It’s Beyond the Food Podcast

Join well-being expert Stephanie Dodier as she guides on how to feel damn good by reshaping your mind instead of your body. Let’s go beyond the food and fight diet culture & patriarchy by living powerfully. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with ressources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power. 

Subscribe to our podcast on your favorite podcast platform.


It’s Beyond the Food Podcast

Join well-being expert Stephanie Dodier as she guides on how to feel damn good by reshaping your mind instead of your body. Let’s go beyond the food and fight diet culture & patriarchy by living powerfully. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with ressources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power. 

Subscribe to our podcast on your favorite podcast platform.

Our Most Recent Episodes

PRO Series: Are You Ready to Help Clients in a Non-Diet Approach?-S3 EP6

PRO Series: Are You Ready to Help Clients in a Non-Diet Approach?-S3 EP6

Are you ready to help clients in a non-diet approach?

One of the most profound questions I get on consultation is this one: 

How do I know if I’m ready to help clients in a Non-Diet Approach? 

First off, You’ll never feel totally ready. Waiting for this moment where you will feel ready to go out into the world and launch your program, I’m sorry to say, but you’ll likely wait forever.

Why is it that we never really feel ready? 

One answer: The Human Brain.  

This question is one of the main reasons why I created a mentorship program and NOT a certification. I wanted to help health professionals feel ready and actually help people. 

I wanted to help practitioners get their human brains on board with their amazing talents and potential so they could create an amazing business that will serve hundreds and thousands of people! 

What you’ll learn listening to this episode, Are you ready to help clients in a Non-Diet Approach?:

  • How to determine if you are ready to help people in a non-diet approach 
  • Why getting another certification is not the solution to feeling ready 
  • 8 tips to get your human brain on board to feel ready 

Mentioned on the show:

Non- Diet Mentorship Program Details

Get Started Forms

PRO Series – Free Training & resources

Season 1

Season 2

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PRO Series: The Non-Diet Approach is for All Health Professions-S3 EP5

PRO Series: The Non-Diet Approach is for All Health Professions-S3 EP5

The Non-Diet Approach is for All Health Profession

I recorded this on Sunday, May 16th, 2021. Enrollment to the waitlist for the next cohort of the Non-Diet Mentorship Program is officially closed. I’m so excited because we have folks joining us from all professional background:


Health Coach

Social Worker 


Registered Nurse 

Fitness Professional 

The Non-Diet Approach is for All Health Professions  

The Non-Diet Approach is for all health professions for one simple reason: Diet Culture is present everywhere and in everyone.

We as humans socialize in diet culture with our personal life while we practice health professions entrenched in diet culture.

In some way, we are twice as much impacted by diet culture as our clients and patients. We got it as individuals and then went to school to learn a profession based on diet culture thriving. 

What you’ll learn listening to this episode: 

  • Health professionals are indoctrinated in diet culture twice as much as a regular individual
  • What is weight stigma
  • How weight stigma shows up in all health profession 
  • What does the non-diet approach look like in various health profession
  • Therapist, social worker, nursing, medical doctor, naturopathic doctor, yoga teacher, personal training, nutritionist, dietician, health coach, etc.

Mentioned on the show:

Non- Diet Mentorship Program Details

Get Started Forms

Social Determinant of Health 

PRO Series – Free Training & resources

Season 1

Season 2

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PRO Series: Is It Time to Go Full Time with Kelsey Murphy-S3 EP4

PRO Series: Is It Time to Go Full Time with Kelsey Murphy-S3 EP4

Is it Time to go Full Tme

When is it time to go full-time in your non-diet practice?

This could mean starting a new business.


This could mean transitioning your practice to a non-diet approach.

This question is a frequent one and a good one. On the podcast today, I discuss this question with my guest Kelsey Murphy. 

Kelsey Murphy is a Business & Life Coach working with Fortune 500 companies like Facebook & Twitter and industry thought leaders like Marie Forleo and her B-Schoolers.

As a primer to this discussion, I share my journey going full-time in 2 businesses over the last ten years.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode, Is it time to go full time in non-diet practice: 

  • My journey going full-time in my business
  • How to know it’s time to go full time for you 
  • Should you start your own biz or work for someone else instead 
  • You are one decision away from a completely different life
  • The grind… The hustle… What does it mean? 

Connect with our Guest: 


Whiskey & Work Podcast (iTunes)  



Mentioned on the show:


Mentorship Program  

PRO Get Started Guide

PRO Series – Free Training & resources

Season 1

Season 2


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PRO Series: Non-Diet Approach to Health and Nutrition-S3 EP3

PRO Series: Non-Diet Approach to Health and Nutrition-S3 EP3

Non- Diet Approach to Health and Nutrition

Today we will answer two major questions I get when I teach health professionals about the non-diet approach. 

