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Beyond the Food Blog

A catalog of evidence-based articles written by Stephanie Dodier Clinical Nutritionist on all topics supporting the non-diet approach to health. 

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Beyond the Food Blog

A catalog of evidence-based articles written by Stephanie Dodier Clinical Nutritionist on all topics supporting the non-diet approach to health. 

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Natural Remedies For Hot Flashes

Natural Remedies For Hot Flashes

natural remedies for hot flashesToday, I’m sharing my best natural remedies for hot flashes. But what really causes hot flashes? Ask any doctor and they’ll tell you that hot flashes and night sweats are caused by falling estrogen levels as women age. That’s it.

Anyway, that’s the answer most of my ladies in my community get when they ask.

Just a bit on me I’m Stephanie Dodier Clinical Nutritionist and Intuitive Eating expert and I lead a community of women over 40 so we are very familiar with the topic of hot flashes! I developed the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ a proprietary methodology that helps women make peace with food and their body. Chronic dieter and body shy women become intuitive eater & body confident women that live a full life unconditionally. If a life without dieting is something that sounds interesting I’d love to meet you.

Back to the topic of hot flashes.

So when you go to see your doctor say that you want to stop hot flashes and night sweats, what you’re most likely to get is a prescription for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and an extended talk about the issues that are associated with HRT.

Take a moment to stop and think about it though – how can all of this just be from falling estrogen levels? It just doesn’t make any sense, since every woman on the face of the Earth sees a drop in her estrogen during menopause, why don’t all of us get hot flashes? And the women who do get hot flashes get them at different times – some when they’re upset, others when they eat sugary or starchy foods.

Now think about what happens when you flash. You get hot, you get sweaty, your heart rate goes up, and you might well feel anxious. Doesn’t that feel more like someone came up and surprised you – something like a panic attack? A Fight or Flight reaction?

How can this be? Let’s break it down.

Adrenal Glands & Hot Flashes

The part of your brain that regulates temperature responds to both estrogens AND to adrenaline hormones. Adrenaline is a stress hormone in the same family of stress hormones as cortisol and norepinephrine. All 3 of these hormones are produced by our adrenal glands located on top of our kidney.

Your adrenaline level is usually low if you are in a state of relaxation and feel calm. We know that your if your adrenaline level is low that your estrogen level is high or low that you won’t a hot flash. However, if your adrenaline level is chronically high, i.e. you’re more stressed out than you should be, and you have a drop in estrogen you will trigger a series of reaction in your body that will produce a hot flash.

Yes hot flashes are in part due to estrogen level being low BUT it’s triggered by our stress level via adrenaline. Addressing your stress level is as important as considering how we can stabilize our estrogen level.

Natural Remedies For Hot Flashes: Stress Reduction Techniques

If you’re stressed, then your body is responding to stressors in your environment. We’re talking about physical and emotional things that are affecting your body to bring it out of balance. These are things that we know may cause hot flashes.

Environmental stressors can come from a myriad of places, and here are some examples. Check out which ones you think you might be struggling against.

  • Nutrition
  • Illness
  • Relationships
  • Finances
  • Lack of movement
  • Negative thoughts

Reducing sources of stress in your life will help you to stop hot flashes. Let’s see how.


Diet-induced stress is a great place to start. We know that when we eat sugary & highly processed food our blood sugar levels go up. This makes our insulin kick in to reduce them. When insulin rises, cortisol goes up with it. ! Making dietary changes is one of the best natural remedies for hot flashes. Read more about how to modify your diet here.


Incorporating movement in your life can be incredibly critical when it comes to managing your hot flashes. Lack of movement is not only a cause of stress for pre and postmenopausal women but for everyone. For women in menopause, it can escalate to more symptoms than in many other people, so adopting a practice of mind/body light movement techniques like walking in nature, yoga or even swimming will have an amazingly calming effect on your nervous system, reducing the impact on your adrenal glands.


B-vitamins offer a great place to start supplementing to stop hot flashes since B’s are in high demand in the metabolism of stress in our body. They’re also a powerful methylator in the metabolism of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Find a complete B-complex formula and take it 3 times a day with food.

Herbal supplements have been studied and demonstrated to help manage your cortisol level and thereby your stress level, thus reducing the load on your adrenals. Licorice Root is well known for helping to support adrenal balance as well as energy levels and endurance. Rhodiola is an adaptogenic herb that protects against stress-related fatigue and ultimate “burnout”, increasing mental clarity, supporting the immune system and assisting in balancing blood sugar regulation – an all around great supplement!

Vitamin C is another powerful nutrient that can be added to your daily regimen and will help support your adrenals. It’s also, of course, one of the most powerful antioxidants and an immune booster. Use 1000mg x3 day with food if you’re unsure where to start.

