It’s Beyond the Food Podcast

Join well-being expert Stephanie Dodier as she guides on how to feel damn good by reshaping your mind instead of your body. Let’s go beyond the food and fight diet culture & patriarchy by living powerfully. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with ressources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power. 

Subscribe to our podcast on your favorite podcast platform.


It’s Beyond the Food Podcast

Join well-being expert Stephanie Dodier as she guides on how to feel damn good by reshaping your mind instead of your body. Let’s go beyond the food and fight diet culture & patriarchy by living powerfully. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with ressources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power. 

Subscribe to our podcast on your favorite podcast platform.

Our Most Recent Episodes

347-Listener Q&A Vol.1

347-Listener Q&A Vol.1

Listener Q&A Vol.1




Listener Q&A Vol.1: How to Handle Your Mom’s Comments On Your Body 

If you’re like the listener who submitted the question about how to set a boundary with your mom, it’s normal that you may feel triggered when someone, including your mom, comments on your body. 

It’s normal to think that the way to handle comments is to change how the person who said the comment thinks about you. That approach creates a false sense of control and leads to further disappointment. 

Triggers are your biggest teacher. In the case of receiving a comment about your body, that’s an invitation to create a new opinion about yourself. 

The work isn’t about changing other people’s thoughts but instead changing your own thoughts, which is easier when you set some boundaries.  

Why Emphasizing Intuitive Eating Should Be a Priority

The next question we received was: 

“Can you explain why emphasizing Intuitive Eating should be a priority beyond food obsession?”

It’s normal that when you experience benefits from something, to want to share it with everyone. It’s also normal that when you experience pushback, you try convincing them to understand your decision.

While having the knowledge of the health benefits of Intuitive Eating is important for your own sake, it’s not necessary to share it with everyone unless they ask. Make your journey about you and only you. 

If you have a question that you would like us to answer, please submit them! 

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on Listener Q&A Vol.1:

  • How to set boundaries with your mom when she comments on your body
  • The truth about setting boundaries 
  • Why emphasizing Intuitive Eating should be a priority beyond food obsession
  • Health benefits of Intuitive Eating 

Mentioned in the show: 

Undiet Your Life Coaching Program

Quiz: Is It You or Your Diet?

Rebellious Eating Masterclass

read more
346-Here Is What I Want Every Fat Woman to Know

346-Here Is What I Want Every Fat Woman to Know

Here is what I want every fat woman to know





Here is what I want every fat woman to know…

Before I start, I want to address those who may find self-identifying as fat as triggering. I want you to have a lot of love and compassion for yourself. 

This message is for anyone who identifies as fat and who is struggling with the size of their body, regardless of what pant size you are or how you relate to the BMI.

Here is what I want every fat woman to know

Here’s what I want you to know:

It’s not fair. 

It’s unfair that society doesn’t welcome you and your body. It’s unfair that regular everyday tasks are more challenging such as shopping for clothes or sitting at a restaurant booth, or that airplane seats don’t accommodate your body. 

Despite this unfairness, you have a choice. You have a choice to allow these hurdles to stop you from being who you are. 

The reason why we suffer from fatphobia is that we decide to let it affect us emotionally. 

The only person responsible for your suffering is you and the thoughts you have toward the circumstance. 

Fatphobia wins when it prevents you from showing up in the world. The only way to stop that is by taking full responsibility for your emotions. 

I share this with you so you can see the possibility of what is on the other side of taking responsibility for how you experience fatphobia. 

Acceptance of Fatphobia  

Acceptance of fatphobia doesn’t mean that you agree with it. It means that you learn how to manage your mind so that you can stop suffering from living inside a large body. 

Changing your thoughts is simple but not easy. It’s simple because all you need is you and awareness of your thoughts. Once you have identified how these thoughts make you feel, the next step is to choose to change your thoughts. 

This process can be done alone or via investing in working with a coach. Regardless of how you choose to work on it, knowing it is possible is the most important factor. 

