135-Body Neutrality: Safe bridge between Shame and Positivity

by | May 31, 2018

body neutrality 

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Body Neutrality: A Safe Bridge Between Shame and Positivity

I posted this photo of myself in a bathing suit on Instagram last week and wrote a short post on my thoughts… Never anticipating what would happen next. The outpour of other woman who commented about how they feel about their bodies and the conversation around body acceptance was a combination of sad, challenging, and mostly inspiring for us to see how we can support each other to reach a point of body neutrality.

Body Neutrality is a concept we teach in the Going Beyond the Food Academy. It’s a liberating new concept in which you accept your body for what it is without judgment and hoping for better. It’s neither about feeling good about your body (aka body positivity) or feeling NOT bad about your body (aka body shaming). It’s in the middle – Neutral. It is about being grateful for what your body does for you without wanting to brag about it.

For most women, body shaming is all we know because it’s something we have learned from our own mothers or families and what we are being told by social media. That’s all I knew. I used to swim with a big t-shirt and shorts on because I accepted that my body was ugly and I needed to hide it. 

Body neutrality is wearing the bathing suit in which you feel comfortable to go swimming and having fun. It is about living your life without feeling shame for your body. It’s acceptance without judgment. 

Today, we are going to break down this concept and how you can start being neutral with your body so that you can live your life like everyone else!

In this episode I discuss 

  • What is Body Neutrality?
  • How can Body Neutrality can change your outlook on your body, overeating and food cravings?
  • What is body shaming really doing to you and your eating behavior?
  • How can healing your relationship to your body impact that of your children?
  • How does body shaming bring about a cycle of self-sabotage?

Additional Resources I have for you include:

  1. Begin your journey in self-awareness and understanding what stands between you and your success in our “So… you want to lose weight?” Masterclass. This 2-hour Masterclass will clearly outline why you self-sabotage.

2. Subscribe to The Beyond the Food Show podcast to get a free weekly audio episode where you will feel empowered to take control on your life and live confidently through learning to trust and respect your innate body wisdom.

3. If you haven’t done so yet…be sure to join the Beyond The Food Community and stay connected with our Community of women just like you! I will also send you complimentary monthly coaching emails and any program offers coming up.

Last episode, I answered a question from Instagram, “Why do I continue to do things when I know they’re going to cause me grief?” In this episode, I talked about the powerful role your subconscious mind plays in all your food decisions, how important is self-love in decision-making towards doing things that can cause you grief and why your “Why” is so important. You don’t wanna miss this. This might just change your life! Click here. 

Links mentioned in the episode

Register for the Live Workshop – How to Stop Overeating Without Willpower or Discipline

Enroll in the Going Beyond the Food Academy

Check the Instagram Post here

Get started with the FREE Crave Cure Guide

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Reach Stephanie 






Podcast Stephanie Dodier


I’m Stephanie Dodier – Non-Diet Nutritionist and Coach. I help women fight diet culture by reshaping their mind not their body. I have been hosting a million downloads podcast- It’s Beyond The Food for over 8 years and created the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with a 25 years dieting career  and has since grown into a global movement.

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