It’s Beyond the Food Podcast

Join well-being expert Stephanie Dodier as she guides on how to feel damn good by reshaping your mind instead of your body. Let’s go beyond the food and fight diet culture & patriarchy by living powerfully. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with ressources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power. 

Subscribe to our podcast on your favorite podcast platform.


It’s Beyond the Food Podcast

Join well-being expert Stephanie Dodier as she guides on how to feel damn good by reshaping your mind instead of your body. Let’s go beyond the food and fight diet culture & patriarchy by living powerfully. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with ressources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power. 

Subscribe to our podcast on your favorite podcast platform.

Our Most Recent Episodes

151-How Much Is the Desire to Control Your Food & Weight Really Costing You?

151-How Much Is the Desire to Control Your Food & Weight Really Costing You?

How much is the desire to control your food costing you

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How much is the desire to control your food costing you

I’ve decided to write and speak about this topic of “Cost” after a lot of reflection. I was hesitant because I know the values and beliefs that many of us have around money and how sensitive it is for many women.

After months of thinking, I’ve decided to speak publicly. Cost and money are the #1 reason why women do not take their knowledge to the next level, thus, creating changes and transformation in their lives. Nothing will ever change if we continue doing the same thing that resulted in our current situation. That applies to anything…

The truth is we live in a world that requires an energy exchange of some type when it comes to almost anything including learning. That form of energy is money… the problem with money and eating behaviors is this:

We’ve spent a lot in the past to lose weight, to change eating behaviors, to stop binging, etc… and it didn’t work. You see your weight, body and it’s clearly a fail.

It’s now later in your life… 30-40… with what you believe to be dozens of failure under your belt and you are afraid of spending more. Low self-esteem, low self-confidence drive your belief that you’ll waste your money once more and you can’t justify this to your family, husband… or bank account.

Think about this for a minute: If your car had a problem starting in the morning on your way to work and it made you late. You went to your car mechanic, he quickly fixes the starter, you pay him and you’re on your way with your car operating well. A week later again the car doesn’t want to start… you go back to your mechanic, quick fixes on the starter and the car starts again. All seems good… for 2 weeks. Again, Monday morning 2 weeks post-last repair the car still doesn’t want to start… What would you do?

1- say to yourself… the car problem… it’s not worth me paying again for it. I’ve spent enough money trying to fix the problem already… I’ll just give up and walk to work instead. There’s no point!


2- say to yourself… maybe my mechanic isn’t good… maybe he isn’t really fixing the problem. Maybe the quick fix isn’t the answer… I’ll try a different mechanic and ask to take a different approach? I need to have consistency and be able to start my car daily.

Say you picked #2, you go to a new mechanic, who, instead of using old ways of car fixing, use a diagnostic tool. He finds out that the issue isn’t with the starter… instead it’s your engine. Would you give a shoot to fix the engine or say… well it’s too scary, I’ll just stay with a car that doesn’t start 1 out of 2 days?

In this episode I discuss 

  • How much is the desire to control your food costing you
  • The real reason why many women have the desire to control food
  • How the desire to control your food impacts your relationship with your partner
  • Do your beliefs around controlling food and weight directly affect your children? Listen to some case studies. 

Last episode, I talked about something that many women wished they’ve been blessed more with: self-confidence so that they can achieve their goals. Many think that if they had received the gift they too would be where others are

The good news is that self-confidence is a learned skill. Meaning, you can learn how to improve self-confidence. With the 4 steps that I shared in the episode, you’ll be able to practice and foster an environment that will lead you to improve and boost self-confidence.

Take a listen to this episode and learn the 4 steps to boost your self-confidence. Click here. 

Leave me a review, if you enjoy the show and would love to encourage and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link, click here. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like a fuel… and I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! 

Here’s a quick tutorial on How to leave a review.  


