitality Wellness, and I am a member of Stephanie's Non Diet Pro Mentorship Program. And I just came on here to tell you how happy and thrilled I am that I said yes to taking this program. I am a personal trainer and holistic nutritionist.

And, in my line of work, I see a lot of ways that the diet industry... influences the fitness industry and how that really fills my clients. So I was looking for a program that would help me to help them make peace with exercise and feel confident in the body that they have. So I signed up for Stephanie's program, looking for something that would give me the knowledge base and the business training that I would need to create a signature coaching program to help people heal their relationship with exercise in their body.

And, my expectations have been. Far exceeded. I've been blown away. the knowledge base and confidence that I have working with clients now has grown because of the high quality education that Stephanie's provided. And I know that the things that I'm teaching are changing lives and it feels so amazing.

The moment was, just deciding that I was really just making a decision for myself that, this is something I know I can do. And when I decided to make that investment. there really was like no turning back. and I think also just realizing the food freedom and the overall freedom and joy that I started to feel in my life, I knew that I was far enough ahead that I can now share this with other women.

She's just embrace your afraidness. It just tells you something that you really want something. And I know it's scary, but it's just a discomfort and you have just learned to have all the emotions. And that's something so beautiful that you can give to your clients. So if you can learn to. Go with the fear and not struggle with it.

It's so beautiful that you can give your clients. Talk about what you've done for me, because I feel like had I met you and started consulting with you three years ago, number one, I would have saved so much money. And number two, I would have been so much farther ahead in my business. I have, I've worked with so many people who said they knew what they were doing.

You're the only person I can say I've worked with who really knows what she's doing and I mean I've gotten referrals from you know, I didn't dig them out of a yellow pages they came well highly recommended, but they don't have the business acumen the incisive knowledge about this particular business and the ability to Function in the online space that you've had so I have felt My confidence coming back and working with you and my hope that my business will take off and working with you. And I just can't thank you enough, Stephanie, honestly.

So I'm going to stop sharing my screen, and I'm going to take questions. I hope that some of you are listening to this will join us in the next cohort of the non diet coaching certification. And if you choose to do that on your own, please use our podcast, the going to be on the food, the undieter coaching practice as resources. And perhaps some of the training classes, the smaller training classes that we have. but I know many of you, I will see you in the future.


Stephanie Dodier Non-Diet Nutritionist& Coach


I’m Stephanie Dodier – Non-Diet Nutritionist and Coach. I help women fight diet culture by reshaping their mind not their body. I have been hosting a million downloads podcast- It’s Beyond The Food for over 8 years and created the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with a 25 years dieting career  and has since grown into a global movement.

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Lindsay Sarson

Founder. Intuitive Diabetic

The best decision for me personally and for my business!
You will provided with the strongest foundation to be able to support your client and to change their lives!

Dr. Carolyn Ross

Founder, Anchor Program

I would have saved so much money if I had meet Stephanie before!

I would have been so much further in my business if I had consulted with Stephanie at the start of my business. I worked with so many people who said they knew what they were doing but Stephanie is the only who really knows.

Katie Valley, B.Sc.,RHNP

Founder, Katie Valley Wellness

I earned back my investment in the first 3.5 months and I’m on track to double my first-quarter revenue this quarter!

Working with Stephanie has been the best decision I could have made for my business.

Lisa Newman

Founder, Women Eat

This program fast track my progress with so much clarity- Just do it!

I had so much trouble finding the right coach because no one understands our niche and what we do. How to position our non-diet approach in the market but also how to coach our client effectively. This is something really special and unique about this program and Stephanie.