The return on investment will be endless. Learning to manage your thoughts and emotions is a tool that can be used in every area of your life. When you break through the limiting beliefs around living in a fat body, you will see all the other areas that are possible for you. That job promotion becomes attainable, handling issues with your boss becomes easy, setting boundaries is a breeze, shopping for clothes is fun, going to the beach is exciting, and walking into a room feeling confident is natural. 

Externalized fatphobia is a fact. How you experience it is up to you. 

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on here is what I want every fat woman to know:

  1. The surprising truth about fatphobia
  2. Three simple steps to changing how you experience fatphobia 
  3. What’s possible for you when you choose how you’ll experience fatphobia

Mentioned in the show: 

Undiet Your Life Coaching Program

Quiz: Is It You or Your Diet?

read more
345-What Happens When You Undiet Your Life?

345-What Happens When You Undiet Your Life?

What happens when you undiet your life?




What Happens When You Undiet Your Life?

You’re invited! The Undiet Your Life 2023 Live Experience is here!

Once a year, we create a unique container for women wanting to create change rapidly.

When you join Undiet Your Life Coaching Program now, you can join the live experience and fast-track your results.

The Undiet Your Life Live 2023 Experience is when we get a group of women together for 2 months and study our 3 steps of Undiet Your Life process with a very focused and intense approach to facilitate your transformation quickly. 

We start with an intensive class on Sunday, February 5th, 2023, where you master the mindset coaching tool in 1 day AND over the next 8 weeks we apply it to food, health, and body image.

You get 2 months of my energy, passion, and accountability to move yours thru this life-changing transformation of undieting your life.

2023 Undiet Your Life Live Experience classes date and time

  • Mindset Coaching Intensive
    • Sunday, February 5th, 10-2 pm EST
  • Peaceful Eating
    • Friday, February 10th, 17th, 24th and Thursday, March 9th – 12 noon EST
  • Liberated Body Image
    • Friday, March 17th, 24th, 31st and Thursday, April 6th – 12 pm EST

All live classes will be recorded, and you will also have access to the on-demand version of the classes.

Additional to the 2023 Live Experience, you also get access to the regular on-demand program for 1 full year so you get access to … 

  • The 3 Courses – Confident mindset self-coaching tool, Intuitive eating, and Body image. On-demand pre-recorded video teaching on average 10 minutes per lesson. (the same content will be delivered live by Stephanie in the 2023 Live Experience)
  • Private Podcast –. Short bites 10 mins solution and action-driven episodes. (Over 123+ episodes now and counting…)
  • Bi-Weekly Group Coaching– Each week, we hop on Zoom together, and coach students. 
  • Immediate access to Email Coaching – anytime you have a question or need coaching, you submit a question anonymously to Coach Corner and a coach helps you via email. 
  • Daily Accountability Check-Ins – Receive a text on your phone at 6 am EST everyday. 
  • Private Community –  A community of women committed to creating their better, fuller, and bolder life.

And a complete suite of Life Coaching Tools

  • created specifically for women leaving diet culture: Boundaries Setting & Hard Conversation, People Pleasing Detox, More Than Enough Masterclass, Setting Clean Goals, Believing in myself, Reset Exercise Mindset (with guest teacher Kim), Other People Opinions, Getting Your Nervous System on Board, … and free access to any upcoming workshops I may host for 1 full year.

All of the above for $777 (payment plan available).

Enrolment is open now until February 3rd midnight – in order to join the 2023 Live Experience but everyone I talk to tells me that they wish they joined sooner and didn’t wait. 

Don’t wait.

Enroll to secure your seat in this amazing experience – Undiet Your Life 2023 Live Experience

See you inside!

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on what happens when you Undiet Your Life?:

  • What does it mean to undiet your life
  • What can you expect to see in your day-to-day life after undieting your life
  • Why this is NOT a quick-fix process 
  • The 2023 Live Experience details

Mentioned in the show: 

Undiet Your Life Coaching Program

Quiz: Is It You or Your Diet?