Links mentioned in the episode:

Register for the Academy Open House

Register for the Waitlist – Going Beyond the Food Academy

Get started with the Audio Training: How to Change Any Eating Habits


Studies Mentioned in the Episode:

Food and Emotions: 90 percent overlook key to weight loss, survey finds

Stressed Out Kids More Likely To Overeat; How Parents Train Their Kids In Emotional Eating


Submit a question for the next episode

If you want to submit a question for Stephanie’s next episode, click here and join our free and private community.


Reach Stephanie 







***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so is no additional cost to you, but helps me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***  

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150-Boost Your Self-Confidence in 4 Steps

150-Boost Your Self-Confidence in 4 Steps



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How to Improve Self-Confidence

Many women wished they had been blessed with more self-confidence so that they can achieve their goal. Thinking that if they had received the gift they too would be where others are.

Here’s the good news, ladies… self-confidence is a learned skill. Meaning, you can learn how to improve self-confidence. With the 4 steps that we will review today, you’ll be able to practice and foster an environment that will lead you to improve and boost self-confidence.

One thing to understand first is that self-confidence and self-esteem aren’t the same. Self-esteem is an evaluation of one’s own worth, whereas, self-confidence is more specifically trust in one’s ability to achieve some goals.

What we will focus on today is self-confidence, however, know that in the areas of self-care and eating behavior, self-confidence is intertwined with self-worth especially when it comes to body image.

In this episode I discuss 

  • The difference between self-confidence and self-esteem and why they don’t always go hand-in-hand
  • The transformative concept we teach in the Going Beyond the Food Academy to boost self-confidence
  • How to improve self-confidence in 4 steps
    1. Speak well to yourself.
    2. Visualize yourself as a confident person.
    3. Give yourself permission to not be perfect.
    4. Practice being kind to yourself: self-compassion

Last episode, I answered a listener question on the topic of ‘people-pleasing’. Are you are a people-pleaser? If you want to learn more about this behavior – the definition, different behaviors associated with people-pleasing, its origin and why it’s critical to healing it and the side-effects of this behavior, this episode is for you. Ultimately, I talked about the solutions on how to stop being a people-pleaser. 

If this is you, and you want to stop focusing on others and making you a priority without feeling guilty. You gotta listen to this episode. Click here. 

Leave me a review, if you enjoy the show and would love to encourage and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link, click here. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like a fuel… and I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! 

Here’s a quick tutorial on How to leave a review.  


Links mentioned in the episode:

Register for the Going Beyond the Food Academy Waitlist

Boost Self-Confidence in Your Body article

Get started with the Audio Training: How to Change Any Eating Habits


Submit a question for the next episode

If you want to submit a question for Stephanie’s next episode, click here and join our free and private community.


Reach Stephanie 







***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so is no additional cost to you, but helps me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***  

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149-Ask Me: People Pleasing: How to Stop Being a People-Pleaser

149-Ask Me: People Pleasing: How to Stop Being a People-Pleaser



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How to Stop Being a People-Pleaser

Are you a people-pleaser? Where did that come from? How did you become one?

These are the questions you have to ask yourself to be able to know how to stop being a people-pleaser.

But, what is a people-pleaser? A people-pleaser is one of the nicest and most helpful people you know. They never say “no.” You can always count on them for a favor. In fact, they spend a great deal of time doing things for other people. They get their work done, help others with their work, make all the plans, and are always there for family members and friends.
That’s the mother who says “I don’t have time to implement this change in my life because I have to take their activities and competition on the weekend. It’s just doesn’t fit in my schedule.

So far this sounds like a good thing. Right?

Unfortunately, it can be an extremely unhealthy pattern of behavior. It leads to shying away from expressing themselves, and ultimately, not taking care of themselves…

If this is you, and you want to stop focusing on others and making you a priority without feeling guilty. You gotta listen to this episode.

