Professional Blogs

3 Steps to Making Money in a Coaching Business

3 Steps to Making Money in a Coaching Business

Make good money in a coaching business

Are you a woman entrepreneur looking to make good money in your coaching business without compromising your values? You’re in the right place. In this post, we’ll explore three essential steps to create a thriving coaching practice that feels aligned with who you are and what you stand for.

The Truth About Making Money in Coaching

Let’s start by addressing the elephant in the room: it’s okay to want to make money. In fact, it’s more than okay—it’s necessary. We live in a capitalist society where financial stability equates to safety and a better quality of life. So, let’s normalize the desire to increase our income.

The real challenge lies not in wanting to make money, but in figuring out how to do it in a way that feels good and aligns with our values. That’s where the concept of building a *GOOD* business comes into play.

What is a GOOD Business?

A GOOD business is one that:
– Serves people with high-quality coaching
– Generates a healthy income
– Aligns with your personal and professional values

By focusing on creating a GOOD business, you can make money in a way that feels authentic and fulfilling. Let’s dive into the three crucial shifts you need to make to achieve this balance.

Shift #1: From “Earning Money” to “Making Money” Mindset

The Employee vs. Entrepreneur Mindset

Many coaches transition from traditional employment to entrepreneurship carrying an “employee mindset.” This perspective can significantly hinder your ability to create wealth in your coaching business.

Key Differences:
– Employees earn a set salary
– Entrepreneurs create their own income

To succeed as a coach, you need to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset. This involves intentionally nurturing thoughts that generate feelings of:
– Confidence
– Courage
– Resilience
– Bravery
– Determination

These emotions are crucial when it comes to selling your services and growing your income.

Action Step:

Identify one limiting belief you have about making money as a coach. Replace it with an empowering thought that aligns with an entrepreneurial mindset.

Shift #2: From “As Long As” to “Even When” Mindset

The Danger of Conditional Thinking

Many coaches approach mindset work with an “As Long As” mentality. They’re willing to change their thoughts about money… as long as it works immediately. This conditional approach is similar to clients who are willing to try intuitive eating… as long as they don’t gain weight.

The Power of Unconditional Commitment

To truly succeed in your coaching business, you need to adopt an “Even When” mindset. This means committing to your goals and mindset work:
– Even when nobody books a consult
– Even when you’re not meeting your financial targets
– Even when you have zero clients

Action Step:

Write down three “Even When” statements that reinforce your commitment to your coaching business, regardless of immediate results.

Shift #3: Releasing the 6 or 7-Figure Business Ideal

The Parallel Between Business Revenue and Body Image

Just as many women struggle with the “thin ideal” in body image, coaches often grapple with revenue ideals in their businesses. Whether it’s the allure of a 6-figure or 7-figure business, these arbitrary benchmarks can create unnecessary pressure and shame.

The Reality Check

Consider this statistic: In 2019, 88% of women-owned businesses made less than $100,000 per year. This doesn’t mean these businesses weren’t successful or impactful. It simply highlights the need to redefine success on your own terms.

Deconditioning from Toxic Business Culture

To truly make GOOD money in your coaching business, you need to:
1. Recognize and release shame around your current revenue
2. Decondition yourself from toxic business culture that equates success with a specific income level
3. Define success based on your values and impact, not just your bank account

Action Step:

Reflect on this question: Are you subconsciously co-opting toxic business culture and taking action based on those beliefs? How can you redefine success in a way that feels authentic to you?

Embracing a New Approach to Making Money in Your Coaching Business

By implementing these three shifts, you’re setting the foundation for a coaching business that not only generates good income but also aligns with your values and brings you joy. Remember, making money doesn’t have to come with shame, guilt, or overwhelm. It’s about creating a business that serves others while honoring your worth and well-being.

Key Takeaways:

1. Develop an entrepreneurial “Making Money” mindset
2. Commit to your business “Even When” times are tough
3. Define success on your own terms, free from toxic business ideals

Are you ready to make GOOD money in your coaching business? It’s time to embrace these shifts and create a practice that feels authentic, impactful, and financially rewarding.

Remember, making good money in your coaching business is not just possible—it’s your right. By aligning your money-making strategies with your values, you’re not only setting yourself up for financial success but also creating a business that truly makes a difference in the world.

Want to transform your approach to making good money in your coaching business?

You can access all of our services on our work with us page.  We have a number of programs and service levels enabling us to serve most women:

Free Resources and Masterclasses: Get started and get to know us better!