You can access my favourite brands and recommendation in my store right here

Your mind and thoughts: the most powerful tips for stopping hot flashes

One of the key natural remedies for hot flashes is focusing more on loving thoughts. Thoughts that bring you pleasure (like thinking about people you love or favourite pets) short-circuit the harm done by the body’s physiological reaction to stress.

This learning to “think with your heart” may be challenging at first, but it’s definitely worth it. If you faithfully work at this technique and regularly pay attention to the areas of your life that bring you joy and fulfillment, you will evoke biochemical changes in your body over time that will recharge your adrenal batteries. You can read more about my personal journey with connecting mind and body here.

Learning to quiet your mind and focus on positive thoughts can be easy with the practice of deep breathing or meditation. Start with a quick and easy 5 minutes a day as you wake up. Then as you get more comfortable, increase your quiet time (aka meditation) to 15-20 minutes a day. I teach techniques to overcome food cravings that can get you started on this journey to quieting your mind. In my free guide Crave Cure Guide I take you through my 4 steps to cure you cravings.

The good news is that there are many natural remedies for hot flashes and other unpleasant and unwelcome symptoms of peri–menopause and menopause. Reducing your level of stress in many aspects of your life can not only leave you feeling more relax and healthier but also cooler! You can stop hot flashes.

Next steps would be for you read the first article in this series Nutrition for Menopause and last one Sleep and menopause.

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How to Achieve Mind and Body Connection

How to Achieve Mind and Body Connection

How to achieve mind and body connectionNot many of us know the importance of learning how to achieve mind and body connection. Generally speaking, we tend to think of our body & mind as two different systems and we believe they function separately. Yet instinctively, you and I know that is not the whole story. Let’s look at a common experience that all of us have had in the past with our body & mind connection.

Do you remember the first time you had to give a speech in front of an audience? Maybe you felt “butterflies” in your belly.

Or went on a first date with someone you were really trying to impress? Maybe you felt the palms of your hands becoming sweaty.

In either case, there is no doubt that you wanted to appear calm and collected, but at the same time you were feeling self-conscious and nervous. Self-consciousness will result in tightening your buttock muscles (so you are literally sitting on your tension), you will sweat more than usual, you may feel slightly nauseous, and you’ll probably fluff your words just when you want to appear suave and confident.

My Personal Experience

In my own personal experience of the mind-body connection, when I felt nervous or anxious I would eat – particularly carbohydrates such as chips. Sound familiar to anyone? Food cravings were the way my body was signalling to me that I was stressed, nervous or anxious. What I knew instinctively, and what we are at last beginning to prove scientifically is that there is an intimate and dynamic relationship between what is going on with our feelings and thoughts, and what happens in the body.

Illness is very real, accidents happen, and medicine can really help. But the role of the mind and emotions in our state of health particularly with chronic conditions is vital one, and by understanding this relationship, we can play a greater role in our own well-being. It is only a part of the overall picture, but it is the part that is invariably overlooked or ignored.

The idea that our minds and emotions play a critical role in our health—a fundamental aspect of the Going Beyond The Food Method—is far from new. Many ancient healing systems emphasize the interconnection between mind and body in healing, including Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine; Ayurvedic Medicine – Indian traditional medicine with written records dating back more than 5000 years; and Traditional Medicine with a history of more than 2500 years. All of these traditional medicines have taught us that good health depends on a balance of the mind, the body, and the environment. Thus, learning how to achieve mind and body connection is essential.

Science of the body & mind connection

Modern scientific research supports this age-old tenet of medical wisdom. It began in the 1920s when a Harvard scientist by the name of Walter Cannon, MD, identified the fight-or-flight response through which the body secretes hormones called catecholamines (such as epinephrine and norepinephrine). When they enter the bloodstream, these hormones produce changes in the body—i.e. a quickened heart or increased breathing rate—that puts the person in a better physical state to escape or confront danger.

Since that time, scores of scientific breakthroughs have highlighted the mind-body connection in health. Psychologist and PhD Neal Miller discovered that we can be trained to control certain physical responses such as blood pressure that were previously considered to be involuntary. This discovery gave birth to biofeedback, which has now been found to be effective in the treatment of anxiety, attention deficit disorder, headaches, hypertension, and urinary incontinence.

Harvard cardiologist Herbert Benson, MD, identified the flip side of the stress response which he called the “relaxation response.” Benson demonstrated that meditation, yoga, and other relaxation techniques can bring about physiological changes including a lower heart rate, lower breathing rate, and decreased muscle tension along with positive changes in brain waves. Mind-body techniques that elicit this relaxation response have been successful in treating many stress-related disorders.