In this episode I discuss 

  • What is people-pleasing?
  • What does a people-pleaser look like?
  • The origin of people-pleasing of an individual and why it’s so critical to healing it
  • The side effects of people-pleasing to you 
  • The 5-Step solution on how to stop being a people-pleaser
    1. Remind yourself that most other human beings can cope with opposition, emotions, and viewpoint.
    2. Realize what people-pleasing is costing you and others
    3. Work on your self-confidence. 
    4. Realize that avoiding problems is just another form of self-sabotage. 
    5. Work on self-acceptance.

Last episode was a case study on Carol’s, the recipient of the last term’s Going Beyond the Food Academy scholarship. journey beyond the food and how it resolved her food issues. She answered questions on how the Beyond the Food Method has changed her perspective on food and how it impacted her life in general including her relationships to others and, most importantly, to herself. She also shared the top 5 things she learned in the Going Beyond the Food Academy that were pivotal to her mindset shift and transformation.

Take a listen to this insightful interview and understand the power of investing in yourself and taking action to create meaningful transformation toward your goal and improve your quality of life. Click here. 

Leave me a review, if you enjoy the show and would love to encourage and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link, click here. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like a fuel… and I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! 

Here’s a quick tutorial on How to leave a review.  


Links mentioned in the episode:

Register for the Going Beyond the Food Academy

Get started with the Audio Training: How to Change Any Eating Habits

Article about making more time

Article to help with family not collaborating


Submit a question for the next episode

If you want to submit a question for Stephanie’s next episode, click here and join our free and private community.


Reach Stephanie 







***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so is no additional cost to you, but helps me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***  

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148-Case Study: How Carol’s Journey Beyond Food Resolved the Food Issues

148-Case Study: How Carol’s Journey Beyond Food Resolved the Food Issues

case study

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Case Study: How Carol’s Journey Beyond Food Resolved the Food Issues

Is it possible that talking about food in an attempt to resolve food issues could be the wrong approach?

Is it possible that the more we focus on food the more we cause ourselves to have issues with food?

Today, we will look at a case study. Case study is defined as a process or record of research in which detailed consideration is given to the development of a particular person, group, or situation over a period of time.

The case study presented today is not a case of research, instead, a clinical observation of one of the students of the Going Beyond The Food Academy program.

In this case study, we look at one client journey to see how The Going Beyond The Food Method was effective in resolving the food issues. This student is Carol and she is a typical student we see coming through the Going Beyond The Food Academy with typical results.

Hope this helps you know if the Going Beyond The Food Academy program is for you or not.

In this episode I discuss 

  • How Carol’s journey beyond food resolved the food issues
  • The top 5 things Carol learned in the Going Beyond the Food Academy program
  • How going beyond the food impacted Carol’s overall perspective in life and improved her relationships with herself and with others
  • The power of investing in yourself and taking action to create meaningful transformation toward your goal and improve your quality of life

Last episode was a quiz. It’s a series of questions I asked my one-on-one clients to assess where they are in their journey toward transforming their relationship to food. I designed that episode to give you an idea if it’s time for you to take the non-food/non-diet approach. Have you ever tried it? Chances are you haven’t since you’re still on the lookout for the solution that will bring you sustainable and long-term results.  

If you are unsure of whether to get off the fence or not, this episode will bring you some clarity to make the best decision for you. Plus, I included a downloadable PDF of the quiz! Listen to the episode now. Click here. 

Leave me a review, if you enjoy the show and would love to encourage and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link, click here. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like a fuel… and I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! 

Here’s a quick tutorial on How to leave a review.  


Links mentioned in the episode:

Listen to episode 147 and take the Quiz!

Enroll in the Claim Your Food Freedom program

Register for the waitlist – Going Beyond the Food Academy

Going Beyond the Food Academy Curriculum

Going Beyond the Food Academy Reviews

Get started with the Audio Training: How to Change Any Eating Habits


Submit a question for the next episode

If you want to submit a question for Stephanie’s next episode, click here and join our free and private community.