Podcast Roadmap

read more
344-Rebellious Eating, Self-Responsibility and Mindset

344-Rebellious Eating, Self-Responsibility and Mindset

Rebellious eating, self-responsibility and mindset

Rebellious eating, self-responsibility, and mindset:

Have you attempted intuitive eating, hoping you would easily eat according to your hunger and fullness cues, only to end up with rebellious eating habits? 

This is totally normal. 

Before I explain the reason why rebellious eating happens, let’s discuss exactly what it is. 

What is Rebellious Eating?

Rebellious behaviour is essentially about reclaiming your power or authority over your life in response to a limitation, rule or restriction. Rebellious eating is behaviours that are fundamentally centred around you claiming back your power over your eating choices. It is the opposite of peaceful or normal eating. 

Peaceful eating is what happens after you heal your relationship with food and the damage that was done by restricting food. 

Rebellious eating examples include:

  • binge eating
  • overeating
  • compulsive eating 
  • night time eating 
  • emotional eating 

Causes of Rebellious Eating

These eating behaviours occur when your innate body wisdom responds to any form of food restriction.

For example, suppose there is a particular food you resist bringing into the house for fear you can’t control yourself around it. In that case, there is a good chance the moment that food is present, your body will rebel against the arbitrary rule that you shouldn’t eat it, resulting in you binging on the food. This pattern will continue for as long as restriction exists. 

Diet culture encourages the use of willpower, self-discipline and, in some cases, shame tactics to control rebellious eating habits. If dieting were never introduced 60-plus years ago, these behaviours also wouldn’t exist.

The food itself is not the issue. The issue lies in the thoughts and mindset you have toward certain food. 

Self-Responsibility and Mindset

The only way to end rebellious eating is to take responsibility for your eating behaviours. Taking responsibility is being able to look at your eating habits with curiosity and compassion without judging or blaming yourself. For as long as you give away your power to the external source telling you how to eat, you will continue to struggle with rebellious eating behaviours.

When looking at your behaviours, first investigate how you were feeling before you engaged with rebellious eating. Feelings are created by your thoughts so the next step is to explore the download of thoughts that created the said feeling. 

For example, after you binged on a bag of chips, you discovered that you were feeling shame because you had the thoughts that you can’t have chips, chips are bad and therefore you are bad for eating them. The solution isn’t to stop eating chips but to change your thoughts toward them so that you no longer feel shame and binge eat them. 

It’s entirely possible to change your rebellious eating behaviours by creating peaceful thoughts toward food.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on rebellious eating, self-responsibility and mindset:

  • What rebellious eating habits are 
  • Why rebellious eating happens 
  • 3 steps to creating peaceful eating habits 

Mentioned in the show: 

Rebellious Eating Training

Undieted Health Habits Checklist

Quiz: Is It You or Your Diet?

Podcast Roadmap

Undiet Your Life Coaching Program


read more
343-Does Intuitive Eating REALLY Work? How?

343-Does Intuitive Eating REALLY Work? How?

Does intuitive eating REALLY work?

Does intuitive eating REALLY work, and HOW??? This question came from one of our listeners, and we thought it was so good that we had to share it with everyone. 

The listener proceeded to further explain by sharing that most people she knew who had tried it for at least 6-8 months failed miserably. And that is where the question got really interesting. 

First, know that you can’t fail at Intuitive Eating… 

Most people who have the perception that you can fail at eating intuitively misunderstand what Intuitive Eating is designed for. They often approach it with the same mindset they had when starting any past diet. 

Intuitive eating is a process to undo the damage that diet culture has on our relationship with food. It only exists because food restriction was introduced by diet culture. 

Intuitive Eating Misunderstandings

Intuitive eating is not a diet, and therefore, you can’t approach it with the same mindset. It’s not just about food, but when we make it just about food, that is when it won’t work. 

