206-She’s Beyond The Food Chapter 6 – My Story 2.0-2019 Update

by | Sep 20, 2019

She's Beyond the Food Chapter 6-Stephanie Dodier

On today’s episode, we’ll talk about ‘She’s Beyond the Food Chapter 6-My Journey 2.0’

From Shame to Fame.

That was the title of episode 101 of The Beyond The Food Show Podcast in which I shared my in-depth personal story for the first time. I asked one of my friends Sean Croxton to interview me. I gave him carte blanche… the result was amazing.

My Story 1.0

As a public figure, I had shared my origin story in occasion before mainly inside my programs or during my public workshop but never to this level of vulnerability of this interview. Certainly, I remember being very anxious before, during, and after the recording.

But the greatest gift came a few days after the interview when it hit me: I no longer need to hide my imperfections, my mistakes, my errors. That is to say, although I was scared of what people would say, the relief of being completely transparent was by far greater.

From Shame to Fame episode 101 of our Intuitive Eating podcast was just another chapter in my story…

She’s Beyond the Food: My Life Story

From that interview, I gradually became more confident in sharing the events in my life that brought me to the greatest learning. To synthesize the failure into learning. To process the lowest points in my life into inspiring stories that support my life’s teaching.

She’s Beyond The Food podcast episode series was born in March 2019 with Chapter 1 when I shared my business struggle. I shared with the audience how I faced a business failure and how I changed this event. It was by far one of the most well-received episodes because of the vulnerability I was willing to express and share. The lesson here: the teacher teaches best when not perfect.

So, I decided to build upon this impactful episode and released:

She’s Beyond the Food Chapter 6

Today’s episode is about She’s Beyond The Food Chapter 6-it’s my story 2.0. It’s a follow up to episode 101 From Shame to Fame in which I shared 7 lessons learned from my experienced life up to now. The stories that made me who I’m today. The stories that crafted the Going Beyond The Food Method.

  • Lesson 1: Weight stigma is real and freaking powerful
  • Lesson 2: Diet Culture is a powerful monster but it’s optional
  • Lesson 3: Repeat or evolve… my choice.
  • Lesson 4: It’s Beyond the Food
  • Lesson 5: Wellness Diet & healthy body
  • Lesson 6: You can’t hate yourself to happiness or health
  • Lesson 7: Intuitive Eating: gateway to health & happiness

Life happens to me or for me

One of the biggest lessons I shared in this episode is the shift that I had to do in my late thirties where I stopped looking at life happening to me but instead life happening for me. I spent 25 years believing that I was the victim of the external circumstances and that life was working against me. In other words, I was in the victim mindset…

That victim mindset kept me going in circle for 25 years chasing one diet after another and with every failure I was angrier at the world and resentful of my life. In fact, I lost and gain large amounts of weight at least 12 times never learning anything from each failure but instead repeating the same formula the next time.

And then one day, every part of me collapsed. I hit my rock bottom and was forced to look at myself and my life from a different perspective. With faith and coaching, I gradually shifted to a mindset of “Life happens for me, not to me”.

I began the process of asking myself: What can I learn from this event? What is this person trying to teach me? With every question came learning, growth, and transformation. I took back my power and my life. I shifted to being in charge of my life instead of being the victim of life.

Are you willing to be uncomfortable?

Knowing what I know today, what I’ve learned from my lessons and my teachers is that what was holding me back in the victim mindset, the life-happens-to-me-not-for-me mindset, was the unwillingness to be uncomfortable.

When you shift to being empowered, one thing becomes clear really quickly… things will get uncomfortable. Why? Simply because you have no one else to blame but you! You see when you assume full responsibility, you must be willing to be uncomfortable.

The willingness to be uncomfortable is what kept me stuck for 25 years but at the same time crafted the most beautiful journey for my life. It’s also what keeps some of my students from transforming when they start feeling discomfort, they disappear and go back to their comfort zone.

I hope that today’s episode She’s Beyond The Food Chapter 6 – My story 2.0 inspires you to begin the process of writing your own story. Of asking yourself “What is there for me to learn in this event? What is this person trying to teach me?


Mentioned on the show:

Grab your FREE guide to Intuitive Eating 

October 2019 Intuitive Eating Project Registration

Podcast Episode 101


Podcast Stephanie Dodier


I’m Stephanie Dodier – Non-Diet Nutritionist and Coach. I help women fight diet culture by reshaping their mind not their body. I have been hosting a million downloads podcast- It’s Beyond The Food for over 8 years and created the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with a 25 years dieting career  and has since grown into a global movement.

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