Reach Stephanie 







***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so is no additional cost to you, but helps me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***  

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147- Quiz: Is It Time to Try the Non-food Approach? Is it Time to Stop Dieting?

147- Quiz: Is It Time to Try the Non-food Approach? Is it Time to Stop Dieting?

stop dieting


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Is It Time to Stop Dieting?

“Have I ever done anything else than dieting? Could it be why I’m constantly failing? Should I be trying something else? Is it time to stop dieting?”

Do you ask yourself these questions, too? If you do, this episode is FOR YOU!

As we’ve all heard Einstein’s famous line, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

So, perhaps it’s time you try the non-food/non-diet approach. But what is it?

Let’s imagine your car’s engine light starts blinking. What would you do? Would you, A- Open the dashboard, take the light bulb out and say to yourself, “Hah! I’ve resolved the problem. There’s no more engine light blinking.” Or B- Will say to yourself, “There’s something going on. Let me get into my mechanic and have him assess the issue to fix the root cause of the blinking engine light.”

I want you to think of dieting as situation A. Dieting, restricting anything about food is like taking the light bulb out of the dashboard. You’re controlling the input of food in your body. It doesn’t solve the problem. All it does is stop the light from blinking. 

So, how do we go about addressing the reason why we crave food?

In this episode I discuss 

  • The reason why you should stop dieting and try the non-food approach
  • An informal assessment you can use to know where you are in your personal journey towards your relationship to food
  • Why the traditional approach does not work and what you should do instead
  • The Beyond the Food Method and why it has the power to transform your relationship to food 

Last episode was a beast of an episode… likely one that will upset many… but also one that will help many. I answered a listener question, “How do you deal with your weight struggle?” At first, I’ve got to be honest, I took offense… then I reflected. Why is this offensive to me?

Because I know that answering this question is going to ruffle feathers. My viewpoint on weight is significantly different from most health experts’. I live it every day… since the age of 14.

If you are one of the hundreds of women who have the same struggle, you gotta listen in! You might just find something you’ve been looking for to start your transformation. Click here. 

Leave me a review, if you enjoy the show and would love to encourage and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link, click here. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like a fuel… and I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! 

Here’s a quick tutorial on How to leave a review.  


Links mentioned in the episode:

Download the Quiz now! 

Scholarship Application for the Going Beyond the Food Academy

Register for the Going Beyond the Food Academy

Diet Mindset: Ditching Dieting for Sustainable Weight Loss 

Stephanie’s Book

Get started with the Audio Training: How to Change Any Eating Habits


Submit a question for the next episode

If you want to submit a question for Stephanie’s next episode, click here and join our free and private community.


Reach Stephanie 






***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so is no additional cost to you, but helps me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***  

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146-Ask Me: My Weight Struggle As A Nutritionist

146-Ask Me: My Weight Struggle As A Nutritionist

overcoming weight struggle


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Overcoming Weight Struggle As A Nutritionist

Stephanie, how do you deal with your weight struggle?

This was the starting point of this episode. A podcast listener submitted this question, and I sat on it for weeks.

At first, I’ve got to be honest, I took offense… then I reflected. Why is this offensive to me?

Because I know that answering this question is going to ruffle feathers. My viewpoint on weight is significantly different from most health experts’. I live it every day… since the age of 14.

To answer this properly, I also I had to answer these 2 questions:

Why do you think you need to answer people who challenge your weight?

People who say harming yourself by not dieting?

So, this is a beast of an episode… likely one that will upset many… but also one that will help many. I knew that in writing this episode, a hundred one women would have their AH AH moment that would enable them to start their own transformation.

Are you going to be one of them?

In this episode I discuss 

  • My personal journey from my dieting years towards transforming my life and overcoming weight struggle
  • What drove me toward my transformation
  • Why investing in yourself is key in developing a healthy relationship with yourself
  • The many reasons why I ditch the diet mindset
  • How I deal with people who challenge me with my weight

Last episode was a very special episode of The Beyond The Food Show podcast. I teach the Food Freedom Map 4 steps process. This Map will move you from being a victim of your food habits to eating when hungry and stopping when full. Yes, eating normally. 