Intuitive Eating is 80% mindset and 20% nutrition. It’s much more about your belief about yourself, your body, and your health than it is food. You can’t be successful with eating intuitively if you believe that certain foods are bad and others are good, or that weight equals health. Judgment of food and your body will keep you in the binge and restrict cycle, ultimately making you feel like you are failing. 

This is why Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch designed the first principle of Intuitive Eating about mindset. 

Powerful Questions to Ask to Discover Why Intuitive Eating Isn’t Working

If you think Intuitive Eating isn’t working for you, ask yourself these powerful questions: 

  • What are you making that mean? What is your definition of failure?
  • Why? 
  • What is your thought about that? 
  • How do you feel about that? 
  • Why do you feel that way? 
  • What action do you take when you feel that way? 

The bottom line is that Intuitive Eating is beyond the food and requires a highly conscious commitment. The moment you decide to detangle your worth from your body and health behaviors, Intuitive Eating will work for you. 

What you’ll learn listening to this episode:

  • The misunderstanding about Intuitive Eating that leads to it not working
  • Questions to ask to discover why intuitive eating may not be working for you
  • 10 case studies of real women from Undiet Your Life about why IE didn’t work when they tried it on their own

Mentioned in the show: 

Undieted Health Habits Checklist

Quiz: Is It You or Your Diet?

Undiet Your Life Coaching Program


read more
342-4 Money Shifts I Made Since Opting Out of Diet Culture

342-4 Money Shifts I Made Since Opting Out of Diet Culture

4 Money Shifts I Made Since Opting Out of Diet Culture

Today we are talking about money and I am sharing with you the 4 money shifts I made since opting out of diet culture that created more money and most important less work and more ease.

I was raised in a multi-generational lineage of people that lived in scarcity, not just in their minds but in real life too. I was socialized to believe that: 

“Money doesn’t grow on trees,” “You have to work hard to have just enough money” and the one that really impacted me as an entrepreneur, “People with a lot of money made their money by ripping off other people.”

These beliefs actually made me successful in the corporate world which rewards hard work and keeps money in the hands of just a few people. 

Much of our corporate world has been conditioned by the patriarchy where it’s the men’s role to make money and women are to make men more money. Women are the caretakers, and the nurturers and thinking of themselves is selfish. 

But when I became an entrepreneur, these beliefs halted my success. In fact, my money mindset got worse because I was conditioned to believe, “As a healer, making money by helping others is ok as long as you don’t make too much.”

As a result, I undervalued my services and underpriced myself.

Then I met my coach. 

I got coached on my money mindset and learned that it wasn’t my skills that were holding me back from having more clients… it was how I thought about money. 

I know it’s most likely the same for you.

Diet Culture and Scarcity Money Mindset Parallels 

Scarcity money mindset is just another gift from diet culture. There are many parallels between diet culture and money mindset. To enjoy wealth would be indulgent. To enjoy food is indulgent. Many of us engage with money with fear just like we do with food and our bodies. 

The good news is that money mindset work is almost the same as body image work so it’s going to a lot faster because you have already “been there, done that.” 

I see results with all my students. Whether they are a student in the Non-Diet Mentorship or Undiet Your Life, every day my students are coaching themselves to build confidence, ask for the promotions, demand the raise, and open and grow their businesses. 

I’m not telling you you have to make a lot of money if you don’t want to, you don’t have to. But I want you to be able to choose.

I don’t want you to not make a lot of money because you think you can’t, or that it’s greedy or bad. I want you to be able to decide. 

4 Money shifts I made since opting out of diet culture 

1. Shift #1 – Money is neutral, just like food and body: 

  • How I think about money impacts how I feel about money and influences all my financial decisions.
  • Today, I choose what I want to think about money. 

2. Shift #2 – Money is a resource:

  • Spending money is an investment. You always get a return on the money you spend. Is that return worth it to you or not? 
  • Where I spend my money has dramatically changed as I liberated myself from diet culture. I used to value spending money on a branded handbag before because I value what other people would think about me. 
  • Today, I bet on myself and trust myself to create the biggest return on my financial investment and spend most of my money on self-development

3. Shift #3 – Every single $ I make in my business is one less $ going to diet culture:

  • Selling is an exchange of value and I have value to offer the world and in exchange for the value, I ask for money. 
  • In Undiet Your Life we are leading a revolution! When small businesses like mine make money, it gives the anti-diet revolution a chance to fight against the weight loss industry. 

