339-How to Make & Keep Resolutions

by | Dec 15, 2022 | 0 comments

How to Make & Keep Resolutions

It’s the warcry of every women’s magazine, every inspirational post, and every shiny new yearly planner filled with inspirational quotes: 


That half-baked slogan might sound powerful, but in reality, it’s anything but. 

It’s a reminder that nothing you do – nothing you are – is ever quite enough, and that you should always be chasing after something better. That who you are now is not enough.

Sister, this is diet culture – and recognizing this is the first step to breaking out of the shackles and rediscovering your true power.


You are enough as you are right now. And you don’t need to fix yourself, do more, or be more as diet culture and hustle culture have conditioned you to believe.

In fact, you don’t have to set any resolutions in 2023.

And if you do decide to set a new goal in 2023, I invite you to do it in an anti-diet culture and anti-hustle approach.

How to Make & Keep Resolution: Liberated Goal-Setting Method

There are 3 steps in liberating yourself from the old way of setting goals: 

  1. Exercise constantly around your goal-setting your goal from a place of already being enough and that the goal is a plus to your life. 
  2. Clean up your goal – detox your goal from diet or hustle culture. 
  3. Court your goal – create safety around your goal. Think about how you need to think and who you need to become to be safe in achieving your goal. 
    • For example: How do you need to think about exercise to enjoy it and create a habit of moving your body? 
    • How do you need to act towards your body in order to be confident in your body image?

How to Make & Keep Resolutions: STOP FIXING START CREATING 

Inside the Resolution Reset Masterclass, I’ll teach you the Liberated Goal Method. I’ll coach you to unravel the f*cked-up way we have been socialized to pursue goals and offer you a new way to think, feel and take action toward your desires. 

  • Set Goals Better
  • Feel Better
  • Follow through Better
  • Achieve with Ease

Create your best fuller and bolder life in 2023 with confidence and simplicity. 

I can’t wait to do 2023 with you!

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on how to make & keep Resolution:

  • The history of goal setting
  • The liberated goal-setting method I used to unlearn the socialization of diet culture and hustle culture 
  • An invitation to revolutionize your resolutions

Mentioned in the show: 

Resolution Reset Masterclass

Undiet Your Life Coaching Program

Quiz: Is It You or Your Diet?

Podcast Stephanie Dodier


I’m Stephanie Dodier – Non-Diet Nutritionist and Coach. I help women fight diet culture by reshaping their mind not their body. I have been hosting a million downloads podcast- It’s Beyond The Food for over 8 years and created the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with a 25 years dieting career  and has since grown into a global movement.

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