If you are tired of dieting, over-exercising, and yet another fad program… Or, you are overeating or binging and wish you could just be a normal eater, and are fed up by these scenarios, you gotta listen in! Click here. 

Leave me a review, if you enjoy the show and would love to encourage and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link, click here. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like a fuel… and I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! 

Here’s a quick tutorial on How to leave a review.  


Links mentioned in the episode:

Listen to Episode 101 – From Shame to Fame: My Never-Before-Shared Personal Story 

Research linking eating disorder and low self-esteem:

  1. Wade TD, Bulik CM. Shared genetic and environmental risk factors between undue influence of body shape and weight on self-evaluation and dimensions of perfectionism. Psychol Med. 2007;37(5):635-644.


  1. Wilksch SM, Wade TD. An investigation of temperament endophenotype candidates for early emergence of the core cognitive component of eating disorders. Psychol Med. 2009;39(5):811-821.


  1. Tyrka AR, Waldron I, Graber JA, Brooks-Gunn J. Prospective predictors of the onset of anorexic and bulimic syndromes. Int J Eat Disord. 2002;32(3):282-290.


  1. Klump KL, Strober M, Bulik CM, et al. Personality characteristics of women before and after recovery from an eating disorder. Psychol Med. 2004;34(8):1407-1418

Listen to Episode 097: Can You Be Fat and Healthy?

Health At Every Size Research

Listen to Episode 135: Body Neutrality: A Safe Bridge Between Shame and Positivity

Stephanie’s Book

Get started with the Audio Training: How to Change Any Eating Habits

Sign Up for the Claim Your Food Freedom

Register for the Going Beyond the Food Academy

overcoming weight struggle


Submit a question for the next episode

If you want to submit a question for Stephanie’s next episode, click here and join our free and private community.


Reach Stephanie 






***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so is no additional cost to you, but helps me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***  

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145-The Food Freedom Map – Your Path to Intuitive Eating

145-The Food Freedom Map – Your Path to Intuitive Eating

food freedom map

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The Food Freedom Map

Do you eat for other reason than hunger? Eating because you are stressed, frustrated, bored, or because you deserve it? Do you believe in eating more intuitively and would love to trust yourself, but are losing self-respect because you aren’t following through?

Are you tired of dieting, over-exercising, and yet another fad program? Or, are you overeating or binging and wish you could just be a normal eater? Who wouldn’t be fed up by these scenarios?

Do you feel stuck with your eating and body?

You’re not alone!

If food hasn’t been going the way you’ve planned, know this: It’s not your fault, you aren’t broken.

It’s about transforming Why you eat NOT What you eat. Health and Well-being, Self-Confidence, Satisfaction, and Success are all by-products of looking Beyond The Food to unlock your food freedom.

Maybe you failed before, or you trust yourself to be consistent, if only you can only be “tougher on yourself, or you’re afraid of losing control. If that’s the case… 

In this very special episode of The Beyond The Food Show podcast, I’m going to teach the Food Freedom Map 4 steps process. This Map will move you from being a victim of your food habits to eating when hungry and stopping when full. Yes, eating normally.

Are you ready… listen in now!

****If you are in a hurry and just want to get to the point and have me teach you can opt out of listening to the podcast and jump right into action mode by clicking this link: Get Started Now

In this episode I discuss 

  • Where to start to end the dieting cycle and why everything the “experts” are teaching isn’t working for YOU.
  • Stop wasting money on tricks, gimmick, and shakes that don’t work
  • Build a relationship with your body while you learn how finally trust yourself
  • Avoid “falling off the wagon” and eat all the junk foods and enjoy your meals

Last episode I featured the mindset shift of industry leaders, women who have successfully changed how they relate to food and what they did. Those are simple yet so powerful tips and advice from women like you about changing our relationship to food. Go ahead and click here. 