4. Shift #4 – My worth isn’t tied to the money I make:

  • I’m innately worthy regardless of how much money I make. 
  • I believe that wanting to make money doesn’t make you greedy or ungrateful.

I invite you to take all the work you have done to opt-out of diet culture and apply it to money. And if you haven’t yet taken the leap of faith to undieting your life, I invite you to experience the freedom around food, the confidence in your body, and create more ease in your life. 

Are you willing to bet on yourself and invest in Undiet Your Life? Are you willing to liberate yourself and hire a 1-1 coach?

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on the 4 Money shifts I made since opting out of diet culture:

  • The thoughts about money people that keep them stuck from making more
  • The parallels between diet culture and scarcity money mindset 
  • The 4 money shifts I made since opting out of diet culture 
  • An invitation to revolutionize the way you think about food, body and money

Mentioned in the show: 

Podcast Roadmap

Quiz: Is It You or Your Diet?

Undiet Your Life Coaching Program

read more
341-How to Create & Keep New Health Habits

341-How to Create & Keep New Health Habits

How to create & keep new health habits

Today we are going to talk about how to create and maintain new habits sustainably. 

A recent situation in my life inspired the topic of today’s podcast episode. I failed at reaching a goal. While doing my thought work in walking my brain through uncertainty, I am choosing how I will see this failure. 

Yes, that’s right. I have a choice. 

I can choose to look at this failure as if I’m not good enough, and I’m foolish to believe it will happen. OR I can choose to look at this as an opportunity to build my ability to be the new version of myself. The aspect of myself I want to become. Someone who trusts herself at a deeper level and who can make the impossible possible. 

I used the same framework I teach all my students and shared in episode 323, which is the process of making a quality decision. 

Since this is the time of year that many people are setting goals for the New Year, I will share how you can use this same framework when setting health habits.

What is a Habit

The dictionary defines a habit as a “routine of behaviour that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously. A more or less fixed way of thinking, willing, or feeling acquired through previous repetition of a mental experience.”

From taking a shower to the thoughts we have when we look in a mirror, these are all habits. Many of which have been indoctrinated by diet culture. I have found that there are four main elements that diet culture has influenced the way our brains interpret information, which I refer to as the diet brain: perfectionism, black-and-white thinking, people pleasing and body filtering.

If you don’t have an awareness of the indoctrination of diet culture in your thoughts, there is a good chance as you go to set your New Year resolutions, they will be done so via the diet brain which ultimately leads to the all-or-nothing approach when it comes to incorporating new habits. 

How to Create & Keep New Health Habits: Creating Sustainable Habits

So how do we create habits in a sustainable, non-diet way? Here are the four steps to creating life-long habits:

Step 1- Enoughness- believe you are intrinsically worthy as a human being right now. Separate your enoughness from the habits you do or don’t do. 

Step 2- Decide to incorporate new habits from a place of “I choose too” vs “I have to.” Refer to episode 339 to detach from the outcome of your goal. 

Step 3- Clean up your belief about what health habits are and detox diet culture’s influence on your definition of health. 

Step 4- Create safety by loving yourself to the new habit. This is what I call courting your goal.  How would the person who is already doing the goal act? How would she speak to herself?

Is creating a new habit hard? The truth is yes but it is possible! The to do that is through thought work which is exactly what I am doing inside the Resolution Reset Masterclass, so join now Sister! 