Private coaching with Stephanie and her team Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches are waiting to support you in a one-to-one setting with an individualized plan.

Undiet Your Life group coaching program is for women to learn how to eat intuitively, become body neutral, and learn self-coaching at their own pace while being supported in a group setting by Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches.

Non-Diet Coaching Certification for professionals ready to integrate the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ in their practice and for women wanting to become  Certified Coach and build a business coaching other women beyond the food.

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6 Signs Diet Culture Has Infiltrated Your Business

6 Signs Diet Culture Has Infiltrated Your Business

diet culture in your business

As an entrepreneur in the non-diet space, you’re likely familiar with the harmful effects of diet culture on individuals. But have you ever considered that these same oppressive tactics might be seeping into your business practices?

In this article, we’ll explore the uncanny parallels between diet culture and what I call “oppressive business culture.” We’ll dive into six telltale signs that diet culture has infiltrated your business and how this infiltration might be holding you back from the success and impact you deserve.

There are uncanny parallels between oppressive business culture and diet culture

Just as diet culture promises rapid weight loss and one-size-fits-all meal plans, oppressive business culture dangles the carrot of “6 figures in 6 months” and “the right strategy for everyone’s success.” Both rely on external solutions, implying that you’re not good enough or smart enough on your own. Let’s break down these parallels:

1. Quick Fixes: Diet culture says, “Lose 30lbs in 30 days.” Similarly, oppressive business culture claims, “Make 6 figures in 6 months.” Both are unrealistic and can lead to burnout.

2. One-Size-Fits-All: Diet culture preaches, “The right meal plan makes everyone healthy.” In business, it’s “The right strategy will make anyone successful.” Both ignore individual needs and circumstances.

3. Focus on Externals: Diet culture declares, “Thinner is better.” Oppressive business culture echoes, “Bigger bank account is better.” Both overlook personal well-being and fulfillment.

6 signs that Diet Culture has infiltrated your business:

Now, let’s dive into a checklist. If you find yourself nodding along to these signs, it’s likely that diet culture has snuck into your business mindset:

1. You believe there’s a “right way” to do business

Just as there’s no single diet that works for everyone, there’s no universal “right way” to run a business. If you’re constantly chasing the perfect strategy, pricing structure, or marketing plan, you might be under the influence of oppressive business culture.

2. You’re afraid to fail

In diet culture, “failing” means gaining weight or not sticking to the plan. In business, it might mean not hitting a revenue goal or losing a client. This fear can paralyze you, preventing you from taking risks that could lead to growth.

3. You experience imposter coach syndrome

Do you feel like you need just one more certification to be “credible”? This is akin to dieters thinking they need just one more supplement or workout to be “healthy.” Your expertise comes from your unique experiences and the impact you have on clients.

4. You compare yourself to colleagues in despair

Just as dieters compare their bodies to others, you might be comparing your business to your colleagues’. Remember, their journey is not yours, and comparison often leads to self-doubt and inaction.

5. You’re “all in” one week, then “nothing” for two

This sounds like yo-yo dieting, doesn’t it? One week, you’re hustling 24/7; the next, you’re burnt out and can’t look at your business. Sustainable success requires consistent, balanced effort.

6. You spend too much time trying to do things “perfectly”

In diet culture, perfectionism might mean never missing a workout or eating a “forbidden” food. In business, it’s obsessing over every email or social media post. Perfection is a myth that steals your time and energy.

It’s not your fault if Diet Culture has infiltrated your business

Here’s the truth: just as you didn’t create diet culture, you didn’t create oppressive business culture. These systems are pervasive, and it’s no wonder they’ve seeped into your entrepreneurial journey. Remember when you couldn’t believe that diet culture was the problem, not your body? Now, it’s the same with your business.

What your brain labels as a “problem” in your business often isn’t a problem at all. The real issue is the oppressive business culture that overwhelms us with endless to-dos, “right way” thinking, perfectionism, and people-pleasing. It’s not you; it’s the system.

The Solution

The solution isn’t another strategy, course, or certification. It’s the same thing that freed you from diet culture: self-trust.

The solution: Self-Trust

What if you could trust yourself with your business decisions as implicitly as you now trust your body’s hunger and fullness cues? Imagine the freedom, confidence, and growth that would unfold. Just as intuitive eating transformed your relationship with food, intuitive business practices can revolutionize your entrepreneurial journey.