How to Achieve Mind and Body Connection: The Next Steps

If we separate either a machine or an organism into its component parts, it can’t function. Each piece has a role to play, even if it is a very small role and even if only one part is malfunctioning it affects the whole. If we ignore the role of our feelings and thoughts play, we are ignoring one of the most important parts that make up our whole being.

Understanding the mind-body relationship and knowing how to how to achieve mind and body connection may not cure your physical difficulties. However, by learning the language of your body messages, you can discover what is being repressed or ignored in your psyche and emotions and how this is influencing your well-being. From this vantage point, you can discover that there is an extraordinarily intimate two-way communication going on between your mind and body that affects both your physical state and your mental and emotional health.

The first step in sharpening your mind-body connection is to eliminate any interference from the outside environment from food and toxins. Our signature program the Going Beyond The Food Academy is a step by step plan that will help you begin your journey in crushing your cravings and achieving total health. One of the main benefit of a more mindful approach to life and a peaceful relationship to food. You can get started here with mindful & intuitive eating by click here.

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How to Stop Compulsive Eating

How to Stop Compulsive Eating

how to stop compulsive eatingMany people research on how to stop compulsive eating, but they miss the point. Food isn’t quite the same as other physical things that we do like taking a shower or doing the laundry – you have a relationship with food. That relationship needs to be nurtured, needs to be formed consciously and with a great deal of thought.

You have a relationship with food already, the real question is whether it’s a positive one in your life or one that’s not so positive.

This post was so popular that I created a free 1 page report on Eliminating emotional right here. 1 page PDF format easy to read and easy to post as a reminder.

How to Stop Compulsive Eating Stories

Does this story sound familiar to you? I know it’s familiar to many ladies in my online private community.

Ashley has a sudden craving for chocolate, so she decides to eat just two blocks from a chocolate bar. Without even realizing it, Ashley has devoured the whole bar in just a few minutes.

Or how about this one?

Sam’s been working all morning, and decides to take a quick break to grab a handful of chips out of the bag in the office cabinet. By the time lunch comes around, She realizes that she’s eaten the whole bag without even thinking.

Those stories sound familiar to a lot of us. Compulsive eating just seems to happen. But you can learn on how to control your eating habits, and you can move on to reach you goals beyond it!

Developing your relationship with food

Compulsive eating is all about that relationship. If you have a positive relationship with food, you’re going to have a much easier time dealing with compulsive eating.

Your relationship with food started back when you were just a baby. We are born with a nurturing relationship with food. You don’t know how to express your need for food, so you cry to get it, and you are comforted with food. The same happens when you’re a child, you’re rewarded with birthday cake and cookies. As an adult, it’s steak and wine. Nurturing with food is a part of our lives in a deep way.

With all of that, it’s no wonder we struggle with compulsive eating!

Solutions for Compulsive Eating

This isn’t a quick fix. There’s no magic pill to make compulsive eating stop – it takes diligent work that carries through over a long period of time.

The key to stopping compulsive eating lies in learning to listen to your body messages. Numbing with food doesn’t solve anything – your body is just going to keep on talking louder to you.

Cravings send your body a message, which drives your emotions that are out of control. It’s all connected.

The solution for how to stop compulsive eating is to start paying attention to your feelings. It’s the only way to get past those compulsive drives. A great too available to you is my online seminar ” Mastering Your Food Cravings” which will provide you with a comprehensive system to start paying attention to your feelings.

If you want to read more on this topic you can read this blog post “5 sign of emotional eating” and also “Solution to your food cravings“.

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How to Stop Food Cravings

How to Stop Food Cravings

How to stop food cravings

Food is love, or so we tend to think. And not just on the surface, it’s a deep down kind of drive. It’s not surprising why most people have no idea on how to stop food cravings.

To be able to stop food cravings can only happen if we learn to understand the emotional connection between our desire for chocolate. The causes of cravings are almost all emotional – almost! There is a physical side as well, and getting to the bottom of both is the way to success over food cravings.  

How to Stop Food Cravings: Empower Yourself

Becoming empowered to stop food cravings starts with getting to the bottom of the physical side of the equation. The physical side of food cravings can be boiled down to these things 

  • Gut & microbiome

    There is great research lately that shows the connection between a lack of diversity of microbiomes in the gut with food cravings. To combat this, it’s so important to reduce carb intake and to add probiotics into the diet.

  • Blood sugar dysregulation

    Radical highs and lows in blood sugar can cause cravings. Getting your blood sugar to a more stable place though improvements in your diet will result in a dramatic reduction in food cravings.

  • Nutrient deficiencies

    A lack of the vitamins and minerals that you need to be healthy are a major cause of cravings. Chocolate means you’re craving magnesium. Bread means you’re craving b vitamins. Diversify your diet and increase its nutrient density in order to combat cravings.