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on How to Create & Keep New Health Habits:

  • What habits are
  • How diet culture has indoctrinated the way we engage with health habits
  • The 4 steps to creating life-long habits

Mentioned in the show: 

Podcast Roadmap

Undieted Health Habits Checklist

Undiet Your Life Coaching Program

read more
340-Impatience to Eat Better, Feel Better… To Get “There”

340-Impatience to Eat Better, Feel Better… To Get “There”

Impatience to eat better

Today, we are talking about the impatience of “getting there,” of finally feeling better about our bodies or something that I often hear, finally eating better. 

Have you ever felt impatient when trying to reach your goal? Repeating things like, “Why aren’t I there yet?” “What’s wrong with me?” and “I should be there already!” 

Impatience Creates Suffering 

When we are impatient with reaching a goal, it can result in rebellious behavior and unnecessary suffering. For instance, this happened in my personal intuitive eating journey. Even though I was prepared that I would eventually swing to the other side of the restrictive pendulum, I judged being there. I judged the process of swinging to the other side, which resulted in me staying in that rebellious eating phase much longer than I wanted to. 

I thought that the moment I stopped the pendulum swing, I would finally feel better about myself. I would finally feel good enough. 

It wasn’t the wishing of the pendulum to stop swinging that made it eventually stop. It stopped swinging when I finally welcomed compassion and acceptance that I was never going to be perfect. I needed to believe that I was still good enough while on the rebellious side of the pendulum. 

Impatience to Eat Better: The Purpose of a Goal

The way to achieve a goal is not by believing your life will be better only after you reach said goal, which is what creates impatience. 

The purpose of a goal is not to relieve us of the suffering we are experiencing right now. Its purpose is to change the relationship we have with ourselves.  

Our happiness can’t be conditional on achieving the goal. When we engage in our goals that way, we miss the opportunity to build a belief in ourselves. The container of a goal helps you master the human experience every day. You have a choice to change the way you set and attain your goals which allows you to feel better today. 

I teach all the students of Undiet Your Life how to clean up their goals using the liberated goal method. This method is what makes achieving goals fun, easy and pleasurable. 

Who you are is enough. What you are doing is enough. Your job is to create your best life now and believe that your goal will eventually happen. 

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on impatience to eat better:

  • Why being impatient in reaching your goal is causing more suffering 
  • The real reason we set goals 
  • The revolutionized process of achieving your goals in a fun, easy, and pleasurable way

Mentioned in the show: 

Podcast Roadmap

Quiz: Is It You or Your Diet?

Undiet Your Life Coaching Program


read more
339-How to Make & Keep Resolutions

339-How to Make & Keep Resolutions

How to Make & Keep Resolutions

It’s the warcry of every women’s magazine, every inspirational post, and every shiny new yearly planner filled with inspirational quotes: 


That half-baked slogan might sound powerful, but in reality, it’s anything but. 

It’s a reminder that nothing you do – nothing you are – is ever quite enough, and that you should always be chasing after something better. That who you are now is not enough.

Sister, this is diet culture – and recognizing this is the first step to breaking out of the shackles and rediscovering your true power.


You are enough as you are right now. And you don’t need to fix yourself, do more, or be more as diet culture and hustle culture have conditioned you to believe.

In fact, you don’t have to set any resolutions in 2023.

And if you do decide to set a new goal in 2023, I invite you to do it in an anti-diet culture and anti-hustle approach.

How to Make & Keep Resolution: Liberated Goal-Setting Method

There are 3 steps in liberating yourself from the old way of setting goals: 

  1. Exercise constantly around your goal-setting your goal from a place of already being enough and that the goal is a plus to your life. 
  2. Clean up your goal – detox your goal from diet or hustle culture. 
  3. Court your goal – create safety around your goal. Think about how you need to think and who you need to become to be safe in achieving your goal. 
    • For example: How do you need to think about exercise to enjoy it and create a habit of moving your body? 
    • How do you need to act towards your body in order to be confident in your body image?

How to Make & Keep Resolutions: STOP FIXING START CREATING 

Inside the Resolution Reset Masterclass, I’ll teach you the Liberated Goal Method. I’ll coach you to unravel the f*cked-up way we have been socialized to pursue goals and offer you a new way to think, feel and take action toward your desires. 