Leave me a review, if you enjoy the show and would love to encourage and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link, click here. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like a fuel… and I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! 

Here’s a quick tutorial on How to leave a review.  


Links mentioned in the episode:

The Food Freedom Map Live Workshop – Saturday Registration

(Available on August 1, 2018) The Food Freedom Map Training Video Training

Stephanie’s Book

Get started with the Audio Training: How to Change Any Eating Habits

Visit Stephanie’s website


Submit a question for the next episode

If you want to submit a question for Stephanie’s next episode, click here and join our free and private community.


Reach Stephanie 







***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so is no additional cost to you, but helps me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***  

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144-The Mindset Shift of Successful Women

144-The Mindset Shift of Successful Women

mindset shift

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What is the ONE mindset shift we must do to change our relationship to food?

I asked industry leaders, women who have successfully changed how they relate to food, what they did. It’s simple yet so powerful tips and advice from women like you.

Most of the time “life-changing experiences” are generated by mindset changes not from food. The challenge is that we are being taught by weight loss and diet industry that changes will come from food and exercise. The truth is: IT’S NOT the case. That’s why we struggle.

I want you to end the struggle, stop feeling frustrated with your body, and no more anxiety. Can you do that? Change your mindset.

So, let the ladies inspire you… and also I’ll share mine!


In this episode I discuss 

  • The real key driver of your food behavior
  • What industry leaders say to be successful in changing how to relate to food
  • What the weight loss and diet industry is really teaching us 
  • How to end your struggle, stop feeling frustrated with your body and eliminate anxiety

The Mindset Shift of Successful Women

” I made the switch from caring about what my body looks like to being the healthiest that I could be.” Shawn Mynar

“I had to think about food for my health, not as a way of making me happy.”Kristie Sullivan

“Bad body thoughts aren’t truths… they are just learned perspectives”Dr. Jillian Murphy

“Moving from “I have to do this” to “I get to do this” was so rewarding and life-changing.” Kyndra Holley

“Allowing ourselves to get and experience the results that we want to have” Vanessa Spina

“I have to treat myself with love and compassion the way I would others.”Leah Williamson

“My mindset isn’t separated from the emotional, physical and spiritual set.” Samantha Gladish

“My body is a vehicle that allows me to experience my life.”Leanne Vogel


Read More: 048 – Mindset Shift: interview with Alexandra Covucci


Last episode was a special episode of The Beyond The Food Show Podcast… It’s all about my favorites things. The things I love, the things I use daily and the things I can’t live without

The question of what my favorite things came in from many people wanting to know about my personal life beyond the food. I also included a downloadable document in the post where you can print all my favorite things along with the links and referral! Go ahead and click here. 

Leave me a review, if you enjoy the show and would love to encourage and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link, click here. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like a fuel… and I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! 

Here’s a quick tutorial on How to leave a review.  


Links mentioned in the episode:

Shawn Mynar website

Kristie Sullivan website

Kyndra Holley website

Dr. Jillian Murphy website 

Dr. Jillian FREE 7 Day Body Image Masterclass – 7 Days. 7 Stories.

Vanessa Ketogenic Girl website

Vanessa Free Ebook

Leah Williamson website

Leah’s podcast

Samantha Gladish website

Healthy Hormones for women podcast

Leanne Vogel website

Leanne’s freebie

Stephanie’s Book


Get started with the Audio Training: How to Change Any Eating Habits

Visit Stephanie’s website


Submit a question for the next episode

If you want to submit a question for Stephanie’s next episode, click here and join our free and private community.


Reach Stephanie 







***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so is no additional cost to you, but helps me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***  

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143- Ask Me: My Favorite Things… Right Now!

143- Ask Me: My Favorite Things… Right Now!


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Stephanie’s Favorite Things

This is a special episode of The Beyond The Food Show Podcast… It’s all about my favorites things. The things I love, the things I use daily and the things I can’t live without!

