It’s Beyond the Food Podcast

Join well-being expert Stephanie Dodier as she guides on how to feel damn good by reshaping your mind instead of your body. Let’s go beyond the food and fight diet culture & patriarchy by living powerfully. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with ressources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power. 

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It’s Beyond the Food Podcast

Join well-being expert Stephanie Dodier as she guides on how to feel damn good by reshaping your mind instead of your body. Let’s go beyond the food and fight diet culture & patriarchy by living powerfully. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with ressources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power. 

Subscribe to our podcast on your favorite podcast platform.

Our Most Recent Episodes

068 – Consistency: How to Be More Consistent with Consistency

068 – Consistency: How to Be More Consistent with Consistency


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This has happened many times: I would start a new “daily routine” with great results the first week…excited about it and truly enjoying it.

Then the second week came around, and it would require more effort on my part to stick with it. And then, by the Sunday of the third week… well, I wouldn’t do anything. Just one day off, and I’ll get started tomorrow again, I’d say to myself.

Monday would come around and my calendar was too full and had to work… you know where this is going, right?

By this time, I had run out of willpower…Doesn’t it sound familiar?

You are not alone! Consistency is major problem of many women trying to improve their life. It still is a major issue for me, too.

I think, no, I know we are going about consistency in the wrong way. We start from the end of the process and expect it to work.

Stay Connected to Your Why

Before expecting consistency from yourself in a new routine, diet, exercise or in a new way of thinking, you must first identify WHY you want to do it.

The WHY should be heart-based, NOT head-based. It must be about how you want to feel, not what you should do. Your WHY should be connected to your well being, not the expectation of others or society. I have written a guide to the most powerful questions to ask yourself to find your why here.

Think of your WHY as the foundation of a goal setting exercise which we know to be central to motivation.

Once you have this WHY, stay connected to it. Remind yourself of it everyday. Write it down and post it in places where you will be reminded multiple times a day.

One Thing at a Time

Pick one thing you want to implement, change or transform in your life and one thing only.

One thing at a time, please.

Otherwise, you’d be making the #1 mistake ambitious women do when they try to improve themselves — new exercise routine, new diet, new morning routine…ALL AT ONCE. This is a sure path to failure.

Figure out your why and then select the most effective, pleasing element that will help you reach your goal. Introduce this one element in your life. Give it a structure, a time in your schedule. Learn to love it and make it a habit.

Then, you can move on to the next element. After all, willpower is a limited resource.

Don’t Pay Attention to the Little Voice

Understand that your ego, that little voice in your head that tells you are not good enough, will rise up to the occasion when you try to improve yourself. It will attempt to make you fail so it can prove to you that you are not good enough.
Don’t listen to that little voice… I’m not saying you should not listen to yourself or your intuition. I’m asking you not to listen to the nagging voice that takes you away from what you really want.

If the concept of ego is new to you, you can check out this video from Deepak Chopra or listen to this podcast from Sean Croxton.

Assess whether that voice inside you is trying to protect you from something that can be really dangerous, like working out when you are injured, versus simply trying to show you once more that you are a failure…because you know you are not. Now, you can say NO to that little voice!

Let’s Recap: How to Be More Consistent with Consistency

This research tells us that it takes 18 to 254 days to change a habit. Thus, being consistent with consistency is essential. Remember being consistent doesn’t mean being perfect, so plan to fail. Plan and accept that there will be mornings when you will not go for a walk or times when you will have that piece of cake. That, my friend, is OK.

So to sum up:

  1. Understand your WHY…the one connected to your heart not your head.
  2. Pick your battle and do one thing at a time.
  3. Don’t pay attention to your ego.

The Next Steps:

Ready to transform your relationship with food?

Ready to understand why you crave and most importantly how to free yourself from cravings and emotional eating?

The Crave Cure guide shows you the next steps to take. I’m giving you this free guide to help you in your journey of transforming your relationship with food. From nutrition to mindset, you’ll be ready to take the next steps. Can’t wait to see you on the other side!

Last episode, I was with Dr. Amy Johnson. We talked about how to break up with bad habits without using willpower. It’s a very interesting and insightful conversation. It will change how you see habits forever! I highly recommend it!

Next episode is all about intuitive eating. This topic may sound New Age-y, but intuitive eating is something we humans have done for thousands of years. I’ll be talking about it with Devyn Sisson, the author of Kitchen Intuition. It’s another insightful interview, so stay tuned for it!

Be sure to check back every Sunday and Thursday for a new episode, and head over to iTunes to subscribe so we can freshly deliver a new episode directly to your device.

If you enjoy the show and would love to encourage me and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like fuel. I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! Here’s a quick tutorial on “How to leave a review”!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Finding your why Guide:
Deepak Chopra video on EGO:
Episode 65 with Sean Croxton:
The Crave Cure:
Support me by leaving a review about this episode:

How you can reach Stephanie:

You tube:
Email: [email protected]

Got a question for Stephanie you’d like her to answer about consistency, or just want to join our community of women?

Our free and private community:

If you haven’t yet downloaded my guide to emotional eating, you might want to do this while you listen this week’s episode.


zivaMind Online Meditation

Take Your Brain to the Gym

In only 8 days, this online meditation training will teach you how to level up your performance and your life through meditation. You will have these powerful stress-relieving tools to take with you for life. Click here for more details.


Practice yoga, Pilates, Fitness Tai Chi, Meditation anywhere with GAIA streaming. It’s movement at your own pace in your own space. It’s your kind of movement and yoga with the best teachers and guides.
1 month trial for $0.99. Sign up here.

***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so will NOT entail any additional cost to you, but will help me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***

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067 – Dr. Amy Johnson: How to Break Up With Bad Habits: The No Willpower Approach!

