It’s Beyond the Food Podcast

Join well-being expert Stephanie Dodier as she guides on how to feel damn good by reshaping your mind instead of your body. Let’s go beyond the food and fight diet culture & patriarchy by living powerfully. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with ressources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power. 

Subscribe to our podcast on your favorite podcast platform.


It’s Beyond the Food Podcast

Join well-being expert Stephanie Dodier as she guides on how to feel damn good by reshaping your mind instead of your body. Let’s go beyond the food and fight diet culture & patriarchy by living powerfully. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with ressources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power. 

Subscribe to our podcast on your favorite podcast platform.

Our Most Recent Episodes

204-BE DO HAVE – Formula for Health Success

204-BE DO HAVE – Formula for Health Success

That you want to change your health habits, stop overeating or make peace with your body, HOW you go about the process of transformation will determine your success. The process that most of us have been thought to apply when wanting to create something new in our life has been the DO HAVE BE model. In order to BE successful, for example, we need to first DO the things that HAVE the Success. When we DO enough of the “things, we hope to be rewarded by finally BEING successful. Normal right? Perhaps normal to society standards, but not right.

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203- Perfectionist Paradigm Shift (…the secret to sustainable habits)

203- Perfectionist Paradigm Shift (…the secret to sustainable habits)

Do you struggle in creating new long-lasting habits in your life? Particularly around food and health? Maybe it’s exercise: you pay your new subscription to the gym with excitement and enthusiasm and plan to go 5 days a week before work. Yet 6 weeks later, you’re not going to the gym anymore and your brain is going crazy with very self-critical thoughts as to why you once again failed yourself and all the things that are wrong with you. Is that you?

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202-Stepping Beyond The Struggle

202-Stepping Beyond The Struggle

In a way, this podcast is not just a message to those of you who are struggling, but it’s also a message to my former self. It’s the advice I wish someone shared with me when I was struggling. It’s the advice I wish I had when I went through so many dark times.

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201-What’s Missing From Your Program?

201-What’s Missing From Your Program?

We are in the midst of an epidemic and no, it’s not an obesity epidemic. It’s the Diet Culture epidemic. It has become completely normal to not like our body. It’s expected that we shame ourselves and our body if it doesn’t fit the “thin ideal”. It has also become the norm to be on some kind of health programs that restrict the way we live our life. This has led us to no longer respect and trust our bodies. In this episode, we dive deeper in what’s missing from your program and provide you with solution to fill the gap!

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199-Good or Bad Food: Healthy versus Unhealthy Food?

199-Good or Bad Food: Healthy versus Unhealthy Food?

Although we’ve learned to drop magical thinking when it comes to weather, crops or other natural phenomenon, we so still think of food as magical. We label food in hopes that doing so will bring us closer to our desires and goals. The concept is that if we consume the “good” food will control our health and body unfortunately what comes along is shame & guilt when we do eat the “bad” food.

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197-Intuitive Eating & Cravings

197-Intuitive Eating & Cravings

Is intuitive Eating not just a way of giving in to your cravings? When women first get introduced to intuitive eating, their diet brain then ignites the thought that Intuitive eating is a just a way to eat whatever we want and, in some cases, to validate laziness… On today’s episode, we answer that specific question. Is intuitive Eating not just a way of giving in to your cravings? If not, how do you manage cravings in the framework of intuitive eating?

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196-Finding Your Intuitive Voice & Release Perfectionism with Kelly Covert

196-Finding Your Intuitive Voice & Release Perfectionism with Kelly Covert

The body wisdom we’ve been gifted by embodying our human body is awaiting us to notice her and engage with her with trust and respect. Some will call this body wisdom intuition others will say inner voice… all the same. When we do not engage and respect this wisdom, we tend to be engaged in perfectionism as a way to control life… control our life, control our future, control our body. Control so it can be the way it should be. But it doesn’t work… and we try harder. Control more. And we fail harder. Kelly Covert, an inner voice coach will help us interrupt this pattern.

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195-Bathing Suit Confidence: My 7 Lessons-SHE’s Beyond The Food–Chapter 5

195-Bathing Suit Confidence: My 7 Lessons-SHE’s Beyond The Food–Chapter 5

Striving toward more bathing suit confidence? I’d love to share my journey and the 7 lessons I’ve learned that will dramatically help you! The truth I discovered through my own journey is that being confident in a bathing suit doesn’t require months of planning and buckets of sweat aren’t required. We don’t have to earn the right to wear our bathing suit in public… we already have it. So if you are struggling with enjoying the summer water because of how you feel in your bathing suit and perhaps wearing the bathing suit at all… you’ll want to listen to this!

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194-Women Food and Mindfulness

194-Women Food and Mindfulness

One of the most impactful tools for reactive eating behavior is mindful eating. One of the most powerful tools for reactive living (depression/anxiety) is mindful living. Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us and within us including food.

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193-Recover from People Pleasing with Dr. Sasha Heinz

193-Recover from People Pleasing with Dr. Sasha Heinz

“…but my priority is my family right now. I don’t have the time to do this work right now or to participate.” We did a survey few months ago and asked our community members what is holding them back from doing the “work” meaning healing their relationship to food & body. People pleasing came in the top 3… specifically #2 . These are the women who knew they had people pleasing behaviors. That’s what we are going to deep dive on this episode.

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undiet your life


I’m Stephanie Dodier

Non-Diet Nutritionist & Coach

I teach and coach women how to break free from the socialized thinking of diet culture and liberate yourself from unrelenting pressure to be thinner so that you can eat in a way that truly supports your well-being and start living the life you’ll look back on with no regrets.

Join me in leading the feminist health coaching revolution!

Ready? Let’s do this!

Free Quiz & Guide

Let’s see just how much diet culture has a grip on you

I curated 3 questionnaires to evaluate your body image, eating behaviours and mindset to see if you have been just how much your life has been impacted by diet culture.

Get ready to completely change the way you look at health?