This question came in from many people… you wanting to know about my personal life beyond the food lol! So here it is! You will find a downloaded document in this post where you can print all my favorite things along with the links and referral!

Hope you love it!

In this episode I discuss 

  • The apps I couldn’t live without… basically, what I use in my business!
  • How I do shopping and why I prefer it done that way
  • My health, movement and meditation favorite companions
  • Some quick and easy tips for traveling… check this out when you travel, too!
  • My beauty favorites and essentials and how I use them to nurture my skin


Read More: My Natural Beauty Routine


Last episode, we had Cristina Curp of The Castaway Kitchen in the show talking about her inspiring story with weight loss and body shaming. In that interview, we both get real about being honest with ourselves, body image issue especially with those with scars… and self-care and how challenging it can be. This is a heart to heart between two women that have been there too!

Hope it inspires you as much as it inspired me! Go ahead and click here. 

Leave me a review, if you enjoy the show and would love to encourage and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link, click here. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like a fuel… and I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! 

Here’s a quick tutorial on How to leave a review.  


Links mentioned in the episode

Download Stephanie’s Favorite Things here!

Get started with the Audio Training: How to Change Any Eating Habits

Visit Stephanie’s website


Submit a question for the next episode

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***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so is no additional cost to you, but helps me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***  

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142-Being Honest With Yourself with Cristina Curp

142-Being Honest With Yourself with Cristina Curp

being honest with yourself

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Being Honest With Yourself

You have to be honest with yourself and really clear with your intention behind changing your food habits. Are you playing the internal game “Oh it’s for health…” when really secretly what you want is to lose weight? You got to stop that! This kind of game is mayhem for your mind…

In this interview with a friend of mine, Cristina Curp, we get real… both of us about being honest with ourselves, body image issue especially with those with scars… and self-care and how challenging it can be. This is a heart to heart between two women that have been there too!

Hope it inspires you as much as it inspired me!

In this episode I discuss 

  • How to reconcile with your body when you have an autoimmune disease
  • What she did to reconcile her body and body neutrality!
  • Living with emotional and physical scars and what Cristina did to heal her emotional baggage
  • How a practice of self-love manifest change: She shares one of her tools in the interview!


Read More: 077 – How to Put Yourself First Without Guilt


Last episode, I talked about using discipline towards yourself as a motivator. Do you do the same thing? Where did we learn this concept? That harsh discipline is the best behavioral change method… likely how we were raised, right? Is that the way you were taught to be a good girl? 

Besides that, we keep shaming ourselves, beating ourselves up or punishing ourselves for “bad” behaviors in the hopes that it will finally work. If this is something you know for a fact that you do, you’ve got to listen to this episode.

More importantly, learn the lesson and implement the changes you feel you need to do. Go ahead and click here. 

Leave me a review, if you enjoy the show and would love to encourage and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link, click here. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like a fuel… and I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! 

Here’s a quick tutorial on How to leave a review.  


Links mentioned in the episode

Free Two Self-Care Challenge

Cristina’s website

Cristina new book

Get started with the Audio Training: How to Change Any Eating Habits



Submit a question for the next episode

If you want to submit a question for Stephanie’s next episode, click here and join our free and private community.


Reach Stephanie 







***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so is no additional cost to you, but helps me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***  

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141-I Just Need to Be Tougher on Myself… An Easier Way!

141-I Just Need to Be Tougher on Myself… An Easier Way!

need to be tougher on myself

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I Just Need to Be Tougher on Myself… An Easier Way!

Are you using discipline towards yourself as a motivator? Or at least hoping that it will motivate you?

So many of us have been using that motivational “stick” for years… maybe even decades… without really being successful. Moreover, we keep trying and saying to ourselves: If I can be tougher on myself, it would work…” Or “I’m just too soft… if only I could be tougher”… We keep shaming ourselves, beating ourselves up or punishing ourselves for “bad” behaviors in the hopes that it will finally work.