067 – Dr. Amy Johnson: How to Break Up With Bad Habits: The No Willpower Approach!

how to change habits

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If somebody asked you how to change habits, you’d probably tell that person that he or she had better have strong willpower. That’s because habits are usually associated with willpower, whether you want to ditch a bad one or develop good ones. This is why ditching or acquiring habits is harder than it needs to be.

This episode, I have Dr. Amy Johnson, psychologist and author of Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit. Yes, she’s here to show us how to change habits without having anything to do with willpower! Change is all about having the right perspective on habits.

Here are the some of the main points we discussed during this episode:

  • First off, Dr. Amy defines habit as recurrent way of thinking that we take seriously. Behind every single habit is a thought that shows up in our head that we take as true. In other words, a habit is what we do based on what we are thinking and believing at the moment.
  • The thought processes that influence our habits include those that are at the subconscious level. In fact, we’re not aware of some thoughts until we notice how we’re feeling or what we’re doing.
  • The brain is plastic and malleable. Through our behavior and our thinking that we take seriously, we get our brains habituated to things. The reverse is also true. When we choose not to act on certain thoughts, our brains go the other way.
  • Thoughts show up; we don’t make them happen. They are a stream of energy going through us. We shouldn’t be judged or blamed for them.
  • We are not bad people for having habits. Most of our habits stem from our attempts at making ourselves feel better.
  • You are in a position of power when watch your thoughts from an observer’s standpoint. You realize that thoughts just come and go. You can choose whether or not to act on them — that’s how you change habits. See urges as any other thought. You don’t have to act to make it go away. It will just pass.

We can have power over our habits. It’s less about discipline and self-control and more about having a deep understanding of how the mind works. I hope that this episode on how to change habits has helped you gain some valuable insights that will empower you to master your habits so that you can change your life for the better.

Last week’s episode was all about self-sabotage. In this coaching session, I share three simple steps on how to stop sabotaging yourself permanently. I highly recommend this episode particularly if you’re trying to kick a bad habit. You check it out here.

Be sure to check back every Sunday and Thursday for a new episode, and head over to iTunes to subscribe so we can freshly deliver a new episode directly to your device.

If you enjoy the show and would love to encourage me and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like fuel. I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! Here’s a quick tutorial on “How to leave a review ”!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Dr. Amy’s website:
Little School of Big Change:
The Crave Cure:
Support me by leaving a review about this episode:

How you can reach Stephanie:

You tube:
Email: [email protected]

Got a question for Stephanie you’d like her to answer on how to change habits, or just want to join our community of women?

Our free and private community:

If you haven’t yet downloaded my guide to emotional eating, you might want to do this while you listen this week’s episode.


zivaMind Online Meditation

Take Your Brain to the Gym

In only 8 days, this online meditation training will teach you how to level up your performance and your life through meditation. You will have these powerful stress-relieving tools to take with you for life. Click here for more details.


Practice yoga, Pilates, Fitness Tai Chi, Meditation anywhere with GAIA streaming. It’s movement at your own pace in your own space. It’s your kind of movement and yoga with the best teachers and guides.
1 month trial for $0.99. Sign up here.

***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so will NOT entail any additional cost to you, but will help me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***

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066 – Self-Sabotage: How to Stop It Permanently!

066 – Self-Sabotage: How to Stop It Permanently!


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What’s your favorite form of self-sabotage? For me, it’s procrastination… my most expressed form of self-sabotage. I have a mile-long list of things to do, but I don’t feel like doing anything. I just keep thinking of how much work is in front of me and I feel overwhelmed. My anxiety kicks in and I just can’t get started. I can’t even do one thing on my list! So instead, I start cooking.

My best recipes are born out from my tendency to procrastinate a.k.a. self sabotage.

The reason behind my self-sabotage? FEAR. More specifically, fear of failure. To be even more precise : Fear that I won’t be able to do it perfectly, so I might as well not do it if I can’t do it properly. That’s my internal language.

What are Your Self-Sabotage Behaviors?

You are on the KETO diet, and yet in secret, you go to the corner store to grab a bag of chips and eat it in secret?

Or you are working diligently on cutting down on sugar, but when you go to the grocery store to get food for the family for the week, you buy the kids their “treats” that you happen to like, too. Now, because it’s in the house, whenever you feel stressed, you get tempted to eat some… or you give in most of the time.

Or maybe it’s the thought of “starting tomorrow.” You go out with friend and you have a drink or two and finish the night with a slice of pizza, telling yourself “I’ll just get back on track tomorrow”. When tomorrow comes, you have pancake and syrup for breakfast and then say to yourself, “Well, I just ruined it already so might has well just keep going. Tomorrow. I’ll start again.”

We are all different so we all have different patterns and behaviors of self-sabotage. They key is understanding yours.

The first step to preventing and stopping self-sabotage is: Awareness. So go back to podcast episode 064 and get started with self-awareness so you can identify and understand your own behaviors.

Ask yourself: What is my behavior? What is driving it? What is behind it?

Let’s go back to my example of procrastination…What’s behind it is fear and being overwhelmed — all driven by a need to be perfect.

For the Keto Diet person… it might be the same. Aiming for under 20 grams of carbs a day, I need to be perfect. What happens if I’m not? Wouldn’t I be in Ketosis?

Life isn’t Black or White

Do you suffer from “perfectionism”? Do you think everything must be either black or white?

You expect from yourself to be to be 100% faithful to your diet or it’s not worth doing? When you are not 100% on point, you judge yourself and engage in a very negative internal dialogue. You know, the type of dialogue that you would never dare to have with anyone else…

Perfectionism is the refusal to accept any standards short of perfection. It goes hand in hand with self sabotage. In fact, perfectionism is the mother of self sabotage. Being aware and conscious of your desire for perfection is the first step to healing your self sabotage.

Know that you are perfect right now. You are enough. We all have imperfections and that is part of being a human. Take small steps towards being OK with being 95%…with being imperfect.