Let Go of Judgement 

If you’ve been beating yourself up in silence about your cravings and about your relationship with food, then you’re only going to continue to cycle back around into those negative behaviors. You MUST let go of your self judgement! 

Trashing yourself, feeling that you are worthless because you can’t lose whatever weight it is that you feel you should be able to lose, it’s just not going to help you to move forward. All of that guilt and self-loathing isn’t serving you at all – it’s holding you back. So let it go! 

Next step

We want our cravings to just magically disappear, but that’s just not how things work. I truly wish it were, but then wishing doesn’t change anything. But you can learn how to stop food cravings! Knowledge is power, and so much more powerful than willpower that why I created The Crave Cure Guide a digital book that will teach the basics of my program, click here to download for free.

Wanna learn more about food cravings and how to stop it permanently? Click here!

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8 Powerful Questions For Your Life Transformation

8 Powerful Questions For Your Life Transformation

transformation questionsThe moments with the biggest impact in my programs such as Going Beyond the Food Academy or my retreats are when powerful transformation questions get asked at just the right time. These 8 powerful questions for transformation have allowed many amazing transformation.

The right question can do more to motivate a student into playing a bigger game than reading a whole bookshelf of inspirational books or attending several ‘how to’ seminars.

Why is that?

Transformation questions, when phrased and timed well, entice us to go inside and look around the many rooms of our body-mind. We emerge knowing ourselves better than we did before and willing to take on new challenges.


Transformation Process

These questions are the kick starter to any profound and permanent transformation process and that’s exactly what I teach. I simply chose to use food as a tool to teach transformation. That you try to transform your diet or your love life or your health the process is all the same.

You must first get clear with yourself on what you want.

Then learn new skills and or make a decision that will allow you to reach your goals.

8 Transformation Questions

You will need a journal for this exercise, a place where you can gather your thoughts, observation, and feelings.

I would suggest reading all questions at first without answering any. Let the questions sit with your spirit for a few days.

In the following days take 1 -2 question at a time maximum per day and write your answer in your journal. Set the environment that will allow you to get the life-changing answer you are looking for: be alone, no one to disturb you, be in a relaxed state with no pressure about time, in a positive mindset.

When you write your answer leave plenty of space for each question to be answered as you may want to add to it in the process. Read your answers and add more thoughts as you go.

  1. Where do I want to be in five years?
  2. How do I want to feel on the inside in 5 years time? Where will I be emotionally, physically and spiritually?
  3. What bad habits do I need to stop? What do I need to take responsibility for?
  4. What mistake have I made? What would I do differently?
  5. What story have I told myself? What conditioning did I receive?
  6. If no one judged me, who will I be?
  7. Who would you be if you weren’t concerned with pleasing and caring for others?
  8. Why do I like food more than my own health (self)?

So, next time you feel stumped, stuck, or unsure where to go, ask yourself these powerful questions that will serve as a kick starter to your transformation.

If you ready to start your journey in transforming your health with nutrition you should check out my free Crave Cure Guide.

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Improving Women Empowerment: The Journey to You

Improving Women Empowerment: The Journey to You

improving women empowermentEmpowerment is a word that’s used and overused – what does it really mean? Empowerment is our goal, our mantra and our way of being in my free and private community: truly supporting each other in our journey achieving our health goals and living a purposeful life. We continually work towards improving women empowerment.

Improving Women Empowerment: Start With Yourself

In today’s world of instant gratification and quick fixes, empowerment is learning that you can rely on yourself and create the life that you want to have, even when making that happen seems like more that you’re capable of. Because the truth is that you can do more than you think you’re capable of. Your potential is far beyond what you think is possible. What’s more, you don’t have to have someone there with you every step of the way.

You’re Not Alone

What empowerment doesn’t mean is that you’re all alone in this journey to yourself. It’s OK to get help along the way. Humans are creatures of community, of connection. Successful people are almost always quick to point out that the spark of their accomplishments came from within, but that it was the support and help of others that facilitated their final success. They were empowered by people along the way to believe that they could do it.

Improving women empowerment requires more than just platitudes. Words can help along the way most certainly, but it’s the helping someone to see that they are capable of growing to be more that is the real heart of support. You don’t just know how to eat healthy and take care of your body properly – these are skills that must be taught by someone who knows how. But they aren’t magical secrets either, and everyone is capable of mastering them.

Independence vs. Dependence

One of the biggest pitfalls of getting help is the danger of becoming dependent on that aid that you’re getting, often to the point that you backtrack without it. That’s really what yo-yo dieting is all about, and it’s a cycle that millions of people find themselves trapped in. The key to overcoming dependency is empowerment.