  • Set Goals Better
  • Feel Better
  • Follow through Better
  • Achieve with Ease

Create your best fuller and bolder life in 2023 with confidence and simplicity. 

I can’t wait to do 2023 with you!

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on how to make & keep Resolution:

  • The history of goal setting
  • The liberated goal-setting method I used to unlearn the socialization of diet culture and hustle culture 
  • An invitation to revolutionize your resolutions

Mentioned in the show: 

Resolution Reset Masterclass

Undiet Your Life Coaching Program

Quiz: Is It You or Your Diet?

read more
338-Becoming a Non-Diet Coach

338-Becoming a Non-Diet Coach

Becoming a Non-Diet Coach

Your life has changed so much since you stopped dieting.

You know what is possible for your loved ones if they knew what you know.

You want to make a meaningful difference in your life.

You love helping others.

You know you have so much more you have to give but you just don’t know what or how to do it.

The good news is that during Become A Non-Diet Coach Week, Stephanie will help you do exactly that.

The thought of becoming a coach both excites you and scares you a little bit.

And there’s a secret part of you that knows you’re meant to be a coach.

It’s no accident that you’re here reading this right now.

It means that you are ready to learn about becoming a coach and sharing the non-diet approach with others.

It means you’re ready to take yourself to the next level.

And to step up and impact the lives of those you love most.

Become a Non-Diet Coach Week is five days of live training with Stephanie as she shares everything you need to know about becoming a powerful non-diet coach.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode:

Stephanie will teach you…

  • Exactly how non-diet coaches help people
  • Why the coaching tools taught by Non-Diet Mentorship Program are the best in the world
  • What makes us the leading non-diet coaching program in the industry
  • What it means to have a coach mindset
  • How our unique coaching process makes getting to the root cause beyond the food possible with confidence

Mentioned in the show:

Register Here – Become a Non-Diet Coach Week

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337-The Dark Side of Wanting to Be Healthy

337-The Dark Side of Wanting to Be Healthy

The Dark Side of Wanting to Be Healthy

The dark side of wanting to be healthy isn’t discussed often, but by doing so, you may find a new perspective on health. 

I hear a few common thoughts when coaching clients that cause the desire to be healthy to go beyond the point of health. 

The most common one is, “I am weak because I’m not healthy.” 

Others, such as, “I should be doing everything in my power to be healthy.” 

“If I eat well enough, I can control my health.” 

“It is my duty to be as healthy as I can.” 

“If I can afford the right detoxes, cleanses, and supplements, I can be healthy.” 

“I’m not worthy because I’m not as healthy as I can be.” 

“I’m judged for having symptoms.” 

“I can’t accept my health as is.”

“I’m not treating my family right because I’m not healthy enough.”

Those thoughts come from healthism, a belief system that emphasizes people’s worth based on their health status. Healthism is a belief system that sees health as the responsibility of an individual as their top priority. It ignores the impact of poverty, trauma and oppression on one’s health and replaces it with the belief that if you work hard enough, you can be healthy. 

The dark side of wanting to be healthy

Just like diet culture, healthism is the same, but instead of the stigma being the size of one’s body, the focus is an individual’s health status. 

It leads people to the dark side of being healthy because it ties up health with innate worth. When our worth is attacked, we respond with the most primal response to do whatever we can to gain back our worth. 

That’s the same driving factor for attempting diet after diet. 

The truth is that we do not have to be healthy to be worthy. The concept that one’s duty to be healthy is just a thought, one which you no longer have to continue. 

Based on the social determinants of health research, only 15% is in our control, primarily our food and exercise behaviors. 

Understandably, what I just mentioned can be difficult to accept—perhaps stirring up a lot of emotion. 

Your health is meant to adapt to your environment, which may result in periods of illness. 

But what has happened is that healthism has created a capitalist system called wellness which sells a “solution” to your health problems. It’s made up of supplements, detoxes, gurus, meal plans etc. 