Being on a very restrictive diet and attempting to be 100% at all time maybe a major trigger for you. Research has demonstrated that people on DIET are experiencing 50% more cravings than those not on a diet.

Let Go a Little of What is Triggering You

Once you are aware of what is triggering you to self-sabotage, take action on the real root cause.

If the trigger is “I’ll just start tomorrow,” first, you must realize that you must adopt a lifestyle, NOT a diet. It’s more of choosing to live your life in a certain way rather than restricting yourself. If the way you chose to live your life is too restrictive and leads you to crave … maybe you need to loosen up a bit. Make other choices. If you can’t imagine yourself living like this forever, then change must happen.

If perfectionism is at the root of the issue, remember this saying, “Less is more.” I recently implemented a “less is more” initiative in my life. I reduced how much I was doing so my list of to do’s was not as long and overwhelming. Trying to be perfect is futile and exhausting. Perfection is just impossible to attain! Just do the best that you can while respecting your needs and being kind to yourself.

Consistency wins over perfection anytime!

Make Choices That Are Making You Feel Good

If you are choosing to do something because you know you have to, that you must, that you should, but when doing it, you aren’t feeling good… that’s a clue.

Maybe you are self-sabotaging because you really don’t want to be doing this . Ask yourself: Do I enjoy doing this? Do I feel good when I’m doing it? Do I feel empowered when I’m with this person or in this environment?

Maybe your self sabotage is just a signal from your heart/ spirit that this is not for you.

Maybe this is not for you “as is” today, BUT if you change it a little to make it more “pleasant” for you, then the tendency to self-sabotage will go away.

If you find yourself relating to the treat mom, maybe this “no sugar ever” thing is not right for you. Maybe at this point in your health journey you need to have “treats” from time to time. Learn to make a few heathy treats that you can have when you feel like it. Keep healthy treats in the house so you have a better choice in the moment. Be fully present and aware in those moments when you need a treat and allow yourself to understand why.

Let’s Recap: What to Do to Stop Self-Sabotage

I know to some of you who suffer from frequent and powerful self-sabotage behaviors just like me, the next statement will seem too simple to be powerful… but let me just say this to those of you who are in doubt right now: it’s the truth. I have experienced it personally and I’ve seen it work in many of my patients:

By simply attempting to understand, be fully present and aware of your self-sabotage behaviors, they will loosen their hold on you and get less intense and present.

Our spirit/ mind / higher simply wants us to be present to a certain situation and once we do… it eases up. It’s called body messages. In the same way that being thirsty is a symptom of dehydration, self-sabotage behavior is just another symptom.

  1. Practice self-awareness and observe your self sabotage behavior without judgment.
  2. Let go of what triggers you
  3. Make choices that make your heart sing and make you feel good!

The Next Steps

Ready to transform your relationship to food?

Ready to understand why you crave and most important what to do to free yourself from cravings and emotional eating?

The Crave Cure guide will show you the next steps. This is my free guide to help you in your journey of transforming your individual relationship with food. From nutrition to mindset, you’ll be ready to take the next steps. Can’t wait to see you on the other side.


Last episode, I had a powerful interview with Sean Croxton. We talked about how to get anything we want. Sean shared seven steps to overcoming fear, doubt, and indecision. It’s an episode that I highly recommend for those who are working towards achieving health goals. You can listen to the episode here.

Next episode, I will be with Dr. Amy Johnson who will teach us how to break our bad habits more easily! You don’t want to miss this episode, so stay tuned!

Be sure to check back every Sunday and Thursday for a new episode, and head over to iTunes to subscribe so we can freshly deliver a new episode directly to your device.

If you enjoy the show and would love to encourage me and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like fuel. I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! Here’s a quick tutorial on “How to leave a review ” !

Links mentioned in this episode:

The Crave Cure:
Support me by leaving a review about this episode:

How you can reach Stephanie:

Email: [email protected]

Got a question for Stephanie you’d like her to answer about self-sabotage, or just want to join our community of women?

Our free and private community:

If you haven’t yet downloaded my guide to emotional eating, you might want to do this while you listen this week’s episode.


zivaMind Online Meditation

Take Your Brain to the Gym

In only 8 days, this online meditation training will teach you how to level up your performance and your life through meditation. You will have these powerful stress-relieving tools to take with you for life. Click here for more details.


Practice yoga, Pilates, Fitness Tai Chi, Meditation anywhere with GAIA streaming. It’s movement at your own pace in your own space. It’s your kind of movement and yoga with the best teachers and guides.
1 month trial for $0.99. Sign up here

***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so will NOT entail any additional cost to you, but will help me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***

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065 – Sean Croxton: How to Get Anything You Want : 7 Steps to Beating Fear, Doubt and Indecision

065 – Sean Croxton: How to Get Anything You Want : 7 Steps to Beating Fear, Doubt and Indecision

how to get anything i want

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In this episode, I discuss:

You might be saying, “I want to learn how to get anything I want!” Who doesn’t? But first, we must ask, is it really possible to get or achieve anything we want? Sean Croxton is passionately saying YES! It starts with the right mindset, the right thoughts, and goals. We can manifest anything we want only if we believe we have the power.