The key is to focus on reshaping your business mindset, not just your tactics. When you change how you think about your clients, your offers, and yourself as a coach, you’ll operate from a place of integrity. This shift leads to higher-value actions and, ultimately, a business that creates what I call “Good Money” – income that aligns with your values and serves your mission.

diet culture in your business

The Good Money Business Mentorship

This is where my Good Money Business Mastermind comes in. It’s not just a business mentorship; it’s a collective of ambitious, driven, and empowered anti-diet culture providers and coaches. We’re on a mission to dismantle diet culture – both in our clients’ lives and in our own business practices.

In this mastermind, we don’t chase arbitrary revenue goals or push “quick fix” tactics. Instead, we focus on building businesses that reflect our values, serve our communities, and yes, make good money. Because making an impact and making an income are not mutually exclusive.

Conclusion: Your Business, Your Rules

Remember, it’s supposed to take time to build a great business, just like it takes time to make peace with food. The claim that business success should be fast if you “do it right” is as oppressive as the diet industry’s rapid weight loss promises.

I’ve shared my own business journey to normalize this reality. It took me years to build a six-figure business, and each stage was marked by personal growth, not just revenue growth. Your journey will be unique, but the principles remain the same: trust yourself, align with your values, and reject the oppressive narratives.

If you’re ready to build a business that feels as good as it performs, I invite you to join us in the Good Money Business Mastermind. Together, we’ll dismantle diet culture in all its forms and create businesses that truly nourish – our clients, our communities, and ourselves.

Remember, you’re not just building a business; you’re part of a revolution. And that, my friend, is worth far more than any “7-figure coaching business” ideal.

How we can help

You can access all of our services on our work with us page.  We have a number of programs and service levels enabling us to serve most women:

Free Resources and Masterclasses: Get started and get to know us better!

Private coaching with Stephanie and her team Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches are waiting to support you in a one-to-one setting with an individualized plan.

Undiet Your Life group coaching program is for women to learn how to eat intuitively, become body neutral, and learn self-coaching at their own pace while being supported in a group setting by Stephanie and her team of Certified Non-Diet Coaches.

Non-Diet Coaching Certification for professionals ready to integrate the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ in their practice and for women wanting to become  Certified Coach and build a business coaching other women beyond the food.

Good Money Business Mastermind  A business mentorship and a collective of ambitious, driven and empowered anti-diet culture providers and coaches on a mission to dismantle diet culture and make GOOD money doing it!

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PRO Series: Listeners Q & A – S2 EP8

Non-diet Q&A

This is going to be a fun episode…

I’m answering 25 questions our listeners have submitted. Short to the point answer on all subjects related to the non-diet approach…  

You’ll get an answer for each of these 25 non-diet approach & business questions.   

  1. You keep referring to PROs... I’m a health coach so I’m not a professional right?
  2. How do I make money as a non-diet coach? How do I  create a stable income so I have no doubt in my income?
  3. I can’t launch my BIZ until I’m perfect in my IE and BI?
  4. How to convince my clients this is the right approach?
  5. How do I reassure my clients that it’s ok not to diet?
  6. How do I figure out my ideal client and how do I speak to them?
  7. Simple marketing process, please…
  8. How to answer body image questions?
  9. Because of COVID, people aren’t willing to buy anything, should I wait to launch my BIZ?
  10. Scope of practice?
  11. I’ve never been on a diet but I eat whole food and organic food. Or I make healthy choices normally? Can I teach intuitive eating?
  12. How do I find a scientific way to promote IE?
  13. How do I incorporate nutrition science in IE?
  14. Outline a 1-1 session with a client?
  15. How do you present a problem to a client without being insensitive?
  16. I’m afraid they are going to think I think it’s all in their head?
  17. How much free stuff do I need to give?
  18. How do I use my communication to get more clients?
  19. Quality versus quantity marketing?
  20. How do I get myself out there?
  21. How do I get my clients to see value in me as a coach?
  22. Covid is making things challenging? Nothing I can do…
  23. I have a tendency to make things complicated… how do I resist it?
  24. I’m on social media and nothing is happening… Why?
  25. If a client doesn’t reach her goals, what does it mean about me as a coach? 

Ready? Let’s do this Non-Diet Q&A!

Mentioned in the show:

PRO Mentorship Program

PRO Series – Free Training & Resources

PRO Podcast Series – Full Listing

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PRO Series: Body Image Healing for Health Professional – S2 EP6

body image health coaching

78% of professionals have said they are struggling with their own body image.

8% of you have said you were at peace with your body.

That’s the result of our yearly survey within our professional community.

That’s how this new podcast episode was born.

From a need for our community to do their personal work with body image because the only way you can effectively coach other women into healing their body image is for you to heal your own first.

