154-How to Stop Binging Cycles

by | Sep 6, 2018 | 0 comments

how to stop binging cycles

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Stop Binging Cycles

Binging is defined as a period, usually short, of excess something. In the case of binge eating, it’s excess eating. It’s usually done alone and or hidden from our environment.

My approach, as always, is based on taking responsibility. It’s an empowering model of transformation.

The solution is within us.

If you are looking to blame something out of you to resolve binge… like food, sugar, what people did to you… then, this is not the right podcast for you.

Feeling empowered resides in the fact that you know you have the power to change things. You can only change what you create. Most of us create the desire to binge… that’s the framework in which we will explore this.

This is only for the women who are ready to transform permanently…

Because transformation CAN only happen when we feel empowered over our problem that we want to transform.

In this episode I discuss 

  • What is Binge Eating?
  • How binging cycles happen… the brain mechanism behind it.
  • Why your brain leads you to binge cycle… where does it come from?
  • The solution to stop binge cycles

Last episode I talked about a very sensitive subject… and let’s say very controversial – food addiction. It’s one of these subjects that get people very polarized. It’s either one way or the other.

I used to see addiction, food addiction being one of the possible addictions, as this black or white subject. For instance, sugar is addictive and should be avoided for the rest of my life. All forms of sugar were dangerous… like viciously dangerous.

But then, I evolved… I opened myself to different viewpoints. Educated myself. Researched. I realized via education and life experience (my own addictions) that it’s not black and white.

So, if you are the same as I was, I highly recommend that you listen to this episode as I share my viewpoints, the facts of research and solution here that we teach at the Going Beyond the Food Academy. Click here. 

Leave me a review, if you enjoy the show and would love to encourage and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link, click here. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like a fuel… and I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! 

Here’s a quick tutorial on How to leave a review.  


Links mentioned in the episode:

Register for the Going Beyond the Food Academy

How to Stop Binge Eating: 3 Expert Solutions article

Episode 54: Overeating and Binge Eating: Interview with Dr. Carolyn Ross 

Claim Your Food Freedom

Get started with the Audio Training: How to Change Any Eating Habits



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Podcast Stephanie Dodier


I’m Stephanie Dodier – Non-Diet Nutritionist and Coach. I help women fight diet culture by reshaping their mind not their body. I have been hosting a million downloads podcast- It’s Beyond The Food for over 8 years and created the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with a 25 years dieting career  and has since grown into a global movement.

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