Sean has been inspiring people around the world with his Quote of the Day podcast. He’s also the author of The One Percenter’s Mind. In this interview, he shares the 7 steps to beat fear, doubt and indecision:

  1. Understand how powerful you are. The creator (God, universe or whatever you believe in) put a piece of himself/herself/itself in you. It is your duty to create a beautiful life and to help others do the same. You must realize who you are and take responsibility for the circumstances in your life.
  2. Create a burning desire for your goal. The difference between goals and wants is the emotion and willingness behind them. Take your big vision, condense it into a few sentences, and write it down on an index card. Begin with “I’m so happy and grateful now that I am…” Keep the card close to you. When you do this, your subconscious mind will start to believe that this is happening. When your burning desire exceeds your fear, that’s when things really take off and the choice of who you’re going to be really happens.
  3. To achieve your goals, BE the person who DOES the things that will cause you to HAVE the things you want. For example, if you want to be a healthier person, be healthy in your mind first. Create this mental image of yourself being healthy and then you will manifest the choices you need to make. You will take the necessary actions for you to achieve your health goals. Remember the order — BE, DO, HAVE.
  4. When you reach your goal, create a new one. Life is a cycle of create, persist, and destroy. You create goals and you persist until you achieve them. Then you enter the destroy phase. This is when you don’t feel satisfied or excited like you were before. You may even feel apathetic or angry. When you realize that you’re in this phase, you need to create something new.
  5. Be ready when the people in your life do not accept the “new” you. Most of the time, when you raise your vibrations, you will have a harder time relating to people in your life. Relationships are unwritten agreements. When you change, you may deviate from these agreements. People will try to get you to come back to the agreement that you were in. When this happens, you either walk away or renegotiate.
  6. Follow your intuition. Intuition is something inside of us that whispers to us. When it says, “Do this because things are going to be better,” it’s right 99.98% of the time. It’s your internal GPS that’s going to lead you to the direction of the goals you set.
  7. Be grateful. Change your life by changing your focus. Focus on the things you have and not on what you don’t have. Be grateful even for the things that haven’t happened yet. When you do this, your life will completely change. You will live in a brand-new reality when you appreciate the things you have and the things that you’re going to have.

Last episode, I talked about the importance of self-awareness and how it can empower us to reach our health goals. I’ve learned that self-awareness is key if I want to learn how to get anything I want. If you haven’t listened to it yet, I highly recommend that you do. You can find the episode here.

Be sure to check back every Sunday and Thursday for a new episode, and head over to iTunes to subscribe so we can freshly deliver a new episode directly to your device.

If you enjoy the show and would love to encourage me and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like fuel. I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! Here’s a quick tutorial on “How to leave a review”!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Sean’s free guide book: 7 steps to beat fear, doubt and indecision:
Sean’s epic blog post:
The Crave Cure:
Support me by leaving a review about this episode:

How you can reach Stephanie:

You tube:
Email: [email protected]

Got a question for Stephanie you’d like her to answer on “how to get anything I want” or just want to join our community of women?

Our free and private community:

If you haven’t yet downloaded my guide to emotional eating, you might want to do this while you listen this week’s episode.


zivaMind Online Meditation

Take Your Brain to the Gym

In only 8 days, this online meditation training will teach you how to level up your performance and your life through meditation. You will have these powerful stress-relieving tools to take with you for life. Click here for more details.


Practice yoga, Pilates, Fitness Tai Chi, Meditation anywhere with GAIA streaming. It’s movement at your own pace in your own space. It’s your kind of movement and yoga with the best teachers and guides.
1 month trial for $0.99. Sign up here.

***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so will NOT entail any additional cost to you, but will help me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***


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064 – Self-Awareness is More Important Than Food

064 – Self-Awareness is More Important Than Food


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We all know that eating junk food is not good, sugar is not the best, that overeating or binging is not good for our body and our weight.

Yet we do it.

We are intelligent people. We have the facts, we have the data, we’ve listened to podcasts telling us that sugar drives inflammation and insulin. We know that if we want to lose weight, we need to eat better and less…

So what the heck is the problem?

I believe it’s self-awareness.

Self-awareness is from the Greek aphorism: Know Thyself.

The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines self-awareness as :  an awareness of one’s own personality or individuality.

Self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires. It’s the ability to understand ourselves.

Self-awareness is about learning to better understand why you feel what you feel and why you behave in a particular way.

With self-awareness, we can feel empowered to make changes in our lives. Self-awareness is a major mechanism of self-control.

We notice what is going on in our inside world.

Non judgement is essential

We notice. We do not judge. No color. No good. No bad.

No “I should” or “I shouldn’t.”

Example: “I shouldn’t have eaten this much…I did it again. Why do I always do this? What is wrong with me?”

Instead: “I don’t feel good right. My stomach is distended and my energy is low. I have overeat during dinner. Isn’t it interesting that every time I go out with my friend X, I overeat?”


“I ate ice cream again.. I can’t resist the freaking ice cream when we go out with the kids. I know it’s full of sugar. I know it’s not good for me. I know this is going to send me on a roller coaster of cravings more sugar yet I do it! Why can’t I just have more willpower?”

Instead: “I ate ice cream. The ice cream tasted good. When I go out with the family at the ice cream parlor, it’s a difficult environment for me. I feel deprived because everyone else around me has ice cream, and I feel I can’t. When I feel deprived it makes it really hard for me to say no.”

The key here: We accept this as part of being human. Part of human experience.

Self-awareness is empowering

Self-awareness will lead us to act consciously rather than reactively. We are no longer victims of our thoughts.

We no longer react passively.

We are conscious of our choices. We are in power. We’re not victims.

Back to our example of overeating when you are with friend X: As you reflect without judgement that you are a bad person for overeating, you will discover that when you are with you friend X, you feel unheard, un- recognized, that you never get to share about your life. She takes all the space. So next time you go out with friend X, first you will be aware of your tendency to react to your relationship by overeating. You will express yourself more during your time together and gently yet firmly share you own stories and be heard.

Instead of stuffing your feeling of frustration on the state of your relationship with food, you will attempt to improve the situation.

Same for the ice cream… you will go into the experience knowing what you feel deprived. Maybe what you will do is to invest the time to learn to make healthy ice cream at home. You will have healthy ice cream from time to time, when you feel like it. When you get to the parlor, you won’t feel deprived because you “never have ice cream because of your crazy diet.” The feeling of deprivation will not be there and you will be able to enjoy the time with the family for what it is… not for the ice cream.

Once you begin to understand this concept, you then have the opportunity and freedom to change things about yourself, enabling you to create a life that you want.