Usually, these questions come right on the tail end of the first time being introduced to the Non-Diet Approach. 

What are those questions that almost all health professionals have at their first encounter with the non-Diet approach? 

But, what about health? 


What about nutrition? 

These two questions reveal how entrenched diet and wellness culture along with weight stigma in our education as a health professional.

It is very important to note that we, as health professionals, were blind to this. We were taught to teach our patient and client how to co-opt diet culture and fatphobia.

We have been trained and learned to believe that health can only result from dieting, thinness and restriction. 

So when faced with an approach to health that doesn’t promote diet culture, dieting, weight loss or food restriction, we assume it’s not “healthy”… 

Non-Diet Approach to Health and Nutrition

In today’s episode, we will be helping you navigate these two questions when encountering the non-diet approach for the first time. 

But what about health? 

But what about nutrition? 

What you’ll learn listening to this episode of Non-Diet Approach to Health and Nutrition:

  • How to define health within a non-diet approach 
  • The danger of viewing health as personal responsibility 
  • Healthism 
  • The social determinants of health 
  • How to view nutrition within a non-diet approach  
  • Gentle Nutrition

Mentioned in the show:

Webinar – How to teach nutrition without co-opting Diet Culture 

Non-Diet Mentorship Program  Details 

Free Intake Forms

Social Determinant of Health

PRO Series – Free Training & resources

Season 1

Season 2

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PRO Series: Non-Diet Marketing Framework-S3 EP2

PRO Series: Non-Diet Marketing Framework-S3 EP2

Non-Diet Marketing Framework
How to attract clients that are ready to do the work?   

Right now, clients coming to me want to lose weight?  

What should I do? 

These are the questions that the newest episode of the Beyond The Food Pro series podcast will be answering.

Inside of our Non-Diet Mentorship program, we spend two months crafting our marketing strategy, implementing a non-diet marketing funnel and practicing. Although it would be impossible for me to share all that we do, I’ve extracted what I think will help you attract clients ready to stop chasing weight loss. 

The Non-Diet Marketing Framework

In today’s episode, I’ll share five takeaways from our non-diet Mentorship program marketing modules that you can implement in your business now to build an effective non-diet marketing framework for your coaching practice. 

What you’ll learn listening to this episode: 

  • Why you have to fall in love with marketing 
  • Why you need a marketing strategy first before going on social media 
  • The secret behind consistency and trust in marketing 
  • What problem are you solving for your client 
  • Educating and nurturing is the key to conversion 

Mentioned in the show:

Register for Information Session 

Non-Diet Mentorship Program  Details  

Free Intake forms 

PRO Series – Free Training & resources

Season 1

Season 2


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PRO Series: Blueprint of a Non-diet Coaching Session-S3 EP1

PRO Series: Blueprint of a Non-diet Coaching Session-S3 EP1

Blueprint of a Non-diet Coaching Session

Welcome back to Season 3 of The Beyond The Food Pro series

We polled our community earlier this year and asked you which question you would love to have discussed on the Pro Series podcast. This is how we created our line-up for Season 3.

We answer the following question: 

  1. How do you run a non-diet coaching session? (Episode 1)
  2. How do I attract the client that is ready to stop dieting? (Episode 2) 
  3. But what about Health? But what about Nutrition? (Episode 3)
  4. When is it time to go full-time in your practice? (Episode 4)
  5. What does the non-diet approach look like in other professions than nutritionist or health coach? (Episode 5)
  6. When am I ready to coach others in the non-diet approach? (Episode 6)

In this episode, I’m going to walk you through the Blueprint of a Non-diet coaching session.  

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on Blueprint of a non-diet coaching session:

  • The 9 elements of a non-diet approach session 
  • How these 9 elements apply to any health profession 
  • Why I find this question interesting 
  • Why is it essential to be coached to coach others effectively? 

Mentioned in the show:

Register for Information Session 

Non-Diet Mentorship Program  Details  

PRO Series – Free Training & resources

Season 1

Season 2




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283-Digestive Health the Non-Diet Approach with Beth Rosen

283-Digestive Health the Non-Diet Approach with Beth Rosen

Digestive Health the Non-Diet Approach with Beth Rosen

Digestive health… or as wellness culture calls it gut health is a hot topic these days. 

According to wellness culture, many diseases could be prevented and treated with a gut health protocol. In short: restrictive dieting in the name of health with a side of supplements and detox sprinkle with infra-red sauna. 