“I felt like I was walking up a very steep cliff. I needed someone to tell me where to begin, how to manage/organize myself, where to get resources easily, when to push forward and when to stop and wait. In just 6 months of working with Stephanie I did not just organize myself, I learned patience. I learned how to listen to my body and interpret it. The best thing I have ever done for my family is work with Stephanie and the results I’m seeing are nothing short of a miracle.”- Amal S.

Good support is support that scaffolds your growth, giving you the tools that you need in order to master your own life independently. Great support stairsteps you up out of the canyon that you find yourself in, then shows you that you can walk the path without a hand to hold, and maybe even that you can offer a hand to another down the line who needs it. It is always good to become part of a community whose goal is improving women empowerment.


A great way to think about this whole process is the analogy of a wounded wild animal. In many ways, life gives us wounds that put us in danger for one reason or another. Those wounds can heal on their own, but leave us vulnerable and less able to care for ourselves, just as a wounded wild animal is vulnerable and less able to care for themselves.

Once they get the care that they need, then can be released and sent back out, fully empowered to take on the challenges that they face. The same is true for you. Once you’re supported and healed through the process, you’re able to then step up and take care of yourself again. This time wiser and with more experience. This is exactly how Crave Cure program program has been built.

This is the second article in the series “Journey to YOU”. You can find the first article of the series on Body Image right here. Hope you enjoy!

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Overcoming Food Cravings in 4 Steps

Overcoming Food Cravings in 4 Steps

Overcoming food cravingsOvercoming food cravings is one of the hardest but the most important part of any healing journey. What many people don’t realize is that there is a difference between physical and emotional food cravings. Like the women in my free and private community, you have likely been told that cravings were a bad thing and you just need more discipline to fight them.

Step 1: Stop and Feel

Impose a 15-minute cooling-off period and ask yourself if this is a physical hunger signal or an emotional craving. If it is an emotional craving, you will need to be present with what is going on in your life. Physical hunger is different. Let’s dive in.

Physical vs. Emotional Hunger

The first step in overcoming food cravings is to first learn the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger. The chart below should be of great help. I suggest that you print it and post it somewhere to refer to it quickly as you begin your journey to solve your food cravings. You must become really comfortable in distinguishing physical vs. emotional hunger.

Physical hunger progresses slowly and you can feel it in your stomach. You do not crave a specific food but rather food. When you eat because your body needs nourishment, you are more likely to be present and able to stop when you feel full.

Emotional hunger is the opposite of physical hunger. When emotional hunger strikes, it’s sudden and specific. You get focused on eating this “one” food and once you get to it you without being present rather thinking about what has happened or what is upsetting you. It is likely that emotional hunger will come after an emotional event.

Step 2: Remove the Temptation

This step is simple but effective! Remove yourself from the situation or location where food is located until you can wait out your 15-minute cooling off period. Find a quiet spot where you can be alone for 15 minutes.

Step 3: Breathe and Feel!

Set a timer for 15 minutes. Sit or lay down and close your eyes. Start breathing through your nose. Slowly breath in and out for about 3 seconds (3 seconds in and 3 seconds out). Scan your body. Feel your body. How does your body feel? What emotions are you feeling? Admitting to yourself what is happening is usually enough to relieve most cravings.

Step 4: Replace Fear with Love!

While you scan your body and observe your emotions, find relief in a positive and happy situation where you felt love, happiness, or joy. Attempt to feel that positive emotion deep in your heart and gut. Fill yourself up with that positive emotion. A negative and positive emotion cannot occupy the same place. You can also use affirmations such as “I forgive, I accept, and I trust myself.”

Tool for Overcoming Food Cravings

It is so important that we work to heal our appetites and not kill them so that we can stop food cravings permanently. The most effective method to reduce or eliminate your food cravings is to listen to your intuition or gut feeling, trust it, and then follow it!

To take the next step in your journey toward solving your food cravings you should download my Crave Cure Guide here.

Share your thoughts: Have you ever experienced emotional eating? What triggers food cravings for you?


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The Truth About NSAID Side Effects: What You Need to Know

The Truth About NSAID Side Effects: What You Need to Know

the truth about NSAID side effects

NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) are over-the-counter medication sold under names such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Celebrex, Naprosyn, Toradol, etc. They’re commonly used to reduce pain caused by headaches, arthritis, coughs, colds, and sports injuries. However, very few people know about the truth about NSAID side effects.

How NSAIDs work

NSAIDs work by reducing or blocking the production of a compound named “Prostaglandin”. You can think of prostaglandin as something similar to a hormone (i.e. estrogen or cortisol).

Prostaglandin has certain negative effects such as increasing inflammation, pain and fever, but on the positive side it protects our stomach lining from the damaging effects from HCL (the acid we have in our stomach that helps digest our food) and it also protects the small intestine lining from the damaging effects of the digestion process.