Just like we see on our client population struggling with poor body image has a wide range of effects in all aspects of our life including our business:

  • Lack of confidence to show up to market your business
  • Questioning yourself all the time
  • Think something is wrong and or your business
  • No big ambitious plan for your business
  • Playing small
  • Perfectionism trying to make for your own perceived flaws
  • Fixated on the appearance of your business instead of bodywork
  • Difficult time doing hard things

Ready to learn what you need to do to heal your body image as a health professional so that you can lead thousands of women?

PS: I think this one of my best podcasts! 😀

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on body image health coaching for women:

  • Why we struggle with body image
  • The impact of not being liberated from body image to you personally and on your business
  • Why helping and coaching women through body image healing isn’t about the how…
  • The stages of healing body image

Mentioned in the show:

PRO Mentorship Program

PRO Series – Free Training & Resources

PRO Podcast Series – Full Listing

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PRO Series: How to Get Started in Your Non-Diet Business S2 EP5

How to get started in your non-diet business

You have a degree or certification in hands and you are ready to get started.

Or perhaps you’ve spent the last few years recovering your own relationship to food and body and you have a burning desire to share your journey with others.

This podcast is for you!

Our guest today is Stephanie Long, a Business Coach for Nutritionists and has helped hundreds of nutritionists start their own successful businesses. Stephanie is also the host of Next Level Nutrition Biz podcast. Her program, Launch Your Nutrition Biz, helps Nutritionists to launch their business and start bringing on clients!

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on how to get started with your non-diet business

  • Top 3 mistakes new practitioners make when starting their business
  • The 5 things to consider when starting a new business
  • The roadmap to starting your new practice

Mentioned in the show:

Stephanie’s roadmap to get started

PRO Mentorship Program

PRO Series – Free Training & Resources

PRO Podcast Series – Full Listing

Connect with our Guest:




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PRO Series: Success Stories from Non-Diet Practitioners-S2 EP4

Pros Business Success Stories

In the Non-Diet Mentorship, we change lives. Your life as a coach and the life of your future clients. We do it with ease, less time, and greater impact.

We get success for our students and their clients.

Let’s go behind the scenes of that success.

Let’s hear from the current students of the Non-Diet Mentorship Program.

We recorded a live session for this podcast just for you based on your questions:

  • Did you feel scared before investing in your business?
  • How did you overcome your fears of joining the program?
  • Can you share your wins doing this program?
  • Will the mentorship program help me structure my method of working with clients?
  • I feel like a fraud…I can’t launch my BIZ until I’m perfect in my intuitive eating and body image?
  • How do I figure my ideal client and how do I speak to them
  • How do I use my communication to get more clients?
  • I have a tendency to make things complicated… how do I resist it?
  • If the clients don’t reach their goals, what does it mean about me as a coach?
  • How do I make money as a non-diet coach?
  • How to dismantle DC in wellness coaching?

Get in touch with our guests






Mentioned in the show

PRO Mentorship Program

Webinar & Steps to Build A Profitable Non-Diet Business

Free Intuitive eating guide

PRO Series – Free Training & Resources

PRO Podcast Series – Full Listing

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PRO Series: Being A Confident Non-Diet Coach – S2 EP3

Being a confident non-diet coach

“I’m doubting my ability as a coach…How can I increase my confidence as a coach?” 

A very frequent error health coaches make is to get more certification in order to be more confident in their coaching skills. 

A new certification will not give you confidence.  

Being A Confident Non-Diet Coach

Confidence is an emotion. Confidence is a feeling. 

Coaching confidence is a feeling of trust in your ability to coach your client. 

When you feel confident about your coaching abilities, you typically are more successful. Successful in your client results and successful in making money in your business. 

How does a coach increase the feeling of confidence in her coaching skills? 

That is what we will answer in this podcast episode. 

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on being a confident non-diet coach: 

  • The big mistake I made in feeling confident as a coach when I first started
  • How to increase your confidence level in your practice
  • The framework that will help you nurture your confidence
  • 6 rapid-fire coaching tips to increase your confidence as a non-diet coach.

Mentioned in the show:

Beyond The Food PRO Mentorship Program

Webinar Registration

Free Intuitive Eating Guide

PRO Series – Free Training & resources

PRO Podcast Series – Full Listing

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Anti-Diet Training for Health Coaches

Anti-Diet Training for Health Coaches

One of the frequent questions from health coaches who encounter my work in the non-diet approach for the first time is this:

How do I make money as a non-diet coach?