There is a different solution, sister. 

It involves looking at your belief system and the thoughts leading to actions resulting in the dark side of being healthy. 

After learning that only 15% of your behaviors impact your health, would you continue doing everything you are currently doing?

You can learn to engage with your health from a place of choice vs. feeling forced. 

Choice leads to taking action you want to take while creating trust and safety for your body. 

The bright side of health is taking action from a place of love vs. fear. 

The choice is yours, sister. 

What you’ll learn listening to this episode:

  • Common thoughts that lead to the dark side of being healthy
  • What is actually in your control when it comes to health
  • How changing your thoughts towards health can lead to engaging in your health from a place of love vs. fear

Mentioned in the show:

Undiet Your Life Program 

Quiz: Is it you or your diet?

Podcast Roadmap

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336-Emotional Maturity, Eating and Health

336-Emotional Maturity, Eating and Health

Emotional Maturity, Eating and Health

Your emotional maturity impacts your eating and health, yet for many women, their focus is on their behaviors and actions. 

I am inviting you to try a new solution. The solution is not about willpower, checklists, and accountability but about becoming emotionally mature. 

When I used to feel anxiety, it would result in a panic attack. I would want to crawl out of my body. 

Contrary to how most people approach this, the solution wasn’t to try to control the emotion by getting rid of it. Instead, I built the capacity to embrace the uncomfortable feeling. 

For example, I’m traveling to Morroco, and the anticipation of culture shock has brought up emotions of anxiety. I could choose to react to this anxiety which would result in distracting behaviors such as watching television, or I can choose to respond to it, which looks like first welcoming the fear. 

Emotional maturity is being able to be with your emotion, to understand your feelings. 

Emotions are a radar, signals guiding you through life. They aren’t good or bad. They are a map to understand you better. Accepting this, you learn to respond instead of reacting to them. 

Emotional Maturity, Eating and Health

Reacting to emotions can look like numbing with watching TV, social media, or eating. 

Emotional maturity is being aware of what you are feeling and then understanding why, which allows you to choose how to best respond. 

When we don’t have emotional maturity, we tend to use controlling actions such as diets to create a desired feeling, but this, more often than not, results in the exact opposite of what we want. 

Emotional Maturity, Eating and Health

Radical Responsibility 

Radical responsibility is part of emotional maturity. When you learn to process and understand your emotions, you realize that you are responsible for your feelings and how you choose to respond to them.

By becoming emotionally mature, you create emotional safety for yourself and others. You engage with others differently because you understand how others respond or react to their emotions. 

It’s powerful when you no longer react to others’ emotions. Your mental and emotional space isn’t consumed by reacting to others because you no longer believe how you feel is caused by someone else. 

To pursue responding to your emotions, you have to believe in yourself. You have to have your own back, no matter the outcome of your decisions. 

A reactive state is when you feel an emotion come on and immediately want to avoid it, leaving little room to build trust in yourself. 

If you commit to believing in your possibility of becoming an emotionally mature person, you absolutely can do it. When you understand what emotional maturity is and the process of embodying it, it is possible for you, sister. 

When you are ready to understand your emotions so you can engage with food, your body image, your work and your relationships differently, join Undiet Your Life. 

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on Emotional Maturity, Eating and Health:

  • What it means to be emotionally mature
  • The difference between reacting and responding to your emotions
  • How becoming emotionally mature impacts your relationship with food and your body

Mentioned in the show:

Undiet Your Life Program 

Quiz: Is it you or your diet?

Podcast Roadmap

read more
Podcast Stephanie Dodier


I’m Stephanie Dodier

Feminist Nutritionist & Coach.

I guide women on how to feel damn good  by reshaping their mind instead of their body. Let’s go beyond the food and fight diet culture & patriarchy by living powerfully. You’ll walk away with ressources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power.

Is the problem you or your diet? 

I asked myself this question for years…and I figure you likely have the same question so I create a assessment for you to figure it out. Take the quiz now.

© 2021 Stephanie Dodier


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