Self-awareness begins in willingness

Being present, being self-aware is counter intuitive to today’s society. We are so busy all the time that we have little time left to be with ourselves, to reflect, and ultimately to be present.

We operate from the subconscious part of our mind most of the time. Being present and conscious is work.
Being aware and present require willingness to be present and aware. Willingness not willpower. Willingness means that you are now aware of the concept that we just learned and you believe that it will help you grow and advance in your journey, and you desire to take next steps. That’s willingness. You need that.

Being self-aware begins with being present

Self-awareness begins with being present in the moment. We need to develop the muscle of being in the moment. By being in the moment, we will be able to be self-aware and reflective without being judgmental. Otherwise, we will revert to the behavior we have repeated all of our lives — being reactive and judgmental.

Mindfulness is a psychological process of bringing one’s attention to the internal experience occurring in the present moment. Below are three mindfulness exercise you can choose to practice to cultivate awareness:

  1. Mindfulness eating: Begin with one meal a day. Sit with no distractions and eat.
  2. Create space for you: Is there time in your schedule for you to be with yourself? No interruptions, no kids, no friends, no TV, no music — just you being with yourself. Start at 5 mins a day.
  3. Journal: Write about the things that you’re grateful for. If you’re a writer, write one page a day. Use a pre-written question to start the process of introspection.

The next steps…

Are you ready to work on your relationship to food?

Are you ready to understand why you crave and, most importantly, what you need to do to free yourself from cravings and emotional eating?

The Crave Cure guide will show you the next steps. This is my free guide to you in your journey of transforming your relationship to food. From nutrition to mindset, it will prepare you to take the next steps. Can’t wait to see you on the other side!

Last episode, I had Dr. Bruce Lipton on the show. We talked about the Biology of Belief — how beliefs impact our health and how the subconscious mind is the key to lasting change. It’s an episode packed with insights and helpful tips. I recommend that you listen to it. Just go to this link.

Next episode, Sean Croxton will be on my show and we’re going to talk about how to get anything we want. It’s an exciting episode, so stay tuned!

Be sure to check back every Sunday and Thursday for a new episode, and head over to iTunes to subscribe so we can freshly deliver a new episode directly to your device.

If you enjoy the show and would love to encourage me and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like fuel. I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! Here’s a quick tutorial on “How to leave a review”!

Links mentioned in this episode:

The Crave Cure:
Support me by leaving a review about this episode:

How you can reach Stephanie:

You tube:
Email: [email protected]

Got a question for Stephanie you’d like her to answer about self-awareness, or just want to join our community of women?

Our free and private community:

If you haven’t yet downloaded my guide to emotional eating, you might want to do this while you listen this week’s episode.


zivaMind Online Meditation

Take Your Brain to the Gym

In only 8 days, this online meditation training will teach you how to level up your performance and your life through meditation. You will have these powerful stress-relieving tools to take with you for life. Click here for more details.


Practice yoga, Pilates, Fitness Tai Chi, Meditation anywhere with GAIA streaming. It’s movement at your own pace in your own space. It’s your kind of movement and yoga with the best teachers and guides.
1 month trial for $0.99. Sign up here.

***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so will NOT entail any additional cost to you, but will help me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***

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063 – The Biology of Belief: Interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton

063 – The Biology of Belief: Interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton

Biology of Belief

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In this episode, I discuss:

Have you ever gotten upset and frustrated with yourself because you thought you were too weak to change the way you’ve always behaved? If so, you’re not the only one who’s ever felt this way, and it’s not your fault. Not many of us know the reason why it’s so hard to change our behaviors or our even the way we think. If you listen to my interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton on the biology of belief, you’re going to learn the reason why. Plus, you will gain some insights that will help you tremendously as you try to achieve your health goals.

I was absolutely over the moon while I was interviewing Dr. Lipton. I’ve read his work and I’ve been deeply influenced by it. I had been waiting six months to get the chance to interview him, and the wait was well worth it! We talked about the impact of the biology of belief on our health and our overall well-being.

Here are the key insights that Dr. Lipton shared during our conversation:

First, our beliefs affect our health. Science tells us that our health is predetermined by our genes. For instance, if one of my parents had cancer, I’d be likely to have cancer as well. Dr. Lipton tells us that we are the masters of our fate; we are not the victims of our genes. But we have to believe accordingly. We need to take responsibility for our health and change our beliefs because they create our reality.

Second, the subconscious mind holds the key to lasting change in the way we behave and think. The subconscious mind is like a recording device. For the first seven years of your life, your subconscious mind soaked up all the information from your surroundings like a sponge. At that age, your mind was always in the theta state — the state of mind in which your subconscious is easily programmable.

Whatever behavioral or thinking pattern you have now is the result of the subconscious programming you’ve had throughout your life. The good news is, you can override this programming in three ways:

  1. Hypnosis – You don’t have to go to a hypnotist for this. You can learn self-hypnosis or listen to a recording before you sleep, when your mind drifts off to the theta state before you finally enter deep sleep. Dr. Lipton calls the theta state the “record button” of the subconscious mind.
  2. Habituation – Your subconscious is a habit mind. You probably heard the saying, “Fake it until you make it.” Whatever you tell your subconscious mind repeatedly, it will eventually accept as real, even if your conscious mind initially objects to it.
  3. Energy Psychology – Energy psychology processes puts your mind in the “superlearning mode” in which you can program your subconscious mind in literally minutes. Dr. Lipton has a list of different energy psychology processes on his website.

For a more detailed discussion on the biology of belief, you can listen to the entire podcast.

Last episode, I had my first coaching session on this podcast. I discussed how you can create changes that will last for the rest of your life. I encourage you to listen to it. It will help you achieve your health goals for the long term!

Next episode, I’ll be discussing about self-awareness and why it’s more important than food. You don’t want to miss this episode, so stay tuned!