Therefore, prostaglandin serves both a good and bad purpose in our body. Remember that NSAIDs reduce prostaglandin, and therefore, they influence both its positive and negative effects. This means, that yes, your pain is reduced, but your stomach and small intestine are exposed to the damaging effects of the digestive process that occurs in our gastrointestinal tract every minute of the day!

The Truth About NSAID Side Effects: The Ugly Side of NSAIDs

NSAIDs have positive side effects of reducing pain but also can lead to the following body messages or symptoms:

  • Stomach ulcer (a hole in the stomach lining) leading to poor production of HCL (hydrochloric acid), which in turn leads to poor digestion and malabsorption.
  • Small intestine lining perforation causing leaky gut (hole in the small intestine) leading to food allergies and intolerances, and in the long term to auto immune disease.
  • Depression (in most cases due to the above leaky gut syndrome)
  • Delayed digestion
  • Kidney damage
  • Liver damage
  • Dizziness
  • Tinnitus
  • Increase blood pressure

The Root Cause of Our Pain

Taking NSAIDs is a way of affecting and treating symptoms, and doing so is only hiding the root cause of the issue. When we experience symptoms such as headaches, this sends us a message that something is wrong inside of us. We must listen to these messages to find the root cause and treat it, or otherwise the pain or inflammation will continue indefinitely.

In the case of chronic diseases such as arthritis, which require long term usage of NSAIDs, always take the time and care to consider natural options. As an example, fish oil (specifically the EPA component of fish oil), is a powerful agent that reverses the effects of prostaglandin (inflammation & pain) without the side effects. So, choosing an alternative could potentially be as easy as taking a regular dose of fish oil….

Body Messages

To recap the two critical points – when our body manifests symptom such as headaches or pain, this a way for it to give us a signal that something abnormal is happening.

We must listen, or otherwise chronic diseases will be waiting just around the corner. Lastly, it is important to keep in mind that although available over the counter, NSAIDs are very powerful drugs that have many side effects and we should avoid taking them on regular basis.

Alternative Solution to NSAIDs

Now that you know the truth about NSAID side effects, you’d want to look for effective pain relief without any of the dreadful side effects I mentioned. You have a few alternative as outlined by Dr. David Williams here.

If you pain is due to inflammation, which is most likely the case for symptoms such as arthritis, joint pains in general and most injury you can follow my anti-inflammatory protocol here.

Share your thoughts: Do you currently use NSAID? Do you use an alternative? What is your go to for pain relief?

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5 Signs You Experience Emotional Cravings

5 Signs You Experience Emotional Cravings

emotional cravingsHave you ever eaten a big meal and still felt an urge for more food?

Have you ever consider emotional cravings maybe part of your life?

Have you ever kept eating when you know you’re not hungry?

Maybe you know or maybe you don’t, but there is this “hunger” that’s deep within. A hunger that you just can’t get rid of. Maybe the first thing that your soul does when it needs some filling…you crave food. These are classic telltale signs that you are emotionally eating.

I hear this story from many of my free and private community and the many people I talk with at events. Particularly women saying that they’re “emotional eaters” but they don’t know what to do about it. I know overcoming any obstacle requires our attention first. Then the knowledge behind why we do what we do (aka: A Knowing).

How can you tell the difference between emotional eating, or eating to satisfy a genuine physical hunger?

Emotional cravings- the 5 cardinal signs

1. You need to eat a very specific food

When something comes up in your life that causes uncertainty, fear, or lack of control, we often turn to food to help ground us and to feel comfortable. We turn to very specific foods on an individual basis that will bring comfort to us knowing we can be certain in one thing when all else seems out of our control.

2. You keep eating after you’ve eaten a meal

When we emotionally eat, we are often using food as a placeholder for something else in our lives. Whether we are lonely, disconnected spiritually, or searching for purpose in life, food can temporarily take the place of what’s missing. If you feel like you can never get full from a meal, you may be using food to fill up the areas in your life that need filling with something greater.

Update: This post was so popular that I created a free Quiz – Is it you or your diet? CLICK HERE


3. You eat fast

When we emotionally eat, we will often take our attention off the eating process and “numb out” during our meal. It’s uncomfortable for us to address certain stressors in our lives so the body turns to a very easy and comforting distraction…food. With turning to food for a distraction, the last thing the mind wants to do is pay attention to the very thing that is helping take our minds off that stress.

4. You eat immediately after an emotional event

If the first thing you want to do is eat after you’ve gone through an emotional event chance are you’re emotionally eating. Whether you’re celebrating a promotion, or grieving the loss of a loved one, the body will try to come back down to earth by turning to food. Food literally grounds us when we experience intense emotions.