I get it. I had the same question 6 years ago when I first came to the world of anti-diet health coaching. If we don’t tell people what to eat, when to eat, and how to eat, what will they pay us for? Right?

Clients seeking services from a non-diet health coach have a lot they are willing to pay for: primarily ending their struggle with food and body. Helping them relearning to eat following their own eating cues instead of a “health coach” looking over their shoulder lol! Undoing all the body-shaming that “weight loss coaches” have created within them, being able to trust their own choices when it comes to health, undoing the critical mean girl voices in their head, etc…

The list could go on, but simply: undoing the work of diet culture. That’s how you make money as a non-diet health coach. If you have been through the process of unlearning diet culture yourself, you’ll know exactly what I mean. If you haven’t yet, it’s normal you don’t get it and this is the first place you need to start: doing the work of unlearning diet culture yourself.

anti diet training for health coaches

Anti-diet training for health coaches

Starting an anti-diet coaching business

My anti-diet business journey

What I wish I knew before starting my non-diet health coaching business

The anti-diet approach mentorship program

Anti-diet training for health coaches

The process of becoming an anti-diet health coach starts with your own healing from years of restrictions, cleanses, detoxing, overthinking, shame and guilt.  We have plenty of resources on anti-diet training for health coaches to help you take this first step along with professional training.

We have created a number of free non-diet approach training resources to help you begin learning more about this revolutionary health approach. Join my non-diet professional community by requesting our non-diet professional starter pack.

I would suggest you also subscribe to anti-diet podcast and start with episode 199 and follow through up to the latest one.

Starting an anti-diet coaching business

Starting an anti-diet coaching business (also referred to by some as an intuitive eating business) is simple. It is the same as starting any other business: You create a product, in the anti-diet health coaching business this would be a coaching package, and you go out into the world and sell this product.

As soon as you start working with clients, you will know just how powerful your product truly is. Research is clear about the benefits of health coaching: Significant improvements in one or more of the health-promoting behaviors when interacting with a health coach. You will see the changes in your clients quickly and your confidence in your business will grow rapidly.

anti diet training for health coaches

My anti-diet business journey

My first business in the world of health coaching was actually a nutrition clinic in Toronto Canada. Five years ago, I transitioned my health coaching business to the non-diet model and I shared the details of my business transition to the anti-diet model in season 1 of the Pro’s podcast series.

I’d like to give you an inside view into my anti-diet health coaching business more precisely what I wish I knew before starting my anti-diet health coaching business.

As I say in every episode of the Going Beyond The Food podcast: Ready? Let’s do this!  

By the way, if you would like to access more details, hear my personal story that created each one of these learning head over to our podcast and listen to Season 2 Episode 2 – My Non-diet business journey episode or listen directly below:

What I wish I knew before starting my non-diet health coaching business

  1. It’s about helping others, not turning a profit. Profit will come naturally as you help others and live your life in your zone of genius.
  2. You can make a great living as an anti-diet health coach in a career helping others deeply despite what anyone says.
  3. 6 P’s: Proper Planning Prevent Piss Poor Performance. You need to be strategic about your business and organize yourself. What you should do is not always what you wish you could do.
  4. Learn how to coach people. Coaching is not – this is how I did it so that’s the way. What worked for me is not what will work for my client. Coaching is a skill.            
  5. Create goals and apply consistent action. Show up consistently day in and day out in your business. Take one action at bare minimum daily.
  6. Asking for help is ok. Your client asked for you, so should you.
  7. Use technology so you can maximize your time being a coach. Technology can help, but don’t forget that health coaching is about the people.
  8. Trying to be everything to everyone is a straight road to failure. Pick a niche and become the world expert at it.
  9. Growing a business is not linear. There will be more downs than ups. Successful businesses don’t happen overnight. It takes time.
  10. Be unapologetically YOU. Don’t copy what other non-diet coaches are doing. Your clients want to work with you.

The anti-diet approach mentorship program

The Going Beyond The Food non-diet approach mentorship program is a space where you can receive support guidance to become the best non-diet professional. It’s a program geared to refine your non-diet professional skills set and teach you the skills you need to build a successful business that can impact thousands of women. It will help you develop as a powerful leader and help other women come back to their power. You will learn how to harness your ability to support and help other women. As a result, you can impact thousands of other women and dismantle diet culture.

Anti-diet training for health coaches

We have created a number of free non-diet approach training resources to help you begin learning more about this revolutionary health approach. Join my non-diet professional community by requesting our non-diet professional starter pack.