Be sure to check back every Sunday and Thursday for a new episode, and head over to iTunes to subscribe so we can freshly deliver a new episode directly to your device. 

If you enjoy the show and would love to encourage me and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like fuel. I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! Here’s a quick tutorial on “How to leave a review”!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Bruce Lipton website:
Resources for belief changes:
The Biology of Belief book:
The Crave Cure:
Support me by leaving a review about this episode:

How you can reach Stephanie:

You tube:
Email:  [email protected]

Got a question for Stephanie you’d like her to answer about the biology of belief, or just want to join our community of women?

Our free and private community:

If you haven’t yet downloaded my guide to emotional eating, you might want to do this while you listen this week’s episode.


zivaMind Online Meditation

Take Your Brain to the Gym

In only 8 days, this online meditation training will teach you how to level up your performance and your life through meditation. You will have these powerful stress-relieving tools to take with you for life. Click here for more details.


Practice yoga, Pilates, Fitness Tai Chi, Meditation anywhere with GAIA streaming. It’s movement at your own pace in your own space. It’s your kind of movement and yoga with the best teachers and guides.
1 month trial for $0.99. Sign up here

***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so will NOT entail any additional cost to you, but will help me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***

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062 – The Beginning of the Rest of My Life – Coaching Session

062 – The Beginning of the Rest of My Life – Coaching Session

the rest of my life


Listen to the episode:

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In this episode, I discuss:

“How do I create positive changes that will last for the rest of my life?” This is a question that most of us have, especially when these changes concern health and weight loss. Permanent change seems to be an elusive goal to most of us, but it doesn’t have to be.

Today, we’re going to delve deep into the mindset you need to have so that you can create lasting changes in your life. I’m going to discuss what and how you need to think so that you can make the positive changes in your life permanent.

I used to be a yoyo dieter and 100 lbs heavier. I’d look for the latest and greatest diet program and follow it to the letter. I’d also religiously keep an exercise routine, hitting the gym every single day. It wouldn’t take long before I find myself back to square one. I later realized that I was approaching my weight loss goal with the wrong mindset. I went on a diet and kept an exercise routine because I wanted to lose weight some freakin’ day. Ironically, I’d also wonder, “When can I go back to what I was doing before?”

I learned that if I want any lasting change to happen, I can’t go back to the same behavioral pattern and way thinking that brought me to where I was back then. Realizing this, I began to understand that, for any change to be permanent, I must think in terms of the rest of my life.

So when I decided to make the changes that finally led to permanent weight loss, I told myself, “This is how I’m going to eat, behave, and think for the rest of my life.” Needless to say, the results I achieved were staggering and permanent!

So always keep this in mind — to create lasting results, look at your attempt to change as the beginning of the rest of your life.

Another thing we have to keep in mind is that, if we want to create lasting changes in our lives, we need to step out of our comfort zone and look at the areas in our lives that we aren’t comfortable with.

In my case, I’d often look into food and exercise because those were areas in my life that were comfortable enough for me to face. I never looked into the emotional component of my issues, the way I was handling stress or my spirituality because these were some of the uncomfortable areas in my life. I wasn’t making any lasting changes because I wasn’t looking where I should be looking!

However, the zone of discomfort is where the magic happens. Change becomes permanent when we expand our comfort zone. And so I invite you to step out of your comfort zone and look at the areas of your life that seem too uncomfortable for you to face. Mind you, this isn’t easy to do and you may need some coaching as you do this. You also need to be compassionate towards yourself.

I also invite you to ditch the diet mentality. Dieting never helped me achieve the changes that I wanted to keep for the rest of my life. It won’t help you do the same. Instead, implement healthy lifestyle changes and decide how you want to eat for the rest of your life.

I hope you found this episode helpful. You might want to check out other episodes of this podcast. Last episode, I interviewed Dr. Melissa McCreery who taught us to ask the important question that will help us uncover our hidden hunger — what are we really craving? It’s an insightful episode that I highly recommend.

Next episode, I will be with Dr. Bruce Lipton who will show us a new way of explaining the missing link in behavior transformation. You want to listen to this, so stay tuned!

Be sure to check back every Sunday and Thursday for a new episode, and head over to iTunes to subscribe so we can freshly deliver a new episode directly to your device.

If you enjoy the show and would love to encourage me and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like fuel. I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! Here’s a quick tutorial on “How to leave a review ”!

Links mentioned in this episode:

The Crave Cure:   

Crave Cure Series –


Support me by leaving a review about this episode:

How you can reach Stephanie:

Email:  [email protected]

Got a question for Stephanie you’d like her to answer about this episode, or just want to join our community of women?

Our free and private community:

If you haven’t yet downloaded my guide to emotional eating, you might want to do this while you listen to this week’s episode.


zivaMind Online Meditation

Take Your Brain to the Gym

In only 8 days, this online meditation training will teach you how to level up your performance and your life through meditation. You will have these powerful stress-relieving tools to take with you for life. Click here for more details.


Practice yoga, Pilates, Fitness Tai Chi, Meditation anywhere with GAIA streaming. It’s movement at your own pace in your own space. It’s your kind of movement and yoga with the best teachers and guides.
1 month trial for $0.99. Sign up here

***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so will NOT entail any additional cost to you, but will help me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***

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061 – Desire and Cravings: Interview With Dr. McCreery – Crave Cure Series

061 – Desire and Cravings: Interview With Dr. McCreery – Crave Cure Series

desire and food cravings

Listen to the episode:

Subscribe: iTunes | RSS | Sticher 

In this episode, I discuss:

This is episode 10 of the 10 part Crave Cure Series: Going Beyond the Food.  Dr. Melissa McCreery and I discuss desire and cravings. Dr. McCreery is teaching us to how to ask ourselves the real important question when facing our cravings: What are we really craving? This is when the magic happens and we discover our hidden hungers. This is really what the Crave Cure series is really about…  

Last episode, we had Dr. Keesha Ewers on the show. She and I talked about how deficiencies — emotional or physical — can cause food cravings. It’s an episode you must listen to if you want to overcome food cravings.

