144-The Mindset Shift of Successful Women

by | Jul 23, 2018 | 0 comments

mindset shift

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What is the ONE mindset shift we must do to change our relationship to food?

I asked industry leaders, women who have successfully changed how they relate to food, what they did. It’s simple yet so powerful tips and advice from women like you.

Most of the time “life-changing experiences” are generated by mindset changes not from food. The challenge is that we are being taught by weight loss and diet industry that changes will come from food and exercise. The truth is: IT’S NOT the case. That’s why we struggle.

I want you to end the struggle, stop feeling frustrated with your body, and no more anxiety. Can you do that? Change your mindset.

So, let the ladies inspire you… and also I’ll share mine!


In this episode I discuss 

  • The real key driver of your food behavior
  • What industry leaders say to be successful in changing how to relate to food
  • What the weight loss and diet industry is really teaching us 
  • How to end your struggle, stop feeling frustrated with your body and eliminate anxiety

The Mindset Shift of Successful Women

” I made the switch from caring about what my body looks like to being the healthiest that I could be.” Shawn Mynar

“I had to think about food for my health, not as a way of making me happy.”Kristie Sullivan

“Bad body thoughts aren’t truths… they are just learned perspectives”Dr. Jillian Murphy

“Moving from “I have to do this” to “I get to do this” was so rewarding and life-changing.” Kyndra Holley

“Allowing ourselves to get and experience the results that we want to have” Vanessa Spina

“I have to treat myself with love and compassion the way I would others.”Leah Williamson

“My mindset isn’t separated from the emotional, physical and spiritual set.” Samantha Gladish

“My body is a vehicle that allows me to experience my life.”Leanne Vogel


Read More: 048 – Mindset Shift: interview with Alexandra Covucci


Last episode was a special episode of The Beyond The Food Show Podcast… It’s all about my favorites things. The things I love, the things I use daily and the things I can’t live without

The question of what my favorite things came in from many people wanting to know about my personal life beyond the food. I also included a downloadable document in the post where you can print all my favorite things along with the links and referral! Go ahead and click here. 

Leave me a review, if you enjoy the show and would love to encourage and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link, click here. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like a fuel… and I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! 

Here’s a quick tutorial on How to leave a review.  


Links mentioned in the episode:

Shawn Mynar website

Kristie Sullivan website

Kyndra Holley website

Dr. Jillian Murphy website 

Dr. Jillian FREE 7 Day Body Image Masterclass – 7 Days. 7 Stories.

Vanessa Ketogenic Girl website

Vanessa Free Ebook

Leah Williamson website

Leah’s podcast

Samantha Gladish website

Healthy Hormones for women podcast

Leanne Vogel website

Leanne’s freebie

Stephanie’s Book


Get started with the Audio Training: How to Change Any Eating Habits

Visit Stephanie’s website


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Podcast Stephanie Dodier


I’m Stephanie Dodier – Non-Diet Nutritionist and Coach. I help women fight diet culture by reshaping their mind not their body. I have been hosting a million downloads podcast- It’s Beyond The Food for over 8 years and created the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with a 25 years dieting career  and has since grown into a global movement.

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