I would suggest you also subscribe to anti-diet podcast and start with episode 199 and follow through up to the latest one.

Starting an anti-diet coaching business

Starting an anti-diet coaching business (also referred to by some as an intuitive eating business) is simple. It is the same as starting any other business: You create a product, in the anti-diet health coaching business this would be a coaching package, and you go out into the world and sell this product.

My anti-diet business journey

My first business in the world of health coaching was actually a nutrition clinic in Toronto Canada. Five years ago, I transitioned my health coaching business to the non-diet model and I shared the details of my business transition to the anti-diet model in season 1 of the Pro’s podcast series.

What I wish I knew before starting my non-diet health coaching business

1. It’s about helping others, not turning a profit.

2. You can make a great living as an anti-diet health coach.

3. 6 P’s: Proper Planning Prevent Piss Poor Performance. 

4. Learn how to coach people. 

5. Create goals and apply consistent action. 

6. Asking for help is ok.

7. Use technology so you can maximize your time being a coach. 

8. Trying to be everything to everyone is a straight road to failure. 

9. Growing a business is not linear. 

10. Be unapologetically YOU. 

The anti-diet approach mentorship program

The Going Beyond The Food non-diet approach mentorship program is a space where you can receive support guidance to become the best non-diet professional. It’s a program geared to refine your non-diet professional skills set and teach you the skills you need to build a successful business that can impact thousands of women. It will help you develop as a powerful leader and help other women come back to their power. You will learn how to harness your ability to support and help other women. As a result, you can impact thousands of other women and dismantle diet culture.

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PRO Series: My Anti-diet Business Journey – S2 EP2

My Anti-diet Business Journey

One of the frequent questions from health coaches who encounter my work in the non-diet approach for the first time is this:

How do I make money as a non-diet coach?

I get it. I had the same question 6 years ago when I first came to the world of anti-diet health coaching. If we don’t tell people what to eat when to eat and how to eat, what will they pay us for? Right?

To help answer this question, I’d like to give you an inside view into my anti-diet health coaching business more precisely what I wish I knew before starting my anti-diet health coaching business.

In today’s episode, I’m going to share with you what I wish I knew before starting my anti-diet health coaching business.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode about my anti-diet business journey:

  • How I started my non-diet business
  • What I wished I knew before starting my non-diet business
  • My top 10 lessons over the last 6 years
  • My biggest learning in this non-diet health coaching business

Mentioned in the show:

Beyond The Food PRO Mentorship Program

Free Intuitive Eating Guide

PRO Series – Free Training & resources

PRO Podcast Series – Full Listing

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Non-Diet Approach for Health Coaching

Non-Diet Approach for Health Coaching

When I first started in my nutrition practice the term “non-diet approach” didn’t even cross my mind. “Anti-diet approach” didn’t even exist.  Unbeknown to me, I was practicing the “diet approach to nutrition” simply because that’s what was taught in health & nutrition school.

Fast forward close to 10 years now, a lot have changed. The non-diet approach is growing rapidly, so has the anti-diet approach and intuitive eating is booming.

So, let’s discover what is the non-diet approach.

Non-Diet Approach for health coaching

What is the non-diet approach

Core values of the non-diet approach

The pillars of the non-diet approach

Non-diet approach training for professionals

Non-diet Mentorship Program

What is the non-diet approach?

The non-diet approach to health coaching & nutrition is the exact opposite of dieting. It recognizes that food, eating and body weight aren’t the problem to be fixed. It’s a weight-neutral approach to health instead of focusing on a weight-oriented outcome. This approach focused on all the other factors that can impact one’s health beyond body weight. In other words, the ultimate goal is to support the patients to become their own experts at their bodies.

The Going Beyond The Food Method™️ is our proprietary methodology that helps women to recover from diet culture and learn the non-diet way of life. Firstly, our 4 pillars are Body Wisdom, Body Trust, Body Respect, and Body Neutrality. Secondly, our framework is composed of 5 steps process: Intuitive eating, Body Neutrality, Self-Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, and Mindfulness.

Core values of the non-diet approach

The non-diet approach to health coaching and nutrition holds key core values:  Fundamentally, it recognizes that diets do not work. It’s holistic in nature. It is focused on the Why not the What,  it’s focused on finding solution that are based on love and compassion. Moreover, it believes that all humans and bodies are worthy.

Non-diet-approach for health coaching

Diets don’t work

A  2016 study by researchers at UCLA studied 40,420 adult participants in the most recent U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Researchers looked at the participants’ health as measured by six accepted metrics (not including BMI). These metrics are blood pressure, cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, insulin resistance, and C-reactive protein.