Next episode, I’ll be having Dr. Bruce Lipton who will discuss an interesting topic with me — the biology of belief. You’re going to want to listen to this, so stay tuned!

Be sure to check back every Sunday and Thursday for a new episode, and head over to iTunes to subscribe so we can freshly deliver a new episode directly to your device.

If you enjoyed the show on desire and cravings, and would love to encourage me and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like fuel. I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! Here’s a quick tutorial on “How to leave a review ” !

Links mentioned in this episode:

Dr. McCreery’s wellness pack:
Hunger Quizz:
The Crave Cure:
Blog Post – Crave Cure Series:
Support me by leaving a review about this episode on desire and food cravings:

Crave Cure Series schedule 
 Crave Cure series

How you can reach Stephanie:

You tube:
Email:  [email protected]

Got a question for Stephanie you’d like her to answer about desire and cravings, or just want to join our community of women?

Our free and private community:

If you haven’t yet downloaded my guide to emotional eating, you might want to do this while you listen this week’s episode.


Download transcript here 


zivaMind Online Meditation

Take Your Brain to the Gym

In only 8 days, this online meditation training will teach you how to level up your performance and your life through meditation. You will have these powerful stress-relieving tools to take with you for life. Click here for more details.


Practice yoga, Pilates, Fitness Tai Chi, Meditation anywhere with GAIA streaming. It’s movement at your own pace in your own space. It’s your kind of movement and yoga with the best teachers and guides.

1 month trial for $0.99. Sign up here

***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so will NOT entail any additional cost to you, but will help me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***

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060 – Nutritional Deficiencies and Cravings – Dr. Keesha Ewers – Crave Cure Series

060 – Nutritional Deficiencies and Cravings – Dr. Keesha Ewers – Crave Cure Series

deficiences cause cravings

Listen to the episode:

Subscribe: iTunes | RSS | Sticher 


In this episode, I discuss:

This is episode 9 of the 10 part Crave Cure Series: Going Beyond the Food. Our instinct always prevails … when we lack we desire. When our body needs a specific element to function, it will let you know via a cravings. Deficiencies could either be physical or emotional. Dr. Keesha Ewers explains the relationship between nutritional deficiencies and cravings.

Last episode, I had Dr. Adam Nally on the show. We talked about the best diet to stop cravings. I highly recommend this episode. If you missed it, you can listen to it here

Next episode, I will be with Dr. Melissa McCreery from Too Much on Her Plate. We’re going to talk about hidden hunger, desire, and food cravings. It’s an insightful and informative episode, so stay tuned!

Be sure to check back every Sunday and Thursday for a new episode, and head over to iTunes to subscribe so we can freshly deliver a new episode directly to your device.

If you enjoyed the show on nutritional deficiencies and cravings and would love to encourage me and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like fuel. I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! Here’s a quick tutorial on “How to leave a review ”!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Dr. Keesha Ewers website:
Dr. Keesha Ewers book:
Nutritional deficiencies caused by medication:
The Crave Cure:
Blog Post – Crave Cure Series:
Support me by leaving a review about this episode: 
Crave Cure Series schedule 
 Crave Cure series

How you can reach Stephanie:

You tube:
Email: [email protected]

Got a question for Stephanie you’d like her to answer on nutritional deficiencies and cravings, or just want to join our community of women? 

Our free and private community:

If you haven’t yet downloaded my guide to emotional eating, you might want to do this while you listen this week’s episode.


Download transcript here 


zivaMind Online Meditation

Take Your Brain to the Gym
In only 8 days, this online meditation training will teach you how to level up your performance and your life through meditation. You will have these powerful stress-relieving tools to take with you for life. Click here for more details.


Practice yoga, Pilates, Fitness Tai Chi, Meditation anywhere with GAIA streaming. It’s movement at your own pace in your own space. It’s your kind of movement and yoga with the best teachers and guides.
1 month trial for $0.99. Sign up here

***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so will NOT entail any additional cost to you, but will help me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***

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058 – Gut Health and Cravings with Dr. Will Cole – Crave Cure Series

058 – Gut Health and Cravings with Dr. Will Cole – Crave Cure Series

gut health and cravings


Listen to the episode: 

Subscribe: iTunes | RSS | Sticher 

In this episode, I discuss:

This is episode 7 of the 10 part Crave Cure Series: Going Beyond the Food. Could the little bacteria in your gut influence your cravings? The answer is YES! There is a connection between your gut health and cravings! Your cravings are sometimes a signal from your body that your digestive health needs help. Hippocrates, the father of medicine once said, “All diseases begin in the gut.” You likely never thought that your cravings are there to save your life!

In the last episode, I had an interview with Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson, PhD who taught us some powerful key lessons in the psychology of eating. These lessons will help you transform your ability to do what you know is right when it comes to food. This is an episode that I highly recommend, and you can listen to it here.

Next week, I will be with Dr. Adam Nally who will tell us what diet is the best for stopping emotional eating and food cravings. This is an episode you don’t want to miss, so stay tuned!

Be sure to check back every Sunday and Thursday for a new episode, and head over to iTunes   to subscribe so we can freshly deliver a new episode directly to your device.

If you enjoy the show and would love to encourage me and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like fuel. I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! Here’s a quick tutorial on “How to leave a review ”!

Links mentioned in this episode:

The Crave Cure:
Dr. Will Cole:
Facebook: @doctorwillcole
Instagram: drwillcole
Further information from Dr. Cole on Auto-Immune conditions:
Elimination Diet:
“Poop” Chart and Poop article:
Fermented food recipe:

Bone Broth recipe: 
Support me by leaving a review about this episode: 
Crave Cure Series schedule 
 Crave Cure series


How you can reach Stephanie:




You tube:

Email:  [email protected]

Got a question for Stephanie you’d like her to answer about gut health and cravings, or just want to join our community of women? 