Gut health is a major concern for many people wanting to leave the world of diet culture. One question I get a lot is :  

but what about my food sensitivities and intuitive eating?  

Or another version:  

How can I maintain a health-reason food restriction and eat intuitively? 

Is there a non-diet approach to digestive health?

Short answer: YES.

There’s is a non-diet approach to gut health and our guest  Beth Rosen will deep dive with us on a science-based approach to digestive health, IBS, and other digestive disorder. 

Beth Rosen is a non-diet Registered Dietitian. She specializes in helping clients find relief from digestive disorders such as Irritable Bowel Disease (IBS) and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), Gastroparesis, Colitis, and GERD. She also teaches on the intersection of GI disorder and disordered eating.  

What you’ll learn listening to this episode of the non-diet approach to digestive health: 

  • What is gut health? Is that really a thing? 
  • The link between IBS and disordered eating  
  •  Food sensitivities, food intolerance, and food allergies 
  • And yes we talked about gluten…
  • Restrictive diets the solution to a healthy digestive system 

Mentioned on the show:

Podcast Roadmap

Conquer & Thrive

Connect with our guest:





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282-PCOS the Non-Diet Way with Julie Duffy Dillon

282-PCOS the Non-Diet Way with Julie Duffy Dillon

282-PCOS the Non-Diet Way with Julie Duffy Dillon

Is there a Non-diet Approach to PCOS?  

In case you do not know PCOS is the medical abbreviation for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome which affects roughly 10% of women of childbearing age in America. That’s 5 million women. 

The top 2 treatment recommendations for PCOS are a very low carbohydrate diet with the hope to lower insulin levels and weight loss. Makes me think of diet culture…

The Non-Diet Way to PCOS

To answer the starting question:

YES,  there’s a way to address PCOS without co-opting diet culture. 

NO, you do not have to go on a restrictive diet for the rest of your life to lower insulin or have to lose weight…

YES, you can manage your PCOS status using intuitive eating. 

That’s what our guest, Julie Duffy Dillon, will help us understand. Julie is a non-diet registered dietician, eating disorder specialist, and food behavior expert partnering with people on PCOS on their food peace journey. She hosts the podcast Love Food. 

 What you’ll learn listening to this episode: 

  • What is PCOS and how does it intersect with diet culture 
  • Low carb diets and PCOS: The truth. 
  • Is weight loss the cure for PCOS? 
  • The role of inflammation in PCOS 
  • The non-diet approach to PCOS 

Mentioned on the show:

Podcast Roadmap

Conquer & Thrive

Julie’s PCOS Roadmap

PCOS & Food Peace Course

Connect with our guest:




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281-Thought Work to Undiet Your Life – Part 2

281-Thought Work to Undiet Your Life – Part 2

Thought Work to Undiet Your Life


I want to teach you the basics of TW, and so I can teach you how specifically it applies to women and diet culture.

I believe that thought work is the most important skill a woman can learn. In fact, it is not taught in any schooling system… for a reason. Get into this in Part 2.

When a woman learns thought work, it is the best investment she can make towards because it solves every problem a woman can have.

Only when you learn to manage your mind can you truly be free, happy and fulfilled.

So let’s start with Part 1…


You go to the gym to train your muscle to be stronger.
In the same manner, you go run to train your cardiorespiratory capacity to have more endurance.
You go to yoga to train your tendon and ligament to be mobile and flexible.

We train nearly every part of our body… but one.
We are taught to train all aspects of our body but the most important part of our body.
The most important… the one part of our body that actually controls all the others.
The supreme commanding officer of your body…

Your brain.

Why do I say your brain is the commanding officer? Well, it controls everything that happens in our body and our life.
Everything that happens in our body has its origin in our brain: from our heart beating to the movement in our legs to walk, to our food taste, to the size of our body.

Our body interprets our environment via our brain, and our brain produces thoughts in order to give a command to the rest of our body in order to survive and thrive in this environment.


In a very simplistic explanation, our brain is made up of millions of neuropathways. Think of it as a wire that touches each other in our brain, and when your brain wants to pass on a command to the rest of your body, neuropathways connect, wire touches each other and a signal of energy pass and command is sent to the body via the CNS, spine and nerves.

Most of this happens without you being aware. Imagine being aware of every command heartbeats… you’d go nuts. It said that a human has 60K thoughts a day… most of which you are unaware.

But some of these connections you are aware… conscious of: These are your conscious thoughts.

So the wire cross in our brains, a thought is created and the energy travels via the spine and nerves to the rest of our body. These are felt in our bodies as sensations.

Think here gut feelings, the tension in our shoulder, cold in our chest, butterflies… these are all sensations in our body that first were ignited by our brain and thoughts.