The study found that 47% of people classified as overweight by BMI and 29% of those qualified as obese were healthy based on at least five of those other metrics.

Meanwhile, 31% of normal-weight people were unhealthy by two or more of the same measures.

A number of research studies show that weight loss is not necessary to improve physical health. Studies have also found that fitness is more predictive for mortality than weight. This study defined ‘fit’ as 3-4 hrs per week of walking.


Source: JAMA. 1999 Oct 27;282(16):1547-53.
Note: “Fit” is not synonymous with “thin” or “lean.” That’s Diet Culture. Being fit means being in good health, especially because of regular physical movement.

Furthermore, trying to change your health status simply by losing weight has not only proven to be an ineffective approach but also carries potential negative side effects to your health. The focus on intentional weight loss via dieting can be harmful. Multiple studies demonstrate negative side effects of dieting behaviors. The three most documented negative effects are weight cycling, disordered eating, and weight stigma.

The non-diet approach for health coaching is holistic

The World Health Organization defines health as “a complete state of physical, emotional, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”  The non-diet approach is a weight-neutral approach to health is based on the idea that your health status or risk level can’t be determined solely by your weight.

Instead it recognized that humans are more than a physical body: mental, emotional, spiritual and physical human bodies.

Its focus is on the WHY instead of the WHAT

The non-diet approach looks at the root cause of the behaviors. For example, when considering nutrition it considers why the individual is eating instead what the individual is eating. What we eat, how we eat and when we eat come second to why we eat.

Compassion versus fear-based threat

The non-diet approach will help the client switch his approach to health behavior to one of compassion for self. It will help form a relationship of respect towards one’s body helping the client to make choice based in love for body and self instead of fear (fear of disease, fear of weight gain, fear of other people opinion, etc…)

All humans are worthy; All bodies are worthy

The non-diet approach is grounded in the fact that all humans are worthy therefore all bodies are worthy. The non-diet recognizes the danger to one’s health when face with any stigma, discrimination or prejudice.

Therefore, the non-diet approach must be anti-discriminatory: anti-fatphobia, anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-transphobia, anti-classist, non-binary, etc.

The pillars of the non-diet approach for health coaching

When practicing the non-diet approach to health and nutrition with clients, practitioners must follow a sequential order in their approach. Although adaptable in nature, some fundamental pillars must be in place

1. Investigation of belief and history

The first step is for the practitioner to have a clear understanding of the current state of their clients/ patients relationship to food and body. A number of assessments are available: Intuitive eating assessment, Body Acceptance Assessment and Dieting Impact Inventory.

Next, the practitioner will help the client understand how they go to be where they are right now using a dieting timeline. It’s very important for the patient to understand that it’s not their fault but instead diet culture.

2. Mindset & Unlearning Diet Culture

The next phase of the non-diet approach is the most important: unlearning. Unlearning the diet mindset, dogmatic beliefs about food and exercise, the thin ideal, etc..

When we trained professional inThe Going Beyond The Food Method™ our practitioners are trained in a Cognitive Behavior Therapy approach called Self-Coaching. This will be the tool they will teach their client to help them unlearn Diet Culture.

3. Attunement & Reconnecting

As the client progress in unlearning diet culture the next steps will be to help patient to reconnect with their body via body sensation. Using various mindfulness approach our graduates of our non-diet certification have a number of tools available to them to teach their client attuned with their body.

The first set of sensations we focus on with the clients are eating cues: hunger, fullness and satisfaction. Gradually, clients will be able to trust their own ability to read and interpret their innate body sensations.

4. Emotional Intelligence & Processing

As the client gets more attuned to her own innate body wisdom, the focus will shift to building skills set to process emotions & feelings. One of the most effective tools for this step is deconstruction of the eating behavior using two questions: What am I feeling? and What do I need?

The outcome of these pillars is to build emotional intelligence and shift the individual engagement with their emotions from Reacting to Responding.   

5. Empowerment & Relearning

The non-diet approach is truly beyond the food and this next pillar is the reason behind this powerful transformative process.

To help build empowerment, the process of habituation will be use to help client regain power over fear foods. Gradually reclaiming their power at first with food and naturally expanding their empowerment to other part of their life using their inner wisdom.

6. Respect & Liberation

 In this last step practitioner will support client in the process of rebuilding a relationship of respect with their own body. Engaging in body image healing using body neutrality and Health At Every Size approach to help build an inventory of health promoting behaviors.