Our free and private community:

If you haven’t yet downloaded my guide to emotional eating, you might want to do this while you listen this week episode.


Download transcript here 


zivaMind Online Meditation 

Take Your Brain to the Gym

In only 8 days, this online meditation training will teach you how to level up your performance and your life through meditation. You will have these powerful stress-relieving tools to take with you for life. Click here for more details.


Practice yoga, Pilates, Fitness Tai Chi, Meditation anywhere with GAIA streaming. It’s movement at your own pace in your own space. It’s your kind of movement and yoga with the best teachers and guides.

1 month trial for $0.99.  Sign up here

***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so will NOT entail any additional cost to you, but will help me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***

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057 – Psychology of Eating: Interview With Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson – Crave Cure Series

057 – Psychology of Eating: Interview With Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson – Crave Cure Series

psychology of eating

Listen to the episode:

Subscribe: iTunes | RSS | Sticher 

In this episode I discuss:

This is episode 6 of the 10 part Crave Cure Series: Going Beyond the Food. We know what to eat, when to eat, but we just don’t do it. Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson, PhD will teach us powerful key lessons in the psychology of eating that will transform your ability to do what you know is right when it comes to food. 

Last episode, Evan Brand and I talked about stress eating. We discussed what is at the root of this issue and Evan taught us a simple technique that we can use to move away from stress eating. I strongly encourage you to listen to the episode here

Next episode, I’ll be with Dr. Will Cole to discuss about gut health and cravings. You want to listen to this episode, so stay tuned!

Be sure to check back every Sunday and Thursday for a new episode, and head over to iTunes   to subscribe so we can freshly deliver a new episode directly to your device.

If you enjoy the show and would love to encourage me and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like fuel. I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! Here’s a quick tutorial on “How to leave a review ” !

Links mentioned in this episode:

Susan‘s Quiz: 

Susan’s Book, Brightlight Eating: 

Freebie from Susan: 3 Huge Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Weight:

The Crave Cure:  


Blog Post – Crave Cure Series:

Support me by leaving a review about this episode:

Crave Cure Series schedule 
 Crave Cure series

How you can reach Stephanie:





Email:  [email protected]

Got a question for Stephanie you’d like her to answer about the psychology of eating, or just want to join our community of women?

Our free and private community:

If you haven’t yet downloaded my guide to emotional eating, you might want to do this while you listen this week’s episode.


Download transcript here 


zivaMind Online Meditation 

Take Your Brain to the Gym

In only 8 days, this online meditation training will teach you how to level up your performance and your life through meditation. You will have these powerful stress-relieving tools to take with you for life. Click here for more details.


Practice yoga, Pilates, Fitness Tai Chi, Meditation anywhere with GAIA streaming. It’s movement at your own pace in your own space. It’s your kind of movement and yoga with the best teachers and guides.

1 month trial for $0.99.  Sign up here

 ***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so will NOT entail any additional cost to you, but will help me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***

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056 – Stress Cravings: Interview with Evan Brand

056 – Stress Cravings: Interview with Evan Brand

stress cravings

Listen to the episode: 

Subscribe: iTunes | RSS | Sticher 


In this episode I discuss:

This is episode 5 of the 10 part Crave Cure Series: Going Beyond the Food. Many of us eat because we are stressed. We know it and wish we didn’t. Evan Brand, Functional Medicine practitioner and Nutritionist, will teach us what is really at the root of stress cravings. The stress that makes you eat can also affect your overall health far beyond what you may think. Stress may be at the root of many other symptoms in your body. Evan will teach us a simple technique that you can use to move away from stress cravings. 

In the last episode, Dr. Sam Shay and talked about sugar addiction and the underlying issues that may cause it. If you’ve been struggling with sugar cravings, it’s an episode that you must listen to. You can listen to the last episode here.

Next episode, we’re in for some powerful lessons on the psychology of eating as I talk with Dr. Susan Pierce Thompson, PhD. Be sure you’re tuned in!

Be sure to check back every Sunday and Thursday for a new episode, and head over to iTunes   to subscribe so we can freshly deliver a new episode directly to your device.

If you enjoy the show and would love to encourage me and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like fuel. I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! Here’s a quick tutorial on “How to leave a review ” !

Links mentioned in this episode: 

Evan Brand Website:

Evan book “Stress Solutions”:

The Crave Cure:


Support me by leaving a review about this episode:

Crave Cure Series schedule 

How you can reach Stephanie:




You tube:

Email:  [email protected]

Got a question for Stephanie you’d like her to answer to answer about stress cravings or any other topic, or just want to join our community of women?

Our free and private community:

If you haven’t yet downloaded my guide to emotional eating, you might want to do this while you listen this week episode.


Download transcript here 


zivaMind Online Meditation 

Take Your Brain to the Gym

In only 8 days, this online meditation training will teach you how to level up your performance and your life through meditation. You will have these powerful stress-relieving tools to take with you for life. Click here for more details.


Practice yoga, Pilates, Fitness Tai Chi, Meditation anywhere with GAIA streaming. It’s movement at your own pace in your own space. It’s your kind of movement and yoga with the best teachers and guides.

1 month trial for $0.99.  Sign up here

***For your information – some links above may be my affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. Doing so will NOT entail any additional cost to you, but will help me tremendously. Your support is SO greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance if you choose to do so***

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Podcast Stephanie Dodier


I’m Stephanie Dodier

Feminist Nutritionist & Coach.

I guide women on how to feel damn good  by reshaping their mind instead of their body. Let’s go beyond the food and fight diet culture & patriarchy by living powerfully. You’ll walk away with ressources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power.

Is the problem you or your diet? 

I asked myself this question for years…and I figure you likely have the same question so I create a assessment for you to figure it out. Take the quiz now.

© 2021 Stephanie Dodier


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