These sensations are what we name as emotions. Emotions are the interpretation of these sensations.

Our emotions are what ignites our actions. Think “gut reaction” … We take actions in life-based on how we feel… when we feel confident, we take bold actions, we ask the person we are attracted to out, we buy the things we’ve always been wanting….

We feel anxious… so, we mumble distorted words in the face of the person we like, we retract, we numb, we Netflix…. we eat.

The choices are our reactions to our emotions is our actions. Moreover, the sum of our actions creates the reality we experience.

That’s thought work.


  • What is thought work
  • How does thought work show up in our life
  • The basics tenets of thought work
  • Why thought work is essential to women


Mentioned on the show:

Undiet Your Life Program



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280-Thought Work to Undiet Your Life – Part 1

280-Thought Work to Undiet Your Life – Part 1

Thought Work to Undiet Your Life

Thought work to undiet your life

This is going to be a 2-part podcast…

Why 2 parts? Well, this is such an important topic, and I want to be sure I can unpack it well for you. I want to give you time to reflect in between.

Most importantly, I want to teach you the basics of TW, and so I can teach you how specifically it applies to women and diet culture.

I believe that thought work is the most important skill a woman can learn. In fact, it is not taught in any schooling system… for a reason. Get into this in Part 2.

When a woman learns thought work, it is the best investment she can make towards because it solves every problem a woman can have.

Only when you learn to manage your mind can you truly be free, happy and fulfilled.

So let’s start with Part 1…

What is thought work?

You go to the gym to train your muscle to be stronger.
In the same manner, you go run to train your cardiorespiratory capacity to have more endurance.
You go to yoga to train your tendon and ligament to be mobile and flexible.

We train nearly every part of our body… but one.
We are taught to train all aspects of our body but the most important part of our body.
The most important… the one part of our body that actually controls all the others.
The supreme commanding officer of your body…

Your brain.

Why do I say your brain is the commanding officer? Well, it controls everything that happens in our body and our life.
Everything that happens in our body has its origin in our brain: from our heart beating to the movement in our legs to walk, to our food taste, to the size of our body.

Our body interprets our environment via our brain, and our brain produces thoughts in order to give a command to the rest of our body in order to survive and thrive in this environment.

How does thought work actually work?

In a very simplistic explanation, our brain is made up of millions of neuropathways. Think of it as a wire that touches each other in our brain, and when your brain wants to pass on a command to the rest of your body, neuropathways connect, wire touches each other and a signal of energy pass and command is sent to the body via the CNS, spine and nerves.

Most of this happens without you being aware. Imagine being aware of every command heartbeats… you’d go nuts. It said that a human has 60K thoughts a day… most of which you are unaware.

But some of these connections you are aware… conscious of: These are your conscious thoughts.

So the wire cross in our brains, a thought is created and the energy travels via the spine and nerves to the rest of our body. These are felt in our bodies as sensations.

Think here gut feelings, the tension in our shoulder, cold in our chest, butterflies… these are all sensations in our body that first were ignited by our brain and thoughts.

These sensations are what we name as emotions. Emotions are the interpretation of these sensations.

Our emotions are what ignites our actions. Think “gut reaction” … We take actions in life-based on how we feel… when we feel confident, we take bold actions, we ask the person we are attracted to out, we buy the things we’ve always been wanting….

We feel anxious… so, we mumble distorted words in the face of the person we like, we retract, we numb, we Netflix…. we eat.

The choices are our reactions to our emotions is our actions. Moreover, the sum of our actions creates the reality we experience.

That’s thought work.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on thought work to undiet your life:

  • What is thought work
  • How does thought work show up in our life
  • The basics tenets of thought work
  • Why thought work is essential to women

Mentioned on the show:

Podcast Roadmap

Conquer & Thrive




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279-Postpartum the Non-Diet Way with Jaren Soloff

279-Postpartum the Non-Diet Way with Jaren Soloff

Postpartum the Non-Diet Way

In my opinion, being pregnant, giving birth, and raising a child is the most magical power of women.

In fact, our bodies as women are capable of creating life. That is to say, we have the power to bring another human to life.

Can we let that sink in for a minute? We create life.

Our bodies have the capacity to expand in such a way that we can create and develop another human life.

Yet as soon as women are done giving birth to this new human, patriarchy and diet culture expect women to shrink back their body and leave absolutely no trace of this magical act.

Diet culture has perfected a narrative that leaves women to feel shame for their postpartum bodies instead of being grateful for the goddess they are.

Non-Diet Postpartum

The non-diet approach to postpartum is the space where women’s bodies are celebrated for the magic they created without patriarchy and diet culture oppressing message.