Where did we learn this concept? That harsh discipline is the best behavioral change method… likely how we were raised, right? Is that the way you were taught to be a good girl?

Let’s be real honest here… How’s that “being tough” on yourself working for ya? Not so good, right… so, what can we do instead?

In this episode I discuss 

  • What self-loathing and self-criticism really do to you
  • Where the belief  “I need to be tougher on myself” come from
  • How your parents or caregivers impact the way you deal with your own behavior changes 
  • What science says about the behavior of self-loathing and self-criticism
  • The real effective methods in behavioral change that you should be adopting


Read More: 106 – 5 Common Behaviors That Lead Straight to Self-Sabotage


Last episode, we had Steven Ozanich on the show, author of The Great Pain Deception where he shared with us the work of Dr. Sarno and TMS approach to pain… particularly, low back pain. It was a very insightful discussion as it revealed a concept that is not very popular. Here’s the thing… this approach to healing pain requires no surgery, medication or expensive treatment. The solution is within you right now… If you haven’t checked it out, go ahead and click here. 

Leave me a review, if you enjoy the show and would love to encourage and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link, click here. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like a fuel… I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! 

Here’s a quick tutorial on How to leave a review.  


Links mentioned in the episode


Get started with the Audio Training: How to Change Any Eating Habits

Study on Self-loathing

Study from Brene Brown

Listen to Episode 120 Self-Compassion

Study from Kristin Neff


Submit a question for the next episode

If you want to submit a question for Stephanie’s next episode, click here and join our free and private community.


Reach Stephanie 







***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so is no additional cost to you, but helps me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***  

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140-Back Pain: Game-Changing Approach with Steven Ray Ozanich

140-Back Pain: Game-Changing Approach with Steven Ray Ozanich

back pain

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Back Pain: Game-Changing Approach

Chances are you are one of the 31 million Americans experience low back pain at any given time. Low back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide, according to the Global Burden of Disease 2010.

When I asked my community members what the top reasons were why they eat beyond hunger, chronic pain came in second. That feedback motivated me to share my own journey with pain in episode 138 “Things I’m afraid to tell you” but I hadn’t share with you how I healed my low back… that’s what I’m going to tell you in today’s episode.

Steven Ozanich, author of The Great Pain Deception will share with us the work of Dr. Sarno and TMS approach to pain… particularly, low back pain.

Here’s the thing… this approach to healing pain requires no surgery, medication or expensive treatment. The solution is within you right now…

In this episode I discuss 

  • What TMS is and how it could possibly change the way you interact with chronic pain
  • Why TMS is not public as a method of treatment
  • The surprising reason why pain could be a gift to you
  • What you can do if you have chronic pain today
  • What the most destructive force in our lives


Last episode, I answered a question submitted by a community member, Kacie, about food anxiety by looking at how we create food anxiety and what we could do instead to still care foour health via our nutrition but not stress about it! If you haven’t checked it out, go ahead and click here.

Leave me a review, if you enjoy the show and would love to encourage and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link, click here. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like a fuel… I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say!

Here’s a quick tutorial on How to leave a review. 

Links mentioned in the episode

The Great Pain Deception Book

Steve Ray Ozanich website

Get started with the Audio Training: How to Change Any Eating Habits

Visit Stephanie’s website

Submit a question for the next episode

If you want to submit a question for Stephanie’s next episode, click here and join our free and private community.

Reach Stephanie 







***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so is no additional cost to you, but helps me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***

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Podcast Stephanie Dodier


I’m Stephanie Dodier

Feminist Nutritionist & Coach.

I guide women on how to feel damn good  by reshaping their mind instead of their body. Let’s go beyond the food and fight diet culture & patriarchy by living powerfully. You’ll walk away with ressources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power.

Is the problem you or your diet?

I asked myself this question for years…and I figure you likely have the same question so I create a assessment for you to figure it out. Take the quiz now.