At this point in the process client is also ready to re-engage with food using a gentle nutrition philosophy and with exercise using a joyful movement approach.

Non-diet approach training for professional

We have created a number of free non-diet approach training resources to help you begin learning more about this revolutionary health approach. Join my non-diet professional community by requesting our non-diet professional starter pack.

You can also listen to our non-diet podcast.

The non-diet approach mentorship program

The Going Beyond The Food non-diet approach mentorship program is a space where you can receive support guidance to become the best non-diet professional. It’s a program geared to refine your non-diet professional skills set and teach you the skills you need to build a successful business that can impact thousands of women. It will help you develop as a powerful leader and help other women come back to their power. You will learn how to harness your ability to support and help other women. As a result, you can impact thousands of other women and dismantle diet culture.

non-diet coaching certification image Facebook image

Non-Diet Approach FAQs

The non-diet approach to health & nutrition is the exact opposite of dieting. It recognizes that food, eating and body weight aren’t the problem to be fixed.
It’s a weight-neutral approach to health instead of focusing on a weight-oriented outcome. This approach focused on all the other factors that can impact one’s health beyond body weight. In other words, the ultimate goal is to support the patients to become their own experts at their bodies.

The non-diet approach to health and nutrition holds key core values: Fundamentally, it recognizes that diets do not work. It’s holistic in nature. It is focused on the Why not the What, it’s focused on finding solution that are based on love and compassion. Moreover, it believes that all humans and bodies are worthy.

1. Investigation of belief and history

2. Mindset & Unlearning Diet Culture

3. Attunement & Reconnecting

4. Emotional Intelligence & Processing

5. Empowerment & Relearning

6. Respect & Liberation

We have created a number of free non-diet approach training resources to help you begin learning more about this revolutionary health approach. Join my non-diet professional community by requesting our non-diet professional starter pack.

You can also listen to our non-diet podcast.

The Going Beyond The Food non-diet approach mentorship program is a space where you can receive support guidance to become the best non-diet professional. It’s a program geared to refine your non-diet professional skills set and teach you the skills you need to build a successful business that can impact thousands of women.

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PRO Series: The Anatomy of the Non-Diet Approach- S2 EP1

non-diet approach anatomy

When I first started in my nutrition practice the term “non-diet approach” didn’t even cross my mind. “Anti-diet approach” didn’t even exist. Unbeknown to me, I was practicing the “diet approach to nutrition” simply because that’s what was taught in health & nutrition school.

Fast forward close to 10 years now and a lot have changed. The non-diet approach is growing rapidly, so has the anti-diet approach and intuitive eating is booming.

So in this episode, we will deep dive into the non-diet approach anatomy. You’ll learn:

  • What is the non-diet approach
  • Core values of the non-diet approach
  • The pillars of the non-diet approach
  • Non-diet approach training for professional
  • Non-Diet Mentorship Program

Mentioned in the show:

Beyond The Food PRO Mentorship Program

PRO Series – Free Training & resources

PRO Podcast Series – Full Listing

Health Beyond Dieting – Studies

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Non-Diet Business Training

Non-Diet Business Training

Non-Diet Business Training

Non-Diet Business Training is essential for any women health entrepreneurs starting their business adventure in the non-diet health approach.

Your business success means women’s learning how to ditch diet culture. Your willingness to accept that your business success means more lives transformed is key to your being successful in your professional journey.

In the same way you ask your client/patient to invest in themselves by working with you: are you investing in yourself to be successful in your business?

Non-Diet Business Training

In episode 2 of season 1 of the Pro series, we discovered why crafting a business strategy is so important to your overall business. Without the foundation of a strategy, there’s very little chance your business will grow and transform hundreds of women’s lives.

In today’s episode, we will discover the various business model available to you to create your business strategy. A business model is a framework for how you will create value. It answers fundamental questions about the problem you are going to solve, how you will solve it, and the growth opportunity within a given market.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode:

  • What is a business model
  • Why it’s important to have a business model
  • Look behind the scene of my business model
  • The one thing that most important to your business success

Mentioned in the show:

Mentorship Program
Free Intuitive Eating Guide
PRO Series – Free Training & Resources
PRO Podcast series – Full listing

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I’m Stephanie Dodier - Clinical Nutritionist, Intuitive Eating expert, Podcast host, and Creator of the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with chronic dieting & body image and has since grown into a global movement.

Is the problem you or your diet?

I asked myself this question for years…and I figure you likely have the same question so I create a assessment for you to figure it out. Take the quiz now.