Our guest today is a non-diet postpartum expert. She’s a dietician who herself gave birth. She decided to dedicate her career to helping other women approach their postpartum in a non-diet way.

Jaren Soloff is a Registered Dietitian and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant who combines her expertise as a skilled nutrition therapist and lactation consultant to support mothers in nourishing themselves and their babies with confidence. 

FULL CRCL provides nutrition counselling and lactation consultations to help both mom and baby thrive in motherhood to support them in navigating pregnancy, birth and postpartum from a simple and intuitive framework.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on non-diet postpartum:

  • How diet culture infiltrated postpartum 
  • The non-diet approach to postpartum nutrition 
  • Body image challenge post-birth
  • The weight-inclusive approach to lactation
  • How to find virtual coaching for the non-diet approach to post-birth

Mentioned on the show:

Podcast Roadmap

Conquer & Thrive

Connect with our guest:

Non-Diet Post-Natal Book




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278-Co-opting Intuitive Eating & Embodiment with Evelyn Tribole

278-Co-opting Intuitive Eating & Embodiment with Evelyn Tribole

Co-opting Intuitive Eating & Embodiment

Co-opting intuitive eating is frustrating, problematic and dangerous, but it’s not a surprise.

Intuitive eating is growing in popularity and growing fast. Take a look at the google trend search over the last 5 years.

Co-opting Intuitive Eating

It’s clear: people are starting to be done with dieting. That is to say, people want out from diet culture and are looking for options.

Certainly, the weight loss & wellness industry are paying attention. For instance, just think of Weight Watcher rebrand in 2019 to WW-Wellness that Works.

Yet another sign of the growth in popularity of Intuitive Eating is when “popular” diet gurus are bluntly co-opting intuitive eating in their weight loss books without even an ounce of shame.

In fact, I see the same growth in my professional training program. The waitlist is consistently 150% to program capacity for the last 12 months and no sign of stopping either.

Spotting Fake Intuitive Eating

I’m honored to welcome Evelyn Tribole to our podcast Going Beyond The Food Show to answer this question: How can we spot when diet culture is co-opting intuitive eating?

Evelyn Tribole is a registered dietitian and the co-creator of Intuitive Eating. Moreover, she has written Intuitive Eating (co-author with Evelyn Resh). Her upcoming book, Intuitive Eating for Every Day: 365 Daily Practices & Inspirations to Rediscover the Pleasures of Eating will be available on March 16th, 2021.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode:

  • Evelyn’s take on co-opting of Intuitive eating by diet culture 
  • Why intuitive eating is not a trademark
  • Your best defense against fake intuitive eating
  • Why embodiment is essential to becoming an intuitive eater
  • The reason why the act of dieting is a trauma
  • Why Evelyn wrote her new book Intuitive Eating For Everyday

Intuitive Eating for Every Day by Evelyn Tribole

Evelyn’s new book Intuitive Eating for Every Day will be your ally and solace against a world steeped in diet culture. It will illuminate and encourage your Intuitive Eating journey, with 365 practices and inspirations to help you:

  •  Nurture the Ten Principles of Intuitive Eating with 52 Weekly Intentions
  • Connect with your body in the here and now with Grounding practices
  • Cultivate gratitude for different aspects of nourishment with Meal Meditations
  • Identify self-trust disruptors and awaken inner knowingness
  • Strengthen your mental, emotional, and physical health by setting boundaries
  • Reflect on emotions and cravings
  • Practice self-compassion, body appreciation, and self-care

A 365 days companion with its daily readings—read on their own or as a companion to the author’s best-selling Intuitive Eating—make it easy to integrate this revolutionary program into your life. 

Intuitive Eating for Every Day offers constant support to help you make peace with food and reclaim and reconnect with the pleasure of eating. Evelyn’s new book is the perfect companion in a world entrenched in diet culture that will continue to co-opt diet culture.

Mentioned on the show:

Evelyn’s new book- Intuitive eating For Everyday  

Evelyn’s first presence: Episode 186- What is Intuitive Eating?

Podcast Roadmap

Conquer & Thrive

Non- Diet Mentorship Program for Health Professionals

Connect with our guest:




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Podcast Stephanie Dodier


I’m Stephanie Dodier

Feminist Nutritionist & Coach.

I guide women on how to feel damn good  by reshaping their mind instead of their body. Let’s go beyond the food and fight diet culture & patriarchy by living powerfully. You’ll walk away with ressources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power.

Is the problem you or your diet?

I asked myself this question for years…and I figure you likely have the same question so I create a assessment for you to figure it out. Take the quiz now.