5. You feel guilty about eating

After we emotionally eat, both the brain and the body are aware of what just happened, even if you don’t know what the trigger was. Feeling guilt or shame after you’ve eaten a meal is a red flag that you’re emotionally eating.

Please note that emotional eating is very common and is a collective issue. Seeking greater meaning in why you turn to food is the first step in channeling the energy that comes with emotional eating. Moving into other areas of life that may be lacking will be the next step.

The solution to emotional cravings

Do you want to take the next steps in your journey to eliminate emotional cravings?

emotional cravings

Share your thoughts: Have you ever experience emotional eating? What are your cravings covering up?

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Increase Body Confidence: The Journey to You

Increase Body Confidence: The Journey to You

Increase Body confidenceThe mind is the most powerful aspect of health. It’s more powerful than your stomach which digests the food, or your hands which prepare it, or your legs that carry you through exercise. As I teach to the ladies in my free and private community : truly your mind is the thing that determines you, and how you view yourself will mold the way that your body actually looks and feels, not to mention how long it lasts. If you want to increase body confidence, you need to start with your mind.

A Never Ending Cycle

We are completely overtaken with images from the media and fitness industries that bombard us with ideas about what we should look like. Women literally can’t get away without seeing them. All you have to do it to walk into the grocery store and you’ll find dozens of images that tell you what you should look like. You don’t even have to leave the house – flip on the television or open your mailbox and you’ll see even more.

These images have a huge impact on our ideas of self, creating an inner dialogue and goals that we might not even be aware of. They’re presented as truth, as beauty and as the ideal of self worth. If we don’t look like these standards of beauty, then how can you be worth anything? Unfortunately we find that the language of modern culture is one that places emphasis on outward images of self rather than of inner strength of spirit.

The cycle comes when we see these unrealistic images and try to attain to them in an attempt to help us to feel good about ourselves, again most often without even thinking. Then when we do attempt to make changes in life to create that image that we see in our own lives we of course fail, because again they are unrealistic, which makes us feel bad about ourselves and cycles us into negative self image. The cycle goes on and on.

Breaking the Body Image Cycle to Increase Body Confidence

If this is a negative cycle, then how can you possibly go about freeing yourself from it? The answer is with a dramatic shift of understanding. Smart women like you know that the pictures that you see on the covers of magazines aren’t any more real than the images on Saturday morning cartoons, airbrushed and painted over as they are. And yet when you see them they tap into your subconscious, which doesn’t know that they aren’t real. Your natural inclination for self improvement kicks in and pushes you try to meet that goal, or you get a kick in the pants that tells you that you’re not worth much because you have already failed to look like that.

Understanding the connection between your body and your emotional self is how you break free and increase body confidence. Remember that your mind is the most powerful tool that you have when it comes to transforming your physical self, and you’re in control of it! Learning to harness the power of your mind to create a positive perception of your body will bring you into the reality of your beautiful self. For many women, it’s hard for them to comprehend the wonder and beauty of their own bodies.

“Stephanie has helped me make the connection between my emotional body and physical body, which has helped me heal and also lose weight.” -Shelley Langlois

Finding support is your first step in the process of creating a healthy body image. Realize that you are not alone in your struggle, and that there are people who have been there and who can help you increase body confidence. It’s possible for you to love your body and also to recognize that it needs to change so that you can feel better and live longer. That doesn’t mean that your goal is to look like some person who you’ve never met and who is for the most part a creation of a marketing company, but it does mean that you goal is to be the best that you can be. Emotionally and physically. You have the power to make it happen!

This is the first article in the series ” Journey to YOU”. You can find the next article of the series on Empowerment right here. Hope you enjoy!

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Stress Management: 5 First Aid Fixes

Stress Management: 5 First Aid Fixes

stress managementLate to a meeting? Rushing out the door to pick up the kids? Eating lunch while trying to finish a project? Sounds like you need to have some stress management strategies in place, yes?

In our modern world, we seem to find stress to be a normal part of accomplishing our daily tasks. Like the ladies in my free and private community we are busy people. On any given day, I personally have a list with a half dozen some-odd things I’m supposed to try and get done. On top of that, I need to make time to prepare a few good meals for myself, get some exercise in, maybe see some friends, and oh yeah… sleep!

It’s a great thing to have the ability to accomplish so much in our lives, but large amounts of stress can be really detrimental to our health and happiness- increasing our risk for infections, heart disease, cancer, obesity, depression… the list goes on and on. While it may not be possible to stop our lives and head to Maui at the first symptoms of stress, it is possible to take some basic steps to reduce stress and increase our daily sense of wellness through stress management.

What is Stress?

Stress is your body’s response- its natural reaction- to challenges. It’s a healthy response! Our body is ready to deal with whatever comes at us by increasing blood flow, oxygen intake, and hormone production.

Stress can be a bit complicated to understand if you try to look for common symptoms. Physicians list stress symptoms to include anything from body pains and sweating to acne and insomnia to decreased sex drive and nausea. Psychologically we may feel ungrounded, chaotic, anxious, and depressed. I even sometimes get angry when I’m stressed out. Luckily, we don’t have to always stay in this state, but we first must learn how to identify and slow down when we are stressed out.

Mind Your Stress- Listen to Your Body Messages!

One clear point from these lists of potential symptoms is that stress is specific for each individual. We all experience stress but many of us tune out and don’t listen to our body messages to the ways our beautiful, caring selves tell us what is going on.

The first and most important thing we must learn to do when learning how to deal with stress is to SLOW DOWN and notice what we are feeling. Pay attention to what your body is telling you by feeling and identifying the sensations you are experiencing. This is a practice of mindfulness.

However, slowing down and getting in our bodies to identify our internal language can be hard when we are in a rush. But, never fear my friends, I am here to bring you 5 excellent hacks to help you slow down, pay attention to yourself, and feel more Zen in no time.

The Five First Aid Fixes for Stress Management

1. Sip on Some Water

When you really get worked up, try sipping on a glass of water. Don’t chug the water- that’s beside the point. Slowly sip and sip and sip your stress away. Not only are you calming yourself down, but you are also hydrating and flushing your body out. This is really a helpful tip if you struggle with emotional eating.

2. Smile and Laugh

I literally mean just this. You don’t need a funny movie or even a joke Take a moment in private and quietly laugh or smile to yourself for at least five minutes. Studies have shown that the act of smiling, even for nothing, actually tricks your brain into releasing happy hormones.

3. Go for a Walk

Recognize that you aren’t being productive? See that you are stressed out? Go for a walk to cool off and get out of your head space. Feel your feet on the ground, listen to the sounds around you, and enjoy the fresh air on your face. When you get back to your activities, I guarantee good things.

4. The Deep Breath

Have to stay put but way too stressed out? Take 10 deep, long full breaths- count them. Taking these mindful breaths will immediately slow you down and help get you in touch with your body. This is an excellent first aid tip for a meeting situation since you can do it without anyone noticing.

5. Talk to a friend

If it is really a hard time, there is nothing wrong with responsibly seeking social support. It has been shown that regular individual levels of stress and healthy social support are inversely correlated. That means that those dear people in our lives actually help reduce our level of stress on average.

I hope you try out these quick tips for stress management. Let me know how stress is showing you in your life for you by writing on the community page or in the comment box below. Further, if you like these tips and are looking for more ways to bring mindfulness into your life, check out this seminar “Just listen your body is speaking to you”.

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How to Curb Sugar Cravings: 5 Foods That Can Help

How to Curb Sugar Cravings: 5 Foods That Can Help


Want to learn how to curb sugar cravings? You can start with these 5 foods that reduce food cravings! I recently had a livestream about these foods and have received so much positive feedback from my private and free online community. So I decided to publish the content of this livestream on my site so many more can benefit from the content.I hope you enjoy my visual presence while I talk directly to you on camera .

Below are the notes from the show.

NB: ***This content was first published in a lifestream format via the application Periscope. and was transferred to video on YouTube.***


Here are the key 5 foods that will reduce food cravings:

What can we eat to reduce our cravings?

1 – Swap sugar or sweetener in your coffee for cream (heavy, if possible)
Fat will not release insulin in your body.
Insulin increases the production of serotonin which creates feeling of happiness.

2 – Swap your regular chocolate for 100% unsweetened dark chocolate
There is no sugar in unsweetened dark chocolate but you get the taste of chocolate.

3- Eat more veggies…
Nutritional deficiencies are a reason why you crave foods.
Veggies are the unsweetened vitamin and mineral carriers of nature
Eat 6 cups / day

4- Have some coconut butter instead of a sugary treat
Always keep a jar of coconut butter on hand

5-Keep FAT BOMBS in your fridge
Mix coconut oil, nut or seed butter or grass -fed butter and raw unsweetened cacao powder.
Fat will keep you full longer.

How to Curb Sugar Cravings: More Resources and Info

If this content is go an interest for you can also access a series of online seminars 

If you want to learn more about mastering your food cravings, download my free powerful guide, The Crave Cure.

Share you thoughts: What are your strategies to help with food cravings? Dis you know the reason why your cravings were present?

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I’m Stephanie Dodier - Clinical Nutritionist, Intuitive Eating expert, Podcast host, and Creator of the Going Beyond The Food Method™️, which was born from my own journey with chronic dieting & body image and has since grown into a global movement.

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